Science and Technology Prelim Module PDF

Title Science and Technology Prelim Module
Author Red Cactus Heart
Course Science
Institution Northern Cagayan Colleges Foundation
Pages 56
File Size 5 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
Total Views 178


Science may be defined as the system of knowledge of the natural world gained
through the scientific method. It was originally called "philosophy of the natural world"
since it stemmed from the ancient Greeks' desire to know about nature. Thus, the first
scientists were called "phi...





SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY 2nd Semester; A.Y. 2021 – 2022 COURSE FACILITATOR: Florly M. Callojellas, LPT, MEd FB/MESSENGER: Florly Callojellas Email: [email protected] Phone No: 09199111780


VISION SUN-NEGROS: A glocally recognized university offering distinctively – niched academic programs engaged in dynamic quality instruction, research and extension by 2025.

MISSION To produce glocally viable graduates through innovative learning and research environment and to contribute to nation – building by providing education, training, research and resource creation opportunities in various technical and disciplinal areas.

GOAL UPGRADEd instruction, research, extension and governance for glocal recognition.

INSTITUTIONAL OUTCOMES 1. Demonstrate logical thinking, critical judgment and independent decision-making on any confronting situations 2. Demonstrate necessary knowledge, skills and desirable attitudes expected of one’s educational level and field of discipline 3. Exhibit necessary knowledge, skills and desirable attitudes in research 4. Exhibit proactive and collaborative attributes in diverse fields

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5. Manifest abilities and willingness to work well with others either in the practice of one’s profession or community involvement without compromising legal and ethical responsibilities and accountabilities. PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES (CMO #75 s.2017) Graduates of a BSED program are teachers who have the ability to: Program Outcomes (For Science Major) a. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, and political contexts. b. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline. c. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments. d. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners. e. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational practices. f. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes. g. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities. h. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities. i. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. (PDF level 6 descriptor) j. Effectively communicate in English and Filipino, both orally and in writing. k. Work effectively and collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. (PDF level 6 descriptor) l. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility. m. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722). n. Demonstrate deep understanding of scientific concepts and principles. o. Apply scientific inquiry in teaching and learning. p. Utilize effective science teaching and assessment methods.

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q. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the sciences. Program Outcomes (For Mathematics Major) a. articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. (PDF level 6 descriptor) b. effectively communicate in English and Filipino, both orally and in writing. c. work effectively and collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. (PDF level 6 descriptor) d. act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility. e. preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage ” (based on RA 7722). f. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, and political contexts. g. demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline. h. facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments. i. develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners. j. apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational practices. k. demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes. l. practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities. m. pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities. n. exhibit competence in mathematical concepts and procedures. o. exhibit proficiency in relating mathematics to other curricular areas. p. manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of mathematics. q. demonstrate competence in designing, constructing and utilizing different forms of assessment in mathematics. r. demonstrate proficiency in problem-solving by solving and creating routine and non- routine problems with different levels of complexity. s. use effectively appropriate approaches, methods, and techniques in teaching mathematics including technological tools. t. appreciate mathematics as an opportunity for creative work, moments of enlightenment, discovery and gaining insights of the world. Program Outcomes (For English Major) a. articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. (PDF level 6 descriptor) b. effectively communicate in English and Filipino, both orally and in writing. c. work effectively and collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. (PDF level 6 descriptor) d. act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility. e. preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage ” (based on RA 7722). f. articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical,

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and political contexts. g. demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline. h. facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments. i. develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners. j. apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational practices. k. demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes. l. practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities. m. pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities. n. possess broad knowledge of language and literature for effective learning. o. use English as a global language in a multilingual context as it applies to the teaching of language and literature. p. acquire extensive reading background in language, literature and allied field q. demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication. r. shows competence in employing innovative language and literature teaching approaches, methodologies, and strategies. s. use technology in facilitating language learning and teaching. t. inspire students and colleagues to lead relevant and transformative changes to improve learning and teaching language and literature. display skills and abilities to be a reflective and research-oriented language and literature teacher. NONESCOST – BSEd Program Outcomes The program shall produce a graduate who can: 1. Demonstrate proficiency, mastery and application of content, pedagogy and technological knowledge in the chosen field, 2. Exhibit exemplary character, proactiveness, and cultural responsiveness to the needs of the community.

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Warm greetings! Welcome to the second semester of School Year 2021-2022! Welcome to the College of Education and welcome to NONESCOST! Despite of all the happenings around us, there is still so much to be thankful for and one of these is the opportunity to continue learning. You are right now browsing your course module in GE 107. As you read on, you will have an overview of the course, the content, requirements and other related information regarding the course. The module is made up of 3 lessons. Each lesson has seven parts:

INTRODUCTION- Overview of the

LEARNING OUTCOMES- Lesson objectives for you to ponder on

MOTIVATION- Fuels you to go on

PRESENTATION- A smooth transition to the lesson

TEACHING POINTS- Collection of ideas that you must discover

LEARNING ACTIVITIES – To measure your learnings in the lesson where you wandered

ASSESSMENT – To test your understanding in the lesson you discovered

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Please read your modules and learn the concepts by heart. It would help you prepare to be effective and efficient professional in your respective fields. You can explore more of the concepts by reading the references and the supplementary readings. I encourage you to get in touch with me in case you may encounter problems while studying your modules. Keep a constant and open communication. Use your real names in your FB accounts or messenger so I can recognize you based on the list of officially enrolled students in the course. I would be very glad to assist you in your journey. Furthermore, I would also suggest that you build a workgroup among your classmates. Participate actively in our discussion board or online discussion if possible and submit your outputs/requirements on time. You may submit them online through google classroom and Gmail. You can also submit hard copies. Place them in short size bond paper inside a short plastic envelop with your names and submit them in designated pick up areas. I hope that you will find this course interesting and fun. I hope to know more of your experiences, insights, challenges and difficulties in learning as we go along this course. I am very positive that we will successfully meet the objectives of the course. May you continue to find inspiration to become a great professional. Keep safe and God bless! Course Outline in GE 107: Science, Technology and Society GE 107

Course Number Course Title Course Description

No. of Units Prerequisites Course Intended Learning Outcomes

Science, Technology and Society The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social, cultural, political and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by them. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013) This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the realities brought about by science and technology in society. Such realities pervade the personal, the public and the global aspects of our living and are integral to human development. Scientific knowledge and technological development happen in the context of society with all its socio-political, cultural, economic and philosophical underpinnings at play. This course seeks to instill reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical decision making in the face of scientific and technological advancement. 3 units None 1. Articulate the impacts of science and technology and explain how it affects the society, the environment, and its role in nation building. 2. Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the environment and the development of the Filipino nation

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3. Foster the value of healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable development of society and the environment. 4. Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology to society. Content Coverage

MODULE 1 (PRELIM) LESSON 1 HISTORICAL ANTECEDENTS IN THE COURSE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A. In the World: Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages B. In the Philippines LESSON 2 INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTIONS THAT DEFINED SOCIETY A. Copernican B. Darwinian C. Freudian D. Information E. Meso-American F. Asian G. Middle East H. African LESSON 3 SCIENCE. TECHNOLOGY AND NATION BUILDING A. Pre-colonial Period B. Colonial Period C. Post – Colonial Period MODULE 2 (MIDTERM) LESSON 1 HUMAN FLOURISHING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A. Technology as a mode of revealing B. Technology as Poesis C. Questioning as the piety of thought D. Enframing: Way of revealing in modern technology E. Human Person in Swallowed by Technology F. Art as way of Enframing LESSON 2 HUMAN FLOURISHING AS REFLECTED IN PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENT LESSON 3 THE GOOD LIFE A. Nicomachean Ethics and Modern Concepts LESSON 4 WHEN TECHNOLOGY AND HUMANITY CROSS A. Universal Declaration of Human Rights B. Humans vs Robots C. Why the future does not need us MODULE 3 (END TERM) LESSON 1 INFORMATION SOCIETY A. Information

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B. The Role of Language C. Mathematics as the Language of Nature D. Technological World E. The Printing Press and Beyond F. The World Wide Web G. Social Media in promoting Gender Equality LESSON 2 BIODIVERSITY A. Biotechnology B. Genetically Modified Organisms C. Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety LESSON 3 THE NANO WORLD A. Why Nano? LESSON 4 GENE THERAPY LESSON 5 A. CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENERGY CRISIS 1 Earth’s Movement around the Sun 2 Milankovitch Parameters 3 Global Warming 4 Greenhouse Gases 5Future Actions B. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS C. OTHER TOPICS Alternative Energy Resources (e.g. O-tech Ocean Thermal Energy Conservation) References

SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS 1. Floridi, Luciano. 2014. The Revolution, Oxford University Press 2. 3. 4. 5.

Caoli. History of Science and Technology of Philippines. Philippine Great Inventions Kuhn, Structure of Scientific Revolution Government Documents: 1. NEDA. National Development Agenda; Regional Agenda 6. Filipino Great Men and Women 7. Great Filipino Inventions 8. The Question Concerning Technology by Martin Heidegger 9. Sustainable Development: An Evolving Paradigm for the 21 st Century by Fabian Dayrit in Stellar Origins, Humans Ways (2011) 10. Book VI and Book X Nichomachean ethics of Aristotle 11. The Sugar Film (20015) (documentary)

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12. Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us (2010) – Bill Joy, Chief Scientist and Corporate Executive Officer of Sun Microsystems 13. Information: The New Language of Science (Hans Christian von Baeyer) 14. TEDTalk: Ray Kurzwell on “How Technology Will Transform Us” 15. Article: Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology” (Patrick Lin and Fritz Allholf, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc 2007) 16. Article: “Environmental Impacts of Nanotechnology and Its Products” (Zhang et. al Proceedings of the 2011 Midwest Section Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, 2011) 17. Can we build a culture of science through nanotechnology? By Fabian M. Dayrit (2013) 18. Video: Science Fiction: Stem Cell Research 19. TEDTalk: Susan Lim on “Transplant Cells Not Organs 20. TEDTalk: Juan Enriquez on “the Next Species of Human” 21. Book: “An inconvenient Truth” The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What we can Do About It” (Al Gore) 22. Book: “The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change” (Al Gore) 23. BUHOS: A Climate Change Documentary by Loren Legarda REFERENCES: OTHER REFERENCES R1 – Copy of Syllabus R2 – Feyman, R. (1999). The Best Short Works of Richard Feyman. Perseus Book. R3 – Griplaldo, R. (2009). The Concepts of the Public Good: A View from Filipino Philospher. National Bookstore R4 – Maboloc, C. R. (2010). Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing Ethics and Human Dignity. Rex Bookstore. Manila City TEXTBOOK T1 – McNamara D, Valdere V, Beleno, R. (2018). Science, Technology and Society. C & E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City ONLINE REFERENCES: OR 1 – OR2 – OR3 – OR4 – OR5 – OR6 – https://www.flowchart/revival-west/the-age-enligntenment

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OR7 - OR8 –,stm OR9 – https://www/ google make us stupid/306868? OR10 – Course 1. Reflection Paper Requirement 2. Quizzes s 3. Term Exams 4. Group/Individual Outputs Prepared by: FLORLY M. CALLOJELLAS, LPT, MEd Reviewed and Approved by: Subject Area Coordinator: JICK C. BALINARIO, LPT,MAT Dean, COE


GAD, OIC Director


CIMD, Chairperson


QA Director


VP- Academic Affairs


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Declaration of Copyright Protection

This course module is an official document of Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology under its Learning Continuity Plan on Flexible Teaching-Learning modalities.

Quotations from, contractions, reproductions, and uploading of all or any part of this module is not authorized without the permission from the faculty-author and from the NONESCOST.

This module shall be used for instructional purposes only.

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Science and technology studies, or science, technology and society studies (STS) is the study of how society, politics, and culture affect scientific research and technological innovation, and how these, in turn, affect society, politics and culture.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to: a. Explain how science and technology affected the society and environment and vice versa. b. Identify inventions and discoveries that changed the world over the course of history. c. Discuss the scientific and technological developments in the Philippines. d. Present a creation or output in class about the prominent inventions and discoveries on different eras. e. Show appreciation of the different technological changes across eras.

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ACTIVITY 1: Riddle (QUIZ- 5 points) Direction: Read and understand each of the following riddles carefully. 1. What goes up and never comes down? ________________. 2. Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red. ________________. 3. If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch? _________...

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