Study Guide Exam 1 Dimensions of Nursing PDF

Title Study Guide Exam 1 Dimensions of Nursing
Course Dimensions of Nursing Practice
Institution Rasmussen University
Pages 5
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Here is a copy of Exam 1 study guide for dimensions of nursing. It is VERY helpful in regards to getting a good grade....


NUR2058 DIMENSIONS OF NURSING PRACTICE EXAM #1 CONCEPT GUIDE CHAPTER & HEADING Chapter 1: What is a Profession? Chapter 5: Nursing Organizations & Their Importance  Founded in 1896  American Nurses Association (ANA)  Purpose is to advance and protect the profession of nursing  NSNA founded in 1952, mentored nursing students that are prepping for licensure

Chapter 4: Submission to Authority

TOPIC Characteristics that define a profession What is the purpose of a professional organization? What are the benefits of joining a professional organization? Know the following professional organizations and their contribution: National League of Nursing (NLN), American Nurses Association (ANA0, The National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA), & Grassroots Organizations What are diploma schools? 

Minimum credentials to work in the field of nursing as an LPN

What are some of the benefits of diploma school nurses?  Flexible schedules/ not as burdensome as Universities  Made so one can work as a nurse while still pursuing higher education Chapter 2: The Sanctity of Life =

What role did Christianity play in regards to healthcare?

Life is sacred, holy and set apart for god. Chapter 2: The Evolution of Symbols in Nursing

What are the major nursing symbols affiliated with the nursing profession?  Cap- service to others/devotion/pride  Pin- Acknowledging the hard work for graduating nurses  Lamp- Around the clock care and aiding to others day and night/dedication.

Who or what was the influence for these symbols? Chapter 2: Nursing Leaders

Know the contributions for each of the following nursing leaders: Nightingale: Founder of modern nursing, “lady with the lamp”, 1st to demonstrate informatics in nursing. Hampton Robb: founded ANA, developed the

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NUR2058 DIMENSIONS OF NURSING PRACTICE EXAM #1 CONCEPT GUIDE standards of nursing, formed society of super intendents. Wald: Founder of Henry street settlement (1st public nursing practice), Founder of Assn. for Advancement of Colored People, focused on public health nursing Dock: Established equal rights in health care, worked alongside Lillian Wald, Founder of NLN Goodrich: Nursing educator, helped nursing become a profession, Developed Yale Nursing School Ford: Founder of first nurse practitioner program Chapter 4: Converting the Curriculum

What are the 2 degree-granting programs for beginning nurses? ADN(Associated Degree of Nursing) What are the similarities and differences between the programs?

Chapter 1: Advance Practice Nurses

What are the 2 types of advanced practice nurses? APN & DNP

Chapter 1: Nurse’s Code of Ethics

Chapter 4: QSEN Competencies Guide for Nursing Curriculum

Know the roles for both What is the Code of Ethics? Written set of principles/rules for determining appropriate ethical behavior. Developed in the 1950’s and is constantly being modified. Who publishes them? ANA – American Nurses Association What is QSEN? Quality and safety education for nurses, and it is a system on how to improve healthcare. What are the 6 QSEN competencies? - Patient Centered Care - Team work/ Collaboration - Evidence based practice - Quality Improvement - Safety - Informatics

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Chapter 16: What is Civility?

Chapter 16: What is Incivility?

What is the Institute of Medicine (IOM) involvement? What is civility? - Having good manners, being polite and respectful to others. Why is it important in the nursing profession? To protect patients from discrimination What is incivility? Speech/behavior that disrupts harmony of home, work or educational setting.

What are the causes for this to occur? - Hostility - Little control - Role conflict - Job demands - Poor working conditions - STRESS - Staffing issues/ratios - Energy levels - Lack of time

Chapter 16: Stop the Spiral Chapter 16: Bullying

Chapter 16: Workplace Violence

Chapter 16: Lateral Violence

What can incivility lead to? Harm, Distress, violence and lack of care for the patient How do we stop incivility from progressing? What is necessary in order for that to occur? What is bullying? How do we define bullying behavior? What is the goal of bullying? Why do others bully? Uncivil behavior can result in negative outcomes for whom? What did the survey conducted in 2013 reveal? What is the difference between covert and overt lateral violence? Overt (more obvious/public) = rolling eyes, gossiping, threating body languate, blaming others, and criticizing others Covert (more secretive/harder to prove) = unfair work assignments, ignoring others, making faces behind back, refusing to help

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Chapter 2: Before Nursing

What are behaviors of each? What religion used balance and driving out demons to heal the body?

Chapter 16: Communication & Civility

Taoism What role does Watson’s nursing theory have on civility?

Chapter 1: Driving Out Demons Chapter 5: Licensure

Chapter 4: Case Management

Chapter 4: Interprofessional Education

Chapter 16: Ethical Prohibitions to Incivility

Chapter 16: Mentoring

Chapter 16: Incivility in Nursing Education-An Escalating Problem

Ancient civilizations beliefs in the ailing body. What is permissive licensure? Allows for meeting certain standards, voluntarily to be licenses. Mandatory licensure requires ALL individuals of that practice to be licensed. What is case management? Development of care for a client or family They address the needs of an individual and connect them with community and personal resources. What is the name of the nurse who works in this area? A Specialized Registered Nurse What are the 4 key competencies related to interprofessional education efforts? - Values/ Ethics - Roles/ Responsibilities or collaborative practice - Professional communication - Teamwork/Team based care What are the guidelines set by the Joint Commission in order to deal with behaviors that are interpreted as lateral violence? What are the pros of mentoring? - Improved performance - Increased commitments - Stronger internal networks What are some examples of student-to-faculty incivility? - Threatening behavior by students re: grades, cheating, not showing to class on time and not participating

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Chapter 16: Don’t Eat Your Young

How should faculty deal with this issue? What does this statement refer to? Aggressive Communication

AKA: “The Doctor Nurse Game” What behaviors are seen with this? - Cyber Harassment - Rude emails - Hate texts - Being rude/ bitter - Social Rejection

What are the pros of universities offering specialized degrees in nursing education rather than on-the-job-training?

Chapter 5: Certification

Chapter 1: How Do Nurses Become Empowered?

Chapter 1: Origins of Power

Chapter 2: Father of Medicine

What type of violence is eating your young? Lateral Violence The purpose of certification. It ensures a specific practice of study meets the standards for a professional practice What is the most important way for nurses to gain power? To join professional organization in large numbers Define the 6 accessible and acceptable sources of power that nurses should consider using in their practice Who was Hippocrates? What did his beliefs focus on? He was the first to release medicine away from religion and superstitions and come up with information about the body and how it functions. He observed diseases, and how diet affected one’s health

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