US History 2 Final AJ PDF

Title US History 2 Final AJ
Author Ayoub Ghonim
Course Art History 2
Institution University of the People
Pages 11
File Size 418 KB
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You passed this Milestone 24 questions were answered correctly. 1 question was answered incorrectly. 1 In 1961, civil rights organizations organized "Freedom Rides." What was their purpose? • To convince President John Kennedy to provide federal protection for civil rights workers •

MILESTONE To register African Americans to vote in Southern states • To test the enforcement of desegregation in interstate transportation • To desegregate private businesses in the South

CONCEPT The Early 1960s 2 Choose the statement that best characterizes the "Old South" rather than the "New South." • Laws that allowed separate facilities for whites and blacks became common. • The Supreme Court legitimized racial segregation. • Railroads fostered the development of textile mills and other industries. • The Southern economy rested exclusively on slave labor.

CONCEPT Race in the New South 3

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Choose the true statement about the press’s role in uncovering the Watergate scandal. • Newspapers ignored the 1972 presidential election and de-escalation of the war in Vietnam to cover a break-in at the Watergate Hotel. • An anonymous source in the FBI provided information that implicated President Richard Nixon's administration in the Watergate break-in. • The Senate Watergate Committee held public hearings in which those accused of wrongdoing denied the accusations. • A federal district judge threatened harsh sentences unless witnesses came forward about what they knew.

CONCEPT The Watergate Scandal 4 Which of the following statements reflects a reason identity politics grew in the United States in the 1960s? • “Based on the idea that the United States is a melting pot, we support policies that address the needs of all Americans.” • "The Democratic and Republican Parties were growing further apart on social policy." • “Because we were poor and working class, we were disproportionately drafted and sent into combat in Vietnam.” • "My identity as a woman was less important than my identity as an American."

CONCEPT The Rise of Identity Politics in America 5 Which of the following was a cause of the attack on Pearl Harbor? • Diplomacy failed between the United States and Japan. • America was evacuating refugees in advance of the Japanese military's arrival. • The U.S. was providing supplies to Great Britain • The U.S. entered into the war with Germany.

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CONCEPT The American Homefront 6 A neighborhood in New York City, Harlem, became a center for a black political and cultural movement in the 1920s. Which of the following statements best describes the "New Negro" movement? • It attempted to enforce the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. • It promoted a black literary culture that celebrated its racial heritage. • It encouraged southern blacks to relocate to northern urban centers. • It advocated for black autonomy and, if necessary, a return to Africa.

RATIONALE Urban areas in the North, particularly Harlem in New York City, became centers of black culture in the 1920s that supported the growth of jazz music, among other artistic expressions. Jazz venues contributed not only to the development of an independent black culture and racial pride but also to interracial understanding, as many audiences for jazz music were white.

CONCEPT The Harlem Renaissance 7 Why did President Theodore Roosevelt use the power of his office to advance Progressive reform? • He believed the country needed governmental solutions to the ills of industrialization and corruption. • He believed that monopolies and other business combinations were perfectly acceptable under capitalism. • He believed the moral and social climate in the United States had deteriorated and required federal regulation. • He believed the disabled and the poor had been neglected and needed governmental welfare.

CONCEPT Theodore Roosevelt 8

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Consider the case of the Scottsboro Boys, who were arrested in 1931. What does this incident suggest about the state of racial relations during the Great Depression? • African Americans were turning to the courts to enforce civil rights. • Racial bias remained ingrained within society and the justice system. • Blacks were not as adversely affected as whites by the Great Depression. • Racial divides eased somewhat as every citizen was affected by the poor economy.

RATIONALE Everyday Americans endured the Great Depression in a variety of ways, depending on their race, gender, region or class, among others. The case of the Scottsboro Boys, who were convicted and sentenced to death within two weeks of being falsely accused of raping two white women on a train, revealed the racial injustice still engrained within the southern court system. Like whites, African Americans endured economic hardship during the Great Depression, but they also continued to endure racism and inequality.


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Enduring the Great Depression 9 President Roosevelt introduced a First New Deal and a Second New Deal to overcome the Great Depression. Choose the action that was associated with the Second New Deal. • It focused on long-term reform in addition to relief and recovery. • The Civilian Conservation Corps was created. • Roosevelt began delivering weekly "fireside chats." • The Emergency Banking Act temporarily closed the nation's banks.

RATIONALE The First New Deal (not the Second) was characterized by legislation to provide immediate unemployment relief and recovery, including the establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.

CONCEPT Roosevelt's New Deal 10 Many historians have argued that the New Deal permanently changed the U.S. Which of the following is a long-term effect of the New Deal identified by historians? • Elderly Americans lost faith in a government that did not consider their needs. • The government assumed greater responsibility for the security of the people. • The lifting of burdensome regulations made it easier for businesses and corporations to profit. • Many more Americans were employed, but wages remained unfairly low.

CONCEPT Interpreting the New Deal as an Historian 11 Which statement about populism most closely aligns with historian Michael Kazin’s interpretation of the term? • It is a political stance that supports every individual’s right to maximum liberty and freedom. • It represents a distinct political movement that offers a democratic alternative to the corporate state.

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• It offers a democratic alternative to compulsory government that is harmful or corrupted. • It is a political style that uses a certain type of language and rhetoric to advance the agenda of a political coalition.

CONCEPT How Historians View Populism 12 Which of the following statements reveals a cause of political organizing by evangelical Christians during the 20th century? • “We fear that consumerism will corrupt our children and destabilize American families.” • "We believe that we need to defend Americans who are fighting for equal rights." • “Republicans in Congress are determined to reinforce separation of church and state statutes.” • "Fewer than half of all Americans in the 1950s identified as members of a religious faith."

CONCEPT Religious Influence on the 20th Century Republican Party 13 What was president John Kennedy's response when Freedom Riders were met with open resistance by Southern whites? • He ordered the rides to stop because they were too dangerous. • He sent in federal marshals to protect the riders. • He urged Congress to pass legislation to protect Freedom Riders. • He privately supported the riders, but he made no public action.

CONCEPT The Early 1960s 14 Choose the true statement about the effects of the 1990s economy in America. • Economic growth led to an abundance of well paid jobs available to all Americans. •

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Very few people were able to purchase their own homes. • Rising unemployment made it difficult for Americans to provide for their families' needs. • American manufacturing jobs were outsourced to Mexico where wages were lower.

CONCEPT Globalization and the American Economy 15 Which statement best reflects the significance of the election of 1896? • Ties between the Republican Party and big businesses weakened due to populist pressure. • The election led to the resumption of minting silver. • Bryan won the popular vote, but McKinley won the electoral college by a slim margin. • The Populist Party ceased to exist as an independent political entity following the election.

CONCEPT The Election of 1896 16 Choose the statement that describes a success of Operation Enduring Freedom. • Weapons of mass destruction were discovered and destroyed. • U.S. soldiers killed Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. • The United States declared victory after fewer than 60 days in battle. • The operation freed Kabul from Taliban control.

CONCEPT 9/11 and the War on Terror 17 Which of the statements describes the relationship between U.S. participation in World War I and Progressive reform? • Attention to the war effort effectively shut down the opportunity for any further Progressive reforms.

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• Public anger at Wilson for abandoning his position of neutrality helped democratic initiatives like the direct primary pass. • Nationalism led many Americans to show their support by conforming to government policies. • Antagonism toward the Germans, who ran most breweries in the U.S., helped to pass Prohibition.

CONCEPT Progressivism and the First World War 18 What was one purpose of the Glass-Steagall Act, which was part of Franklin Roosevelt’s First New Deal? • To require federal agencies to assess and evaluate banking practices • To allow banks to form independent financial holding companies • To prohibit commercial banks from engaging in investment banking • To place commercial banks under temporary federal jurisdiction

RATIONALE The Glass-Steagall Act, or Banking Act of 1934, sought to reform the banking industry to create better long-term stability. It separated commercial banking and investment banking, among other provisions.

CONCEPT Roosevelt's New Deal 19 Hannah runs a hospitality business with Ray and Susan, backed by a group of investors who provide the funding but rely on Hannah and company to operate the business. What term best describes this type of business arrangement? • A trade • A monopoly • A holding company • A trust

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CONCEPT Corporations and Industry in the Late 19th Century 20 Which of the following was an effect of busing during the 1970s? • Public schools in all northern cities were successfully integrated. • Resistance to integration was strongest in the South. • The Nixon administration publicly supported busing efforts after they successfully increased integration. • “White flight” saw large numbers of families leaving cities and moving to the suburbs.

CONCEPT The 1970s 21 Which event that led to the economic recession of 2008 happened first? • Congress authorized $700 billion to be infused into the financial sector. • Banks marketed subprime mortgages to individuals who had low incomes and low credit ratings. • The housing market soared as lenders repackaged subprime mortgages into collateralized debt obligations. • As homeowners defaulted on their mortgages, investment firms began to fail.

CONCEPT The American Economy in the 21st Century 22 What was the philosophy behind the Social Gospel? • Those who give themselves over to God and agree to help themselves deserve assistance from the church. • It is vitally important that the conditions of the working poor living in slums and tenements be documented and shared. • Religious leaders, as well as ordinary Americans, must work together to support individuals from all class backgrounds. •

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Help the working class, particularly women with children, with health care and education.

CONCEPT Growth of the City 23 What was one motivation behind the development of the United States' containment policy following World War II? • To limit the expansion and influence of Communism in places currently undergoing decolonization. • To restrict the movement of European refugees after the war. • To establish a "second front" between the Soviet Union and Communist China. • To defend against the military alliance formed between the Soviet Union and the postwar German government.

CONCEPT Origins of the Cold War 24 What did President Kennedy order in response to the Cuban Missile Crisis? • The Peace Corps should build homes in Cuba. • The State Department should end diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. • U.S. businesses should refuse to do business with Cuba. •

CONCEPT The Cold War Continues 25 White Democrats, or "redeemers," were central to the development of the Jim Crow system in the South during the late 19th century. Which statement most represents their efforts? • They worked to dismantle unions that had farmers and common laborers as members. • They passed laws that required potential voters to read and interpret the Constitution to the satisfaction of white voting registrars.

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• They held rallies to highlight challenges facing small business owners. • They supported efforts to improve the condition of poor white citizens as well as poor black citizens.

CONCEPT Race in the New South

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