Study Guide 1302 Exam #1 PDF

Title Study Guide 1302 Exam #1
Course U S History Ii Since 1877
Institution Lamar University
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Study guide for Exam #1 for Jim Seratt's History 1302 course., Study guide for Exam #1 for Jim Seratt's History 1302 course....



Battle of the Little Bighorn – Turning point of Indian conflicts – Custer’s last stand (killed) Gold Standard – *Which one of the following was NOT a demand of the Populist party? E. Maintenance of the gold standard. Gold Standard Act – declared gold the nation’s standard of currency, meaning all currency in circulation had to be redeemable in gold. James A. Garfield *Which of the following presidents was assassinated in office? A. James Garfield Defeated Hancock in the Election of 1870. grandfather clause *The grandfather clause waived the literacy requirement for voters whose ancestor had D. voted before 1867 Chinese Exclusion Act First U.S. exclusionary law that was aimed at a specific racial group. Excluded Chinese immigrant workers for 10 years and denied U.S. citizenship Benjamin Harrison Defeated Cleveland in the Election of 1888 *Which of the following was NOT an accomplishment of the Harrison administration? B. Bland-Allison Act Signed Sherman Antitrust Act and annexed Hawaii. Lost popular vote, won election Chisholm Trail Trail used in the late 19th century to drive cattle overland from ranches in Texas to Kansas railheads. Rutherford B. Hayes *The president who entered the White House after the fraudulent election of 1876 was C. Rutherford B. Hayes Chivington massacre *The Sand Creek massacre of 1864 was led by D. John Chivington Killed over 100 Indians in Colorado William Dean Howells One of leading realism authors of early 1900s literature (Realliam Howells) Also, Mark Twain was a realism author.

George A. Custer *Which of the following was, perhaps, the greatest Native American victory over the United States Army? C. Custer’s Last Stand Lieutenant of Little Big Horn. Interstate Commerce Commission *The Interstate Commerce Commission E. was the first attempt at federal regulatory commissions. *The Hepburn Act of 1906 A. strengthened the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Dawes Severalty Act *Which of the following was NOT done by the Dawes Act? A. It greatly increased the power of tribal chiefs. *The main purpose of the Dawes Act of 1887 was to turn individual Native Americans into land-owning farmers. 25-year residency requirement Mary E. Lease Became well known during the early 1890's for her actions as a speaker for the populist party. Encourage farmers to speak their discontent with the economic situation. Joseph Glidden The inventor of barbed wire was B. Joseph Glidden Literacy test *In 1894, the Immigration Restriction League demanded a literacy test for immigrants from C. Southern and eastern Europe It was a test administered as a precondition for voting, often used to prevent African Americans from exercising their right to vote. Great Plains *Which of the following tribes did NOT live on the Great Plains? A. Hopi *Which of the following did NOT make Great Plains agriculture more profitable in the late nineteenth century? A. large-scale irrigation *In the late nineteenth century, farmers on the Great Plains usually lived in D. Isolated farmhouses *On the Great Plains, rainfall averaged C. less than twenty inches a year. Home of nomadic hunters and the buffalo.

William McKinley *The two major presidential candidates of the 1896 election were C. William Jennings Bryan and William McKinley *As president, William McKinley A. was an activist president. * Which of the following individuals favored the annexation of the Philippines? D. William McKinley Homestead Act *The Homestead Act of 1862 failed because B. the land allotments were insufficient for farming arid land Act that allowed a settler to acquire as much as 160 acres of land by living on it for 5 years Munn v. Illinois *In this case, the Supreme Court upheld the right of states to regulate commerce. B. Munn v. Illinois Chief Joseph Lead the Nez Perce during the hostilities between the tribe and the U.S. Army in 1877. His speech "I Will Fight No More Forever" mourned the young Indian men killed in the fighting. Naturalism *The literary naturalists argued that A. the environment had a great effect in shaping human character. (Stephen Crane; Jack London, Dreiser) Naturalism is to literature what determinism is to philosophy Joseph McCoy Responsible for the cattle drives in Abilene, Kansas Pendleton Act – *The Pendleton Act B. created a merit system for governmental appointments. Timber Culture Act – *The Timber Culture Act of 1873 primarily benefited A. homesteaders. Stated a person who planted 40 acres of trees and maintained timber for 4 years would receive 320 acres of land. Poll tax - a tax of a fixed amount per person and payable as a requirement for the right to vote. Frederick Jackson Turner *The historian who first developed the frontier thesis.

Populist party *Which one of the following was NOT a demand of the Populist party? E. maintenance of the gold standard

Why was the Populist party unsuccessful in reaching beyond its narrow base of support? Include an analysis of its platform, candidates, and supporters. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Free & unlimited coinage of silver Graduated Income Tax Government Ownership of railroads, telephone & telegraph. More direct democracy: (initiative, referendum, direct election of U.S. Senators).

Candidates: William Jennings Bryan leader of the FREE SILVER MOVEMENT Tom Watson and Mary Lease were also leaders. They failed because only appealed to a small amount of people in the electorate. Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 in which the US killed 200 Sioux Indians Pullman strike *The individual who rocketed to national attention because of the Pullman strike was C. Eugene V. Debs *President Cleveland broke the Pullman strike on grounds that it had D. Obstructed the delivery of the mail *Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the Pullman strike? E. The workers had their demands met Pullman cuts workers’ wages but not expenses. Owners learned that workers would not remain passive in the industrial process. Labor learned that when pressed, the Federal Government would not be neutral, but would side with Capital. American Federation of Labor * By the 1890s, the most important labor organization in the country was the C. American Federation of Labor **** Unlike the Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor C. emphasized economic goals for workers * As the leader of the American Federation of Labor, he tried to achieve pragmatic goals for his workers. B. Samuel Gompers *For women workers, the American Federation of Labor B. Either ignored or opposed them as members *In the first decade of the twentieth century, the American Federation of Labor B. Remained devoted to the interests of skilled craftsmen.

Realism *The greatest change in American literature during the late 1800s was the rise of C) Realism Leading authors included Mark Twain and William Howells. Anarchist Alexander Berkman Advocate who favors the abolition of governments Sherman Antitrust Act *Which one of the following court decisions severely crippled the Sherman Antitrust Act? B. United States v. E.C. Knight *The Sherman Antitrust Act A. was vague and at the mercy of the courts. Bessemer process *Which of the following individuals is INCORRECTLY associated with the industry he helped to found? C) Henry Bessemer/railroads Method of steel production, invented by Henry Bessemer. Brought to US by Carnegie Sherman Silver Purchase Act *The Sherman Silver Purchase Act B. kept limited silver coinage in circulation. (Place 4.5 million ounces of silver on reserve monthly). Andrew Carnegie *Andrew Carnegie's success could be attributed to the fact that he B. understood how to organize steel industry management, and its financial structure, to his best advantage. Mark Twain *The writings of Mark Twain D. relied on the realism and humor of American life. Thomas A. Edison * The greatest inventor of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century America Over 1,000 U.S. patents (invented phonograph, motion picture camera, incandescent light bulb) Wabash case 1886 – Wabash Railroad v. IL (States could not regulate rates on interstate traffic). *The Wabash decision stated that A. states could regulate only intrastate commerce. Samuel Gompers *As the leader of the American Federation of Labor, he tried to achieve pragmatic goals for his workers. James B. Weaver Candidate in the Third Party (People’s party) in election of 1892

Haymarket riot *The Haymarket Square Riot C. weakened the national labor movement. (11 killed by bombs, 5 arrested). Farmers’ Alliance Organization that united farmers at the statewide and regional level; policy goals of this organization included more readily federal regulation of the railroads and farm credits. free silver Supported by farmers – free unlimited coinage of silver that would cause inflation Eugene V. Debs *The individual who rocketed to national attention because of the Pullman strike was C. Eugene V. Debs *The most prominent American socialist during the Progressive Era was C. Eugene Debs Homestead strike * The Homestead Strike D. emphasized the cost of industrialization. Knights of Labor *The principles on which the Knights of Labor were founded included B. ensuring all Americans received equal benefits from the system. *The leader of the Knights of Labor was C. Terence Powderly. *The ________ invited women and minorities to join. D. Knights of Labor *Why did the Knights of Labor fail? A. It could not provide effective national leadership. *The Knights of Labor was the first really successful labor union in American history. FALSE J. P. Morgan *For JP Morgan, B. orderly consolidation brought stability to the economy. Bought Carnegie’s Steel empire in 1900 (493 million dollars). Did NOT share wealth John D. Rockefeller *Owned the Standard Oil of Ohio; 1879 – controlled 90% of all the oil production in America (Monopoly) First trust of U.S. Vertical integration *In which type of organization does a company own all elements from raw material to finished product? C. Vertical Integration

American Protective Association Anti-Catholic views/nativists campaigned to restrict immigration. Nativist *Immigrants to the United States in the early 1900s C. encountered considerable hostility from American nativists. Political nativism was an insignificant factor in the politics of the 1850s. FALSE New immigration *For most Americans, the new immigrants of the late nineteenth century B. Were seen as threats to the future of society. *As the new immigrants entered American society, B. they clung to the customs of their native countries. *New immigrants to America maintained their loyalty to their Old World cultures by speaking the native language, practicing their religious faith, reading their own newspapers, and often attending parochial schools - TRUE political machine *One consequence of the urban growth of the late nineteenth century was the development of D. powerful city political machines. *Which of the following was NOT a reason urban political machines stayed in power? D. There was little regard for the political system The most famous political machine of the late nineteenth century was B. Tammany Hall Social Darwinism *The Social Darwinists A. believed the laws of nature applied to.society. Theory that laws of evolution by natural selection also apply to social structures. Louis Sullivan *The architect who invented the "skyscraper" was A. Louis Sullivan William Graham Sumner *The leading American advocate of Social Darwinism was C. William Graham Sumner William M. Tweed City boss and City machine of New York James G. Blaine *Where were the greatest diplomatic successes for James G. Blaine? Latin America Which one of the following individuals was NOT a prominent muckraker? C. James G. Blaine

William Jennings Bryan *The two major presidential candidates of the 1896 election were C. William Jennings Bryan and William McKinley *Why was William Jennings Bryan defeated in 1896? C. The established eastern press had deserted him. *As secretary of state, William Jennings Bryan E. embarked on a campaign to negotiate arbitration treaties.

Grover Cleveland *Grover Cleveland C. curtailed federal activities. *Which of the following was a Democrat who served as president? A. Grover Cleveland * The president of the US during the depression of 1893 was B. Grover Cleveland *Although Grover Cleveland and William Jennings Bryan were both Democrats, they had very different political philosophies TRUE *During his presidency, Grover Cleveland aggressively pursued the annexation of Hawaii. FALSE *In response to the successful American revolt in Hawaii in 1893, Grover Cleveland E. tried, but failed, to restore the queen to power Jacob Coxey *As the leader of the unemployed marching on Washington, he demanded that the government fund jobs. *Which of the following individuals was NOT a prominent American writer of the late nineteenth century? Coxey...

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