Road to Revolution Notes APush PDF

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Road to Revolution: French and Indian War



French What caused the French to fight the colonists and England? 1.Protect fur trade in Ohio River Valley 2.Built forts along Ohio River Valley 3.George W. attacked french scouting parties(looking for fur trade, or spying on tribes, looking for land)

French What territory in North America did the French lose after the war? Losing Canada and East of Miss. River land to Brits. Lost last West of the Miss. River to Spain. What impact did the Treaty of Paris have on the French in North America? Marked the end of French power in North America.

Native Americans Who and why did Native Americans take sides with the French? 1.NA lived in the Ohio River Valley region 2.Relatively good trade relations w/ French and wanted to avoid losing land to Brits Who and why did the Native Americans take sides with the English? 1.Iroquois allied w/ Brits 2.Reluctant to trade w/ Brits

Native Americans What happened to the Native Americans after the war? 1.Losing trade relations w/ French 2.Treated unfairly by the Brits 3.Threatened by expansion of the colonist

Colonists What caused the colonists to fight the French? 1.Colonial VA wanted to expand to Ohio River Valley 2.Land developers wanted to get involved in fur trade (Gold, god, glory)

Colonists Why were the colonists not happy with the English government after the war? 1. Proclamation of 1763- denied settlers right to expand west past the Appalachian Mountains How did this law impact the colonists? Upset the colonist- b/c many had bought land

English Why did the English government get involved in the war? 1.Compete w/ French to be most powerful nation in the world 2. Expanded economic and territorial influence in N America 3. Protect colonial interest

English What territory did the English get after the war? Canada and land West to the Miss. River Why did King Charles III restrict the colonists from going west? Cost to protect/fight colonists and NA too high What negative effect did the war have on Gr eat Britain? The War cost the Brit crown too much $$$

"Join, or Die"

1. Who was the author of this image? Benjamin Franklin 2. Explain the meaning of this political cartoon: Unless colonies unite they will be subjected to the Britians. 3. Why are there only 8 segments of the snake? Each section was a colony:tail to head is s to n, S. Carolina, N Carolina, VA, maryland, Penn, New Jersey, New York, New England(Mass.,Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire) 4. Why do you think this image was so persuasive to colonists who may never have thought of the eight colonies as parts of a whole? Used emotion with the symbolism of the snake to get the colonist to work together. The Seven Years' War (1754-1763) Albany, New York 1754● Colonists met to restore relations with Native Americans (Iroquois Confederacy). Albany Plan of Union: Failed b/c individual colonies didn’t want to give up power of taxation War Erupts, 1754 ● George Washington sent to "ask" French to leave ● French & Indians respond with guns. ● Colonial expansion halted ● Native Americans played both sides ● Iroquois eventually sided with British

1763 Treaty of Paris, 1763: France, Great Britain and Spain at the end of 7 years war/French and Indian war), France lost Canada and land east of the Miss, Caribbean islands and India to Brit +New orleans and land west to Miss. to Spain. Spain lost florida What was Great Britain's Debate? War debt

British Taxes Britain taxed the following items: Manufactured goods Impact on Native Americans? Colonial squatter moving into their land Pontiac's Rebellion, 1763: Native American uprising after French and Indian War by Ottawa chief Pontiac. Opposed Brit expansion into western Ohio River Valley and destroyed forts of Brits. Attacks ended when Pontiac was killed. Smallpox Brit sent 10,000 troops to occupy Western land Proclamation of 1763: From Brit to colonist to not move settling west of Appalachian Mountainsand any settlers already there to move back

Moving Toward Revolution Significance of 1763 as a turning point:

British Action


Colonial Reaction


Proclamation of 1763

Temp. for time to permanent solution to conflict btw natives and settlers

Resentment & failure to comply

Colonist thought Brits were trying to control

Sugar Act: enforce mercantilism: tax on foreign molasses -only buy sugar through Br. colonies

Brit. belief that England had right to tax for protection England gave into colonies but tried indirect taxes which colonist didn’t complain about b4 1763

Boston experimented with boycotts

Colonist thought brit had no right to tax revenue w/o colonial reps in parliament

Currency Act

Volist had to pay Brit merchants in gold and silver vs inflated colonial currency.

Smoldering resentment

Mercantilism created chronic trade deficit for colonies, but Brits asked to be paid in gold/silver when resources being

drained Stamp Act

Tax imposed on colonist for own protection

Petitions, boycotts, violence

Brits can’t taxation without representation and no offenders should be tried in admiralty court w/o juries

Repeal of Stamp Act & passage of Declaratory Act

Brit back down of hated tax, but still Brit supremacy Right of Parliament to tax and legislate colonies w/o reps in Parliament→ colonists were not except from parliamentary law.

Rejoicing over repeal, ignoring Declaratory Act

Colonist forced Brits to back down, over-looked ominous implications of declaratory act

Townshend Duties *negats power of the purse

Brit. belief that England had right to tax for protection

Boycotts, petitions, newspaper attacks

Colonist thought indirect tax earlier was fair, now mercantilism to control trade to collect taxes another form of tax w/o reps

Tea Act

Attempt to save Brit E India Tea Comp, suffering b/c repealed townshend acts except the tea act Attempt to conceal tax by lower tax but inc transp cost

Protests, Boston Tea Party, boycott

Brit tea lower still tax w/o rep

Quartering Act of 1774

Require colonist to provide housing to brit soldiers

Protests in assemblies

Seen indirect tax w/o rep b/c expected to feed and house brit soldiers, qu reason soldiers send to am when foreign enemies gone, to control colonies

Coercive or "Intolerable" Acts

Am. punish for property lost in boston tea party Closed boston harbor

Boycott, convening, First Continental Congress

Viewed as sweeping and unjustified deniels of their liberties

Suspend ma constitution Allows officials to be tried in vice-admiralty courts Lexington & Concord

Brit attempt catch colonial leaders and war supplies to prevent revolt

Thomas Paine's Common Sense

Thomas Paine w/ Common Sense provided rational for freeing colonist from Brit tyranny by force if needed:Brit had killed colonist providing further resistance

Significance of 1776 as a Turning Point: Declaration of Independence signed

Boston Massacre

1. What is the title of the image? The bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street

2. Explain what is happening in the image: Boston Massacre when Brits shot at colonist over snow balls 3. According to the details of the engraving, what advantages do the redcoats have that the colonists do not? What point does the artist make through the contrast?t The Brits/red coats have guns while the blue and hopeless. 4. How could this engraving have contributed to the growing support of the Patriot's cause? The fact that the Brits are killing without reason. First Continental Congress: Philadelphia, 1774

Loyalists(Tories) 1. Am. colonist still loyal to brit 2.felt brit justified for taxing for protection during french and indian war 3.felt strong soc and econ ties to brit: felt brit would win the war 4.est. ⅓ colonist were loyalist 5most nat. Am. and african am. Sided w/ brits

Patriots 1.wanted complete independence from england 2.motto from patrick henry give me liberty or give me death 3.inspired by common sense by thomas paine 4.made up troops in george washington’s continental army and ⅓ colonist pop

Boston, MA- April 8, 1775 ● British soldiers are ordered to go to Concord, MA to destroy the weapons depot ● Paul Revere rides to Lexington, MA to warn the Redcoats were coming Lexington, MA- April 19, 1775 ● British troops engage minutemen on Lexington green "Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon. But, if they want to have a war, let it begin here." Concord, MA- April 1775 ● British troops chase the minutemen west to Concord ● Minutemen fight back and force the British to retreat to Boston The Revolution Has Begun . . . Boston, MA- June 17,1775 ● British troops attack the colonists dug in on Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill) ● Americans were pushed back ● Casualties ○ British: 1,154 ○ Colonists: 331

Common Sense,

In Common

Declaration of

Thomas Paine 1.pushed undecided colonist to independence 2.argued colonial trade suffered under brit Should derive its power from the governed

1.written by patriots in 1776 2.Brition interfering w/ colonist rights

Independence, Thomas Jefferson 1.stated all ppl have rights that can not be taken away 2.designed to explain why the colonist were declaring independence...

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