Spot Test Revision PDF

Title Spot Test Revision
Author Nathan Forgach
Course Human Anatomy And Physiology 1
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 32
File Size 2.5 MB
File Type PDF
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Spot Test Revision

Major systems System Integumentary System

Skeletal System

Muscular System

Nervous System Endocrine System

Organs and structures Function  Protection from  Skin external  Hair environment  Fingers/toe nails  Protect inside  Ribs system  Skull  Biceps Brachii  Rectus Abdominis  Brain  Spinal cord  Pancreas  Thyroid Gland

Cardiovascular System

 Heart

Respiratory System

 Lungs  Nose

Lymphatic/Immune System

 Spleen  Swollen nymph nodes

Digestive System

 Stomach  Large Intestine

Urinary System

 Kidney  Bladder

Reproductive System

 Testes  Uterus

 structure  Permits to achieve movement  Control  communication  Secrete hormones for regulation e.g. growth  Transportation of oxygen throughout body  Keeps constant supply of oxygen within blood  Picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels and returns it  Breaks down food into absorbable units that enter blood  Eliminates nitrogenous wastes  Producing offspring

Anatomical planes Plane Sagittal (midsagittal or median) Plane Frontal (Coronal or Midfrontal) Plane Transverse (Axial) Plane

What does it seperate  Mid/Median Left and Right  Parasagittal plane unequal right and left  anterior and posterior  superior and inferior sections or proximal and distal  Taken at an angle

Oblique Plane

Terminology Term Superior VS Inferior Anterior VS Posterior Cranial VS Caudal Proximal VS Distal Deep VS Superficial Ventral VS Dorsal

Definition Toward the head VS toward the tail Front VS Back Toward the head Vs toward the tail Close VS Further Deep VS close to the surface Towards front Vs Towards back

Tissue structure and function


Connective Tissue

Types Subcutaneous fat stores Tendons on posterior hand Trachea External ear Femur, humerus or skull

Cranium Bones

Example  Within adipose tissue  Loose (fat tissue)  Connective tissue proper  Flat and shiny  Hyaline cartilage  Half a ring of cartliage  Elastic cartilage  covered in skin  bone tissue

Facial Bones

The Vertebral Column

Costal Facet

Inferior Demifacet

Vertebral arch= Pedicle+Lamina

Cervical Vertabra- C1-2. Atlas and Axis

Cervical Vertabra= C1-7

Thoracic Vertabra- T1-12

Lumbar Vertabra= L1-5

Sacral and coxygeal=5 fused vertabra

Thoracic cage

Appendicular skeleton: The shoulder girdle and upper limb Joints


Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb Joints Sacroiliac Joint Hip joint

Proximal tibiofibular joint

Distal tibiofibular joint

Ankle (talocrural) joint

Coccyx Sacrum


Pelvic inlet

Pelvic outlet

Pubic Synthesis Obturator Foramon

Muscles Fascicular Arrangement of muscle tissue

Muscle Classifications Classification Description/ example  Fascicles run Parallel- 2 types: strap and fusiform parallel to long axis  Diameter increases on contraction  Large range of motion


Pennate- 3 types: Unipennate, Bipennate and Multipennate

Fibres run at an oblique angle to tendon insertion  Unipennate- All fibres on same side of tendon  BipennateFibres insert either side of a central tendon  MultipennateTendon branches within muscle


 Fascicles extends over a broad area  Converge on a common attachment site  Triangular shape


 Orifices & sphincters  Concentrically arranged fibres around an opening or recess

Angular Joint Movements

Movement Flexion Extension Hyperextension

Abduction Adduction

Rotational joint movements Movement Internal (medial) rotation External (lateral) rotation Specific joint movements Movement Protraction Retraction Elevation Depression Opposition Reposition

Muscles of the head and neck

Description Reducing the angle of the joint Coming out of flexion to return to normal anatomical position Excessive joint movement: bones of particular joint open more than normal range Moving a body part away from the middle Moving a body part towards the midline

Description Rotation towards the midline Rotation away from midline

Description Movement of body part in the anterior direction Movement of body part in the posterior direction Movement of body part in the superior direction Movement of body part in the inferior direction Movement of thumb so it comes face to face with other fingers Return of thumb to normal position

Frontalis Temporalis

Orbicularis Oculi

Orbicularis Oris Sternocleidomastoid Platysma

Muscles of upper limb

Triceps Brachii

Biceps Brachii

Brachioradialis Pronator Teres

Digit extensors

Flexor Carpi Radialis

Hyothenar Brachialis

Palmaris Longus

Thenar Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

Digit Flexors

Muscles of the Trunk

External Obliques

Rectus Abnominus

Internal Obliques

Transverse Abdominus



Latissimus Dorsi

Pelvic Floor Muscles



Muscles of lower limb and pelvic girdle Sartorious Gluteus Maximus Adductor Magnus

Adductor longus Adductor Brevis

Biceps femoris

Rectus femoris


Semitendinosus Vastus Medialis Semimembranosus

Vastus Lateralis


Extensor digitorum Longus Soleus Tibialis Anterior

Components of Sarcomere Types of Description Photo myofilaments Thick Filaments made Filaments of myosin (A Band)-Dark

Thin Filaments

Filaments each of which contains two strands of actin and a single strand of regulatory protein (I Band)- Light

Neuromuscular Junction

Step s 1 2 3 4

5 6 7

Description AP is propagated down lower motorneuron axon to its terminal Calcium enters presynaptic terminal Acetylcholine (ACH) vesicles fuse and release ACH Into synaptic cleft of NMJ ACH binds to its receptor on sarcolemma end plate potential that changes the resting membrane potential when the RMP reacts threshold Na+ channels open beginning the action potential in the muscle Action potential travels down T tubules causes release of ca2 from sarcoplasmic reticulum into sarcoplasm Ca2 binds to troponin which pulls tropomyosin away from myosin binding site Myosin head attaches and pulls actin towards centre of


Cross bridge cycle

Types of contractions Isotonic- 2 Types Isometric

Nervous System

Concentric Eccentric

Description Muscle shortens Muscle Lengthens Muscle doesn’t shorten even though tension increases

Cranial Meninges Brain structure

Cerebral hemispheres and lobes

Fissures Longitudinal Transverse Lateral

The ventricular system

Function Left/Right Cuts of cerebellum Top/ Bottom

Lateral Ventricles (wings)

3rd Ventricle (bird)

4th Ventricle (stalk)

Spinal cord structure

Conus medullaris Cauda Equida Filum Terminale

Cross section of spinal cord

End of spinal cord (around last rib) Horse tail (pia matter) end

Cranial nerve

Peripheral nerves

Special senses

The eye

Ora serrata

Anterior Chamber: anything in front of lens Posterior chamber: anything behind lens

Muscles of the eye

The Ear

External auditory meatus


Tympanic membrane

Round window

Endocrine system Pituitary gland (master gland) Found as base of brain. Produces many organs travelling through body causing other organs to produce hormones.


Thyroid gland Secretes thyroid hormones influencing metabolic rate and protein synthesis.

Right lobe Left lobe


Adrenal gland Two triangular organs on top of kidneys. Regulate water, electrolytes, blood pressure and produces sex hormones, balance crucial for life. Each gland has two structures: Adrenal cortex- outer part of adrenal gland Adrenal medulla- the inner region

The pancreas




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