Self defense- Physical education PDF

Title Self defense- Physical education
Author Layla
Course Accountancy
Institution Our Lady of the Pillar College - Cauayan
Pages 6
File Size 130 KB
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What is Self-defense?Self-defense is a counter measure that involves defending the health and wellbeing of oneself from harm.What is Martial Arts? Any form of self-defense or combat originating in East Asia that utilize physical skill and coordination without weapons, as karate, aikido, judo, taekwo...


What is Self-defense? Self-defense is a counter measure that involves defending the health and wellbeing of oneself from harm. What is Martial Arts? Any form of self-defense or combat originating in East Asia that utilize physical skill and coordination without weapons, as karate, aikido, judo, taekwondo or kung fu that are widely practiced as sport. The Literal Meaning of MA • Martial-has linguistic roots in the Latin word , " martialis" refers to God of war in Roman Mythology. • The word "Martial" is written in Chinese Character as "MU" The Chinese character "MU" literally means "to stop fighting" or "to put down weapons." • The word "Arts" in martial arts point to skill, expression of beauty or creativity. • The combination "martial arts" may be interpreted to mean ending conflict skillfully. • The OLD • Martial Arts was created by Indian monk named BODHIDHARMA or DARUMA TAISHI. • He took a trip to the Chinese province of Honan 520 AD. • He travelled to the shaolin temple where he began teaching the monks that resided there. • Bodhidharma devised a training system to develop the monks both physically and spiritually. • He was the founder of Zen Buddhism. • Zen / Chan- is a school of Buddhism which emphasizes the practice of meditation as the key ingredient to awakening one’s inner nature compassion and wisdom. • The shaolin monks became known as the best fighters in china. – • System by which they taught became known as SHAOLIN BOXING. – • The shaolin monks travelled from china to spread the word of bodhidharma and his figthing system. – • Zen was readily accepted in Japan 1477 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

One of the most devout follower of the Buddhist religion was KING SHO SHIN. – SHO SHIN became the king of RU-KYU KINGDOM at the age of just 13 in 1477. – To prevent rebellion, the first things he did during his reign was to ban all weapons. This ban was continued by the SATSUMA CLAN. Those who studied martials arts now had to do so without any form of weaponry. – ✓ The ban was continued in 1609 after Okinawa invaded by the SATSUMA Domain of Japan. _ ✓ Over the next 300 years Okinawa ban weaponry. – ✓ Abolishing the use of weapons in RUKYU triggers the Major Development of KARATE

The New GICHIN FUNAKOSHI was born in 1868 and began studying martial arts at a very young age, under: 1. Anko Itosu 2. Yasutsume Azato The martial arts of Okinawa could also be pronounced “kara” and Funakoshi gave this the alternative meaning of “empty” and so his training became known as KARATE.

✓ The ban on martial arts was finally lifted in 1902 when SHINTARO OGAWA, The commissioner of education recommended that martial arts should be included in physical education in the first middle school of Okinawa. ✓ Funakoshi could continue his training in without fear of discovery and he could now spread the word of his karate. ✓ FUNAKOSHI was invited to Japan in 1922 to give demonstration of karate – at the first national athletic exhibition in Tokyo, which was organized by the ministry of education. ✓ After demonstration he decided to remain in japan to spread KARA-TE ✓ The style name “SHOTOKAN” Funakoshi pen name ‘meaning pine waves’ and ✓ KAN means ‘School’ so those who trained at FUNAKOSHI school became known as the SHOTOKAN. ✓ In 1948 Funakoshi established the Japan Karate Association “JKA” and he remained the head until his death in 1957. ✓ Nakayama was a senior student of the JKA and took over the role of head of the Association. ✓ Nakayama began studying Shotokan under Funakoshi sensei at Takushoku University in 1932. ✓ Now Nakayama is held responsible for the worldwide development of Shotokan Karate. ✓ It is thanks to Nakayama sensei that Karate is as successful a martial art as it is today. ✓ Nakayama sensei passed away in 1987 at the age of 74. ✓ The current Shotokan that we know has developed since through so many great people and will continue to develop with the help of those teaching today. Five characteristic traits of martial arts 1. Courage - is the ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. Physical courage is courage in the face of physical pain. 2. Courtesy - the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others. 3. Integrity - means following your moral or ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances or the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. 4. Humility - a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness. 5. Self-control - the ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations. Seven guides for training 1. Discipline - the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. 2. Self-confidence - is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. 3. Concentration - the action or power of focusing one's attention or mental effort. 4. Balance - is the ability to maintain the body's center of mass over its base of support.1 A properly functioning balance system allows humans to see clearly while . 5. Timing - the choice, judgment, or control of when something should be done. 6. Technique - are used to deliver strikes to the human body. 7. Power - are used to deliver strikes to the human body History of Judo ✓ The takenouchi-ryu martial art system founded in 1532 is considered the beginning of Japan’s Jujitsu forms. Judo was derived from Jujitsu, the art for either attacking others or defending oneself with nothing but one’s own body.

✓ The Kodokan Judo In 1882, Dr. Jigoro Kano (The Father of Judo) made a comprehensive study of the ancient self-defence forms and integrated the best of these forms into a sport which is known as Kodokan Judo. The term Kodokan breaks down into ko (lecture, study, method), do (way or path), and kan (hall or place). Thus it means “a place to study the way”. Similarly judo breaks down into ju (gentle) and do (way or path) or “the gentle way” The Father of Judo -Jigoro Kano ✓ Prof. Kano adopted the superlative parts of all the Jujitsu schools, got rid of precarious parts and the Kodokan Judo was recognized in a few years to be excellent since its students overwhelmed the Jujitsu athletes at the Police Bujitsu Contest. ✓ The categorization of Kodokan Judo was completed about 1887. The Kodokan had three broad aims: physical education, contest proficiency and mental training. The Olympic Sport ✓ Proceeding with the organization of the Kodokan and enacting the regulations of Judo, Prof. Kano became the first Asian member of the International Olympic Committee in 1909 and worked for the spread of Judo world-wide. Judo became an official event in the Olympic Games of Tokyo in 1964, backed by Judo fans and sport promoters all over the world. ✓ In his lifetime, Jigoro Kano attained a doctorate degree in Judo, a degree equivalent to the twelfth dan, awarded to the originator of Judo only. He constantly worked to ensure the development of athletics and Japanese sport in general, and as a result is often called the ”Father of Japanese Sports”. ✓ In 1935 he was awarded the Asahi prize for his outstanding contribution to the organizing of sport in Japan during his lifetime. JUDO TIMELINE • JUDO WAS ESTABLISHED IN YEAR 1882 BY COMBINING JIUJITSU • 1889-JIGORO KANO WENT TO EUROPE TO INTRODUCE JUDO OUTSIDE JAPAN.- FAMOUS EPISODE OCCURED DURING HIS TRAVEL WHEN A FOREIGNER MADE FUN OF KANO. • 1964-KANO'SDREAM CAME TRUE AT TOKYO OLYMPICS AND JUDO WAS RECOGNIZED AS OLYMPIC SPORT • 1988-FIRST DEMONSTRATION OF JUDO AT SEOUL OLYMPICS • 1992-WOMEN'SJUDO WAS ADDED TO BARCELONAOLYMPICS AIKIDO-1883-1869 • FOUNDER MORIHEI UESHIBA "O SENSEI"-(VENERABLE TEACHER) -He studied several martial arts and receive certificates of mastery in several style of Jiujitsu Fencing and spear fighting. -He combined his martial arts training ith his religious and political ideologies and decided to name it as Azzikido. • AIKIDO- JAPANESE FORM OF SELF DEFENSE ND MARTIAL ARTS THAT USES, LOCKS, HOLDS AND THE OPPONENT OWN MOVEMENT. •

It appears that Ueshiba witnessed his father being attacked for his political beliefs and connections. This made Ueshiba want to be strong enough to defend himself and perhaps even gain revenge on those that would do his family harm. Thus, he began training in martial arts. However, his early training was somewhat sporadic because of military service. Still, Ueshiba did

train in Tenjin Shin'yo-ryu jujutsu under Tozawa Tokusaburo in 1901, Goto-ha Yagyu Shingan-ryu under Nakai Masakatsu between 1903-08, and in judo under Kiyoichi Takagi in 1911. However, his training truly became serious in 1915 when he began studying Daito-ryu aiki-jujutsu under Takeda Sokaku. •

Ueshiba was affiliated with Daito-ryu for the next 22 years. However, before the end of this term he began to refer to the style of martial arts he practiced as "Aiki Budo, " which perhaps represented a decision to distance himself from Daito-ryu. Regardless, the art that would formally become known as aikido in 1942 was most heavily influenced by two things: first, Ueshiba's training in Daito-ryu. Second, somewhere along the way Ueshiba began looking for something else in life and in training. This led him to the Omotokyo religion.

The goal of omotokyo was the unification of all humanity into a "heavenly kingdom on earth." Thus, Aikido does have a philosophical backbone to it, though students of Ueshiba's seem to have seen different slants on these philosophical ideologies depending on when they trained under him.

AIKIDO OF SENSEI UESIBA ON RELIGIOUS SIDE ✓ Aikido is not a way to fight or defeat enemies; it is a way to reconcile the world and make all human beings one family. T ✓ he essence of aikido is the cultivation of KI-power/ mental and spiritual energy. ✓ The secret of aikido is to become one with universe Shihan - Master/founder Adviser - Komon, Kankokusho Shihandai - Assistant Sensei - Teacher Senpai - Senior students Karate-ka - Students Kaicho - President of society Kancho - Head of DOJO Counting One Ichi Two Ni Three San Four Shi Five Go Six Roku Seven Shichi Eight Hachi Nine Ku Ten Ju

Eleven Ju ichi Twelve Ju ni Thirteen Ju san Fourteen Ju shi Fifteen Ju go Sixteen Ju roku Seventeen Ju shichi Eighteen Ju hachi Nineteen Ju ku Twenty Ni ju

8 Basic Stances/Dachi 1. Zen Kutsu Dachi-Front Bend Stance/Front Stance 2. Ko Kutsu Dachi-Back Bend Stance/Back Stance 3. Ki ba Dachi -Ride horse stance 4. Fudo Dachi-Not to Move Stance 5. Hachigi Dachi-Eight Letter Stance or Ready position 6. Heiko Dachi-Flat to go stance 7. Musubi Dachi-Tie Stance 8. Heisoku Dachi- Close Foot Stance TRAINING MODULE IN KARATE DACHI-. STANCE KIHON- BASIC UKE- BLOCK ZUKI-. PUNCH KATA-. FORM BUNKAI-. APPLICATION TECHNIQUE-. GIJUTSU Hand blocking 1. Age-uke Upward block 2. Soto-uke Outside block 3. Uchi-uke Inside block 4. Shuto-uke Knife hand block 5. Gedan-barai Downward block 6. Juji-uke X-block Kicks 1. Mae-geri Front kick 2. Yoko-geri Side kick 3. Mawashi-geri Roundhouse kick 4. Ushiro-geri Back kick 4. Mikazuki-geri Crescent kick 5. Ashi-barai Foot sweeping 6. Mae-tobi-geri Jumping front kick 7. Tobi-yoko-geri Jumping side kick Punches 1. Age tsuki Rising punch 2. Awase tsuki U punch 3. Choku tsuki Straight punch 4. Gedan tsuki Downward punch 5. Gyaku tsuki Reverse punch 6. Ippon ken tsuki One knuckle fist punch 7. Morote tsuki Parallel punch 8. Oi tsuki Stepping punch 9. Ren tsuki Double punch 10. San tsuki Triple punch

11. Nukite Spear hand-thrust 12. Teisho uchi Palm heel strike 13. Uraken Back fist 14. Tetsui Hammer blow 15. Nihon nukite uchi Two finger strike 16. Nakadaka ippon ken Middle knuckle 17. Hiraken uchi Fore knuckle strike 18. Haito uchi Inner knife hand strike 19. Shuto uchi Knife hand strike 20. Ippon nukite uchi Single spear hand 21. Otoshi empi uchi Downward elbow 22. Tate empi uchi Upward elbow 23. Yoko empi uchi Side elbow strike 24. Mawashi empi uchi Round elbow strike Throwing Nage-waza 1. Arms throw Ippon seoinage 2. Hip throw Koshi-waza 3. Leg throw Ashi-waza 4. Ma-sutemi Waza Front sacrifice throw a. Zempo Kaiten: Forward roll b. Mae ukemi: Forward breakfall c. Ushiro ukemi: Backward breakfall d. Yoko ukemi: Sideways breakfall...

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