Spring \'22 381W Senior Seminar Writing Intensive Professor Katerina Spring 2022 PDF

Title Spring \'22 381W Senior Seminar Writing Intensive Professor Katerina Spring 2022
Author virpal kaur
Course Senior Seminars
Institution Queens College CUNY
Pages 5
File Size 161.8 KB
File Type PDF
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detailed information of the class of all the work, assignments, test and when they are due to focus on the class with all your attention at time and making sure you do your best in this class throughout the whole class...



Prof. Katerina Hantzandreou

SOC 381W-002: Sociology of Family and Violence

Office: Powdermaker 252-N

Course Code: 46544

718-997-2800 (dept. #)

Meetings: Tuesdays 1:40-3:25 PM Room: PH 304

[email protected]

Office hours: Thursdays from 12:15-1:15 PM *Make sure you read and comprehend what the syllabus consists of. It is your responsibility to comply and meet course expectations. I take my work seriously and expect students to do the same. Failure to do so will be reflected in your grade at the end of the semester. *This course is a writing intensive (W) course and fulfills one writing intensive requirement. “W” classes include a significant portion of time devoted to writing. This may include things such as revision workshops, discussions of rhetorical strategies, or reflective writing about writing assignments. Course Objective: This course will examine a great number of factors that revolve around family violence, including child, elder, intimate, sibling abuse, etc. We will discuss many theories and attempt to understand why this is a worldwide issue. Understanding the various types of violence, why some people are more likely to experience family violence, how easily we can be victimized, etc will be discussed greatly. Factors including socioeconomic status, addictions, intergenerational transmission of violence, patriarchal views, number of children, adolescent issues and so forth will be discussed to allow for students to comprehend why this issue exists, why it will continue and what can possibly be done to help those who are victims and perpetrators. Course Format: This is a discussion-based course. Students are required to participate. Please be punctual. Goals for the course:    

To understand what proper family dynamics should consist of To detect issues when they appear to be invisible To understand the importance of structure, self-esteem, independence and self-worth To learn where resources are available

Required textbook: Wallace, Harvey, Cliff Roberson and Julie Globokar. Family Violence: Legal, Medical, and Social Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2019. Course Requirements: 1. Regular attendance, in-class writing assignments, and participation in class discussion: This course will be conducted as a lecture and discussion class, and each person’s reactions and comments are crucial to the learning process for everyone. 2. Weekly readings: Please read all assigned chapters and articles before coming to each class meeting. You are asked to take careful notes on each reading and to be prepared to comment on them in detail. 3. Weekly papers: You will have a one-page reaction paper to the readings due each week. Make sure it is a full page worth of writing. These reaction papers do not require footnotes or citations. You are required, however, to record your first impression of the reading assignments. Make sure you type your responses; double-space your work and use standard font. These will be graded on a scale of 1 to 10. Do not email me your work. The only time you can email me your work is in the event we need to go online for a week because of COVID. If you are absent, only students with proper documentation will be permitted to submit their assignment; documentation must be given to me immediately, not days later. Valid reasons include hospitalization, death of an immediate family member, jury duty, etc. Penalty may apply. 4. Topic Proposal: You will hand in a typed 2-3 paragraph description of the topic you would like to conduct your research paper on. Please look at the topics we will be covering carefully. 5. Condensed draft of your paper: You will hand in the first two pages of your paper for review and grading. You will be given the opportunity to revise. Make sure you have at least two reputable sources, not including the course textbook. Include a bibliography with your draft. 6. Final Paper: You will write a research paper on a topic related to the course. The final paper will be due on the last day of classes. One of the sources you must use is the assigned textbook for the course. I will provide more info at the start of the semester. 7. Presentations: Each student will present once at the end of the semester. The presentation will be based on your research paper and will last roughly ten minutes. The rubric is available for viewing by going to Course Materials. General rules:     

Please arrive on time. Being late results in you disrupting class discussion and missing a portion of material being covered. Do not read or send text messages during class time. It is preferred that you do not use laptops during class. Audio-recording is strictly prohibited. There is no extra credit option in this class.

Technology Issues: Sometimes technology malfunctions. If Bb is down, do not panic. You will not be penalized over something you have no control over. If your computer crashes or your internet is unreliable, just send an email informing me of the issue. Help Desk: Please call 718-997-4444 or visit [email protected]. If you do not know your CAMS account and/or password, go to cams.qc.cuny.edu and click on ‘forgot username or password.’ Outside communication: Feel free to email me with any questions you may have. If you do not hear from me within 24 hours, please resend. Be sure to include your name and class in the subject line. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism is always wrong and can result in failing an assignment or course. Any suspected plagiarism will be reported to the appropriate office. Be sure to give credit where credit is due. For more information, please refer to the QC Bulletin. You may read additional information by going to https://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/legal-affairs/policiesprocedures/academic-integrity-policy/ Writing Center: If you need help writing your papers, visit writingcenter.qwriting.qc.cuny.edu. QC Learning Commons: They offer free tutoring and peer mentoring support services. Learn more by visiting https://www.qc.cuny.edu/learningcommons or by calling them at 718-997-5670. Cancelled class (Jury duty, family emergency, etc): You are required to check Bb regarding a makeup assignment. Special Services: For students who are entitled to extra time on exams, please bring matters to my attention at the start of the semester so I can accommodate you properly and promptly. Please be sure to take a picture of the front and back of your ID and send to me in an email. You should register with and provide appropriate documentation to the Special Services Office (Frese Hall, Room 111); bring a letter indicating the need for accommodation and what type. If you need further assistance, please contact the director at 718-997-5870. Queens College Psychological Center: This office offers individual and group counseling. If you think you can benefit from their services, please contact them at 718-570-0500 or by email at [email protected]. Queens College Library: Visit library.qc.cuny.edu. Course Calendar: 2/1: Course overview; student introductions; family functions; Characteristics and Consequences of Family Violence; healthy vs. problematic home environments 2/8: Classes follow a Friday schedule 2/15: Physical Child Abuse (Battered Child Syndrome, immersion/pattern burns, Shaken Baby Syndrome); Child Sexual Abuse (intrafamilial/extrafamilial)

2/22: Child Neglect (medical, educational, malnutrition, mental health, etc); Sibling Abuse (Cinderella Effect, societal view regarding sibling violence); Topic proposal due 3/1: Professionals and their Response to Child Abuse (mandated reporters, who is more likely to report, anonymity); Child Exploitation (runaways, trafficking, etc) 3/8: Intimate Partner Violence and Relationship Violence (physical, psychological, sexual, financial abuse); killing in self-defense, characteristics of the batterer, victim, etc) 3/15: The Criminal Justice Response to Intimate Partner Violence; Elder Abuse (power of attorney, nursing homes, verbal/sexual/physical abuse) 3/22: Special Populations and Family Violence (incarceration, mental illness, teen pregnancy, adulterous behavior, etc); Draft due 3/29: Addictions (genetic predisposition, financial struggle, behavioral/personality changes); Gangs and Society (seeking love and attention in the wrong places) 4/5: Depression; Suicide/Homicide (reaching a breaking point) 4/12: Stalking (involved or not, the fear of being watched); Victims’ Issues (available assistance and who takes advantage); Revision due 4/19: Spring Recess 4/26: Motivational Interviewing; self-esteem; professional therapeutic advice; Student Presentations 5/3: Student Presentations 5/10: Student Presentations 5/17: Student Presentations—Final Paper Due *Note: The instructor reserves the right to make any necessary changes regarding the syllabus as the semester progresses. Grade Breakdown: Weekly Assignments and Class Participation: 50%; Topic Proposal: 5%; Draft/Revision: 15%; Final Paper/Presentation: 30% *I will issue reminders, but it is your responsibility to follow all instructions and complete coursework in a timely manner. *Penalty applies for any work submitted after the due date. *If you are hospitalized or some other type of unfortunate event has occurred, documentation must come in my direction as soon as possible. Waiting several days or weeks will result in your work not being accepted.

*If we need to go remote for about a week or so due to COVID cases in the class, you will be required to check Bb for instructions. I will notify you immediately about next steps. If this occurs during the end of the semester when students are presenting, the presenter will need to have their camera on so we can observe eye contact and body language. Face masks must be worn while in class; this applies to both students and instructors....

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