Ri PH - Module 3 PDF

Title Ri PH - Module 3
Course Readings in Philippine History
Institution Pangasinan State University
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Segundo, Christine Arrabela V. BSME 1B Readings in the Philippine History MODULE 3 SELF-ASSESSMENT TASK 1 Compare and contrast the administration of the local government units during the Spanish period with those of the present. Spanish Period Present The one who is responsible for collecting taxes and The senate is responsible in implementing laws while law implementation is the LGUs. there is a bureau that is responsible in tax collection. Laborers are paid in minimal wages. Laborers receive wages that vary on the nature of their work. Policies were abusive and unjust. Policies were abusive and unjust. People were oppressed from expressing their feelings People have rights to speak freely whether in a nonand opinions. critic or critic way. Every city has 2 mayors. One mayor is appointed per city. The king of Spain has the right to appoint leaders. People has the power to appoint a leader. Conclusion: During the arrival of the Spaniards in our country, the country is divided administratively into several dozen provinces, which are grouped into a number of larger regions. And each Cities, municipalities, and barangays all have elected officials just like now in our present government. Taxes and wages were also very different from Spanish period compared to present. Furthermore, in our present government, rules and policies benefit more people than the policies that existed during the Spanish regime. SELF-ASSESSMENT TASK 2 1. Discuss the teachings of the KKK. Point out some teachings that you find useful and helpful in your daily life. Kartilya ng Katipunan served as the commandments of the members of the Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan, also known as Katipunan or KKK. The Kartilya ng Katipunan served as the guidebook for new members of the organization, which laid out the group's rules and principles. The first edition of the Kartilya was written by Emilio Jacinto. There are 12 teachings of Katipunan but among the 12, but I find these two teachings useful in our daily life. “Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born equal; superiority in knowledge, wealth and beauty are to be understood, but not superiority by nature.” And “Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered but not time lost.” The first one talk about equality. Equality is important in our daily life to live in a fair and equal society. Equality brings confidence to an individual, productivity to their respective works and makes people more sociable. We are all born to be equal no matter what race, status, and educational background we have. Our society may have divided us into groups, but we must all understand that no one is a superior of anyone. Next teaching is Everyone must understand the importance of time. We usually focus ourselves on worrying from different material things. This code of conduct tells us to treasure time because we can never take it back. At the end we might end up having regrets for the things we were not able to do. We must use of our time wisely.

2. Make


Nature Aims Methods Results

chart comparing





the Katipunan.

Reform Movement The Katipunan Movement Assimilation of Philippines as province of Revolution Spain To expose the evils of Spanish colonization To separate the Philippines from Spain Assimilation Frightened the Spanish, the authorities arrested or exiled some 4000 rebels Failed. Spain was too preoccupied. Friars Spain lost and ceded. Sovereignty of the were too powerful and lack of funds. Philippines to the United States Propagandists were divided

Conclusion: During the reform movement, its aim was to depict the wrongful doings of the Spaniards, mainly the abuses of the friars and guardian civil during the Spanish colonialism. The failure of the reform movement was already evident when Rizal was arrested and exile to Dapitan in 1892. Thus, the Katipunan was founded on a revolutionary platform under the leadership of Bonifacio, to secure the independence and freedom of the Philippines. Self-assessment 3 Construct a data chart showing the nature, extent, and implications of Filipino participation in American colonialism in the Philippines. Filipino Groups 1. The Elite Filipinos

2. Cultural Communities (Indigenous groups in Mindanao and Cordillera)

Nature of Participation in American Colonialism The elite Filipinos adopted the American’s school system with the goal of educating and civilizing themselves.

Cultural communities’ collaboration

Extent of Participation in American Colonialism Elite Filipinos believed in the sovereignty of the U.S. over the Philippines. Hence, American’s will preserve the security of their privileges as there was a growing demand from the masses for the redistribution of economic benefits and resources. Americans denoted treaties and agreements and negotiated with the Muslim leaders. On the other hand, the appointed mayors and cabecillos were the Cordillerans.

Implications (Effects or Consequences) Elite Filipinos were assured of the protection to their wealth, power, and prestige by merging with the Americans.

Their perception of the American way of living stimulated the successful Americanization of their culture.

Conclusion: The American colonization was less violent compared to the Spanish era. Americans gained the support of most Filipinos easily because they promise us that we will seek a true independence. Moreover, filipinization in government was more suitable to the Americans since it was an aid rather than a hindrance to

colonialism. In addition, even though Americans and Spaniards have different motives, both have contributed greatly in improving our political system and education system. SELF-ASSESSMENT 4 a. Tabulate the achievements of the Philippine Commonwealth according to aspects of Filipino life as follows: social, cultural, economic, and political. Aspects of Filipino Life Social

Accomplishment of the Philippine Commonwealth Promotion of Social Justice (Eight Hour Labor Act) and appointment of public defenders to defend the right of poor laborers in the courts. Granting of woman suffrage


Compulsory military training of abled-body Filipino Youths. The adaption of Tagalog as the National Language


Creating new chartered cities: Cebu, Iloilo, Bacolod, Davao, Zamboanga, San Pablo, Quezon City, Cavite and Tagaytay. Improvement of the Philippine Economy as revealed by the growth of agriculture, commerce, and industries. Creation of Joint Preparatory Committee of Philippine Affairs (JPCPA) Reorganization of the Government by creating new offices.


Tenure of Office of President and Vice-President to was four years with re-election for another term. Establishment of a bicameral Congress of the Philippines, with the Senate as an Upper house and the House of Representatives as the Lower house. Creation of an Independent Commission on Election composed of three members to supervise all elections. b. Based on the table above, which aspect(s) of Filipino life was greatly advanced by the Philippine Commonwealth? Justify. The political aspect of Filipino was greatly advanced by the Philippine Commonwealth because of one such policy, the introduction of the American system of education, which had such a pervasive and far-reaching impact and influence on the life and culture of the Filipino. SELF-ASSESSMENT 5 Construct a data chart. List down the developments or results of American occupation in the Philippines under each aspect of Filipino life and indicate their positive and negative implications (consequences or effects). Determine which sector(s) of Filipino society were benefited most and which the least. Aspect of Filipino Social

Developments (Results of American Occupation)

Implications (Consequences or Effects)

 The impact of American Improvement of peace and order conditions in the public education

Most Benefited Sector(s) Filipino

Least Benefited Sector(s) American



 Democracy  Freedom of Expressions

country. Filipino The enrichment of the  English Language became English language in the country was patronized by an official medium the Filipinos.  Development in Local production and American agriculture, commerce and business



trade were prominent.






 Modernized transportation products and industries. Full free trade relations

and communication.  Banking





 Manufacturing industries grew in big proportions.  Cooperation and Good The political awareness Filipino among Filipino relations between grew government. American authorities and


Filipino leaders.  Enabling Filipinos to form independent political parties. SELF-ASSESSMENT 6 A. Tabulate the conditions of the Philippines during the Japanese rule in its social, economic, cultural, and political aspects. Aspects of Filipino Life Social

Facts (Conditions, Prevailing Problems)  The Philippines had suffered great loss of life and tremendous physical destruction by the time the war was over.


 Menace in the social life of Filipinos  Limited economic activities and resources because of Japanese control.  Japanese money called “Mickey Mouse Money” (American) and “Yap yap” (Filipino)  Production stopped because of war and fear of Japanese atrocities.


 Agriculture production was at its lowest ebb.  The Filipinos are forcibly induced for educational re-orientation to erase western cultural influences.  Promote love of labor.

 To create an atmosphere of friendship to push through Japanese intentions and war aims. Cultural

 No freedom of expression  Most dramatic Philippine History where leaders and personalities who were either Filipinos or Americans had put their lives at stake for the sake of noble cause which is freedom.

B. What would you conclude as the most adversely affected aspect of Filipino life during the period of the Japanese occupation in the Philippines? Why?  During the period of the Japanese occupation in the Philippines, the most adversely affected aspect of Filipino life is the social aspect. During the Japanese occupation in the Philippines, pearl harbor occurred that killed around 527,000 Filipinos, both soldiers and civilians. The Philippines also experienced a tremendous physical destruction....

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