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NASEERDomestic ViolenceAgainst Women inLahore, PAKISTAN.USAMA NASEER 18L-AHMED RIAZ 18L-PAKISTAN.] October 9, 2019AbstractDomestic violence remains an enormous social problem both in a rural and urban areas and its increasing at a very alarming rate. Domestic Violence includes Violence against men a...


Domestic Violence Against Women in Lahore, PAKISTAN. NASEER




Abstract Domestic violence remains an enormous social problem both in a rural and urban areas and its increasing at a very alarming rate. Domestic Violence includes Violence against men and women but as we are talking precisely about the Pakistani culture and society and in this society woman is more suffered through the domestic violence. In our society violence against woman is considered as a private or family issue without any proper judgment, intervention, and the solutions. Therefore, women have to bear violence on daily basis due to the misusage of social customs and religious norms. This research contains a brief introduction of the concepts of domestic violence. Then there are the literature reviews of previous researches. Then there is a hypotheses section which is tested in this study by using a qualitative research method (online survey) and to analyze the data Microsoft Software is used (MS-WORD, EXCEL). Some solutions with respect to the Islamic norms are also presented. Lastly, the conclusions and some recommendations are presented for the future studies.



Contents INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................3 Definition Of the problem...........................................................................................................................3 Review of the literature...............................................................................................................................4 Formulating of hypotheses......................................................................................................................7 Planning the research design And Data Collection..................................................................................7 Analyze the data......................................................................................................................................7 Factors leading to the domestic violence..................................................................................................11 Solution from the ISLAMIC Point of View..................................................................................................12 Conclusions................................................................................................................................................13 Recommendations.....................................................................................................................................13 Bibliography...............................................................................................................................................14




Domestic violence is a very sensitive issue also termed as Family violence, spousal violence, and domestic abuse. According to a research conducted in the past about 70-90%. ladies in Pakistan have experienced diverse type of maltreatment. Around 5000 ladies are murdered each year and a large number of other crippled.There are no boundaries of the violence against the women and it covers all types of abuse which includes physical psychological and sexual abuse. Domestic violence has very bad effects on family and on society and it also give birth too many other social problems including fear, anxiety, depression, stress, suicide attempts, drug addiction and many other problem(s).

In Pakistan, domestic violence is become an long lasting issue and it is increasing every next day at a very alarming rate. It has been found that physical and verbal abuses are more commonly done by the intimate partner or by the family members or by in–laws against women irrespective of her socio- economic background and literacy level.

Many NGO’S, Mass Media platforms and research articles have highlighted this issue but there is no adequate study to address this issue with a proper and accurate profile till yet.

Definition Of the problem  As characterized by the World Health Organization, aggressive behavior at home envelops physical and mental trouble including sexual coercive acts towards essentially ladies by a present or previous male personal accomplice.  According to Pakistani Senate characterizes abusive behavior at home as including, "all demonstrations of sexual orientation based and other physical or mental maltreatment submitted by a respondent against ladies, kids or other powerless people …[CITATION Pak12 \l 2057 ]

Aggressive behavior at home is the damaging conduct utilized by one individual so as to command over the other in any relationship. It increases over time and become more severe and frequent 3

[DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN.] October 9, 2019 Domestic violence is of many types:  

Physical: Use of force that result in some physical injury example hitting. Sexual: Threating or forcing a person for having sex.

Verbal: Verbal abuse is the act of criticizing or insulting by one person to other.

Review of the literature  According to [CITATION Dom \l 2057 ], it is estimated that 70-90% women of Pakistan suffered from the domestic violence. There is no legal recourse for them. Law implementing forces did not see domestic violence as a crime. Given the very few shelters victims has a less ability to escape from the situations. The more common practices in our society of domestic violence are:  Acid tossing  Bride burnings  Dowry demise  Honor murdering  Forced premature birth  Forced marriage  Forced pregnancy  Forced prostitution

Lisa Hajjar, a Professor at California University A normal 5000 women are executed each year from harsh conduct at home, with many others harmed or disabled. Lisa Hajjar, depicts abuse against women in Pakistan as "endemic in each group of friends”[ CITATION lii04 \l 2057 ]

Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences In an observational appraisal spread in the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences dependent on a "comfort" preliminary of 218 ladies in the gynecology wards of three emergency offices, 97% of the talked with ladies said they had been difficulties of some sort of strike, going from verbal abuse, to being introduced to beatings or nonconsensual sex



Dowry deaths by United Nations in Pakistan According to the United Nations one of the main components of aggressive behavior at home is the Dowry system and due to this there are many deaths occurred in Pakistan. If the women is unable of providing the demanded dowry by her in laws would often killed or murdered. Untill 1990 the number of women who killed because of this violence is approximately 1800 from 800 in 1988.

Strategy paper According to a strategy paper out of every 5 women 4 are the victims of some form of abuse.

Newspaper in Lahore A Women's news reported that over the last 7-8 years approximately 4000 women had been attacked and out of them 30% is pregnant and the average age was 18-35 at the time of their death in the Islamabad surroundings.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan detailed that around four ladies are killed on daily basis, by either relatives or spouses. Shahnaz Bukhari runs the Progressive Women's Association in the capital of Pakistan, has said " Either Pakistan is home to had stoves which consume just youthful housewives, and are especially attached to genitalia, or taking a gander at the recurrence with which these rates happen there is an inauspicious example that these ladies are casualties of intentional homicide”.

Acid attack in Pakistan Corrosive assaults in Pakistan increases universal consideration after the arrival of a narrative by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy called Saving Face (2012).Various reasons have been gave for such assaults, similar to a young lady dressing not reasonably or dismissing a proposition of wedding. the essential striking occurrence of Associate in Nursing corrosive assault supposed in East Pakistan in 1967. in venture with the Acid Survivors Foundation, up to one hundred fifty assaults happen every year. the motivation reports that the assaults square measure normally the outcome in Associate 5

[DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN.] October 9, 2019 in Nursing consequences of residential maltreatment, and in this manner most of unfortunate casualties square measure ladylike.

Aurat Foundation, Lahore According to the report presented by aurat Foundation of Lahore , 248 cases of violence were reported in Lahore, And approximately 1500 cases in all over the Punjab (Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Sargodha, Multan, Okara, Chakwal, Khanewal, Vehar and Muzaffarabad)were reported.

The News (Pakistan) ‘The News’, the statistics shows that 69% of VAW in Pakistan were from Punjab with Lahore among the 15 districts.

Formulating of hypotheses “Due to the shortage of the awareness of women’s right”. Many people are not aware with the rights of women so, it can be a reason for the Domestic violence.

Planning the research design And Data Collection The targeted audience is 30 people or more. The audience will be the students and working persons. 6

[DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN.] October 9, 2019 The Qualitative research method (online survey) will be used by which the hypotheses will be tested and the data will be collected

Analyze the data For analyzing Microsoft excel tool is used and here are the statistical findings

1.Les s awar enes s of women' s r i ght s i s i ndependent of mi s c oncept i onofI s l ami ct eac hi ngsaboutmen' sr i ghtonwomen.


Weaks oc i oeconomi cbac k gr oundofwomen gi v est hewayt o t hevi ol enc eagai nsther sel f .

3.Hav ey ouev erexper i enc edt hedomes t i cv i ol ence ?



4.Dowoman' sec onomi cdependenceonmancanbear eas onof domes t i cv i ol ence ?

5.Doy ou t hi nkdr ugaddi c t i on cont r i but et ot he v i ol enceagai ns t woman?



6.Canwomanbear eas onofdomes t i cvi ol ence ?

7.Do y ou t hi nk i nc r eased ur bani z at i on i sa f act orofdomes t i c v i ol ence ?

8.Doy out hi nkc hi l dmar r i agei saf ac t orofdomes t i cv i ol ence ?



9.Mai nr eas onf ordomes t i cvi ol encei s !

10. Suppose y ou ar ef ac i ng domest i cv i ol ence.Fr om whi c h s i dey out hi nky ouwi l l gethel p.

Factors leading to the domestic violence Domestic violence is linked with numerous numbers of causes and factors in the developed and undeveloped areas of Pakistan. The factors includes “daily conflicts, family connected issues, decision/call disagreements, alternative preferences, low economic standings of women, deficiency of familiarity with ladies' privileges and absence of the administration support, under 18 years age marriage. It is evident that the household resources, socioeconomic dependence on marriage, household income, lack of education, and negative attitude towards divorce causes severe physical abuse of women. The husband and in-laws penetrate verbal and physical abuse of female due to infertility, financial status, not having a son, husband being addicted to drugs, dowry issues, and disobeying in-laws, and arguing with them. Likewise, gender inequality leads to sexual abuse/ assault. Other notable factors that make women helpless against domestic violence are misinterpretations of


[DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN.] October 9, 2019 Islamic thoughts. , misuse of women, honor killing and poverty, unjust traditional dowry system, the ancient traditions including exchange marriages, marriage with Quran, and wattasatta”.

Solution from the ISLAMIC Point of View To be sure Islam is a finished code of life for all the people around the globe especially for the Muslims and most of Muslim societies preferred Islamic approach. However, the culture impacts leads t violate the values not only of religion but of society and of the rights of women as well. Keeping in view this, some Islamic teaching is presented as a possible solution of these problems.

 Islam teaches us about the lesson of dignity and honor of women by assigning a great honor and dignity to the woman in the form of Mother Sister Wife Daughter for their protection and care of any kind of violence. o For instance the Qur’an highlights the dignity of wife as “Furthermore, among His signs is this, that He made for your spouses from among yourselves, that you may discover rest in them, and He has put between you friendship and kindness, Verily in that are to be sure signs for individuals who reflect” (Sura Ar-Rūm: 30/ 21.) o And our beloved HOLY PROPHET (PBUH) highlights the respect and honor of wife as “The best of you is the person who is ideal to his significant other.( Ṣa ḥī ḥ al-Bukhārī, 8/ 21.) o “The most complete of the adherents to confidence is the one with the best character among them. What's more, the best of you are the individuals who are ideal to your ladies”.(Sunan Ibn Mājah, 3/ 131)


[DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN.] October 9, 2019  Islam teaches about the equal status of men and women as Almighty ALLAH said in the QUR’AN “Also, the individuals who disturb accepting people undeservedly, they bear (on themselves) the wrongdoing of defamation and plain sin.”( Sura Al-Ahzāb: 33/ 58).  Islam teaches us about establishing reciprocal responsibilities and rights of male and female as it is illustrated by our beloved Holy PROPHET (PBUH) : o For men: “The man is a watchman of his family and liable for his charges”(Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, 3/ 420) o

For women: "A lady is a gatekeeper of her significant other's home and answerable for her charges,”(Ṣ aḥ īḥ al-Bukhārī,420)

 The Islamic teachings also prohibits about the Honor killings, karo-kari, wani, and waatta-satta marriages o And it is also highlighted in the QUR’AN “In the event that anybody slaughtered an individual not in connection of homicide, or to spread Mischief in the land, it would be as though he murdered all humankind, and in the event that anybody spared a real existence, it would be as though he Save the life of all humankinds”. as a dignity of human life.( Sura Al-Midah: 5/ 32.)

 Islamic teachings provide the best solutions to infertility issues. o For instance, the Qur’an clearly states,"He [Allah] gives female (posterity) upon whom He wills, and offers male (posterity) uponwhom He wills. Or then again He presents the two guys and females, and He renders infertile whom He wills”.(Sura Ash-Shūra: 42/ 49–50.)



Conclusions After the whole study we come up with this conclusion that there are several factors of domestic violence which are gender discrimination, lack of women power in the society, the financial pressure, the stress, the in-laws etc but the main reason is the lack of awareness of the women’s rights according to the attempt audience. Other conclusion are that 20%of our attempted audience thinks that the government is taking actions against domestic violence while the rest of audience thinks that there is lack or no support from the government In this regard. According to the survey 21% people think that the women is the reason for domestic violence while48% of the people think that the women is not the reason violence and rest 34% are not sure about this. The 89% people of the attempted audience thinks that woman’s socio economic background gives the way to the domestic violence against herself while rest of audience don’t think the same. The 90% people agrees that the drug addiction causes domestic violence while the rest of the 10% don’t think the same.70% of the people think that parents are the people from whom they get the help in case of domestic violence while10% think that they will get the help from the government and their friends each. And the rest audience thinks they will get the help from the society and siblings.

Recommendations  Muslim society should address the women’s rights in Islam on regular basis from their platforms and the consequences of committing such activities that minimize the intensity of the domestic violence.  Youngsters of Pakistan should be encouraged to get the awareness of religious perspectives on the family life and will be supportive in managing martial relationship.  Islamic teachings addressing women’s dignity, honor, respect, rights, and responsibilities should be introduced on a large scale in the rural and urban areas of Pakistan.  Pakistani NGOs and other welfare organizations should make efforts for public awareness about domestic violence by conducting community programs and workshops in rural and urban community.  The electronic media should provide awareness about women’s rights to eradicate domestic violence.


[DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN.] October 9, 2019  . There should be enforcement of laws relating to women’s rights. The legal aid and support should be considered in time to prevent and control the severe forms of domestic violence and to protect women’s life and their honor.

Bibliography (21/30), SURAH Al-Rum hajjar, l. (2004). human righrs watch. %20Violence%20in%20Pakistan.pdf senateof Pakistan (2012). "Domestic Violence Prevention and Protection Act". WHO. (2005). Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against Women. . (review of literature ).


[DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN.] October 9, 2019 (Aurat foundation) ( The News). ( violence against women in Pakistan )


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