Reading In Philippine History ALL IN Source PDF

Title Reading In Philippine History ALL IN Source
Author Juan Paolo Claro
Course BS Information Technology
Institution AMA Computer University
Pages 12
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READING IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY (All inSOURCE)Agrarian ReformThis aims to provide changes and reconstructing the whole system of agriculture.Dr. Jose P. RizalHe was known as a patriot, physician and man of letters who served as an inspiration to the Philippine Nationalist movement. His work El filibus...



This aims to provide changes and reconstructing the whole system of agriculture.

Dr. Jose P. Rizal

He was known as a patriot, physician and man of letters who served as an inspiration to the Philippine Nationalist movement. His work El filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere are his ways to promote nonviolent resistance to the Spaniards.


The Philippines has two lines of recorded advancement. The primary line, which is the more established, came to create in ________ and Sulu. Furthermore, this alludes to the Muslim line of chronicled improvement.

Epifanio de los Santos

The acronym EDSA stands for _________________________________.

Apolonio Samson

On August 26th, a big meeting was held in Balintawak, at the house of __________, then Cabeza of that barrio of Caloocan.


Sailing southwards along the coast of that large island of Seilani, they turned southwest to a small island called _______.


______ percent of fish and sardines are to a great extent taken from the Sulu Sea.

Article IX

Article ____ stated, "All these shall be beaten for two days: who sing while traveling by night; kill the Manaul; tear the documents belonging to the headmen; are malicious liars; or who mock the dead".


The Philippine Muslims was at one time a prevailing gathering in the nation. They have _______ year's political history, so far the longest political experience contrasted with different gatherings in the entire Philippines.

Cold War

With the finish of the_______, the global group saw new patterns and dangers to security that required less military power.


The ________ had been the seat of the Maguindanao sultanate.

Article XIII

Article ____ stated, "All these shall be exposed to ants for half a day: who kill black cats during a new moon; or steal anything from the chiefs or agorangs, however small the object may be.


La Solidaridad is also published in ________, as a representation and eye opener to his fellow Filipino.

Arcticle VIII

Article ____ stated, "Slavery for a doam (a certain period of time) shall be suffered by those who steal away the women of the headmen; by him who keep ill-tempered dogs that bite the headmen; by him who burns the fields of another".

October 16, 1907

The First Philippine Assembly, was organized on __________________, this assembly was composed of educated Filipinos from well-known clans such as Osmena and Quezon, they strengthened the issues of direct independence for the Filipinos and this was stated by sending political missions to the United States Congress.

National Library

_________ is collection of all productions in the nation and from abroad; disperses learning by serving the perusing open.

External Criticism

Sometimes called as "lower criticism"


________ a national lottery was established to create more revenue for the government.


________ has long been believed as the site of the first mass.

Andres Bonifacio

_________ asked the people to give a pledge that they were to revolt.

November 1, 1897

The Constitution of the Biak-na-Bato was promulgated by the Philippine Revolutionary Government on___________________.

April 8 1521

The expedition's arrival and celebration of Mass on_________.


_____________ is widely accepted as the dawn of the Philippine Nationalism in the nineteenth century, with Rizal dedicating his second novel, El Filibustersimo, to their memory.

Rizal's name

The password that Katipunero used.

30 December 1896

The First was published in La Voz Espanola and Diario de Manila on the Day of execution, ________.

Ateneo Municipal de Manila

Antonio Luna earned a degree in Bachelor of Arts from ___________________.


Melchora Aquino was captured and exiled in _______ for helping the kapituneros.

April 4

Magellan leave Mazaua, bound for Cebu on Thursday __________.

1903 Homested program

The program permits a tenant to enter into a farming business by attaining a farm by a given number of hectares but it was only limited to Northern Luzon and Mindanao, where colonial diffusion had been tough for Americans, a problem they innate from the Spaniards. This was called as ________________.


This type of national dance with a couple of artists bouncing between two bamboo posts held simply over the ground and struck together.


According to___________, "Encarnacion and Villegas all these places are in Balintawak, then part of Caloocan, now, in Quezon City. As for the dates, Bonifacio and his troops may have been moving from one place to another to avoid being located by the Spanish government, which could explain why there are several accounts of the Cry".

Corazon Aquino

The symbol of the restoration of democracy and the takeover of the Marcos Dictatorship in 1956.

Mindanao and Sulu

The first country of the Philippine Muslims.


Writings that describe occasions, thoughts and feeling utilizing uncommon expressive implies in a particular frame and has lasting and more extensive intrigue and incentive to others, for example, verse, stories, books, expositions, account, annals, letters, engravings, and so forth. Dialect is the medium of articulation utilizing different abstract systems that create inside its artistic, social and chronicled custom. Writing can likewise be oral like stories, fantasies, enigmas, sayings, serenades, summons, mantras, enchantment spells, and so forth.

Senior Maure

The assistant of the Plaza, the Assistant ___________, asked Rizal if he wanted anything.

Proclamation 1081

Martial Law is also known as the ____________ declared by the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos that lasted from 1972 to 1985.

Sa Aking Mga Kababata

Dr. Jose P. Rizal wrote this poem when he was eight years old and it is Rizal's one of the most prominent works.

Antonio Luna

Aside from war, politics and chemistry he also opened a fencing club in Manila. He promoted fencing as a sport and a hobby during his time.


Year 1884, the payment of tribute was put to a stop and was replaced by a poll tax collected through a certificate of identification called the _________ personal.

Article XVII

Article ____ stated, "These shall be killed: who profane sites where idols are kept, and sites where are buried the sacred things of their diwatas and headmen. He who performs his necessities in those places shall be burned".


According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said, "The dictator had called him a__________. Yet, two million people threw aside their passivity and fear and escorted him to his grave".

Manuel Roxas

He was the first president of the Independent Philippine Republic


Ceylon was the island of _______.


These individuals have possessed the region flanking between Lanao del Sur and Maguindanao territory.


Movement of the feet, arms and the entire body musically particularly to music. A few moves and tunes are performed without melodic backup or a capella. Other than those specified before in the visual expressions, the components of shape one of a kind to move are: body developments, motion, and outward appearances, including outfit, organize setting, the sort of backup and social setting or circumstance or events for exhibitions.


The idea that societies around the globe are ending up increasingly coordinated and share various commonalties regardless of restricted articulations and signs.


_________ were required to provide labor for 40 days a year (reduce to 15 days a year in 1884)

La Solidaridad

The name of the newspaper whom Rizal, Del Pilar, Luna and others used to disseminate how the Spaniards oppressed Filipinos.

William H. Taft

When we are placed under military government until 1901 he became the first civil governor, he was also the 27th president of the United States and the chosen successor of President Theodore Roosevelt.


The Central ____________ government introduced an educational decree fusing sectarian school run by the friars into a school called the Philippine Institute.


The biggest of the state monopolies was__________, which began in 1781 and halted 1882.


Zamboanga del Sur has gold, silver, lead, ______store.

Article I

Article ____ stated, "You shall not kill, neither shall you steal, neither shall you do harm to the aged, lest you incur the danger of death. All those who infringe this order shall be condemned to death by being drowned in the river, or in boiling water".

Barsoain Church, Malolos, Bulacan

The place where President Aguinaldo assembled the Revolutionary Congress on September 15, 1898.

Supreme Council of Grace and Justice

This type of constitution gives the authority to make decisions and sustain or disprove the sentences rendered by the other courts and to dictate rules for the administration of justice.

National Historical Commission

__________ is vault and caretaker of recorded reports, distributions, and authentic antiquities; recognizes huge chronicled figures, occasions, places; responsible for setting up and discussion of verifiable creators, landmarks, heraldry and other chronicled curios.

Historical resources

Historian's most important research tools are ___________.

Claro M. Recto

He was the president of the constitutional Convention in 1934 and he presided the opening session where they started the writing of the Philippine Constitution.

March 16, 1521

On the ___________, as they sailed in a westerly course from Ladrones, as they saw land towards the northwest; but owing to many shallow places they did not approach it.


The 1935 constitution that govern the country is also called as the __________ constitution.

Ferdinand Magellan

He was the Portuguese explorer to circumnavigate the globe. In 1519.


The first 1897constitution of the Biak-na-Bato was written in what language?

Manuel L. Quezon

The chosen President of the Commonwealth government.


The Progresista Party also known as __________ Party.

Mariano Gomez, Jacinto Zamora and Jose Burgos

GOMBURZA stands for _______________.

500 members

How many members of Katipunan went to the first place on August 22, 1896, at the house and yard of Apolonio Samson.

House of Representatives

The only branch of the government which can initiate the impeachment of the president, members of the Supreme Court, and other constitutionally protected government officials such as the ombudsman is the __________________.

Magdalena Leones

She was one of the lesser-known World War II veterans. She was known as the only Asian woman to have been awarded the Silver Star Wolrd War by the United States.


Magellan called Cebu ______.

Noli me Tangere

Dr. Jose Rizal wrote this novel to expose evils of Spanish rule in the Philippines.


According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said," I held out for participation in the ________ election the dictatorship called, even if I knew it would be rigged. I was warned by the lawyers of the opposition, that I ran the grave risk of legitimizing the foregone results of elections that were clearly going to be fraudulent".

Rajah Bendahara Kalantiaw

He is a mythical character who make the main lawful code in the Philippinesand it is said to be "The Code of Kalantiaw". In the Island of Negros he was the Chief.

Andres Bonifacio

He was one of the chief officers of Katipunan in 1895 and known as the President Supremo.


Since the extension of the Chinese individuals in the Han administration, Chinese individuals have selected down into Southeast Asia and added to the shocking changes of local Southeast Asian societies and the Philippine archipelago from the most recent hundred years BC to the present.


__________ is a tax on the annual rental value of an urban real estate.


__________ is a tax on salaries, dividends, and profits.


In this method of changing the constitution happens when the congress needs upon a vote of two thirds of all its member and will file for a constitutional convention.

External Criticism

Is the practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence by examining its physical characteristics; consistency with the historical characteristics of the time when it was produced: and materials used for evidence.

Cedula or Tax

Prominent Filipino Historian Teodoro Agoncillo emphasizes the event when Bonifacio tore the ___________________receipt before the katipuneros who also did the same.


The Mindanao State University is situated at Lanao's capital, Marawi City. Most pioneers in Mindanao are in certainty results of the MSU. ______ % of its best teachers are Christians Filipinos

Article IV

Article ____ stated, "Observe and obey; let no one disturb the quiet of the graves. When passing by the caves and trees where they are, give respect to them. He who does not observe this shall be killed by ants, or beaten to death with thorns".

August 23, 1896

Rizal wrote in his Memoirs of the Revolution that it happened at Pugadlawin on ___________.


The _________ are gathered in Lanao region. They involve the most vital place in Mindanao attributable to their entrance to Iligan narrows in the north and Illana cove in the south.

Jose P. Rizal

____________ is well-known as a hero of the revolution for his writing that center on ending colonialism and liberating Filipino minds to contribute to creating the Filipino nation.

Internal Criticism

Looks within the data itself to try to determine truth--facts and "reasonable" interpretation. It includes looking at the apparent or possible motives of the person providing the data.

Museum Pambata

_______ is advances workmanship and culture among youngsters through displays, addresses, workshops, gatherings on Philippine culture and different nations.


_____ % tax on entities with annual sales receipts of less than 5,200,000;6 their original state, price regulated petroleum products and fertilizers.

Melchora Aquino

She was called as the Mother of the Revolution. She took care, provided food, and nurses the wounded Katipuneros in 1896.


This tribes are known to be rice-cultivators. They contain numerous clans that live in the Cordillera mountain ranges.

Political Caricature

It is also known as Editorial Cartoon that contain a commentary that express the artist opinion toward certain issues.

Manuel L. Quezon

He was known as the father of the commonwealth.


The ________ individuals have one dialect with numerous variety, for example, the vernacular of the Jama Mapun, and the Bangingi.


The current system of the Philippines is in the form of ________________.

Malong And Abaya

The whole regions of Lanao Del Sur, especially at the region of the lake are untouchable to outcasts. The way of life of the general population are in their conventional clothing, the _______ and the_______.

Jones Law

In 1916, the US Congress passed the Philippine Autonomy Act, otherwise called the _________, giving the Philippines extensive home run and guaranteed freedom after the establishment of a steady government.

National Achieve

__________ storehouse and overseer of all reports and other authentic materials, and attempts their discussion and reclamation.

People's Initiative

This method of changing the constitution happens when the amendments of the constitution is proposed by the people upon a petition of at least 12% of Philippine registered voters.

August 26, 1896

Valenzuela's account should be read with caution: He once told a Spanish investigator that the "Cry" happened in Balintawak on Wednesday ___________

7 days

Magellan remained __________ on Mazaua Island.

Teresa Magbanua

She is known as the Visayan Joan of Arc. She joined the Katipunan's women chapter in Panay. She fought against Spain, the United States, and Japan.

Article XI

Article ____ stated, "These shall be burned: who by their strength or cunning have mocked at and escaped punishment or who have killed young boys; or try to steal away the women of the elders".

To be a good man, a person should be a person of power and words.

Which of the following is not written in the Katipunan Code of Conduct?

Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act

1913, the _____________________ was passed, resulting in a reduction in the revenue of the government as export taxes levied on sugar, tobacco, hemp, and copra were lifted.


This type of government is strongly supported by President Rodrigo RoaDuterte, where in the concern of this government is to distribute wealth of the country and should not focus only on the capital. It also states that the Philippines should share sovereignty and be divided into autonomous regions. This type of government is called ___________.


_________ is an Italian expression for country. An ethnic group might be characterized as inborn gathering which has its own particular dialect, hold in like manner an arrangement of custom unique in relation to others whom they are in contact.

July 7, 1892

Rizal's exile happened on ___________.


Magellan's expedition sighted a high land named ZAMAL Island which was some ______ leagues westward of Ladrones Island.


According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said, "The__________ sought to break him by indignities and terror".

July 2, 1892

La Liga Filipina was organized on __________.

Jose Montero y Vidal

_____________, a Spanish historian who documented the Cavite Mutiny event and his work centered on how the event was an attempt in overthrowing the Spanish Government in the Philippines.

Senior del Fresno

The chief of firing squad who was assigned in Rizal's death row.

External Criticism

Applies "science to a do...

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