Speech stopping animal fighting PDF

Title Speech stopping animal fighting
Course Public Speaking
Institution Central Piedmont Community College
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Persuasive speech about stopping animal fighting...


Student name COM 231-02 11-27-2019 Stop animal fighting Persuasive Speech Outline General Purpose: To persuade. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience why we should stop animal fighting. Central Idea: Animal fighting has been illegal in all states and the District of Columbia for awhile now, however it still occurs daily in every part of the country and in every type of community. INTRODUCTION I.

Attention: Every year many dogs and other animals end up in a pit, a pit where two animals have been trained to kill the opposing animal. 16,000 dogs in total are killed during these fights each year. II. Central Idea: Although animal fighting has been illegal in all states and the District of Columbia for awhile now, it continues to occur daily in every part of the country and in every type of community. III. Credibility: The reason why I chose this topic, is because animals have always been a part of my life. Since I was little I knew about these events that occured and still do today. After researching more about animal fighting, especially in the US, I came to the conclusion that something has to be done against the illegal organizations of animal fighting. IV. Preview of Points: First I’ll describe which kinds of animal fighting there is, what effect it has on people and animals and last but not least how we can help stop it. (Transition: Let’s start with the problem of animal fighting.) BODY I.

The problem with animal fighting, is that it is inhumane and affects a lot of different people, but especially the animals themselves. A. There are multiple types of animal fights, but the three most common ones is the US are dog-, cock- and hog-dog fighting. 1. Dog fighting is possibly the most known type of animal fighting, this is where two dogs are put in a “pit”, which is a 14 by 20 square-foot piece of ground, to fight against each other until one dog is seriously injured that he can no longer fight or one dies. 2. Cock fighting is a fight which occurs between two roosters, who each have a razor attached to their left leg, and have to fight to the death. 3. Hog-dog fighting is between a dog and a hog, where the dog is timed for how long it takes to corner and attack, possibly even fatal, the hog, while the hog may defend itself and attack and throw the dog in the air. B. As I said before, animal fighting affects a lot of people and animals in general, but it really does have a lot of negative sides which I will explain further.

1. First, these animal fighting events attract other serious crimes, such as gambling, money laundering, drug dealing and weapon offenses. 2. Second, children are almost always present at animal fightings, from an early age they are exposed to this violence and are taught that it is normal, which has lead to 16 year olds, and even younger, holding their own animal fights for “the love of the game”. C. Now, onto the negative effects that animal fighting has on the animals themselves, I will just be talking about dogs. 1. There are multiple ways dogs end up in dog fighting organizations, these are: a. By adopting them from shelters. b. By stealing them from their owners and are used as “bait”, which means that they get attacked and mauled by other dogs during training or for money betting events in the pit. c. But they also breed dogs themselves, which happens in “rape boxes”. 2. The way dogs are trained is gruesome. a. Dogs are trained on treadmills and have a cat or other small animal in a cage hung in front of them, which they later receive as a reward. b. They are injected with steroids to increase muscle mass, wear chains with weights on their necks, fed narcotics so they don’t feel pain and are starved to let the survival instinct kick in to make them aggressive. c. Also, their ears and tails are cut off, so the opposing dog doesn’t have anything to hold onto during the fight and the dog’s teeth are also sharpened. 3. Then there are awful consequences for animals who do not want to or can’t fight. a. When a dog does not want to fight, loses a fight or cannot fight any longer, they are killed in cruel ways such as shooting, hanging, drowning and electrocution, since in the “dog man’s” world, the credo is “Breed the best and bury the rest.” b. Some dogs escape or are dumped somewhere, where other people find them and bring them to shelters. (Transition: Now onto the solutions to stop animal fighting.) II. After the research I have done, I came to the conclusion that something has to be done and there are ways to do this. A. First, it is important that people should be informed about these events that occur not only in the US, but also around the world to raise awareness. B. Second, it is important that when you see something happening, such as the following, you should contact the local law enforcement. 1. When an animal fight occurs in public. 2. Or when you see any animal chained in a garden, because it is illegal to chain animals and this way they can investigate to see why that animal is chained. C. Also, animals that have been rescued from these awful situation, are often placed in shelters seeking for a loving home, but some less fortunate are euthanized if they are too aggressive. D. Last, you can donate money to places such as The Humane Society of The United States or the ASPCA, to help them fight against animal cruelty. (Transition: Now, to summarize what we have discussed involving animal fighting.)


In conclusion, animal fighting happens daily in the US and around the world. The way the animals are treated is bad and inhumane. Not only are animals affected by it, but also the society as a whole. It is up to us all to help where necessary. This can be done by donating, informing others and adopting animals from shelters. II. So, please call when you see an animal in need, all animals deserve a second chance. Materials List: Powerpoint, notecards Bibliography: “A Closer Look at Dogfighting.” ASPCA, 2019, https://www.aspca.org/animal-cruelty/dogfighting/closer-look-dogfighting. “Animal Fighting.” National Humane Education Society, 2019 https://www.nhes.org/animal-fighting/. “Animal Fighting.” Monroehumane, 2016, https://www.monroehumane.org/animal-fighting. “Animal Fighting Facts.” Animal Legal Defense Fund, https://aldf.org/article/animal-fighting-facts/. Blake, Mychelle. “Dog Fighting Statistics.” LoveToKnow, LoveToKnow Corp, 2019, https://dogs.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Dog_Fights. Carter, Joe. “9 Things You Should Know About Animal Fighting.” The Gospel Coalition, The Gospel Coalition, 14 Nov. 2018, https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/9-things-you-should-know-about-animal-fighting/. “Dogfighting.” ASPCA, 2019, https://www.aspca.org/animal-cruelty/dogfighting. “Dogfighting.” PETA, 24 June 2010, https://www.peta.org/issues/animals-in-entertainment/cruel-sports/dogfighting/. “Dogfighting: Dogs Tortured in Illegal Blood 'Sport'.” PETA, 30 Aug. 2007, https://www.peta.org/issues/animals-in-entertainment/animals-used-entertainment-factsheets /dogfighting-dogs-tortured-illegal-blood-sport/. “Dogfighting Fact Sheet.” The Humane Society of the United States, 2019, https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/dogfighting-fact-sheet. “Ending Animal Fighting.” The Humane Society of the United States, https://www.humanesociety.org/all-our-fights/ending-animal-fighting. Gibson, Hanna. “Full Title Name: A Brief Summary of Dog Fighting Laws.” Animal Law Legal Center, 2005, https://www.animallaw.info/article/brief-summary-dog-fighting-laws. “Taking Action to Stop Dogfighting.” The Humane Society of the United States, https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/taking-action-stop-dogfighting....

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