Reflection Paper on Diet N120 PDF

Title Reflection Paper on Diet N120
Author Nneka Whitener
Course Dimension holistic nursing
Institution Methodist College of Nursing
Pages 4
File Size 82 KB
File Type PDF
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Reflection Paper: Dr. Fuhrman at TEDxCharlottesville 2013 Nneka Whitener Methodist College



Reflection Paper: Dr. Fuhrman at TEDxCharlottesville 2013 Dr. Fuhrman talks about how in-love he has been with nutrition since he was young. He expressed how his dad was dealing with a medical situation that seemed not to have any real solutions but that as soon as he changed his diet, he got well and even lost 50 pounds while at it. It was this experience that made him have passion and interest with the subject of nutrition. He read all fifty nutritional books his dad brought home. Later, he got hurt and couldn't walk for a year then; got involved in a natural health retreat where he witnessed many people get well by changing their diet styles. He then spoke about his experience with a woman he met at his sister's graduation who spoke to him about how she wanted to be a medical school and then he tried to dissuade her from doing that and then somehow the story turned around when the woman in question encouraged him to go into medical school. He hadn't taught about it and in that moment he knew that is exactly what he was supposed to do and then he proceeded to do that which as he mentioned was very rewarding. The nutritional diet Dr. Joel Fuhrman spoke about is one that is rich in nutrients, full of antioxidants and photochemical. This diet style has high nutrient-percalorie density which means that our body is able to purge all manner of unhealthy food cravings and addictions and then gravitate towards the ideal weight without making much effort. Many Americans do not practice this instead they live on 55% of calories from processed and refined food and animal products which promotes chronic disease and weakens the immune function. Personally, I can't imagine anyone that loves the thought of being tied to medications for the rest of their life but unfortunately not everyone has a great immune system and would require some medication for a long time but I don't believe that there is no way out. There is always a way is my motto in life, it’s my way of keeping hope alive. Dr. Fuhrman illustrates with Donna that with the right information one has the ability to be set free but the information one is given



is what fails us which can bring forever pain to one's life. With Jodie's story of being healed from having psoriatic arthritis using Dr. Fuhrman's nutritional diet, why isn't this diet popular or taught more in schools and in every community to rid our community and eventually the country of obesity and other autoimmune diseases? Anticipated Changes in My Own Diet What truly interested me about this diet is that it’s designed to be low in hormones that promote cancer and aging. I intend to work on my eating schedule (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner), then taking in key nutrients that include proteins, low carbs and fat, being aware on the type of food I eat like lean proteins, whole grains, colorful fruits and vegetables and including healthy fats causes in Dr. Fuhrman’s words: “The more you eat green, the more you get lean” (TEDx Talks, 2013). My portion size is going to matter if I want to make it work like mastering the palm, fist, cupped hand sizes and most important drink lots of water as my body will be depending on my being dehydrated. In order to achieve this, I need to be consistent daily and making sure I hit all the key nutrients, I will also include intermittent fasting which I have done several times in the past that helps me get my groove back. According to Dr. Fuhrman, nutritional diet is therapeutically more effective than medications and nutritional science has made exponential advancements which can give you the power to take responsibility of your health and your life (TEDx Talks, 2013). Ronnie's story was inspiring to me the most because I want to get rid of this pain I feel every day since my surgery two years ago. This nutritional science video by Dr. Joel Fuhrman is truly a ray of hope for me that diseases can be reversed through natural and nutritional methods. I want to be reunited with my original body, pain free and with this nutritional diet, eventually, I believe I will achieve my desired state of health.


4 References

TEDx Talks. (2013). I Love Nutritional Science: Dr. Joel Fuhrman at TEDxCharlottesville 2013 [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. time_continue=445&v=E4katnfHzXA&feature=emb_logo...

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