Smoke R6 PDF

Title Smoke R6
Course General Chemistry
Institution Union University
Pages 12
File Size 408.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 142


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Rai nbow Si xWi ki 1, 689PAGES ADDNEW PAGE  SI EGE  QUARANTI NE  OTHERGAMES  EXPLORE SCUSS  DI i n: Pagesus i ngdupl i c at ear gument si nt empl at ec al l s ,Def ender ,Char act er sofT om Cl anc y ' sRai nbowSi x Si ege,Rai nbowOper at or s


eGr enade Nott obec onf us edwi t hSmok


What ' sy ourpoi son?

Gener ali nf or mat i on

RealName J amesPor t er Or gani z at i on

Rai nbow SAS Posi t i on De f ender Bi r t hpl ace London,Engl and( Ki ngsCr os s)

Dat eofbi r t h May14 Age 36 Hei ght 5' 8"( 1. 73m) Wei ght 154l bs( 70k g) Unl ock

1, 000 ( Pat hfinder ) Voi ceAct or Mar t i nSi ms Armor Rating

Speed Rating






" Iknowwhaty ou' r ewonder i ng." What ' si nt hec ani s t er ?"Icoul dt el ly a,butt henI ' dhav e t ok i l l y ou.Hehe.I ' m onl ymucki ngabout ,r el ax .Asf orwhat ' si nt hecani st er ,i t ' sbes ty ou don' task. " — Smok e

JamesPor t er ,codenamedSmoke,i saDef endi ngOper at orf eat ur edi nTom Cl anc y' sRai nbow Si xSi ege. Cont ent s 

 

   

Bi ogr aphy  Ps y chol ogi calPr ofil e  Ps y chol ogi calRepor t Gamepl ayDescr i pt i on St r at egi es  Sy ner gi es  Count er s Loadout  Devi ceEv al uat i on Quot es Tr i vi a Gal l er y  ConceptAr t  Model s  St i l l s  El i t e

  

 I cons Vi deo Pat chChanges Ref er ences

Bi ogr aphy JamesPor t erwasbor nonMay14atKi ngsCr ossi nLondon,Engl and.Por t erwasnotan ex cept i onalst udentgr owi ngupt houghapt i t udet es t sr ev eal edhi spr opensi t yf orsci ence. Encour agedbyf acul t yandhi spar ent s ,hewasabl et of ol l owanunor t hodoxmannerofeducat i on t hr ought ut or s ,homesc hool i ng,andfi el ds ci ence.Fl our i shi ngf r om hi sbr eakf r om f or mals t udi es, hequi ckl ydev el opedhi ss ki l l si nchemi st r y ,bi ol ogy ,andmat h.Dur i nghi sgapy ear ,Por t erwas i t i shAr myandf or ged uni nt er est edi npur sui ngaf or maluni v er si t yeducat i on.Heenl i st edi nt heBr af akeI Di nor dert oci r cumv entpar ent alconsent . f ast ,findi ngt hepost i ngt obeabi tdul l .I nt hewak eof Af t erbasi ct r ai ni ng,hewass t at i onedi nBel t heMar c h2007t r eat y,hej oi nedt heAr myBoxi ngTeam asami ddl ewei ght .Thought her i gi di t yof ar myr ul eswasn' tal way sagoodfit ,i twasoffsetbyt hedi v er ser angeoft r ai ni ngandexper i ences ar myl i f egav ehi m.Whi l ehehasbeenr epr i mandedf orbr eaki ngr ul es ,hi ssuper i or squi ckl y r ecogni z edbot hhi si nnov at i onands t r at egi cper spect i v e.Hewast henencour agedt oj oi n [ 1] t heSAS.

Ps y chol ogi cal Pr ofil e Por t eri sat hr i l ls eek erwi t hv er yl i t t l er egar df orhi sper sonalsaf et y .Hei sf ear l essi nbat t l eand canbeagr eatassetf ordef ensi v emaneuv er s .Howev er ,heseemst oenj oyt hehav ocandchaos ofwar .Het endst ohav eanoddsenseofhumori nst r ess f uls i t uat i ons.Canbenar ci ssi st i c.Por t er pr ef er st oacqui r eknowl edgeandski l l s,suchasl anguageandmusi c,i nhi sownwayanddoes notex celi naf or malt r ai ni ngcapaci t y .

Ps y chol ogi cal Repor t I t ' si mpor t antf ormet onothav eanypr econcei v edexpect at i onsbef or eaf acet of acewi t hany speci al i st .Si nceassessment sofSpeci al i stJames" Smok e"Por t erc ont ai nsomecont r adi ct i ons,I coul dn' thaveset t l edi nt oanyvi ewpoi ntanyway .Soes sent i al l yheent er edmyofficeas somewhatofamy s t er y .[ …] Por t eri sconsi st ent l ydescr i bedasdet ached.Ir ev i ewedhi sfi l esandf oundt hathi s" al oof ness" occur sdur i nghi ghi nt ensi t ysi t uat i ons .I t ' sl i k el ynotdet achment ,butf ocus .I ' mr emi ndedofmy uncl ewhousedt ot aphi sf or eheadandt el lmet omast ermymi nd.Por t er ,It hi nk ,i smas t erhi s mi ndt os t ayont as kandfil t eroutdanger ousdi st r act i ons.Hest r i v est okeepemot i onsawayf r om deci si onmaki ng,opt i ngf orout l et ssuchasl i v emusi cev ent st odepl et et het ensi on,t hus enabl i nghi mt obet heper sonheneedst obeont hej ob.[ …] I t ' scl eart hatPor t er ' spar ent sencour agedhi mt obeaf r eespi r i tanddev el ophi seducat i onand per sonal i t yonhi sownt er ms.Whi l ei tr esul t edi nsomeunf or t unat emi shaps-onesci ence exper i mentl ef tsomephy si calscar sbutnoemot i onalonest hatIcansee-t her ewasgr eat benefiti ni t .[ …]Por t er ' sf r eer angeeducat i onhel pedcr eat eacompl ex ,dy nami cper sonwhoi s n' t easi l ycat egor i z ed. Por t eri spopul aramonghi st eammat esandconsi der edv al uabl edespi t esomer eck l essness . Descr i pt i onss uchast hr i l l seek erandf ear l essseem s i mpl i s t i ct ome,howev er .Ther e' smor e nuancet oPor t ert hant hat .He' smeasur edandunder s t andscal cul at edr i sk s.Por t er-andour ot heroper at or s-under st andt hati t ' smor ei mpor t antt or espectf eart hant ot r yt opr et endwe nev erf eeli t .[ …] Sel f t aughtf r om anear l yage,Por t erc ont i nuest ospendt i mecul t i v at i nghi sowni dent i t y .He enj oy sac qui r i ngexper i encesandoncehe' smast er edt hem,mov eson.Theex cept i oni shi s adopt eddaught er .Hewoul donl ys har eonephot oofher .I ' v enev erseenani nf antsur r oundedby somuchdanger ouspar apher nal i a,butPor t erassur esmeshei snowi nhi ghschool ,ex cel l i ng wi t hi nt hes y s t em hehi msel fwasunabl et ocompr ehend.Thr oughher ,heseest hewor l di nnew way s-ex act l yt hek i ndofchal l engeheador es .

-Dr .Har i shva" Har r y"Pandey,Di r ect orofRai nbow[ 2]

Gamepl ayDescr i pt i on AMedi um Ar mor edOper at or ,Smok ei sequi ppedwi t ht hr eeCompoundZ8Remot eGas Gr enades ,r emot el ydet onat edgascani st er st hatwi l l damageandpossi bl yki l lwhoev eri tcomes i ncont actwi t h. 

 

  

GasGr enadesar et hr ownbySmok eands t i ckont osur f acest heyt ouch.Once act i vat ed,t heGr enadewi l lr el easeat oxi cgascl oudt hati s5met er si ndi amet er .  GasGr enadeshav eal i ghtt hr owi ngpr ofil esi mi l art oI mpact Gr enades.  GasGr enadescanbedet onat edanywher eatanyt i me.Howev er , t heonl yex cept i oni si faGasGr enadei ss t i l ldepl oy edaf t erSmok e di es.  Thegascl oudpr i mar i l yspr eadspar al l el t ot hesur f acet hatt he gr enadei sat t achedt o.Thecl oudwi l lnotspr eadper pendi cul ar l y , andwi l lnotspr eadt oar easbehi ndi t .  Li kenor malsmok egr enades,t heGasGr enadewi l lonl yl etpi ngi ng t ar gett hegascl oud.  Thegascl oudc anpasst hr oughwal l si ft hegasc l oudi scl ose enough.  TheGasGr enadei sanel ect r oni cgadget ,andcant husbe:  Det ect edbyI Q' sEl ect r oni csDet ect or  Di sabl edbyThat cher ' sEMPGr enades  Dest r oy edbydar t sfir edbyTwi t ch' sShockDr ones  Dest r oy edbygadget ss hock edbyBandi t ' sShock d' sEl ect r ocl aws Wi r esorKai Thegascl oudi sdar ky el l ow,andphysi cal l yact sl i k eaSmok eGr enadecl oud, bl ocki ngvi si oni nt hegi v enar ea. Thegascl ouddeal s15poi nt sofdamageev er yhal f second( 30poi nt sofdamage persecond) ,r egar dl essoft heOper at or ' sAr morandSpeedr at i ng.Agascl oudcan downanOper at oratf ul lheal t hi nj ustov ert hr eeseconds .  At t ack er sundert heeffect sofFi nka' sAdr enalSur gewi l lt ak edoubl e t hedamage( 60poi nt sofdamagepersecond)f r om t hegascl oud. Thi smeanst hatanOper at oratf ul lheal t hundert heeffect sof Adr enalSur gewi l lbedownedi nj us tt woseconds . Thegascl oudl ast s10secondsbef or edi ssi pat i ng. Ev enaf t ert hegasc l oudi sdi ssi pat edt hecl oudwi l ll i ngerf oracoupl eseconds af t erandonl yobscur emi ni malvi si on. Smok ei st heonl yOper at ori mmunet ot hegascl oud;al lot herchar act er s, i ncl udi ngAt t ack er s ,Def ender s ,t heHos t age,andWhi t eMas ks,wi l lt akedamage i nsi det hegasc l oud.

St r at egi es 

TheGasGr enades' l i ghtt hr owi ngpr ofil emeanst hatt heycanbet hr ownqui ckand f ar ,al l owi ngt hem t obeeasi l yt ossedanddet onat edi nafir efight .

Sy ner gi es 

Smok ewor k swel lwi t hot herDef ender swhohav eBar bedWi r ei nt hei rar senal . Thi sr educt i oni nmov ementspeeds i mul t aneousl yi ncr easeshi sGasGr enades' effect i v enessast hevi ct i mss t r uggl et oescapef r om t hegascl oudf ur t her . Smok ewor k swel lwi t hFr ost ' sWel comeMat .TheWel comeMat ' svi ct i msar e unabl et omovewhi l eSmok e' sGasGr enadesfini sht hej ob.

Count er s 

 

Duet oSmoke' sGasGr enadesut i l i zi ngar emot econt r olt odet onat e,i ti s suscept i bl et ot hes amedi sadv ant agesasot herel ect r oni cgadget s .  That c heri sabl et odi sabl eanyGasGr enadet hathasy ett odet onat e wi t hhi sEMPGr enadesf oradur at i onof10seconds .  Twi t ch' sShockDr onecanscoutf oranyGasGr enadeanddest r oyi t f r om asaf edi s t ance  I Q canfi ndanddest r oyt heGasGr enadeswi t hherEl ect r oni cs Scanner . Al t houghnoti mmedi at ecount er st ot heGasGr enades,Li ghtAr mor edOper at or s ar eabl et oescapet heGasqui ck ert hant heot hert woAr morTypes. Zer o' sAr gusCamer al aser scandest r oyGasGr enades ,i fwi t hpr eci si onandqui ck t i mi ng.

Loadout Loadout




Submachine Gun Shotgun


P226 Mk 25


Handgun Machine Pistol


 Deployable Shield x 1  Barbed Wire x 2

Remote Gas Grenade x 3 Compound Z8 Grenade

" Set sr emot edet onat edt oxi cgaschar ges" — CompoundZ8Gr enadeDes cr i pt i on

Por t err eques t edapor t abl edef encesy st em t hatcoul ddel i v ert hemostdamaget oi nt r uder si na t ar get edar ea.Fashi onedwi t har emot edet onat or ,Por t ercanvi ewt her esul t sf r om adi st ance. Themi nesar efi l l edwi t hacol l ect i onofbi ol ogi calsubst ances ,t hatont hei rownar ei ner t ,but whencombi ned,haveamor ev ol at i l eeffect .Ther esul t i ngconcoct i oni ncapaci t at esany one exposedt oi t .

Devi ceEv al uat i on

Devi ce:CompoundZ8Gr enades Oper at or :Speci al i stJames" Smok e"Por t er uTz e" Lesi on"Longwi t hSpeci al i stJames" Smok e"Por t er Ev al uat i onLead:Speci al i stLi

Cont r ol l edt es t soft heCompoundZ8Gr enader equi r edanumberofmeasur esi ncl udi ngl i mi t i ng t hepr esenceofl abper sonnel t oonl yt hemostcr i t i cal .St r i ctr ul essur r oundi ngt hePPEdi sposal ( per s onalpr ot ect i v eequi pment )andpr ot ocol sf orhaz ar dshadt obemai nt ai nedatal lt i mes. Ev ent hought hef aci l i t yi sst at eof t hear t ,addi t i onalpr ecaut i onar ymeasur eswer er equi r ed bef or et es t i ngcoul dbegi n. TheCompoundZ8Gr enademi xt ur e' si ncapaci t at i ngagent sar ec ompr i sedof-( subs t ancesar e cl assi fiedandsohav ebeenr edact edf r om t hi sdocumentbyt heor deroft heDi r ect orof ) .Assuch,t hepr esenceofSpeci al i s tJamesPor t erandSpeci al i s t Resear chandDev el opment Li uTz eLongi sr equi r edatal lt i mes ,i ncl udi ngf oranyf ut ur et est i ng. Fi r stt es t swer ebasi cdat agat her i ng,i ncl udi ngt hes t r uct ur ali nt egr i t yanddesi gnoft hecani st er s, aswel lasdepl oymentt i mi ngandr angeofeffect .Ev al uat i onal soi ncl udedaser i esoft es t st o measur eexposur egui dancel ev el s ,andwher eneces sar y ,ant i dot ecompoundsar ebei ng r ev i ewedaswel l .Dat ar esul t sar est i l lbei ngpr ocessedandwi l lbeat t achedwhent hey' r er eady . -Lesi onandSmok e

Quot es ExpandSmoke's Quotes

Tr i vi a 

Smok e' sor i gi nal dat eofbi r t hwasor i gi nal l ys t at edt obeonMay14,1990.The y earwasl at erchangedt o1981wi t ht her el easeoft hegame. [ 3]Aswi t hal l oper at or s ,hi sy earofbi r t hhass i ncebeenr emov ed. Smok ej oi nedt heAr myBoxi ngTeam asami ddl ewei ghtwhenhewass t at i oned f ast .Ther easonf ort hi swasfi ndi nghi spostdul li nt hewak eoft heMar ch i nBel 2007t r eat y. [ 4]  Smok e' sownboxi ngexper i encei swhatal l owedhi m andThat chert obe SOper at orAdr i ano" Maest r o" sel ect edf orpot ent i alat t empt st oanchorGI os t ayi nRai nbow,gi vent hel at t er ' shi s t or yofwander l ustand Mar t el l ot t endenc yt ol eav eonceher eachesagoal .I nSmok e' scase,bei ngt he mor eexper i encedbox erbet weenhi m andMaest r oal l owst hel at t ert of ul fil l hi st endencyt ot ak eont askst hathemayl i k el yf ai lat ,ashi sownboxi ng exper i encei sr oot edi nhi schi l dhoodwi t hboxi ngwi t ht heRomany . [ 5] Smok eandThat chert eamedupandj oi nedf or ceswi t hSDUOper at orLi u" Lesi on" Tz eLongont hel at t er ' sfi r stoper at i on,Oper at i onGr eenVi per .Uponcompl et i onof t hemi ssi on,t het wohel pedcel ebr at eLesi on' sfir sts uccess f ulmi s si onwi t han [ 6] ext r adayi nMacau,fil i ngt heev entasanoffdut ybonus. Smok e' soper at ori coni savai l abl easapr omot i onali t em i nSt eep.

Gal l er y ConceptAr t Smok e' st r ai l erc onceptar t

Smok e' sconc eptar t


Model s Smok e( Sc ul ptc ol or ed)

Smok e( Sc ul ptbase)

Smok e( I ngame)

Smok e' sar medwi t hanFMG9

Smok ear medwi t hanM590A1


Smok ear medwi t hanFMG9( Vel v etShel l )

Smok ear medwi t hanM590A1( Vel v etShel l )

Smok ear medwi t hanFMG9( Bl oodOr c hi d)

Bl oodOr c hi d) Smok ear medwi t hanM590A1(

Smok ear medwi t hanFMG9( Whi t eNoi s e)

Whi t eNoi s e) Smok ear medwi t hanM590A1(


St i l l s

Smok e( I nGamear t wor k )

Smok e( Chi bi )

Smok ei nt heBushi doSet

Smok ei nt heMambaBundl e

Smok ei nt heWat c h_Dogs2Set

Mut e,Smok e,Sl edgeandThat c heri nt heScor chedHeadgearBundl e

Smok ei nt heY2S3Pr oLeagueSet

Mut e,That cher ,Sl edgeandSmok ei nt heBl i z z ar dBundl e

GasCani s t erbef or eandaf t er


El i t e Sangui neAr s eni c

Smok eEl i t eposi ngwi t hGasCani s t er

Conc eptAr tf ort heSmok eEl i t e

Conc eptAr tf ort heSmok eEl i t e

Rai nbow Si xSi egeSmokeEl i t eSet-New ont heSi xUbi sof tNA


I cons Smok e' sBet aI con

Smok e' sSi mpl i fi edI c on


Vi deo Rai nbow Si xSi ege-Oper at orOnboar di ng-I nt r oduci ngSmoke-Ubi sof tNA-

Rai nbow Si xSi ege-Oper at orPr ofil eSMOKE0


Pat chChanges      

Update 4.3.0; September 11, 2019 Patch: Impact Grenades are replaced with a Deployable Shield. Update 3.1.0; March 3, 2018 Patch: Renown price removed. Update 2.3.0; September 5, 2017 Patch: Model optimized. Update 2.2.1; June 6, 2017 Patch: Hitbox reworked. Update 5.2; December 15, 2016 Patch: Gas Grenade throwing profile increased. Update 3.0; May 10, 2016 Patch: Nitro Cell is replaced with Impact Grenades.

Ref er ences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

↑Smok e' sI ngameBI O >BACKGROUNDsect i on ↑Smok e' sI ngameBI O >PSYCHOLOGI CALPROFI LEsect i on ↑Smok e' sI ngameBI O( Pr ePat ch3. 1. 2) ↑Smok e' sI ngameBI O >RELEVANTEXPERI ENCEs ect i on ↑Maes t r o' sI ngameBI O >PSYCHOLOGI CALPROFI LEsect i on ↑Oper at i onBl oodOr chi d-Oper at or :Lesi on( 雷) Operators of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Pathfin Recruit · Ash · Bandit · Blitz · Castle · Doc · Fuze · Glaz · IQ · Jäger · Kapkan · Montagne ders Smoke · Tachanka · Thatcher · Thermite · Twitch Year 1

Blackbeard · Buck · Capitão · Caveira · Echo · Frost · Hibana · Valkyrie

Year 2

Dokkaebi · Ela · Jackal · Lesion · Mira · Vigil · Ying · Zofia

Year 3

Alibi · Clash · Finka · Kaid · Lion · Maestro · Maverick · Nomad

Year 4

Amaru · Goyo · Gridlock · Kali · Mozzie · Nøkk · Wamai · Warden

Year 5

Ace · Iana · Melusi · Oryx · Zero

Cat egor i es:  Pagesusi ngdupl i cat ear gument si nt empl at ecal l s  Def ender  Char act er sofTom Cl ancy' sRai nbowSi xSi ege  Rai nbowOper at or s Communi t ycont enti sav ai l abl eunderCCBYSAunl essot her wi senot ed.

RecentWi kiAct i vi t y

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