Sociology 1001 CU Portfolio Assignment PDF

Title Sociology 1001 CU Portfolio Assignment
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 5
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To be able to make sense of real-life experiences through a sociological perspective
· To get to know the student services and opportunities available on campus
· To experience some of the intellectually enriching opportunities on campus that are available outside of the cla...


SOCIOLOGY 1001: CU Portfolio Assignment Prof. Davidson, Fall 2019

Learning Objectives: · To be able to make sense of real-life experiences through a sociological perspective · To get to know the student services and opportunities available on campus · To experience some of the intellectually enriching opportunities on campus that are available outside of the classroom · To set-up a cuPortfolio that can be used, maintained, added to throughout your studies at Carleton · To develop concise writing skills · To individualize and take ownership over your learning experiences · To reflect on your ongoing learning taking place throughout this semester Task: · Throughout the term you are required to engage with other talks and activities going on at Carleton, or in Ottawa, and think about these activities using some of the concepts learned in SOCI 1001. You can also choose to access student services, engage with student associations and clubs, or choose the other tasks detailed below. · For each task, make a post on your CUPortfolio that details 1) what you did and 2) how sociological thinking can help you understand that experience, or 3) how that experience helped you achieve one of the learning objectives detailed in the syllabus for this course. · You will hand in your portfolio twice throughout the term. The final portfolio will be assessed in its entirety, and it’s expected that you will have engaged with the feedback you receive on your midterm portfolio.

· Bolded activities are mandatory, the rest of your portfolio can be a combination of the other options · For each activity, you must: write a short reflection on that activity that connects the activity to something you are learning, or skills you are developing in SOCI 1001 · Your Portfolio will be marked on: o Ambition (i.e. try to do a variety of things) o Engagement with sociological ideas o Writing style (free from errors, well-organized) o Visual presentation— be creative! Feel free to include images, links, etc. Midterm Portfolio: 10%, due: October 16th, by midnight

· Statement of your own learning objectives for SOCI 1001 (2%) The most important learning objectives to me personally and potentially professionally would be developed note taking skills.The reason for this is because it will help me in the future become a better Social Worker because I will be able to take notes of important facts and key points that my client has stated. Also it will help me be more precise for client intake and assessments. The previous knowledge and skills I will draw on to help me achieve these learning objectives are my skilled from Algonquin College Social Service Worker program. Note taking is always necessary and important to maintain and become better. My own own learning objectives for this course that reflect your experiences and scholarly aspirations would be to develop questions about the readings and course. · Three of the following ‘artifacts’: Before I saw this newspaper topic I knew of cultural appropriation. I did not know of Justin Trudeau’s past with showing blackface. What I have learned after reading the newspaper is that Justin Trudeau current Prime Minister had a photo released with his face and hands painted brown and standing by women during an “Arabian Nights” party, when he was a 29-year-old teacher at the West Point Grey Academy in Vancouver. This lead to many doubts about the Prime Minister and his values and beliefs and where he stands for inclusion and cultural acceptance. People around the country have given options of whether or not they believe they knew the Prime Minister's intentions. After this photos surfaced the Prime Minister has released an apology. I believe the ideas from SOCI 1001 that can help myself make sense of what I learned is white privilege “refers to the fact that dominant groups are often accept their experience as the normative (and hence, superior) experience” (Little 2014, p. 333). To me I believe Trudeau showed his white privilege, being a 29 year old having your father be the former Prime Minister in my opinion I think he knew what he was doing when he put the effort to “dress up” in this attire. He made the conscious choice to dress up in such a way and it showed his mockery of a race and culture. Trudeau believed his white sick was normative and he was able to dress up as a different race no matter the consequences.

I did not know a lot about the Climate Strike before I saw some posters up around Carleton University for a strike that was happening on September 27th 2019. I decided to attend the strike because after further research into the topic I learned that it was a world Climate Strike on September 27th 2019 and not only in Ottawa but all over the country and the world. Something that I learned at the strike was this event was happening because of Greta Thunberg. Greta is a 16 year old climate activist from Sweden, she has been

protesting for climate action across the world. I believe this aligns with the topic of macro-level sociology, the definition “The study of society-wide social structures and processes”(Little, 2014). This strike is macro-level because it is something that is happening to the whole world. I also believe it can tie into moral development “The way people learn what is''good” and ''bad” in society” (Little, 2014). The reason the Climate Strike ties into moral development is because we learn from a young age littering the environment is “bad” yet many people do it anyways, however once we learn about a protest and going to the protest is “good” so we all get on the bandwagon and join in.The participation in this event affects my relationship to the Carleton University student community because it helped me connect as a transfer student I was able to bus along side of all other pactionate students wanting change. If you follow a “further research” link in the textbook:

What inspired me to follow this ‘further research’ link is that I was hoping this link would greaten my understanding of the topic of “what is Sociology”. The further resursh link I followed was on page 46 in Chapter 1 of the Introduction to Sociology - 2nd Canadian Edition by William Little. I found this link helped to better my understanding of the assigned textbook reading and lecture because it went into further examples of what Sociology is and how we are apart of Sociology. This link did inspire further investigations because on the link on the side there is more information on other topics we covered in class such as race and culture.

CU Portfolio Midterm Assessment

Set-up CUPortfolio and statement of learning objectives (2)

Not Attempted (0)

Beginning (.5)

Developing (1)

Competent (1.5)

Exemplary (2)

did not submit a portfolio

Portfolio is set-up, but does not have clearly named “sections”, or an “about me” section, or learning objectives

Portfolio is set up with sections, no “about me” section

Portfolio is set-up with appropriate sections Includes an “about me” statement

Portfolio is set-up with appropriate sections Includes an “about me” statement

There is no statement of personal learning objectives

Learning objectives are ok, but do not reflect a thoughtful engagement with the syllabus

Learning objectives are thoughtful, and demonstrate a careful reading of the syllabus

Not attempted (1)

Beginning (.25)

Developing (.5)

Competent (.75)

Exemplary (1)

Style (1)

Always conveys meaning unclearly due to many grammar and/or spelling errors.

Often conveys meaning unclearly due to many grammar and/or spelling errors.

Sometimes conveys meaning unclearly due to grammatical or spelling errors.

Often conveys meaning clearly, with few grammatical or spelling errors.

Always conveys meaning clearly, with no grammatical or spelling errors.

Artifact Analysis

Not attempted (0-.75)

Beginning (.75-1.5)

Developing (1.5-2)

Competent (2-2.75)

Exemplary (2.75- 3)

Artifact 1 Analysis of Experience (3)

Does not describe experience or provide insight or interpretation.

Describes experience.

Describes experience and provides limited insight and interpretation.

Provides interpretation and insight into experience. Identifies alternative viewpoints and contextualizes experience.

Provides in-depth interpretation and insight into experience. Synthesize connections between experience and course content to deepen understanding of sociological perspectives/theories/conce pts.

Artifact 2 Analysis of Experience (3)

Does not describe experience or provide insight or interpretation.

Describes experience.

Describes experience and provides limited insight and interpretation.

Provides interpretation and insight into experience. Identifies alternative viewpoints and contextualizes experience.

Provides in-depth interpretation and insight into experience. Synthesize connections between experience and course content to deepen understanding of sociological perspectives/theories/conce pts.

Artifact 3 (3) Analysis of

Does not describe experience or

Describes experience.

Describes experience and provides

Provides interpretation and insight

Provides in-depth interpretation and insight


Total= /12

provide insight or interpretation.

limited insight and interpretation.

into experience. Identifies alternative viewpoints and contextualizes experience.

into experience. Synthesize connections between experience and course content to deepen understanding of sociological perspectives/theories/conce pts....

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