Rehtoric - Lecture notes All PDF

Title Rehtoric - Lecture notes All
Course Political Rhetoric
Institution Yeshiva University
Pages 8
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 -intro  That’s its bad o Early 19th century - reason needs help - you cant present the truth and fact  Passion for reason - emotion  Specific places they are  Reasonable - people were mix of passsion and self interest  Mercenuss of stioutions - hard to determine  Aristotle - Rhetoric  Key points o Rhetoric - is about persuasen - something they can only patially see or don’t see at all, there is an active inducing compenent to it o Why is rhetoric sentence  Not even the posetion steeped in fact cant be understood by everyone  War and piece - it will be hard to inform then the top people - so you have John Kerry saying the pottery barn rule to explain o Difference between good rehtoric and bad rehetoric  It is about the intent of it  You need to have some form of knwoeldge of good and bad o Division of three  Judiscial/ forensic - rehtoric that has to do with justice and injustice and the past. Acusing someone, speech about the justice and unjustice  Backward looking - only when its completed  Polotical - deleebrative legeslative - it assces a situation at the presant and will say what it should be in the future  Epidictic, Ceremonial, theatrical, most moralistic, praising or blaming  Lowef form of rehtoric then polotical - you are describing it, just judging it, writing - culture wars - commenting on o Its very eay to do something like that - Hespeid o List of main things people talk about  Ways and means taxes  War and piece  National defence  Important and exports  Legestlation (might have social issues in there)  2/5/19  Scooter Liby Op Ed  Trump Pardn Scooter libby Stan Crock o What type of business Judicial - its putting judgments  Outline  Start off with Thesis - Scooty is wrong  Full disclosure - I knew him socially (ethos) - ive looked over it  Straw man argument o This is what they say and they say - and you can go with one or both is wrong or blend  Straw man 1 - left o Demolishes them

 Libby didn’t do it - it was Plames o Right - weaker  States what happened - in truth  Returns the qualfication Trump did this for the  William Safire - Putins chicken Kiev o We nned to support democracys  What type - political  Outline o Historical parellel - 1st president bush done messed up o Chicken Kiev - explains o Whats happening now - background (orange movement)  People Power - political theory - democratic people if you push them they will be willing to brave the risks of all of this o Counter examples - what about Tainimen square? - doesn’t apply because they werent real people power because the workers are not going to work  Russians can't live under authoritarisim - ukraine wanted to get out of russia for a while so yes  Ilhan Omar and the Myth of Jeiwsh Hypnosis o Epidictic  Bari Weiss - Ilhan Omzar  Uses hisotry of anti-semtism hypnotism  Brooks - Liberal Parents Radical Children  Morally dignos our times - brooks came up with socialigical dignosis o (Bobos - bogiues bohemians)  Generation gap o Radical - mostly about liberal left  Liberals - they are ok  Melairism - soften to aprove - it  Militants- the young people are crazy

 Missed class on speeches  Washington  Newburgh Adress George Washington march 15 1783 o Revoultionary - revoloutionary  People were calling for a mutiny  Convicing them not to mutiny o 4th paragraph - he establishes himself o 5th presents the argument  Issues are its practical - like whats gonna happen to the children o Introduces them into the workings of government  its hard - but we are going to pay you o This is my cause  And it’s a henry the 5th moment St. Crespous - HONOR  1st inagural

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1st paragraph - he starts off with his flaws and shows busha vecherpa  Maybe I will rest on ym laurels Invokes God  It’s a big deal to call for God because that view would seemingly go against democracy Morality

 Sixth annual Message of George Washington o Whisky rebelion  We need to balance these things  Sends the militia -reasoned case for what should be done to restore public order  Rules of civility  R' Meir Solveitchick - on Washington  All the minority relgions sent letters o 1000 jews in america - they send later  Starts a trend  Spanish Portugese - emanual josephson o He was a big leader  Jewish commuhnites o Ny,philly, newport o Savanah, richmond, charleston  What are the jews worried about o Are we truly equals  There wasn’t a 1st amenedment was only federal  No relgious test for office - no western country o England - Jews werent in parliament in 1857 o France - they need to strip jewish identity o Even in the states - like Pennsylviania  Jews realize that this gov't is different  Now here is the test  Savanaugh Letter o He is the father of the consitution and you gave  Washington response  God who took you out of Egypt - the miricale of the exedous is the mircale of the revloution o He knows what they were worried about  Cathlocis were very worried - you are motivated by the true chrisitans  You are not replaced and we shall share in the blessings on you o Its relgious but it has implicatiions  Most Jews were patriots - even fought  Newport o They send him a letter with very relgious  Washington  Rlegious toleration - adds that


John Locke - rlegious toleration - it seems good you wont expell people  Toleration is demaing and it’s a charitable choice  Washington is saying we don’t need to tolerate - we have qual rights o Everyone is equal "all possess alike liberty and imunnity o Everyone shall sit under there own vine and fig tree  Micha - aspirational  Shlomo - wisdom  That’s what he needs - how do we use relgion to join together - and society that doesn’t band relgion and equal faiths stay equal o Compare  Cathloic - jews are in the getos  Brittan - they have no political rights  France - French revloution - we give them everything as french people  Washington is one of the fathers of relgious liberty  How do you create a society with a freedom of relgion o French - secular public school o Ameirca - we are here  The Rav - Geir vetoshav - we are involved in society and we will stand out

 2/19/19  Federelists  1778 - they write this in Ny o Jay (not so much) o Hamilton o Madison  They were responding to Brutus  They make the pen name Publius o Computers can't tell the difference  Hamilton - is more into political and historical events o Lets consider how polotics actually works  You are being to idealist Hamilton will say  Madison o He is more political theorists - not history  What were the problems for NY o Ny was this big fish but it would be swallowed by the pond  They never say you new yorkers  Its not only for NY it is a general guide for the constitution  Whats a republic o Power comes from the people - maky  You would do the anti federelsits  They threw off the tyrany of a king - which in the first instance the quarell was with parliament o New government was set up

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New consittuion - gives the power to a central govenrment and has a strong government  The big fear is about tyrany o Nature of power is to crave more power Whats the main argument o The anti federalists are utopian and have there heads in the clouds  Feaderlists - youi are relying on the good will of the ealier times  They puncture the abstract visions with history o Look to antiquity  They try to hit what they say as abstract Feaderlists o One (Hamilton) - Introuduction  This has a universal component -this is a model for man kind  Reflection vs randomounes (what we were given) o We use political science to make the best system  We have to respect the rights of people  People who are into an efficient system and demogagery is more hostile and despotism - he can point to thyucidides (but also prophetically about french reveloution) o Two (Jay - Yay)  Starts of with forign poloicy to talk to neccesisty  Rushelue (was running france in 30 years war - supressed the protestants and in Germany he gave weopons to the protestant so Gemrany would be devided) support the divison - so lets stay together to be strong  We are united through relgion and ancestors  They are speaking the same language - same ancestors  How are we going to defend ourselvs with 13 different armies and navys Read 9,10,11, 49,50,51 Get notes on 9 and 10 (2/22/19)

 2/26/19  How do you change a constitution o Not the people like the Franckfiles but the congress would fix it  Stability has an advantage - tradition gives the ablity of people to think through things  But if we are beholdent to it then o If you envolve the people it lestens energy and stablity in a from of government  The model of plebecites on a national level might detract reverance fro the law  51 - seperation of church and state o Ambition must be met with ambition  Politics of contention o What is the stronges government - the Legslative is the biggest part  Franklin Speech  The contitution isn't perfect but it’s the best we can do

o Lets not the perfect the enemy of the good  52 - Congress  Why every 2 years o To be close to the people  No heredetary o You are voting for the person not the party  Senate o Stablity in government  70 - President  Energey in the executing- one person will be the most enrgetic o Effecianct o One person can make the decision  Decleration of independence  Jefferson was diestic o We hold these truths to be self evedient - no external - A Priori - conclsion  No human being can rule another human bieng without there consent o Hapineess  To make your own luck o Garuentee rights  Not for promoting the dynsty - its about protection o Right to revoloution  ONLY when the governmnet o Why haven't people had free - Macheveli  People will be willing to go with the despotism cause of human psychology and we perfer to live under the devil we know o Airing of greivinces  Jefferson's 1st Inagural  Context - first slog in an election and you have two camps o In midst of the French revloution  There is a poltical revloution  Speech o A president is under the auspicies of congress  We are all Rebulicans and we are all Federalists  We accept that we are trying to do the good and not differences of principle  Freedom of speech question  Look out for the farms  Its about money chagning money o economincs  Second inagural  Forign policy o Has to be Moral - cant just be about interests  Anti tax o Slipary slope - we cut taxes and what not o Luxary text on forgn goods - is SICK  Debt

o Debt is bad and you should live within your means  Lincoln Douglas Debate  People call this like the might makes right  Douglas o WILL OF THE PEOPLE - Popular soverignty - it seems like might make right?  Page 3 - the whig and democrats believe in the same thing to decide instituions but LINCOLN is being a radical o Reads the platform - they are getting rid of slavery o My doctirine will work - if diversity would work and then slavery would be the law of the land but the founders said each group would have a say o RACE - popular soveringty we are good - but these inferoir beings should be treated well but because we are great doesn’t mean that they are equal  Lincoln o Defends himself o Then apeals to decleration of independence  He is talking about morals - you need principles of the revloution and the government  Stop it bread to the territories o Lincoln is saying there is no equality between the Blacks and the Whites  No equailty  Lyceum address - RULE OF LAW o Mob rule is bad - contempt for government will ensure o Reverence for the lawas - the laws are good if we look at it through reasons then the happiness and reverance for the

 Missed Roosvelt  The right of the people to rule  Argument o People can govern themselvs o The government is working for small people i.e the rich o Makes the poloticians beholdent to the people and quick to act  Proposals he suggests o initiative and referendum,  Allow people at times to do a referendum directly if special interest is causing issues o Recall of public officers  Only in places that don’t have quick elections  No recalling o Direct primary  Differs from Federalist No.49  Missed Roosvelt

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Wilson The law is materialism its not to restrain but its supposed to adapt itself Franklin D Roosvelt First inagural o We want piece and we are dealing with piece withourselvs and all nations (isolaationism)

 Generals  Patton  Don’t be a coward o We are all in this together you don’t get up o Talk them all up  Churchill  Churchil insists that we need to attack we need to fight and we refuse suto negotiate o Chamberlian was insisiting to negotiaite  Apeasment couldn’t work o Also negotiations you so dispriti the alleys youi sasp the will to resist the empire  There is a political reason to and logic of surrender will keep going  Lists  We are about america is now the super power  A time for choosing  1964 o Taxes - inflation and debt o War - anti communism abroad, and limited government  Self government - limited government o Anti elitism  Friedrich hayich o The road to surfdom...

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