Survey US History Task 4 PDF

Title Survey US History Task 4
Course Survey of United States History
Institution Western Governors University
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Task Four for Survey of United States History...


Kelsey Merchant Survey of US History- Task 4 Student ID# 001089203

A. Explain (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) the major causes of the Great Depression (e.g., economic policies, trade concerns, banking practices, international commerce). a. The Great Depression was largely brought about by the stock market crash of 1929. This happened because following World War I, the economy flourished, and people felt like investing in the stock market was a quick easy way to make money. However, when the stock market crashed many people began to lose money and they started to sell their shares, which caused the market to crash even further. The US acted like a bank for several other countries but when the market crashed, these loans stopped, causing the world economy to also suffer. (Norton, 2015) B. Describe three ways (e.g., major legislation, organizations, relief, and recovery efforts) that the New Deal sought to address the problems of the Great Depression (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs). a. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a series of bills known as the New Deal, starting in early 1933. Some of these initiatives and policies included the Emergency Banking Act (EBA), the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), and the Tennessee Valley Authority Act (TVA). These acts were designed to provide support to the American people during the Great Depression. The EBA was passed on March 9th, 1933. This act closed some banks that were bankrupt and reorganized those that weren’t. The EBA was one of many new banking laws that were passed during this time. The AAA was passed by Congress in May 1933 and was proposed to help control an oversaturated agricultural market. Farmers were paid subsidies to leave their fields bare, which regulated supply and demand, by decreasing the supply and providing a boost to the agricultural prices. Also passed in May 1933 was the TVA. This act provided the federal government the ability to dam parts of the Tennessee River, which not only help to control flooding but also supplied people with low-cost hydroelectric power. (Norton, 2015)[ CITATION His09 \l 1033 ] C. Explain how the end of World War II contributed to the rise of Cold War tensions (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) by doing the following: 1. Discuss the effect of the arms race on the rise of Cold War tensions. The Cold War tensions rose during the arms race between the United States and what was then the USSR. Both countries were racing to develop a nuclear weapons stockpile. The problem with this was that these were the two most powerful countries in the world at the time, and they were both fearful of an attack from the other one. The arms race raised tensions due to the facts that each country felt constant fear that the other would bomb them. In the United Stated there were nuclear bomb drills. While once allies during WWII

that alliance went south after Germany surrendered, when the USA neglected to tell the USSR about the atomic bomb they planned to drop on Hiroshima. (Norton, 2015)

2. Describe how differing ideologies led to increased Cold War tensions. The United States is a capitalist country where the USSR was communist, both countries feared the others economic structure infiltrating their countries. This was one of the largest driving forces of the Cold War. Each country saw an opportunity to spread their own social and economic ideologies to smaller countries on the brink of civil wars. (Norton, 2015) 3. Explain the effect of Cold War tensions on American culture and domestic policies (e.g., security concerns, organizations, discrimination). The Cold War led to what was known as the Red Scare in America, which was the fear of hidden communists in places of power. This fear was cultivated by propaganda that the United States government produced and distributed. The domestic polices of the day were affected and led to the creation of what is now known as the Department of Defense which was designed to oversee several departments of the military. (Norton, 2015)

D. Explain two changes (e.g., legislation, cultural shifts, economic shifts) that came about as a result of one of the following historical events (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs): The Civil Rights Movement came about during the 50’s and 60’s when racial tensions were coming to a head. African Americans were still struggling with the effects of the Jim Crow laws, buses, schools, and several other things were still segregated. One of two changes was when President Truman passed Executive order 9981, which was the beginning of the removal of Jim Crow laws. A second change came with Brown v Board of Education which was the beginning of schools becoming desegrated. This case overturned the “separate but equal” mantra. E. Provide acknowledgement of source information, using in-text citations and references, for quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content. Editors, H. (2009, October 29). New deal. Retrieved April 14, 2021, from Norton, M.B. (2015). A people & a nation. Retrieved from snapshotId=140078&id=38559619&deploymentId=48887122133667389135808215&eISBN=97 81305816817...

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