Racial Discrimnation Argumentative essay PDF

Title Racial Discrimnation Argumentative essay
Course English for Academic Purposes 7
Institution George Brown College
Pages 2
File Size 73.5 KB
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Essay about racial discrimination in the Hollywood industry based on Chris Rock's essay...


Ra c i a ldi s c r i mi n a t i o nh a sb e e na r o u ndi nt h ewo r l df o ral o ngt i me ,e s p e c i a l l yi nt h e Un i t e dS t a t e sh i s t o r y .Th e r ea r ema n yr a c e si nt h eUn i t e dSt a t e ss u c ha sHi s p a ni c ,J e wi s h ,La t i n o , Af r i c a nAme r i c a n ,a n dma n ymo r ea r ep r e j u d i c e da n dg e t t i n gs ho v e da r o u n db yt h el o c a lp e op l e o rpe o p l ewh oa r ewh i t et h e r e .No ta l lwh i t ep e o p l ed o,b utt h ema j o r i t yd o e s .Es p e c i a l l ywi t ht he c u r r e ntp a n d e mi cs i t u a t i o n ,t h e r eha sbe e na ni n c r e a s ei nt h eAs i a nh a t e .I nt h ea r t i c l et h a tCh r i s Ro c kwr o t eChris Rock Pens Blistering Essay on Hollywood’s Race Problem: “It’s a White Industry” talks about his experience with racism in the movie industry. Even though throughout the years, discrimination has improved better, I personally think that this is an inevitable situation where nobody can avoid it, and nothing can stop hate in the US.

There is a various range of forms of racism that affect many people. Especially towards Mexican people. There is prejudicial behavior towards Hispanics, Latino’s, Jewish, African American, LGBTQ, and many more. As stated in the essay that Chris wrote, it is stated that Hollywood does not want to hire any Mexican; “You’re in LA, you’ve got to try not to hire Mexicans.”, “You’re telling me no Mexicans are qualified to do anything at a studio? Really? Nothing but mop up?”. This shows a prejudice, racism, and discrimination behavior as there are no supporting reasons on why Mexican people can’t act. As a matter of fact, Salma Hayek is a Mexican American actress who is excellent in acting and has featured in successful movies such as Grown Ups, Eternals, Puss in Boots, and many more.

Racism has been a problem that the world faces every day. Racial discrimination in the workplace can be said to be a common thing in the US. According to statistics, 30% of American’s acknowledge that racism is a problem, but they do not see it as a big problem. We can see in the essay that was written by Chris Rock, “Hollywood pretty much decides to cast a black guy, or they don’t. We’re never on the “short list.” We’re never “in the mix.””, “White women actually want to f— black guys, sometimes more than white guys.” I go to the movies almost every week, and I can go a month and not see a black woman having an actual speaking part in a movie. That’s the truth.” It could be inferred from the quotation that was taken from the essay that Hollywood recruiters or movie directors does not want to have a black person playing in their movie meanwhile, the facts says that most actor or actress wants to play alongside with a person of color. In addition, the fact says it all those movies that has a black woman as a cast, or

a main character is nearly absent or can be said none. Most of the main characters are white people. This shows racism in the workplace and in Hollywood.

Lastly, Chris Rock would not be in the place he is now without the help of another black person named Eddie Murphy. He would not be famous, or he would not be casted by directors in becoming a main character without the help of Eddie Murphy. He said in his essay that “I’d do the same for a young white guy, but here’s the difference: Someone’s going to help the white guy. Multiple people will. The people whom I’ve tried to help, I’m not sure anybody was going to help them.” This tells us that, without Chris’ help, many black people won’t get the same opportunity as white people because for white people, they will get a hand from a lot of people meanwhile black people only get help if someone wants to help them.

Admittedly, many people will argue that over the years, racism in the workplace and in Hollywood has improved tremendously compared to the old days. Even Chris himself agrees on the statement that over the years, racism has changed and gradually becoming much better; “Of course, it’s changed, though, it’s just changed with kids.” However, there is still racism and modern movies still does not want to hire or even consider black people to be their main character or cast. In addition, I think that racism, discrimination, and prejudicial behavior is something that is inevitable and is something that cannot be changed even with education or consequences.

From all the facts that is stated above and based on the quotation that Chris uses himself, there is without a doubt racism in Hollywood. Whether it is towards Mexican, African American, Hispanic, Jewish, Latino’s, and many more, it is still the same, racism. Each individual and race must be given equal opportunity to show their maximum potential. Who knows that if the main character of a movie is a black person, it could be more interesting and could bring in more money. Racism also needs to be eliminated not only in Hollywood, but also in the world to ensure peace and prosperity for the world....

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