Title QUIZ Notes
Author gracie hux
Course Nutrition Through the Life Cycle
Institution Utah Valley University
Pages 17
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Quiz questions and answers for all lectures for Professor Katie Pacada NUTR 2020 course...


September 2, 2018 QUIZ 1 - Nutrition Basics

1. Essential nutrients are substances required for health that cannot be made by the body in any amount. They must be obtained from the diet. a. False i. While some essential nutrients cannot be made by the body, many are just not made in sufficient amounts.

2. Which nutrient is our main source of energy? a. Carbohydrates i. Carbohydrates are our main source of energy. While protein and lipids can provide energy but that is not their main function. 3. Please match the correct percentage of calories each nutrient is recommended to provide in your diet. a. Protein: 10-35% b. Carbohydrate: 45-65% c. Lipids: 20-35% 4. Most Americans consume adequate amounts of EPA and DHA daily, around 300500 mg. a. False i. On average Americans consume 100 mg of EPA and DHA daily which is far below the recommendation of 300-500 mg daily. Eat more fatty fish! 5. What are all the usual steps in the development of nutrient deficiencies. a. Inadequate nutrient intake, Depletion of tissue reserves of the nutrient, Decreased blood nutrient level, Insufficient nutrient available to cells, Impaired cellular functions, Physical signs and symptoms of deficiency, Long-term impairment of health 6. Malnutrition can result from poor diets as well as from diseases that interfere with

the body's ability to use the nutrients consumed. a. True 7. A dietary supplement must be shown to be safe and effective before they are sold. a. False 8. Nutrition assessment of individuals contains which components (select all that apply) a. Anthropometric assessment b. Dietary assessment c. Clinical/physical assessment d. Biochemical assessment 9. Which nutrition program provides nutrition education and food vouchers for low-

income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women along with children under 5 years.

a. WIC 10. Which is NOT one of the key recommendations of the MyPlate: a. Switch to 2% Milk i. Which are some key recommendations of the MyPlate?? 1. Make half your grains whole grains. 2. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. 3. Make at least half your plate fruit and vegetables.

QUIZ 2 - Preconception Nutrition 1. Excessive and inadequate levels of body fat are related to declines in fertility in

women only. a. False Excessive and inadequate levels of body fat can also affect fertility in men. 2. Research shows eating fruits and vegetables can play a role in fertility for both men and women. a. True 3. Select all actions that can reduce fertility: a. Regular intake of soy foods i.

b. Zinc Deficiency c. Lower intake of antioxidants d. Poor iron status 4. Very early in pregnancy, inadequate folate levels are related to the development

of __% of cases of neural tube defects, like spina bifida. a. 50 5. How much folic acid is recommended daily for women during preconception? a. 400 mcg 6. All women who may become pregnancy should (select all the apply) a. limit or omit alcohol b. consume adequate folate from fortified foods or supplements c. take no more than 10,000 IU of vitamin A 7. ____ is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide.

a. Iron 8. Physical activity of any level of intensity has positive benefits on fertility. a. False i. Intense physical activity can delay and interrupt the normal menstrual cycle decreasing fertility. 9. During early pregnancy, gene function in the embryo and fetus can be modified by nutritional and other exposures affecting growth, development and disease risk later in life. a. True

QUIZ #3 Preconception Nutrition continued.. 1. What measures can reduce oxidative stress? (select all that apply)

a. Limiting intake of sugary foods b. Eating colorful fruits and vegetables c. Moderate exercise d. Weight loss 2. Weight loss is the second choice of treatment for obese men and women with

fertility problems. a. False i.

Weight loss is the first choice of treatment and can often reduce or eliminate fertility problems. 3. What three conditions make up the female athlete triad? a. Eating disorder b. Osteoporosis c. Amenorrhea 4. High blood glucose levels in the first 2 months of pregnancy are teratogenic, they

5. 6.



are associated with a __ to __ fold increase in the incidence of congenital abnormalities. a. two, three i. These abnormalities include: malformation in the pelvis, central nervous system and heart. What is the leading cause of female infertility? a. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome All infants born to a parent with phenylketonuria (PKU) inherit the disorder. a. False i. Not all infants born to a parent with phenylketonuria (PKU) inherit the disorder and some infants inherit it from parents who do not have PKU. It is well established that the effect of celiac disease on reproductive functions in males and females is related to malabsorption-induced deficiencies of nutrients such as zinc, folate, and iron along with direct effects of inflammation on intestinal tissues. a. False i. Currently this is just hypothesizes and is not well established or proven by research at this time. Celiac disease is three times more likely in men than women. a. False i. Unfortunately for women, they are three times more likely than men to have celiac disease.

9. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is currently considered a psychogenic disorder and not a physiological one. a. False i. It the late 1980's medical textbooks finally changed to classify PMS as a physiological condition. QUIZ 4 - Nutrition During Pregnancy 1. Approximately, ____ % of fetal growth occurs in the first half of pregnancy and ____ % occurs in the second half. a. 10% b. 90% 2. It is not possible to reserve or correct errors in growth or development that occurred during a previous critical period. a. True i. Page 98. The most intense critical periods happen during the first 2 months after conception. 3. What percentage of implanted embryos are lost by reabsorption into the uterus or expulsion before 20 weeks of pregnancy. a. 30% 4. Match the correct pregnancy weight gain recommendations. a. Underweight, BMI 30 i. 11-20 lb c. Normal Weight, BMI 18.5-24.9 i. 25-35 lb d. Overweight, BMI 25-29.9 i. 15-25 lb 5. The fetus accounts for the majority of the increased energy needs of pregnancy. a. False i. Pg 109. The fetus accounts for only 1/3 of the increased energy needs. Expanded metabolic activity related to the increased work of the mother's cardiovascular system, respiratory and renal systems is responsible for the other 2/3 increase. 6. Pregnant women need to consume a minimum of ___ gms carbohydrates to meet the fetal brain's need for glucose. a. 175 gms 7. To prevent a foodborne illness such as listeria monocytogenes, pregnant women should not eat the following: (select all that apply) a. Oysters

b. soft cheese c. raw fish d. cold hot dogs 8. Healthy pregnant women should not participate in vigorous exercise as it can be

harmful to the fetus. a. False i. Pg. 128. There is no evidence that health women cannot participate in vigorous exercise as long as they are consuming a high-quality diet and gaining the appropriate amount of weight. 9. In the US it is generally recommended that pregnant women consume ___ mg iron supplement daily. a. 30 mg

QUIZ 5 - Nutrition During Pregnancy 1. Children born to obese mothers are more likely to be obese children. a. True 2. Which type of hypertensive disorder occurs before 20 weeks? a. Chronic hypertension 3. At what caloric level will blood ketones begin to be elevated? a....

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