SOR Christianity Jesus as a Role Model 1200 word essay PDF

Title SOR Christianity Jesus as a Role Model 1200 word essay
Author Chloe Oliver
Course Studies of Religion
Institution Hills Grammar School
Pages 4
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Essay about Jesus as a role model with reference to principal beliefs, core ethical teachings and personal devotion...


'Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 Utilising the stimulus, explain how Jesus is the model for Christian life. Make reference to the Principal Beliefs, Core Ethical Teachings and Personal Devotion. Christians are directed to live in accordance with the teachings and actions of Jesus, as he is the model for Christian Life. John 14:16 refers to Jesus’ ministry which informs Christian Principal Beliefs, Core Ethical Teachings and Personal Devotion. Adherents can observe the principal beliefs of the Nature of God and the Trinity and Salvation in John 14:16. The core ethical teachings of Christianity are taken from scripture, they express the teachings of Jesus which are consistent with those of the Decalogue (Exodus 20:1 - 17). The Commandment of Love (Matthew 22:37-40), is given by Jesus which clearly demonstrates why he is the epitome of a model for Christian behaviour. Jesus’ teachings inform adherents of ethical actions necessary for salvation, eg. how “one comes to the Father.” When Jesus says “No one comes to the Father, except through me.” This demonstrates that Jesus is the role model for Christian life as by knowing Jesus and practising his actions in adherents’ own lives, Salvation can be achieved. Salvation is how “one comes to the Father.” and is a principal belief of Christianity; another belief that can be observed in John 14:16 is the idea of the Nature of God and the Trinity. Both Jesus and God are necessary, you cannot form a relationship with one without the other. This is evidenced in John 14:16, “No one comes to the Father, except through me.” This passage brings to the light that it is impossible to know God without first knowing Jesus, which supports the principal belief of the Trinity, Jesus’ actions can also be examined for ethical guidance. More than Jesus’ direct speech can be interpreted by adherents, as he is the model for Christian life. When Jesus says “I am the way, the truth and the life.”, this evidences Jesus as a role model and “the way” to Christian life. Personal devotion is reflected throughout Jesus’ life in various aspects to guide a diverse community of Christians. Not only does Jesus teach adherents devotional prayers such as the ‘Our Father’, which can be observed in Matthew 6: 5-14; Jesus also prays individually for holistic reasons. This is demonstrated in all four gospels, Jesus prays for guidance, petition and to express gratitude. By integrating prayer and devotion throughout his own life he inspires Christian adherents to live in a similar way. Jesus’ ethos models an insight into the standard which Christian adherents should strive for morally and ethically.

Jesus demonstrates model behaviour for a Christian life by showing personal devotion through prayer. Jesus preaches that “no one comes to the Father except through me”. When Jesus demonstrates how to pray the Our Father (Matthew 6:5-14), he reveals to adherents that they can form a bond with “the Father” through prayer. “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6); meaning Christians should pray intimately to God, and not for the praise of being called holy by others who see them pray. Jesus actively demonstrates this in the garden of Gethsemane. “Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”(Matthew 26:36). Jesus exhibits a precedent of Christian living, by modelling devotion in public and in private. Jesus Christ clearly exemplifies what it means to be a Christian as he is responsible for the principal belief of Salvation."And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom." (Mark 15:38). The Holiest of Holies, a sacred room inside religious temples is where Jewish adherents believe God inhabits. Immediately following Jesus’ death, the curtain believed to encase where God dwells was destroyed. With the veil no longer separating God from adherents inside the temple. Christian scholars including Professor Daniel M. Gurtner have interpreted this to have religious significance. Professor Daniel M. Gurtner describes the event as a “revelation from the Father,” meaning it represents Jesus removing a barrier between God and humanity; similar to Jesus’ death allowing for humanity to be rewarded with Salvation through the afterlife.The curtain in the temple falling signifies Jesus as “the way, the truth and the life” since it is symbolic for his death. Jesus’ death removes barriers between man and God and fully realises the opportunity for Salvation. The nature of God and the Trinity can be understood through Jesus, this cements his status as a core role model of Christianity. Through Jesus’ ministry, adherents are introduced to the concept of the Holy Trinity; this includes the idea that in order to form a relationship with God you must form a relationship with Jesus also. Jesus said to his disciples that “No one comes to the Father except through me.”, from this, adherents can infer that in order to know God you must go through Jesus.It is impossible to only know one aspect of the Trinity as they are all interlinked to become one. The Holy Spirit is also introduced to humanity through Jesus’ ministry, following Jesus’ ascension the Holy Spirit begins to be the acting force of the

Trinity on earth. During Pentecost it descends on Jesus’ disciples; “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit “(Acts 2:4). This is done to help further Jesus’ message to spread the good news of God. Jesus is “the way” to come to the Father; it is clear that Jesus is a model for Christians as he introduces the nature of the Trinity. Jesus models ethical teachings that modern adherents still abide by currently. During Jesus’ ministry he taught The Commandment of Love (Matthew 22:36-40), which is “the greatest commandment '' according to Jesus’ own words . The commandment urges adherents to “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”and “‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”(Matthew 22:37-39). Jesus informs humanity of “the great commandment”, in this action he proves himself to be “the way, the truth and the life” and demonstrates himself as a model for Christian life. Other ethical beliefs including the Decalogue (Exodus 20:1 - 17) mirror the teachings of Jesus. To exemplify this concept, the first commandment of the Decalogue is “Thou shalt have no Gods before me” (Exodus 20:1). This mimics The Commandment of Love, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart” (Matthew 22:37). This evidences that Jesus’ ethos is in line with the Christian ethics that have existed since Exodus and therefore embodies what it means to be a role model for the Christian religious tradition. Jesus is undoubtedly the core role model for all Christian believers; he prays not only to crowds of peoples, but in private. This humble approach towards prayer is aligned with his ministry and Christian ethics. Ethics such as the Decalogue mirror Jesus’ own teachings of the Commandment of Love. Jesus’ suffering removed the barriers preventing humanity from Salvation, through his sacrifice Jesus acted as “the way” to forgiveness. This is illustrated by the veil in the temple falling at the time of Jesus’ passing. The Trinity is also revealed by Jesus’ ministry through his words, “no one comes to the Father except through me.”. These factors make it clear that Jesus is the true role model for Christian living.

Reference List Electronic Resources: Cabera, F. (2014). Jesus’ Model of Prayer. Retrieved from -jesus-model-of-prayer. Accessed on 13th July, 2021.

Gurtner, D. (2019). The Veil Was Torn in Two. Retrieved from Accessed on 13th July, 2021. Laner, G. (2021). Curtain Torn in Two: What Did the Tearing of the Veil Accomplish? Accessed on 13th July, 2021.

Physical Resources: Barker, K. (Ed). (1985). NIV Study Bible. Stoughton, United Kingdom: Zondervan.

E-Library Resources: Cooley, R. (2015). The Gospel Salvation by Grace. Retrieved from 370551?ean=2940152046342...

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