US History Midterm Study Guide PDF

Title US History Midterm Study Guide
Course U.S. History
Institution South Texas College
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US History Midterm Study Guide Beringia - Beringia strait, 120 ft below sea level - Theory by Joseph De Acosta (1590) - Subcontinent - Treeless grassland - Ocean floor 120 ft deep - It was a treeless, grassland, 600 miles wide, land bridge - Connected North East Asia, and North West America - During Wisconsin Glaciation (70,000-10,000 yrs ago) - 1st migrants (30,000 yrs ago) - Ocean was 300-350 feet lower - Majority came from (14,000-17,000 years ago) - Inhabitants were migrants ( big game hunters) - Prey: mammoths, bison, - Evidence: Physical characteristics, linguistics, DNA, remains in Virginia of a child 4,000 years ago - Why? IT explains The origins of Native American settlement - When Beringia disappears the natives are isolated, and after many years of isolation their immunity to diseases dissolves and that is why when columbus and the settlers that followed they wiped out about 90% of the native population. - Global Warming Aztec Empire ( Mesoamerican empire) - Once Nomadic Warrior Tribe - Valley of Mexico - 1200 AD - Migrated from Northern Mexico/ South Texas region - 1st they worked as mercenaries - They had a legend that where ever an eagle landed on a cactus with a snake in its claws that is where they were supposed to establish their home land (modern day Mexico City) - Became very powerful empire - Highly stratified society ( hereditary classes) born into classes, top to bottom: Warriors, merchants, priests, commoners, slaves ( which were other tribes) - Empire created by conquering other tribes


Would offer protection, but wanted tribute in the form of food, gold, silver, slaves in return Advanced educational and medical systems Architecture Capital: Tenochtitlan Population of 1000 Empire ended in 1521 Conquered by Hernan Cortes Most famous for Human Sacrifices ( religion) A lucky couple got to live like a god for a year and then get sacrificed, it was considered a privileged They fought wars but no to for domination, but mostly to extract slaves for sacrifice (their religion they had to feed the sun so that it would rise everyday) They built floating gardens called (chinampas) Significance-

Christopher Columbus - Was Italian - Seeking trade routes to the indies he thought he had reached the indies when he got to the caribbean islands and that is why he called the Natives indians. - Sponsored by (Catholic Monarchs) Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon. - Spread the Christian faith - Made 4 voyages that were largely unsuccessful at obtaining gold (Brings back Natives, Fruits, and plants) Made Europeans curious of what else was in this new land. - Born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy - Dad was a master craftsman - Believed Earth was a sphere - Age 14 columbus began sailing - He ended up marrying well, into a spanish sailing family who was connected to prince henry of portugal - 2 trips down west africa under portuguese flag - Was later made a nobleman - Wanted to find a faster way to asia - Ended up underestimating the distance and circumference of world by 25% - Spain financed trip - 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue - 3 ships, The nina, santa maria, pinta


October 12 1492 reached san salvador Named Natives Indians because he thought he reached India Explored the caribbean, and north east coast of south america Died or was killed in 1506 after 3 voyaged and finding nothing worth anything Significance: He proved it was possible to sail west and return alive, and he didn't know what he found so curiosity of vast lands soon took over

Columbian Exchange - Named after the goods that flowed back and forth between the old world and the new world - Europeans extracted all the vegetables (corn, potatoes, squash) that boosted European diets, and helped the population grow; live longer, and live healthier. - Learned to grow cash crops like (Tobacco/Sugar)in exchange they brought in disease to the Native populations - Bringing in animals like horses, sheep which graze and change the landscape of a lot of Native environment - Bringing in new weaponry, iron, and slaves who help transform the labor force( bringing in their own culture that mix with the native cultural groups) - Europeans benefit because of the food products and Natives suffer of disease SignificanceHernan Cortes - Spanish Explorer - Following form the reconquista spain form the muslims filled with a lot of religious fervor. - Wants to spread catholicism - Seeking the 3 g’s GOD.GOLD, and GLORY - La Malinche an Aztec interpreter helped Cortes - Used alliances with alot of native tribes that surround the Aztecs that to begin with don't like the Aztecs because of their policy of taking their people for sacrifice. - Yes the superior weapons of the Spanish, and disease played and important role, but he had about 100,000 Native American allies, and hoped they would gain their freedom by helping Cortes - He was a younger son of noble family - 1509 at 19 years old he came to new world - Next 15 years he worked as a miner and soldier in Cuba - Spanish empire, cuba was center - 1519 governor of cuba gave him authority to go to mainland of america which is mexico


1 . look for a root to the pacific ocean Heard rumors of rich native tribe 600 men to sail with him to veracruz Arrived at tenochtitlan in 1519 Aztec thought they were gods ( quetzalcoatl) that the end times were coming Gave them gifts and offerings and proved that they were the wealthy tribe they were looking for “ a disk in a shape of a sun big as a cartwheel made of gold - Cortez takes leader,Montezuma - 1 officer murdered Aztec Nobles in 1520 and Aztec revolted then killed their hostage leader and then tried killing the spanish - Had to flee from capital to go to Tlaxcala, where he spent 1520-1521 to prepare to go back and conquer the Aztecs - Cortes allied with other indian groups that resented the aztecs - Spring of 1521 he leads remaining siege of men and several thousand allies to siege - “The final siege” - burned aztecs crops and killed several of them as well. - On August 1521 Tenochtitlan falls and Cortes wins - Reasons why Spanish left : Military advantages, disease, religion, diplomacy Significance : The conquistadores including Cortes would encounter natives that already had encountered Europeans who were gold hungry,, they would tell them to go farther inland that they would encounter a city of gold just to get them out of their land. The conquistadors believe these stories and when they encountered the Aztecs to them it was real because they had encountered an kingdom that really had a lot of gold. Mercantilism - 1500-1700’s - Economic System based on nations controlling colonies to extract raw resources for its own wealth and send back finished products to sell to those in the colonized places - Export more and sell more than you Import (System placed in Europe) - The belief that there was limited wealth in the world - In order for country to gain wealth they has to take it from someone - Country makes wealth by exporting more than importing - “Capitalism expands wealth” - Role of the colonies was to provide and market raw goods, and materials for england - Oversea colonies best way for country to get $$$$$ - Significance?

“Headright System”


In 1618 The Virginia company creates the headright system in order to encourage people to come to the Americas - Granted 50 acres of land (men or women) - 50 acres per “head” - In order to get the thought, the people had to pay their own voyage to America - If you pay for other people voyage , you get their 50 acres of land - Encouraged Europeans to migrate and sponsor migrations, for more people to come, like families or poor farmers who wanted an opportunity to get wealthy - Birth to the planter aristocracy Significance -

Indentured Servants - Poor men and women that were contracted to work for farmers that paid for their voyage - Labor contracts ( 4 to 7 years of work) - Landowners give food, shelter, and passage to Virginia, and in return you worked for them - Most of Virginia population were poor and working class - Typical servant were young men 15-24 years old 75% and young females 16%, were usually son and daughters of working class - Most of these people have immigrated before - After the country was up the servants were giving “ Freedom Dues”, these were items that would help them get started on their own. Ex: Tools, clothes, livestock, tobacco, and also some land - Most servants would usually end up with a small farm of their own - Signed up for various reasons some to escape prison, Avoid debt or pay off debt, seeking new opportunities (land) - Working conditions, survival was difficult . Worked 10-14 hours a day, 6 days a week. Climate was much warmer. - Masters could discipline and sell servants, faced server penalties for running away, as punishment they could get sued and get contract extended - Female couldn't marry - Disease Malaria “ Seasoning” At end of first summer in Virginia. Only 40% of male servants survived endenture - 25% Infants died before 1 years old - 25% Died before they reached adulthood - Men life expectancy was 42 years old Significance?

Bacon's Rebellion - This happened in 1676 - By 1670’s land had run out - A lot of indentured servants had no money , family, and no job - Susquehannock which was a native tribe had a lot of land - Land hungry wanted to expand into native american territory - William berkeley was governor and leader of Virginia elite - Didn't want war with indians, so denied requests for further expansion - People wanted to go to North of James River - 1670- Berkley and Elite vote that all men should pay taxes, but only male landowners get to vote. This created class conflict and tensions - Nathaniel Bacon came to Virginia in 1674 - Very wealthy englishman ( was 27 years old) - Frustrated wanted land - Became leader of land hungry people - 500 rebels in summer 1676 rebel against berkeley and elite “Bacon's Army” - They wanted to attack the indians to get more land - Raid house of burgesses and take it hostage until elite let them to attack the indians - Elite end up allowing it - Summer of 1676 alternating, fight with indians and english - Bacon burned Jamestown - By nid October 1676 ⅔ of virginia under control - Bacon gets disease and dies of dysentery ( diarrhea) on october 26, 1676 - Later that october after bacon died, rebellion collapses - After bacon's rebellion it was the turning point where they ended up shifting to slave labor - Treat 1677 with susquehannock for more land - More servants - Elite start planning labor system - Harder to get servants - 1670’s other colonies had established so immigrating people had options - Caused to shift from Indentured servitude to African American Slaves. - African american slaves soon start to arrive Significance -

Plymouth colony


Founded in 1620 Established in Massachusetts Bay Patriarchy The Great Migration Puritan Ministers Puritans protesting against the anglaken government in England Leader was William Bradford These people were pilgrims (separatists) 1609 group relocated from holland because they were worried for their children 120 decided to leave to come to north america, original plan was to sail to north virginia but ended up off course and landed farther north - Mayflower compact was the first instance of self government - “ All men had right to vote” “ Combine together” - When they arrived they tried planting crops but failed - 102 people arrived but ½ died in the first winter - In spring squanto helps them and teaches them how to farm, trap, fish, so they are able to survive - November 1621 The first thanksgiving took place - This colony wanted to be an isolated happy colony - Coming in as complete families meaning less interaction with natives - Establish stable communities based on the puritan work ethic (hard work/farming/fishing) - Small scale manufacturing (textiles) boats - Squanto helped the pilgrims - Gets absorbed by the Massachusetts Bay Colony John Winthrop - “ We shall be like a city upon a hill” - Be the christian model to the rest of the world “(the proper way to live)” - Early examples of American exceptionalism (what happens in America the government the economy, the society is superior to the society from where they came from) Salem witch trials - Started in 1692 - Aimed towards women - Group of young girls accused 10 people of bewitching them - In new england in salem more than 150 accused and 19 executed; 14 women 5 men - One guy was pressed to death - They went by spectral evidence ( visions from god, dreams) - Moles were considered devil marks - Puritans mistrusted women - 80% women accused


⅔ were over 40 years old The accusers were mostly the poor side of the towns Many of the accused were wealthy, widows, had few children, or single, and were accused of other crimes before - A way to get back of something - The men that were accused were related to the accused women - Few wealthy widows owned property - Witch hysteria reflected conflicts - In salem 1690 were 2 cities, which were the east port where rich lived, and the west or known as salem village( old farming, more puritans) - Most of the accused were from west - Some accused were from east - The Accusers - Puritans, Accused- Not puritans - Theories, that trauma or PTSD or fungus (magic mushrooms) could have been the cause of this - The business community starts to protests to end this, didn't want spectral evidence - October 1692 new governor orders end of the trials and accusations - This was the last major witchcraft scare in modern history - Trials by ordeal basically die to prove your innocence that you were not a witch. There were texts to see if you were a witch and they would throw you in the water and if you floated or swam you were considered a witch, but if you drowned you were innocent Middle Passage - Describes the transfer of slaves from Africa to the Caribbean then the Americas - Mostly African slaves (death and disease everywhere) - The Brookes (1788) - 225 ton ship (600) Africans -

2 3

of slaves died from disease of Malaria, yellow fever, and dysentery

Death rate of slaves on ships was 13%, but the Death rate of the Crew members was higher - Slave revolts - Slave suicide - Leusden (1738) Dutch ship overcame by a massive hurricane everyone in the underdeck died 665. 73 crew men and 16 slaves survived Stono Rebellion - Slave resistance ( Undetected subtle defiance of evasion of masters wishes (playing dumb)) - Runaway slave ads 80% were young males in late teens and early twenties (unattached males) - The biggest revolt of the Colonial period (south Carolina) Charleston in september 1739




Lead to the Security Act that required all white men to carry guns to church on sunday mornings 20 slaves in september 9, 1739 “Jemmy” (cato) from Angola break into a store and kill the store keeper (took guns ammunition) - burned plantations and 20 whites South Carolina men had been practicing for a revolt and took them down. The goal was St. Augustine in Florida. The governor offered freedom, land, and a community Educated slaves uprising Srict codes towards African Americans Barbedo Codes. Originated in the caribbean islands of Barbados were you were not allowed to teach your slave and saves were not allowed to congregate at all. White people were paranoid Sometimes slaves were able to interact from different plantations only to have kids so that the masters could use that against them or in their favor just making the slaves work harder if he wanted to see his family on the other plantation and vice versa. Makes slavery worse No one was able to free slaves it was outlawed Slaves could not gain freedom

The Navigation Act - Mid 1600’s - After 1660 england wanted to control colonial trade - Passed a series of laws called the navigation (1660) - 3 staged to the Navigation acts 1. 1660- Dutch shipping a lot of trade with colonies - This act states that all colonial goods be transported in english ships or ships with mostly english crews - Put tax on exports - All goods had to be shipped first to england to get taxed and then take them to other colonies 2. 1663 was to control all imports to colonies - All goods that go to colonies had to go first to england - Gives english people a monopoly - Favored english manufacturing 3. 1673 opposed custom duties - This was to control trade within the colonies - If you shipped between colonies had to pay a tax - Created customs bureaucracy to collect these duties and enforce laws

- The navigation acts was to monopolize for england - “Goal was what was good for england not for colonies” - They were the legal bases of england's policy to the colonies for over a century Fort necessity - Virginia summer of 1754 - Governor robert dinwiddie sent 160 mean to guard, claim and protect ohio company of virginia - Not many problems - Washington and 40 men go to mingo allies ( native american allies ) - Fight breaks out when 36 french soldiers found them - English win - Mingo killed and scalped all 14 french men that they had captured - The massacre raises tensions and stakes - George washington built fort necessity - It was very flimsy - By july a few 100 virginia reinforcements help and come - July 1754 of 600 french men attack fort necessity - George washington loses ⅓ of force - Would finally surrender - French took him prisoner and sent him back to virginia with a message from the french - “French don't want to surrender ohio” French and indian war - Lasted 7 years - Phase one 1754-1756 in North america - English try to attack the french, wanted to launch 3 prong attack - General edward braddock was the commander - George washington was with him as well - The target was fort duncan - Braddock had 2,000 men - French 30 - “Most shamefully beaten” english lose - Braddock killed in battle - Commanders would fight alongside with men - Indian tribes allied with french in war - Natives begin to attack english villages - Phase 2 1756-1758 spreads out of america - 1757 william pitt leader of england - Sent 20,000 troops to america and colonies send 30,000 of their own


1758 pitt helps to neutralize the indians proposed “ clear and fixed boundaries with indians” - English - American tensions. Wouldn't work well together - The british soldiers started seizing supplies and drafting colonists - Also force the housing of soldiers (quartering) - American resistance hut improvement - Phase three 1758-1763 - Pitt maked new policies - Gives pay for supplies that were taken by soldiers - Allows colonies to handle drafting - Because of the new policies they are on the road to victory! - 1758 english take control of Fort duncan and 1759 nagraw- quebec ( big victory) both commanders were killed - 1760 take montreal final battle - Ends with the treaty of paris 1763 which basically kicked out the french out of the americas Proclamation line of 1763 - Law that prohibited expansion west of the appalachian mountains - Only agents of the crown could but land from the natives - Difficult if not possible to enforce - Purpose of this was to prevent any further conflicts and costly wars with the natives - The american perspective was that the crown was holding them back from expanding Stamp act - Starts the first major fight between americans and english men - February of 1765 - A tax on any printed document - A revenue tax - American tax collectors gained 8% of profit - Set to take effect on November of 1765 - Colonist did not approve - Impacted everyone in the colonies - Taxes could only be paid in gold and silver - The first transition from and indirect tax to a direct taxation Boston Massacre - Fall of 1768 4,000 british troops are sent to boston - Soldiers competed for jobs - March 5,1770 1 soldier guarding where they collect taxes - Mob of americans begin to harass him - Thomas preston- (captain) brings 7 men to enforce and help the poor soldier


Crowd became bigger, started throwing things Preston orders to raise weapons in defensive position Suddenly 1 shot fired and then a voice said fire ...

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