Reading Comprehension quarter 4 module 2 English 123 PDF

Title Reading Comprehension quarter 4 module 2 English 123
Author Maria Kassandra Ecot
Course English
Institution Central Mindanao University
Pages 28
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Quarter 4 – Module 2Reading ComprehensionIDENTIFYING POSITIONS OF A TOPICSENTENCEWhat Is ItiLesson1A brownout for students would be a horrendous disaster. The students will not be able to check their mail. They cannot receive their e-mails either. They cannot use the fax machine too.Student life tod...


Quarter 4 – Module 2 Reading Comprehension




Directions: Based on the activity above you were able to identify the main idea presented in each group of pictures which leads you to the next level of understanding the lesson. Essential questions:  What helps you identify the main idea of the pictures? _______________________________________________________  Without much presentation of pictures do you think you can guess the main idea? Why? _______________________________________________________

A PARAGRAPH is a series of sentences that support a main idea, or point. A paragraph typically starts with the main idea or point (also called the topic sentence), and the rest of the paragraph provides specific details to support and develop the point. The TOPIC SENTENCE states the main or the general idea of the paragraph. The topic sentence states the subject and the purpose of the paragraph. The topic sentence in a paragraph summarizes what the entire paragraph is all about. In most academic essays, though, the topic sentence is at the beginning.

Features of a topic sentence:

 it states the main idea it addresses one aspect of the subject that can be adequately covered in one paragraph;  it controls the other sentences in the paragraph; it is more general than the sentences that develop it



Topic sentence is usually found at the beginning of a paragraph, where it gives a preview of and direction to the sentences that come after it. Examples:


A brownout for students would be a horrendous disaster. The students will not be able to check their mail. They cannot receive their e-mails either. They cannot use the fax machine too.

Student life today is not what it was then. Students log on to web sites instead of going to libraries. Computers look for grammatical and typographical errors in their papers unlike before when students reviewed, reread, and reedited their work for hours.


Less frequently, topic sentence comes in the middle of the paragraph, especially when the paragraph is part of a longer piece of writing. Examples: The bird next to me was immature. He still had brown and tawny plumage instead of the predominantly black color of the adult. For one thing, he may never have seen another human being. But there is a better explanation; in remote Galapagos Islands, there are hardly any land mammals, and the hawk is very nearly the sole predator. With no enemies and almost no competitors, it has nothing to fear and plenty to eat.

Dancing and chanting, Polynesian students give visitors to the Polynesian Culture Center a glimpse of Hawaii’s post. Through its exhibitions, the Polynesian Culture Center shows visitors the many elements of Hawaiian culture brought to Hawaii by Polynesians. For example, the Center shows the similarities between the Polynesian and Hawaiian villages with life-size models. In addition, the Center dramatizes Hawaiian legends of ancestors journeying across oceans


Sometimes, however, topic sentence comes at the end of the paragraph, where it draws a conclusion or functions as a summary. Examples: iii

The mountain air around a lake invigorates and pleases me. I like a lake’s underwater life, such as minnows and trout, and I enjoy observing the plant life around me. Most important, a lake usually has no chemicals because lake water is clean, natural, and more refreshing for swimming. I prefer swimming in a mountain lake.

I cannot cut and paste excerpts without my computer. I need my CD-ROM to check the spelling and change fonts of my paper. I do all these on my computer at my own leisure. I really don’t know how to write a paper without doing it directly on the computer.


What’s More Activity 2: True or False Activity 2: Write TRUE if the sentence tells a correct idea about topic sentence and FALSE if not. ___________1. The topic sentence does not entirely tell the idea of the paragraph. ___________2. The topic sentence states the subject and the purpose of the paragraph. ___________3. The topic sentence gives the reader the idea of what he/she is going to read. ___________4. Topic sentence is usually found at the beginning of a paragraph. ___________5. A paragraph must only contains one main idea. ___________6. A paragraph is a group of related sentences that present and develop one main idea. ___________7. A topic sentence maybe found at the beginning, middle and end of the paragraph. ___________8. The topic sentence in a paragraph summarizes what the entire paragraph is all about. ___________9. One cannot identify the topic sentence if he/she does not understand the whole paragraph. ___________10. A topic sentence is usually a question.

What I Have Learned Activity 3: HONING THE MIND Directions: Read the paragraphs. Underline the topic sentence and identify where it is located. (Beginning, Middle, End).


1. My brothers all have jobs. My oldest brother, Edward, is a doctor at the hospital in the centre of the city, and the second oldest, Daniel, is an accountant in an office near our home. My youngest brother is a policeman. I am the only brother who is still at school. Answer: _________________________

2. Miniature golf is both fun and relaxing. Because of the wide variety of course themes, playing each individual course is like taking a mini-vacation. You can play in exotic locales like jungles or pirate islands. You can travel in time and play in different places in history. Or you can take a leap of the imagination and play under the sea, in space, or in alien worlds. For a very low price, you can take a different vacation every time you play! Answer: __________________

3. First of all, celebrities have to look almost perfect all the time. There’s always a photographer ready to take an unflattering picture of a famous person looking dumpy in old clothes. Celebrities also sacrifice their private lives. Their personal struggles, divorces, or family tragedies all end up as front-page news. Last, and most frightening of all, celebrities are in constant danger of the wrong kind of attention. Threatening letters and even physical attacks from crazy fans are things a celebrity must contend with. Thus, being a celebrity is often difficult. Answer: ___________________

4. People lie for different reasons.One common reason is to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. For example, a friend might ask, “Do you like my new haircut?“ If you think it’s ugly, you might still answer, “Yes.” Another common reason for lying is to avoid a fight. 6Say a friend angers you and then asks, “Are you upset with me?” You might answer, “No,” to avoid an argument. People also lie so that they’ll fit in, as when you listen to a boring person and politely say, “That’s interesting.” In addition, people lie to avoid spending more time with someone. For instance, you might lie, “I have to go now.” Answer: ________________________


5. There are several positive ways to encourage your family to exercise more often. To begin with, get them to exercise more often by emphasizing how good they’ll feel and how much better they’ll look if they work out on a regular basis. A second method you can use is to set an example. If they see you walking to stores rather than driving, they might be encouraged to do likewise. Finally, make exercise a family activity, suggest that the whole family go hiking or camping. Answer: _________________________

Lesson L

2 3


What Is It

Support the main idea by telling when, how, what, where, why, how much or how many SUPPORTING DETAILS

Understanding the relationship between the main idea and details will increase your reading comprehension.

Supporting Details Process Use a three-step process to identify supporting details. Step 1: Identify the topic. To identify the topic of a reading, ask yourself, "What is this about?" The answer provides the topic of the reading. It does not need to be a complete sentence, and it is usually no longer than two or three words. Step 2: Identify what the author is saying about the topic. To identify what the author is saying about the topic, ask yourself, "What does the author want me to know about the topic?" Again, this does not need to be a sentence and is generally five to seven words long. Step 3: Identify details that support or explain the main idea. To find the main idea, first take your answer from Step 1, add it to your answer from Step 2, and then find a phraseA set of words that express an idea. A phrase may or may not form a complete sentence. or sentence in the first part of the reading that most closely matches your answers. This will be the main idea of the reading. To identify major supporting details that support that main idea, ask yourself, "What else in the reading helps me to understand the author’s main idea?" To vi 12

identify minor supporting details, ask of each major detail, "What else in the paragraph helps me to understand this

major supporting detail?" Be aware that not all major details require further explanation, so they will not all have minor details supporting them. (Source:

Example: (topic sentence is underlined; supporting details are highlighted) There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.

At times, those who govern also regard particular circumstances as too uncomfortable, too painful, for most people to cope with rationally. [the generalization] They may believe, for instance, that their country must prepare for long-term challenges of great importance, such as a war, an epidemic, or a belt-tightening in the face of future shortages. [detail / examples] Yet they may fear that citizens will be able to respond only to short-range dangers. Deception at such times may seem to the government leaders as the only means of attaining the necessary results. [further detail] (from Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life, by Sissela Bok, p. 168.)


TRY THIS! Activity 2 DIRECTION: Read the paragraph. Find the topic sentence and supporting details using the graphic organizer. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is an outstanding dictionary. It goes far beyond meaning and punctuation, containing the history of every word that has ever been used in the English language. It not only tell you what a word means today, it tells you everything that a word has ever meant, using examples from classical literature, specialist periodicals, film scripts and cookbooks. The OED also contains many more words than the average dictionary. The latest edition of the OED contains over 600,000 words, and because it is so big, the OED is made up of multiple volumes, like an encyclopedia. The OED has been more a labor of love than a business proposition for its publisher, the Oxford University Press. It has been in print for 150 years, and is now available for online subscription. Its publisher and vii

its contributors are committed to quality and tradition, which means a better dictionary for you. Produced by and for people who love words, the OED is the best and most comprehensive dictionary on the market.





Using Cohesive Devices in Transactional and Interactional Language

What Is It

INTERACTIONAL LANGUAGE is the language we use to build and maintain relationships. It can be compared to transactional language, which normally carries a message and is the language used to get things done. To maintain interaction, speakers use interactional strategies.

Example Learners in a multi-lingual group chatting together before a class begins are using interactional language. In the classroom Teachers can present elements of interactional language, and raise learners' awareness of interactional strategies by exposure to video and authentic conversation. Learners can learn to use paralinguistic features such as gestures, eye contact, and body language, and linguistic features used to maintain an interactional conversation including functions such as expressing interest and asking for clarification.

TRANSACTIONAL LANGUAGE is language which is used to make a transaction and which has a result. It can be compared with interactional language, which is used to maintain relationships.

Example Learners in exams are often required to write a transactional letter, which has a clear objective, e.g. asking for a refund or for information, or making a complaint. In the classroom Transactional language is often taught more than interactional language, as it involves shorter turns, simpler and more predictable language, and can have a measurable result.



Activity 2: TRY THIS! A. Determine whether the situation calls for the use of TRANSACTIONAL or INTERACTIONAL LANGUAGE write your answer in the space provided before the number. ___________________1. Asking for doctor’s appointment ___________________2. A meeting with a Financial Adviser ___________________3. Couple walking on the park while talking ___________________4. Seminar about illegal drugs ___________________5. At the cafe meeting a friend ___________________6. Holiday dinner with family ___________________7. Enrolling in a university ___________________8. Asking for directions heading to your friend’s house ___________________9. Writing a business letter ___________________10. Calling your sister at home to check if she’s fine. ___________________11. Attending a job interview in a company ___________________12. Persuading someone to buy the latest model of television set ___________________13. Applying a part time job in a coffeshop. ___________________14. Attending a birthday party ___________________15. 20 n orientation to newly hired applicants


 In writing means achieving a consistent relationship among parts  Show the logical relationships between the various parts of an essay as well as between sentences and paragraph  are like bridges between parts of your paper  they are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand TYPES OF COHESIVE DEVICES 1. To signal relation to time- Before, meanwhile, later, soon, at last, earlier, thereafter, afterward, by that time, from then on, first, next, now, presently, shortly, immediately, finally 2. To signal similarity- Likewise, similarly, once again, once more 3. To signal differences- But, however, although, even so, nonetheless, till, on the other hand, on the contrary 4. To signal consequences- as a result, consequently, therefore, hence, for this reason x

5. Paragraph Transitions- and, so, because, but, yet, eventually, then, finally, moments later 6. For emphasizing- In fact, certainly, absolutely, obviously, without any doubt, definitely 7. For Summarizing- In conclusion, to conclude, in brief, overall, therefore Examples: 1. At last, the mountain climbers reached the peak of the rugged mountain. 2. Earlier, the school principal announced the preparations for the coming regional conference. 3. The teacher scolded the naughty boy in the class. Later, he went out the classroom. 4. It was a hot evening. Afterward it rained and the night became cold and I fall asleep. 5. First, there was a loud blast of siren. Next, the people were coming out from their house to watch the big fire nearby. 6. Once again, the mayor reminded the people to remain calm during an earthquake. 7. The beggar begged for food but nobody dared to look at him. 8. Although Jaime lost his book, he 20 nswer his assignment in Math. 9. The children were busy playing with their dolls. By that time, their mother was cooking food in the kitchen. 10. From then on, I never go out alone during night time.

TRY THIS! Activity 3 Let’s Do It! Direction: Fill in the blanks with the most suitable cohesive devices from the list. When At the beginning instance


However First


At the end



“El Norte” is an excellent and disturbing film about two immigrants to the United States. 1__________ of the film, we meet a family in Guatemala – mother, father, son and daughter. 2- __________the father is killed and the mother is taken to the prison, the son and the daughter decide to go to “El Norte” – the United Statesby way of Mexico. At 3- __________, they have trouble finding someone to take them across the Mexican border, but 4__________, they find a way across and end up in Los Angeles. 5__________, life in the U.S. is not as easy as they thought it would be. 6- __________, they have to find housing, 7__________, they need to learn English 8- __________get jobs. 9- __________, they succeed in accomplishing these three goals and life looks pretty good for them. Unfortunately, 10- __________of the film, tragedy strikes and we are left wondering if “El Norte” really is the land of opportunity after all. (Source:

When Because In addition Besides Whenever Whereas They Nevertheless Because of These For example


Animals use various means to protect themselves. Color is one that is widely used as a protective device. For instance, some birds display brightly colored feathers 1- ___________ they are threatened. These are designed to frighten away the enemy. 2-___________ to color, some animals emit a peculiar smell for the same purpose. 3-___________, form may be used to conceal the animal. Some insects, 4-___________, conceal themselves by making themselves resemble plants of flowers. In this way, 5- ___________ are hardly visible because they can merge into their surroundings. Other animals adopt regular patterns of behavior 6- ___________ they are frightened. Some pretend to be dead 7- ___________ others just come forward and stand still. 8-____________, buffaloes were almost eliminated in the 19th century 9-___________ their lack of resistance to hunters.


What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Using Cohesive Devices Direction: In communicating to others, we use cohesive devices to make our idea connected to one another. Identify the cohesive devices in the following sentences. 1. On the last day of summer, the students prepared for the coming new school year by fixing their things. 2. We are born alone, yet our greatest fear and insecurity is to be alone. In one of his talks last June, the President urged the people to unite in the name of progress. 3. Finally, I had to quit. 4. Later, we can look at old age as a gift from God. 5. Farmers are producing more food with modern equipment,meanwhile scientists have also exploited new sources of food production. 6. Better vari...

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