Quiz 1 - quiz 1 notes PDF

Title Quiz 1 - quiz 1 notes
Course Witchcraft, Magic and Occult Traditions
Institution University of Ottawa
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Witchcraft MODEL 1 TERMS MAGIC, WITCH, OCCULT Occult: something hidden, but its hidden to everyone but the people that have a need or reason to know what it. Hidden from the general view but it is assessable to people who need to know Magic: Stage entertainment ex. Reading palm – not what we talk about in this class Magick: Unexplained phenomenon, ex. casting spells, reading the future. Very powerful… must study. Hidden knowledge not well understood forces. Force in the universe (sleight of hand, fooling the eye) Witch: 1. Historical: evil, witch trials, satanic acts, was bad, unaccepted 2. Anthropological: different than their beliefs, religion – witch doctor have the ability to interact with spirits 3. Religious: self-identification, wicken, pagen witches Christian or a witch/whicken/pagan practicing pre Christian European religion 4. Satanic: Choc value, neo-sanitists, use “witch” to shock & manipulate 5. Feminist: get away from male god image, goddess worship RITUAL AND CULTURE Ritual: they don’t have to be religious in nature. Habits, automatic, actions are done in a certain order. Will have an impact on fate or outcome. Examples: need to wear a ring (something bad will happen if not), feeding the cats in a certain order. Culture: Implicit agreements between groups of people, geopolitical divisions don’t define things, Examples: respect elders, voting, abortion, euthanasia, cues, colours, sounds will have different meanings - Subcultures: campus culture, academic culture MYTHOLOGY, LEGEND, FOLKTALE Mythology: Study of myth, ex: cats will suck the breath from my baby. Formal meaning of myth is a sacred origin story, how the universe came to be. If I am not apart of that religion or culture, I do not need to believe it. Logos: word ex: glasses, unambiguous (literally what they say they are) Mythos: word, Sacred texts, many interpretations, not simple, layers, nuanced, society changes, religions need to reinterpret, narrative does not change, sacred teachings, does not have to be written down, oral speech Legends: More regional, small specific teaching stories, geographical changes not sacred, folktales or fairy tales, once upon a times, happily ever after, little teachings, sometimes for children. Not sacred COSMOLOGY AND AXIOLOGY

Cosmology: Technical word view, why is it structured the way it is, dominion, domain, hierarchy, god is at the top, god creates everything, implied relationships on understanding the structure of the universe, world view, moment life forms (world view/ the cosmos) Axiology: Values, axial, varies by religion, discussion about abortion and euthanasia, pro-life or pro-choice, origin text gives understanding thus pro-life, sacred narrative to world view, two opposing sides MONO POLY PAN ANIM ISM Mono: one, Abrahamic faiths, monotheists Poly: Polytheists, worships many gods and goddesses, not so exclusive, more flexible, romans, Isis goddess, mitherus: warrior god Pan: Pantheists, set or collection or grouping, only worship their group, know that there’s other gods and goddesses but only worship their very own Anim: animists, awareness, spiritual IMMANENT, TRANSCENDENT, LIMINAL Immanent: God Is with me, God is inside of me, the river is goddess, common in poly and pantheists, Athens, living in the house of Athena, shown themselves in those places (puts its location in our world) Transcendent: transcendent location of the divine. Where is God? Where is Heaven? Upstairs, physically separated, transcends our location, God is separate than the human realm, Abraham faiths are rather transcendent (outside of the world) Liminal: State of being liminality, states of being, transitioning from single to married, front door is liminal, transition, gateway, hallway to get from divinely rooms, engaged (on the edge/ in between) LINEAR AND CYCLICAL TIME Linear time: follows a line, one directional, in the beginning, 7th day is the day of rest, mytho historical narrative, end of time based on sacred time Cyclical time: cycle, narrative are interrelated, calendar is cyclical, same patterns, direct connection after every year, seasons PROFLILING WITCH, MAGICIAN, SORCEROR - Historically the classic witch were women and warlock were considered male. Untrustworthy, viewed as evil, the term witch was an accusatory term, minion of the devil - Classically a witch was presented as young and sucked essence from other women - The classical magician or wizard was male, presented as old, they were good, wise, access to occulted knowledge, advisor, the 3 magi, kings of knowledge and wisdom - The sorcerer is both male and female, ask for advice, look at future, neutral figure, word comes from sorc- means fate FESTIVALS AND HOLY DAYS Festivals: Celebratory, Christmas

Holy days: Sombre occurrences, mourning, religious calendar, easter is sombre, lent, Jewish Yom Kippur EMIC, ETIC TABOO Emic: Me, what I say because I am taking part of something, and action somebody does is defined by somebody on the reasoning behind it Etic: It, when somebody does something it seems that it does this, body pose, analysis, observational mode Taboo: or tabu, learnt and will vary by society, emotional gut reaction, haram, treyfe, Polonian word, do not do that thing, incest, axiological boundaries READING: MYTHOLOGY - The Navaho sees illness as a manifestation of disharmony and attempts to bring resolution of the illness through ritual designed to re-establish harmony - Judeo-Christian seeks the observed cause and medical technology and proceeds to fix it - Stories of the supernatural: snow white, ritual cannibalism - In this case we are told of the evils of envy and jealousy of what can happen to someone who exhibits these attributes. (in one early version of the story the evil queen is invited to the wedding celebration of snow white and the prince) - Adults do not believe the story of Snow White is true - Stories such as snow white are meant to entertain; these are called folktales. Folktales take place in a fictional world - Legends take place in comparatively recent past and tell not only of such things as migrations, wars, heroes, and kings but also of local stories about buried treasure, ghosted and saints - Myths are sacred stories of the bible or Qur’an are myths word of god - Many societies distinguish between true stories (myth and legends) and stories that are a lie or joke as folktale....

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