Sophia Learning Milestone 2 Unit Challenge PDF

Title Sophia Learning Milestone 2 Unit Challenge
Author Lisa Wheeler
Course History
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 9
File Size 227.5 KB
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Sophia Learning Milestone 2 Unit Challenge...


Sophia Learning Milestone 2 US History I 1 Read the quotation about a vision for American society after the American Revolution. “Whereas the traffic of White people, heretofore countenanced by [New York] while under the arbitrary control of the British Government, is contrary to the feelings of a number of respectable Citizens, and to the idea of liberty this country [the United States] has so happily established." According to this speaker, which American value is contradicted by the indentured servitude of white Europeans? 

Diversity 

Democracy 

Religious toleration 

Natural equality CONCEPT Think About It: What Did the American Revolution Mean? 2 Followers of the Enlightenment in England and its colonies believed that power must be __________ to best protect individual liberty. 

destroyed 

absolute 

balanced 


Sophia Learning Milestone 2 US History I

CONCEPT The Enlightenment and the Colonies 3 Which of the following quotations—from documents associated with the American, French and Haitian revolutions—exemplifies social contract theory? 

“The demands of the citizens may always tend toward maintaining the constitution and the general welfare.” 

"The Independence of St. Domingo is proclaimed. Restored to our primitive dignity, we have asserted our rights; we swear never to yield them to any power on earth..." 

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another..." 

“Oh! Landholders of St. Domingo, wandering in foreign countries by proclaiming our independence, we do not forbid you, indiscriminately, from returning to your property...”

CONCEPT The American Revolution in a Global Context 4 How had royal officials in other colonies prevented riots similar to the Boston Tea Party? 

By paying the required taxes out of their own pockets because of coercion from colonists. 

By dispatching larger numbers of soldiers to guard their ports and prevent riots. 

By forcing merchants to turn back to England before tea could be unloaded and taxed. 

Sophia Learning Milestone 2 US History I By requiring merchants to unload their tea and pay taxes before vigilantes could get to it.

CONCEPT Boston Tea Party 5 Which element was a key tenet of the Great Awakening? 

The idea that people are not as sinful as previously thought 

The idea that individuals play a role in their own salvation 

The idea that religion needs a strong, central authority 

The idea that revolution was the only way to change society

CONCEPT Growth of the Colonies 6 What was the Currency Act of 1764 meant to accomplish? 

To reduce tension and establish peaceful relations between colonists and natives 

To stabilize the imperial economy by increasing British control of the colonial economy 

To increase penalties for smugglers by taking away their right to trial by jury 

To reduce smuggling by making compliance with the Navigation Acts easier

Sophia Learning Milestone 2 US History I

CONCEPT The Aftermath of the French and Indian War 7 How did Britain respond to colonial protests against the Townshend Acts? 

By sending four thousand additional troops to Boston 

By repealing all of the acts because of the boycott on British goods 

By allowing smugglers to be tried in front of a jury of their peers 

By increasing enforcement of the Acts and adding new taxes CONCEPT The Townshend Acts and Protest 8 George Washington was an important figure in the Revolutionary War. Select the statement that correctly identifies him. 

“I arrived in America as a volunteer, but was soon promoted to an officer’s position in the Continental Army.” 

“I realized that to defeat the British in the south, I had to divide my troops, and the strategy worked.” 

"I led my troops across the Delaware River to Trenton, New Jersey, on an early morning raid the day after Christmas." 

Sophia Learning Milestone 2 US History I “I transferred 15,000 troops to the Chesapeake Bay and moved to take Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.”

CONCEPT The American War for Independence, 1775 - 1783 9 Which of the following was a reason why the French posed a challenge to English colonial dominance in North America? 

They built forts and missions with the support of Spanish missionaries to increase their influence, and to protect themselves from English invasion. 

They led uprisings that threatened the economy and the social order in the English colonies. 

They sustained strong ties with indigenous people whose lands bordered English colonies. 

They engaged in simultaneous negotiations with several European powers to protect their access to lands around the Great Lakes.

CONCEPT The Challenges to the English Empire 10 Which of the following statements best reflects the gang system of labor, from a slave's perspective? 

“We maintain the crops from planting until harvest, working long days every day of the week.” 

“We are allowed to hunt and fish after our tasks are done, which allows us to sustain ourselves.”

Sophia Learning Milestone 2 US History I 

“After completing our tasks, we often gather to continue our traditional African customs.” 

“This is the preferred method of labor here in Georgia and South Carolina.”

CONCEPT Think About It: What Was the Importance of Slavery to the Colonies? 11 On what ground did the American colonists oppose the Stamp Act? 

All people, regardless of their nation, have a right to representational government. 

All Englishmen had a constitutional right to representation in matters of taxation. 

Parliament had no right to overrule decisions by the legislative bodies in the colonies. 

One nation (Britain) does not have the right to tax citizens of another (America).

CONCEPT The Stamp Act 12 Based on Olaudah Equiano's experiences as a slave, which of the following statements is true? 

Slave hunters sought strong young men and women of child-bearing age. 

Slaves were usually pre-purchased and delivered directly to their new owners in the Americas.

Sophia Learning Milestone 2 US History I 

African traders, European merchants and American plantation owners all profited from the slave trade. 

Historians estimate that nearly twenty million Africans were captured and transported to the Americas.

CONCEPT American Slavery from an African Perspective 13 Which of the following actions directly provoked the French and Indian War? 

English colonists invaded the Ohio River Valley, which connected the two halves of New France. 

The Albany Plan of Union, by which the colonies conspired to take over New France. 

The colonists allied with France and native tribes against the Brittish soldiers, who treated them poorly. 

French troops and their native allies ambushed the colonists and killed General Edward Braddock. CONCEPT The French and Indian War 14 Which of the following acts of the First Continental Congress foreshadowed the creation of an independent colonial government? 

The Congress recommended that each colony build militias to defend against the British.

Sophia Learning Milestone 2 US History I 

The Congress declared independence from Britain and recommended that a constitution be drafted. 

The Congress petitioned George III as though it were a foreign government seeking aide. 

The Congress imposed its own taxes on British imports and denied representation to the crown.

CONCEPT Path to Revolution 15 Which of the following motives was common among Patriots? 

They were determined to fight until Parliament would listen to their demands. 

They wanted to restore order to the colonies. 

Many viewed themselves as carrying on the legacy of the Glorious Revolution. 

Many wished to overthrow King George III and elect a new king.

CONCEPT Choosing Sides in the American Revolution 16 Which of the following was a positive effect of the Navigation Acts for English colonists? 

Goods could be sold for fixed prices guaranteed by the government. 

Sophia Learning Milestone 2 US History I Goods shipped by sea enjoyed the protection of the English Navy. 

Colonists temporarily enjoyed a greater voice in government. 

Goods could be bought from or sold to markets in other countries.

CONCEPT England Strengthens its Imperial Colonies 17 Which statement represents opposition to internal taxation of the colonies by British Parliament? 

"Laws such as the Navigation Acts violate our rights as Englishmen." 

"Because we are not represented in Parliament, Britain has no right to apply import and export duties on goods sold to the colonies by the mother country." 

"We do not object to taxes that regulate commerce in the Atlantic, but Parliament does not have the authority to tax us solely to raise revenue.” 

"We must help support the British Empire financially, but we object to taxation on products imported from overseas."...

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