Suicidal Teenager Argumentative Essay PDF

Title Suicidal Teenager Argumentative Essay
Author Evan Le
Course Freshman Composition II
Institution Valencia College
Pages 5
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argumentative about suicidal teenager problem...


Huynh 1 Ngoc Huynh Professor Nick Brown ENC 1102 October 15, 2020 Suicidal Teenagers Suicide is always a topic, which is really serious concern for this society these days, and it affects persons’ mental impressively. Suicidal thoughts not only do happen to adults, but it does also happen to teenagers. In this developing world, people do not need to worry about technology, transportation, and so many things else; however, mental illness is one of the serious problems for people in the 21st century, and it is one of the main reasons lead to suicide of teenagers. Young adults and teenagers are easily under pressure about study, their dream and family problems, and even their current lives. Because of that, the suicidal thought always does appear in their minds. Everyone knows suicide is a serious problem, and people need to restrict it; however, some people who are still thinking that all suicidal teenagers are overthinking about feelings. Suicide is a term that many people do not want to talk about. Putting suicide as a topic in a discussion would make the others feel uncomfortable and also scares of talking about. Almost everyone assumes that suicide only happens to teenagers, but somehow it affects adults with a good mental. The fact that everyday around the world, many families suffer the loss of someone close due to suicide. Saying suicidal teenage is not totally right, because suicide is a tremendous occurrence that happens among all age groups. However, teenage group is the most effected group by suicide. Many reasons about suicidal teenagers are about collapsed emotions,

Huynh 2 misunderstanding in family, broken love relationship, bully, or a combination of all the mentioned problems. When a thought of suicide comes to teenagers’ mind, they hardly find a support from their families or someone that they can trust and get advice from, because almost all the time the parents and friends supposedly relinquish that their supportive voices is a huge help for teenagers, and would save so many teenagers’ lives. According to English dictionary, the definition of suicidal is “the intentional taking of one’s own life” (can understand as suicide). Suicide is not new at this time, and also hasn’t happened for a few years, it has been in our lives for a long time, and people forsake about it and refuse dealing with it. According to Dr. Smith mentions in his article “Still, the social conspiracy of silence on suicide is very much alive and thriving. No subject is more misunderstood, even today, then suicide. It remains one of the last taboos.” The basic way to deal with some and especially suicide is to understand it and willing to help the others by not hesitant taking action. Which teens are at risk for suicide? Frankly, it’s really hard to remember how it feels being a teenager, and teen is a kind of gray area between childhood and adulthood. As a teenager, there is obviously pressure to fit in socially, perform a good academically and also a wellbehavior. Moreover, young people always have a problem with their mental such as anxiety, depression, bipolar, disorder, or insomnia, those things put teenagers at higher risk for suicidal thoughts. Furthermore, teenagers have been going through serious changes in their life such as parents’ divorce, moving state-to-state, a parent leaving home due to something, sexual abuse, struggling their gender identity, and especially lack of support from the relatives. During the darkest moment, teenagers tend to think that the situation is hopeless, and almost all the time teenagers think that there is no way out for their situation. Because of this, one teenager will think about suicide is a way to escape, not to face the current situation anymore.

Huynh 3 Teenager is a group age that suffer depression, anxiety and loneliness, those things are just reasons for suicide, but no teenagers commit suicide because of those reasons. Drugs and substance abuse is a major problem, and drugs are like catalysis for leading to suicide, beside that; teenagers use drugs because they think that drugs can blow away their depression, somehow drugs have a effect of depression to the brain. Moreover, teenagers who have a bad family history such as like a parent leaving home, a childhood without either father or mother, because of that, they are likely to suffer great depression that can make teenagers easily taking away their own lives. The depression pushes teenagers to misuse drugs and alcohol which only make the situation worse. The fact that so many teenagers fail to realize the effect of alcohol is depressive and drugs practically increase depression when using for a long time. High school is the place that teenagers run into so many problems in their teenagers’ life such as bullying, pregnancy, broken love relationship, fail in studying… Bullying has been a major controversy in school for years, till now no solutions for bullying, many teenage students would have been bullied for so long in high school, they could not fight back, have no valiant to ask for help either, then they choose the way to escape from bullying is to commit suicide. Especially teens with bipolar disorder are in high risk of committing suicide because most of the time they do not know which one is right and which one is wrong, and they can’t find their own voices to ask for help. Pregnancy is one of the serious concern that lead teens to suicide, during high school; so many school girls get pregnant and then they drop out of high school, under the pressure of taking care of baby and financial, so many teen mothers choose the suicidal way to escape from their pressures. Nowadays, young generation run into a new type of drug which is called social media, with the developing of smart phone, teenagers always have a smart phone on their hand, and

Huynh 4 update their status and share their feelings on social medias. Moreover, social media is pressuring the stereotypes onto teenagers and causing developed mental health disorders from lack of self-esteem and deteriorating confidence in oneself. A majority of teens are not only abusing the use of social medias but also spending so much time on their devices. Because of social medias, there are so many stereotypes that teens feel that they need to fit in, therefore; after social media comparison and jealousy with others, if teens don’t achieve these invisible standards on social medias, those things will lead them to self-doubt, heavy depressive feelings. All those things easily interfere teens’ goals and bring up invisible pressures, when a teen has a thought of suicide, social media would be one of the reason that make teens committing suicide. To sum up, suicide is an occurrence that is preventable. With the knowledge of suicide’s signs and symptoms, and along the understanding of the teens’ problems, then a person could react immediately in order to prevent teenage suicide. A person who is willing to prevent a suicide from teenagers, a person should let them know that they still have someone that cares about them, make them feel that they are not being rejected. That person ought to be parents, and they have so many ways to prevent the suicide from the teen kids such as don’t let your teens’ depression or anxiety snowball, listen even your teen is not talking, never shrug off threats of suicide as typical melodrama. Parents should know and understand their kids more than they think they do, and do not ever underestimate the suicide, because parent’s unconcern will make a worse consequence and regret for the rest of their life.

Huynh 5

Works Cited Mayo Clinic. Healthy Lifestyle Tween and teen health. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). Accessed on 17 October 2020. Cammarata, Christina M. “About Teen Suicide.” KidsHealth from Nemours. Accessed 17 October 2020 Powered by pediatricians Trusted by Parents. 10 Things Parents Can Do to Prevent Suicide. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed on 17 October 2020 Rudlin, Kathryn. “Understanding Suicidal Ideation in Teens.”, 26 March 2020, Accessed on 17 October 2020. Webmd. Recognizing Suicidal Behavior. WebMD. Accessed on 17 October 2020...

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