Sksks - thank u! PDF

Title Sksks - thank u!
Author tarandeep singh
Course Business Contexts
Institution Brunel University London
Pages 5
File Size 185 KB
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Task 3 promoting a brand

Name :Tarandeep Singh

What is meant by brand and branding? A brand carries great value for the buyer and the seller and brand focuses on what the seller promises to deliver to its customer also the consumer expectation towards a specific product Moreover, a brand can be defined by a name of a company, slogan or anything that is used to classify and differentiate their products and services for example: apple and Samsung uses brand to help develop reputation as well as in order to maintain successful branding position because most of the customers view brand as their determinant factor that influences their decisions. a branding is all the different ways you use to create an image in your customer’s mind and what is the impression appears when they hear of your business. Three types of Branding:Services branding- a services is different activity or benefits that a company can provide to another company that is intangible in exchange for money or something else it means that there is no physical preference involved. For example: - Visa is financial services company, which provide debit & credit cards to connect consumer business, Banks and government everywhere in the world. Product branding- It is when a business want to differentiate their product from other companies by giving it a name so that the consumers can easily identify the product and their company also most of the consumers buy branded product because they make us all think that their products are high quality However, consumer buys these products because it consumers need they don’t want them. For example: - Jeff Cakes famous biscuits company it is own by one company but they have different packaging for each product Corporate branding: - it is when specific company focuses on a specific item and all their products and services. For example: - Apple because their all products are grounded in similar way to increase market share by relying on the marketing department to understand customer needs. What is meant by brand promotions? The brand promotion is important because it is something that truly sets my product different from the competitors and it encourage customers to buy or use our customer service; promotion creates a want and to build customer loyalty also long-term customer base. Moreover, if you have small or big business you need to promote your brand in order to grow and maintain a customer base, you can promote your business in some many different ways such as: Advertising is when a business pays for space in the prime media to communicate with the audience about the products and services we provide the purpose of my advertising to inform which will give us a potential to keep public aware of our products as well as to persuade people to make purchases at your shop.

Task 3 promoting a brand

Name :Tarandeep Singh

Why does each business need to promote itself? Every small business need to promote itself to develop brand awareness, which will make customers aware of your products and their features also it, generates desire to them moreover, you can advertise in some many different way example:- social media, newspapers and by advertising etc. The main reason of promoting itself is to give your company a reputation, which decides if your company will be successful in future or not. Which also creates a relationship between the company and the consumer. What are likely effects of unsuccessful branding for a business? The likely effects of unsuccessful branding are it can lose its brand personality and identity, which can change customer opinion about the company and they might end up losing the consumers also the their over confident because of the success response in other countries. Moreover, the reason of unsuccessful branding is that they fail to understand the consumers needs and wants as well as they focus on wrong target market, which could lead to damage of reputation eventually lead to loss of profit and especially loss of money.

A brief description of each business Audi is one of the best selling luxury car manufacturer in the world and it is owned by August Horch, who was one of the Germany’s automobile manufacturing pioneers. The Audi, Horch, Wanderer and DKW all companies was enhanced at Germany automobile industry and they contributed to the development of the motor vehicle so they combined together to form AUDI AG in 1932 and In 1949 they released a new company Auto union also known as AUDI AG also August Horch started his first business IN 1899 named by Horch&Cie he was Germany first engineer to use cast aluminium engine blocks. Audi is Latin word of horch the reason they choose this name because August Horch always desire to build a car under his own name. currently their competitors are Range Rover, BMW and Toyota. Pizza Express is much loved and well established brand in the UK and Pizza Express was founded by Peter Boizot in 1965 and he started this business when he realised great pizza did not exist in this UK so he started importing the pizza making equipment to create delicious pizzas to encourage customers to buy from them moreover there are more than 300 restaurants across the UK. There are many competitors for example: - Pizza Express is mainly aimed at young consumers also Pizza Express are mainly aimed at Children’s parties. The other competitors were Nandos who was aimed at popular as well as they have inexpensive children’s menus.

Identify the business brand or brands An image of their logo and slogans ,examples if they sell other brands)

"Being Ahead through Technology”

Task 3 promoting a brand

How to

Name :Tarandeep Singh

“Pizza in style” have the branded products or services added value each business?

In order to develop Audi use celebrity endorsement to attract new customers and increase the market share. the reason audi use endorsement to develop their recognition which allows them to achieve a larger sales and profits also for a consumer it differentiate the products from others competitors in the market. Moreover, it directly influences the consumers decisions of purchasing a products, the consumer said celebrity endorsements increase their confidence and opinion towards the products. for example Audi did a endorsement with jim timberlake to promote their Audi A1 which helped them gain a market share in the market. Audi offers better quality product than its competitors at a affordable price which differentiate their company from others. Pizza Express use facebook twitter instagram as a way of advertising their products and to expand their business also it help them to connect with people who are also interested in our products as well as it is a source of getting quick feedback it creates a relationship between their company and the consumer. Pizza Express convenience consumers by providing voucher services which is helping them to grow constantly month by month of the number who are using it.

Explanation of the benefits of the brand or brands to each business? the benefit of having a brand in business it allows you to charge more than original price for your product and services cause of the clear image of your brand also people will be willing to pay extra money because of the brand reputation moreover, it helps the company to build long term relationship between business and the consumer and consumer give you better understanding of who is buying your products as well as it allow businesses to engage new customers, the main benefit of having a strong brand so it allow to build negotiating power which gives an advantage with manufacturers.

How do the brand personalities appeal to you and other customers? Three descriptive word to describe the brand

To me brand personality refers to a set of human characteristics that are attributed to a brand name and it is something which people can relate to and a brand personality demonstrates sincerity when a consumer consider it as realistic honest and genuine. AUDI is described as comfortable because it offers a variety of products with a latest technology include like bluetooth tracking device to know where you car is and leather seats to make driver feel comfortable if he is going on long journeys as the other word i will use to describe sparkling cause it will attract more customer and it will create a desire in other

Task 3 promoting a brand

Name :Tarandeep Singh

people to buy their product and lastly unique because audi uses high quality products which make them different from their competitors

Similarities and differences between Pizza express and AUDI? differences are audi sells cars and pizza express sell pizza and other variety food Audi promote their products through celebrity endorsements whereas pizza hut promote their business through the consumers who buy their products similarities there both promote their businesses through tv advertisement they both promote their business through poster the both business put discounts on special occasion.



Audi business sells cars and Pizza express business sells Pizzas.

The two Business both promote their businesses using advertisements

Audi promote their business using celebrity endorsement but Pizza express promote themselves through people.

They both promote their business by putting up posters and using billboards.

Audi sometimes sale their product to other businesses but Pizza express does not sell their products to other companies.

The both Business will put discount to sale their product in a cheaper price.

They have different competitors to their business.

The two businesses have a website to promote their business

Audi The company Audi advertises to show off its products so mostly all the advertisement are mainly based around the product itself and its features which come with vehicle they also focus on showing the quality and sleek design of the vehicle by including shots outside the vehicle and inside the vehicle to show of the rich and luxurious interior and exterior of the product in all perception possible so the customer gets full understanding of what to expect with the product most advertisement which Audi company lacks narrative voice it always a focus on the vehicle and videos always action -packed. In other hand the company British airways mainly have slow moving seen in the advertisement with a narrative voice and in some occasion with comical narrative voice

Task 3 promoting a brand

Name :Tarandeep Singh

with the safety rules been shown in the advertisement to make it more entertaining for the views they also use celebrity endorsement to persuade the customer to choose their company....

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