Sophia US History II Milestone 4 Final .docx PDF

Title Sophia US History II Milestone 4 Final .docx
Author Ian Mbogo
Course Historiography
Institution West Virginia University
Pages 10
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Sophia – US History II – Milestone 4 Final 1 Read the excerpt from an address to Congress made by President George W. Bush articulating the Bush Doctrine in 2001:

"Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes. Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign unlike any other we have ever seen. . . We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the

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United States as a hostile regime." Which organization was President Bush most likely referring to when using the word "terrorists?" Al-Qaeda Hezbollah Saddam Hussein ISIS

CONCEPT 9/11 and the War on Terror


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Read the excerpt from a speech Ronald Reagan gave to the National Association of Evangelicals in 1983: "Let us pray for the salvation of all of those who live in that totalitarian darkness—pray they will discover the joy of knowing God. But until they do, let us be aware that while they preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man, and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on the Earth, they are the focus of evil in the modern world." According to the excerpt, why did President Reagan refer to the Soviet Union as “the focus of evil in the modern world?” Because the Soviet Union threatened nuclear war Because the Soviet Union rejected Christian values Because the Soviet Union accused the United States of imperialism Because the Soviet Union claimed global dominion


Throughout his administration, Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as an “evil empire” that advanced a set of values antagonistic to the Christian values of the United States. According to this excerpt, one of those values advanced by the Soviet Union is atheism. This is evident in the phrases “pray they will discover the joy of knowing God” and “they preach the supremacy of the state” (rather than the supremacy of God).

CONCEPT The End of the Cold War

3 The AIDS crisis of the 1980s and government inaction in response to it caused organizations like ACT UP to grow.

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These organizations reflected the view of which of the following groups? Doctors Gay rights activists The Religious Right Yuppies

CONCEPT Morning in America: The Culture Wars of the 1980s


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The 1970s economy in the United States experienced a phenomenon known as “stagflation.” What are three indicators of stagflation? Deficit spending, trade wars and rising inflation Moderate economic growth, loss of manufacturing and high inflation Trade deficits, unstable employment and political unrest High inflation, slow economic growth and rising unemployment

CONCEPT The 1970s

5 Choose the true statement about the press’s role in uncovering the Watergate scandal.  

The Senate Watergate Committee held public hearings in which those accused of wrongdoing denied the accusations. An anonymous source in the FBI provided information that implicated President Richard Nixon's administration in the Watergate break-in.

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Newspapers ignored the 1972 presidential election and de-escalation of the war in Vietnam to cover a break-in at the Watergate Hotel. A federal district judge threatened harsh sentences unless witnesses came forward about what they knew.

CONCEPT The Watergate Scandal


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Which of the following are examples of the New World Order following the Cold War? Israel granted a measure of self-rule to Palestinians living in the the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of Israel. The United States unilaterally invaded Iraq and deposed Saddam Hussein. The Soviet Union succeeded in suppressing political demonstrations in eastern Europe. Ethnic cleansing erupted in southeastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union.

CONCEPT A New World Order


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Which economic development in the 1980s was intended by Reaganomics? Tax cuts deprived the government of revenue, and Reagan was unable to balance the budget. Wealthy Americans benefited more from tax breaks than those with lower incomes. There were significant increases in the national debt and annual budget deficits. Many new jobs were in retail and service positions, which paid only minimum wage.

RATIONALE “Reaganomics” is the name given to the Reagan administration’s economic policy, which rested heavily on supply-side (or trickle-down) economic theory. As a political conservative and representative of the New Right, Reagan’s economic policy was to stimulate the economy by cutting taxes on wealthy individuals and corporations—which in theory would promote economic growth—and reducing spending on domestic social welfare programs.

CONCEPT Morning in America: Reaganomics


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Which of the following statements reveals a cause of political organizing by evangelical Christians during the 20th century? “Republicans in Congress are determined to reinforce separation of church and state statutes.” “We fear that consumerism will corrupt our children and destabilize American families.” "We believe that we need to defend Americans who are fighting for equal rights." "Fewer than half of all Americans in the 1950s identified as members of a religious faith."

CONCEPT Religious Influence on the 20th Century Republican Party

9    

Choose the true statement about the National Origins Act of 1924. Congress increased the number of southern and eastern Europeans who were eligible to immigrate. The act established quotas on Latin American immigrants. Policymakers subjected European immigrants to quota requirements based on nationality. The act removed earlier restrictions that had been placed on immigration in the 19th century.

CONCEPT 20th Century American Immigration

10 Why did the Ronald Reagan administration’s Strategic Defense

Initiative draw public criticism? The chances for a Soviet nuclear attack were extremely remote. It used nuclear power and NATO nations felt threatened. It was believed to violate international treaties and it was extremely

expensive. The defense system had not been proven to be impenetrable.

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RATIONALE President Reagan escalated the Cold War through a resurgence of weapons development and military spending, exemplified by the Strategic Defense

Initiative (or “Star Wars”). The Strategic Defense Initiative attempted to develop a space-based defensive shield to protect the United States from a Soviet missile strike. It was criticized for possibly violating existing treaties and for its expense, which was estimated to be as much as $7.5 billion.

CONCEPT The End of the Cold War


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Choose the true statement about the American economy in the early 2000s. The federal deficit continued to increase under the George W. Bush administration’s economic policies. The stock market grew reliably throughout the decade. The federal government dismissed millions in student loans so that college graduates could succeed. The George W. Bush administration reversed the supply-side economic policies of earlier Republican presidents.

CONCEPT The American Economy in the 21st Century

12 Which of the following actions or groups advanced gay rights during    

the 1970s? The passage of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 President Nixon's "silent majority" coalition The increase in the number of gay and lesbian representatives in Congress The election of Harvey Milk

CONCEPT The 1970s


Read the testimony of a Mexican American migrant laborer to Congress in 1969: "What this system and our society is going to have to know and understand is that the migrant farmworker, even though tired, uneducated, hungry, and sick, have contributed and sacrificed just as much as anyone else and more than most to this Nation. We have cultivated this earth, planted and harvested all crops for generations in order to provide all the luxuries in

food, clothing, and many other items that those of society which surrounds us enjoy today."

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In addition to commercial agriculture, what other industry continued to rely heavily on immigrant labor in the 20th century? Medical Finance Textile Mining

RATIONALE Certain industries within the United States relied heavily on immigrant labor throughout the 20th century, including commercial agriculture and the textile industry. Although the textile industry was dominated by European immigrants in the early 20th century, by the end of the century it relied heavily on Asian immigrant labor.

CONCEPT 20th Century American Immigration


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Choose the statement that reflects a foreign policy success for President Gerald Ford. He met with Chairman Mao Zedong to establish relations with China. Rather than containment or Détente, he based his foreign policy on human rights. He helped negotiate peace between Israel and Egypt, which resulted in the Camp David Accords. Along with the Soviet premier and 31 other countries, he agreed to the Helsinki Accords.

RATIONALE One of President Ford’s major foreign policy successes during his brief term was the Helsinki Accords, signed in 1975, which formally recognized the territorial boundaries that had been established at the end of World War II and included a provision on human rights. The other foreign policy events are related to the Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter administrations.

CONCEPT From Détente to the Carter Doctrine


Choose the true statement about the effects of the 1990s economy in America.

Increased tax revenue, budget cuts and economic growth transformed budget deficits to budget surpluses.

Increased revenue and economic growth contributed to a decrease in partisan divisions over government spending and welfare. Free trade agreements boosted manufacturing in the United States after decades of decline.

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The U.S. trade deficit decreased as it exported more than it imported.

CONCEPT Globalization and the American Economy

16 The growing influence of the New Right was evident by the end of the 1970s

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when Jerry Falwell formed a "pro-life, pro-family, pro-America" political organization. What was the name of that organization? The neoconservatism movement The Heritage Foundation The Moral Majority The Save Our Children organization

CONCEPT The Rise of the New Right


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Choose the true statement about the consequences of Vietnamization. Congress expanded the authority of the president to wage war by passing the War Powers Act. The United States assumed total responsibility for the defense of South Vietnam from the South Vietnamese. President Nixon successfully vetoed the War Powers Act, which attempted to check the executive branch’s power. President Nixon escalated the war in Southeast Asia by sending troops into Cambodia.

CONCEPT Peace with Honor? The US Withdraws from Vietnam

18 Which act brought a number of government agencies into a single department to better manage terrorist threats, both foreign and


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The Federal Emergency Management Act The USA PATRIOT Act The American Recovery Act The Homeland Security Act

RATIONALE The Homeland Security Act centralized control over a number of government agencies, including the Coast Guard, the Secret Service and U.S. Customs, into a single Department of Homeland Security in order to better control foreign and domestic terrorism threats.

CONCEPT Seeking Security at Home in the 21st Century


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Choose a consequence of government efforts to address violent crime and drug use in the 1980s and 1990s. Suburban residents feared violence and drug use that was occurring in urban areas. African Americans were seven times more likely to be imprisoned than white Americans. Crack cocaine swept through America’s inner cities and gang violence rose. Government anti-drug campaigns, such as the "Just Say No" initiative, led to significant declines in drug use.

CONCEPT The Culture Wars Continue


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Which event that led to the economic recession of 2008 happened first? Mortgage interest rates increased, but workers’ wages remained flat. The partial repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act opened the door for the creation of “super banks.” Repackaging risky investments swelled the housing market, leading to a “housing bubble.” Banks offered high risk, high-interest subprime mortgages to lowincome borrowers.

CONCEPT The American Economy in the 21st Century


A chemical company wants to release wastewater directly into a river that abuts its property.

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Which policy requires the company to follow certain regulations and to obtain a permit before doing so? The Clean Water Act The Environmental Protection Act The Natural Resource Protection Act The Toxic Substances Control Act

CONCEPT Emergence of Environmentalism in the 1970s


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One of the most significant and swift social transformations in recent American history occurred when the Supreme Court rendered what ruling? English was the official language of the United States. Same-sex marriage was a constitutional right. Climate change was real. Marriage was a union between a man and a woman.

RATIONALE In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional and that same-sex marriage was a federally protected constitutional right. The growing acceptance of homosexuality among Americans and, with it, a rethinking of the traditional conventions of marriage, marks one of the most significant social changes of the 21st century.

CONCEPT Major Social Issues in the Early 21st Century

23 Choose the statement that describes a success of Operation    

Enduring Freedom. The United States declared victory after fewer than 60 days in battle. The operation freed Kabul from Taliban control. Weapons of mass destruction were discovered and destroyed. U.S. soldiers killed Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

CONCEPT 9/11 and the War on Terror


U.S. forces finally captured the former leader of this country, who was found guilty of crimes against his own people and executed in 2006. Choose the map that accurately indicates in red the country where this occurred.  

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RATIONALE The statement refers to the U.S. invasion of Iraq, which is located just Southeast of Syria.

CONCEPT America and the World in the 21st Century...

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