Summary - Final Exam Review PDF

Title Summary - Final Exam Review
Course Myths of the Heroic Age
Institution Brock University
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CLAS 1P97 FINAL EXAM The Hero Week 1 Lecture Hero Hero: A person who is usually noble, and capable (as in homer) A Greek hero will always have a special social or religious status as a warrior ruler or seer Metis helps come up with cunning ideas Types of Heroic Stories Legend: Emphasis on a single c...


CLAS 1P97 FINAL EXAM Week 1 Lecture – Hero The Hero Hero: A person who is usually noble, well-born and capable (as in homer) - A Greek hero will always have a special social or religious status as a warrior ruler or seer - Metis helps come up with cunning ideas Types of Heroic Stories Legend: Emphasis on a single character event - Hercules story Saga: Emphasis on a hero myth creates a type of “proto-history” special people and events in the past - Trojan War Cosmology: Learning about the heavens Cosmogony: Descent of the gods Perseus: One of the olderst hero’s, comes from Argos Acrisus vs. Proetus - Two brothers who are always fighting - Argos or Acrisius becomes the king of Argos - Tiryns (Proetus) becomes the king of Tiryns Danae - Daughter of Acrisius and Eurydice - Oracle – her child will kill Acrisius - Acrisuis imprisoned Danae in a bronze chamber - Zeus impregnates her by turning himself into a shower of gold - She gets pregnant and tells everyone Zeus got her pregnant - Danae and Perseus are put into a chest that floats to the island of Seriphons Rescue - Dictys (a kind fisherman) takes them in Polydeuces(Pollux) (Evil King) - Lusts after Danae - Pollux demands gifts for a feast as a means to remove Perseus and get Danae - Perseus seems to be a lot stronger than the average child - Perseus says he cannot give him a horse to defend his mothers honor The Quest: A Gordon’s Head - The quest was to get a Gordon’s head - Known as an impossible task for anyone to complete - Athena is the first to give Perseus divine help - Gives him a slightly polished shield and tells him to see the Graeae (the grey women) - Graiai = a trial or sub quest o Notifies Perseus abour Nymphs o Nymphs give Theseus the power to fly - Hermes gives Perseus a sick (big sword) and a bag - Gordon’s are snake-haired flying monsters

- Two (steno and Euryale) are immortal, but their sister Medusa is mortal - Perseus kills medusa - Found out that she had been raped by Poseidon Perseus flys to Ethiopia - Kingdom of Cepheus - Andromeda ( their daughter) forces to be sacrificed - Cepheus tells Perseus if he rescues Andromeda that he could marry her Banquet of Tantalus - Pelops is chopped up and served to the gods. - Tantalus wants to test them – hubris Pelops and Poseidon - Pelops is resurrected with an ivory shoulder - Poseidon is his lover Oenomaus and Pelops - Oenomaus will kill any suitor who loses to him in a chariot race Pelops, Hippodameia and Myrtilus - Pelops had the horses of Poseidon but was worried and bribed Oenomaus’ charioteer Myrtilus - If Myrtilus helps he can sleep with Hippodameia on their first night after marriage - Pelops kills him insread The Island of Pelops and the Sea of Myrtilus - Pelops conquers the Peloponnesus Chrysippus (Pelops favourite son) - Legitimate - Pelops had slept with a slave girl - Chrysippus was kidnapped by Laous of Thebus bet Pelops rescued him - Pelops has a child, who he loves a lot - Hippodameia arranges the death of Chrysippus by getting her sons to do it Staff of Pelops: Symbolic of Royal Authority Pelops: Has KLEOS ( fame) and is seen as a glorious, heroic, monarch by outsiders The Story: - For the Greeks KLEOS (fame) is everything, it stands for authority - Greeks don’t associate family with power Pelops – Cult Hero - Pelopeion – Pelops’ shrine at Olympia - In myth Pelops somewhat dodges the curse of Myrtilus but his descendants don’t -

Theseus : An Athenian hero although not born in Athens. His mythology was very much developed during the fifth-century BCE when Athens was a powerful state. Athens: Really a temple to Hephaistus and Athena - Decorated with the scenes of the labours of Theseus - Treated like a heroic shrine - The temple was used to get things to be done for you, any wishes granted must be repaid with gifts  Aegeus (King of Athens): Theseus father or stepfather, whose status is problematic for he is king but there are rumors that he is not Padian’s son (the king before him) many of the rumors were started by Aegeus’ brother.  - Aegeus wants to hand down his kingdom to his son however he does not have one, so he goes to the oracle of Delphi for help  Aegeus at Delphi: - Aegeus desperately wants a son so he went to the Zeus oracle for answers  Oracle tells Aegeus “ Keep your wineskin sealed until you are back at Athens.”  Madea-At Cornith:  - Aegeus runs into a foreign woman who has just been divorced by Jason  - She says she can make sure he has a son if he lets her live at Athens.  - Aegeus tells Pittheus the oracle.  Saronic Gulf  - Aegeus goes to Trozen to ask his friend Pittheus about the oracle  Pittheus (King of Troezen)  - A son of Pelops and Hippomania  Aegeus Tells Pittheus the Oracle  - They are Xenoi, guest friends  Aethra ( Daughter of Pittheus)  - Pittheus understands the oracle  - Aethra had an oracle that supposedly means that there is something heroic about the daughter and something important about it  Poseidon: Devine father of Theseus, Aethra and Aegeus had gone to make a dedication at a sanctuary. Aegeus got drunk, while Poseidon raped Aethra.

Theseus His mythology was very much developed om the fifth century BCE when Athens was a power state Theseus and the Stone: Aegeus knows that he did not follow the Oracle’s instruction so he comes up with a plan to leave his sandals and sword under a stone. He tells Aethra that if he finds them when he comes of age to send him to Athens. 

Story of Theseus - Journey to Athens, he purposely takes an adventure route Labors 1. Periphetes - A murdered who sneak up on travelers and smash their skulls with a club

2. 3. 4. 5. -

Theseus disarms him and takes his bronze club to his head Sinis Sinis lets go of the pine tree when Theseus tries to help, the pine tree acts as a sling shot Theseus ties Sinus to his own tree Pine bender, Theseus had an affair with his daughter, Perigune, after his death Sow of Krommyon Phaea is her owner A pig so big that it will eat anything The big had become a monster and had to be put down Skiron Murderer who kicks people into the sea Would pretend to have manners, then throw people into the sea Kerkyon King of Eleusis, a viscous wrestler Theseus ends up being a better wrestler Theseus later made his grandson the king of Eleusis

6. Procrustes - Would stretch people to fit his bed - He tries this with Prostheus, but he ends up throwing him in the bed and cutting off his legs 7. Bull of Marathon - Theseus is put to the test - Theseus kills the bull and returns it to sacrifice the bull to Poseidon or Zeus in Aegeus’ name Madea’s Attempt at Murder - Medea wanted her own son to be the king of Athens - As soon as Theseus is about to drink the poison, Theseus’ robe lifts up and she sees his sword that was left under a rock Pallas (Brother of Aegeus) - He and his 50 sons were fighting against Aegeus - Spread the rumor that Aegeus was adopted - Pallas and his 50 sons attack Aegeus resulting in a violent family feud. - Theseus kills all of Pallas’ sons and Pallas

Trial of Minos Theseus and the Minotaur - Theseus finds out that his father screwed up - Found out that years before, Aegeus became threatened by the thought of Androgeus becoming king so he had send him to kill the Bull of Marathon - Androgeus ends up getting killed by the bull - Mino declares war on Athens, and wins - As a result of the war Athens has to send a tribute of 14 sons and daughters to be sent to Knosses to be fed to Mino’s Minotaur

Theseus volunteers to go slay the Minotaur, Aegeus informs him to make sure his ship has a white sail on the way back Amphitrite (Wife of Poseidon) - A side labour - Ariadne (daughter of Mino) falls in love with Theseus - Minos will consider this a betrayal against her own family - Ariadne’s brother got killed in Athens - Ariadne goes and tries to save Theseus, she gives him a ball of yarn, as well as a fagger to kill the minoraur with. - Minotaur is Mino’s step son - They escape and take a ship to Athens, on the way the end up on an island Naxos, Theseus then leaves her Ariadne and Diaonysus - The god Dionaonysus (god of wine and festival), finds Ariadne on the island of Naxos - Ariadne eventually marries Dionysus and in her own right becomes a goddess - Ariadne sends a curse which is meant to leave Theseus family-less -

Death of Aegeus - Theseus had forgotten to change his sail to white - Aegeus kills himself at the site of the black sail, thinking there was no other bloodline Theseus as King - Unifies Attica and sets Athens on the map - Established an army Pirithous - Theseus becomes close buddies with the king of Lapiths, son of Ixion Marriage of Pirithous and Hippodameia - During Pirthous’s marriage to Hippodameia he accidentally invites a host of Centaurs to his wedding. They get too drunk and try to rape the bride/ - Theseus and Pirithous fight off the centaur and become great friends Amazons - After Pirithous is married, Theseus wants a wife of his own - Theseus declares war on the Amazons looking for a wife - Captures the queen, Hippolyta - The Amazons attack, but Hippolyta saves them by stating she actually likes him Phaedra (Sister of Ariadne) - After the death of Hippolyta, Theseus married Phaedra who was much younger - Hippolyta dies shortly after and Theseus goes to Minos’ son and asks to marry Ariadne’s younger sister Phaedra

- Phaedra is much younger, develops a crush on Hippolytus - Hippolytus (son of Theseus) is a hunter and has sown an oath of virginity - Phaedra then goes and kills herself - Phaedra leaves a note saying that Hippolytus had raped her - Theseus finds out and calls a curse from Poseidon onto his own son Death of Hippolyus - Theseus finds out and feels wronged by his son - When Hippolytus was riding in a Chariot, a white bull from the sea charges on him and kill him, crushing his chariot - Theseus later on finds out the truth New wives needed - Theseus wants Helen - Theseus and PIrithous kidnap Helen - Helens brothers find out - They are trapped by hades - They sit down to have a drink with Hades, however find themselves glued to the Throwns and must be rescued by Hercules

Helen’s Rescue - While Theseus was in the underworld, the two prince’s of Sparta: Castor and Pollux, make war on Athens to get back their sister - On Theseus’ return he finds that Helen is gone and his mother is kidnapped - While Theseus was gone, King Menetheus seized the throne and fought back against Sparta - This had made Theseus very unpopular, because he was not present - Theseus was forced into exile and the Athenians chose another king Excile in Scyros - Theseus rescues his mother and heads off to Scyros - King Lycomedes who may also have been a son of Aegeus, sees Theseus as a threat - Lycomedes arranges his death, Theseus is ambushed and killed at Scyrtos Theseus’ Sons - Are exiled in Euboea with King Elpenor Crete: Seen as an odd exotic place Europa: Princess of Tyre - Daughter of Agenor - Her attendants fled but Europa got on the bull (Zeus) , who took her to Crete Cadmus - Sent with his brothers to find Europa - They all fail - Cadmus will found Thebes

Protectors of Europa Laelaps: A hunting dog that always catches what he chases (Europa will always have food) Talos: A bronze giant who guards the island The Brothers Fight - Over royal power - Over Miletus, son of Apollo - Minos exiles Rhadamanthys and Sarpedon Bull of Poseidon - A bull sent by Poseidon to show divine support for Minos - Minos keeps it Minoan Crete - The myth shows “Minoan” Crete’s connections to many other areas of Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean Minos’ Fleet - A Thalassocracy (rule of the sea) - Minos’ political and military power is always emphasized Knossos: Minos’ palace Labyrinth: An aetion (explanation) based on the storerooms of the palace - Place of the double-headed axe Queen Pasiphae - Daughter of Helios (sun god) - Sister of Circe - Children: Androgeus, Ariadne, Phaedra Britomartis - Refuses to sleep with Minos - Unusual - Jumps into the sea and becomes Dictynna the “net woman” (a minor sea goddess) Procris - Athenian lover of Minos - Given Laelaps - Goes home because she is more afraid of Pasiphae than her own husband Cephalus Laelaps and the Teumessian Fox - Cephalus loaned Laelaps to Amphitryon - The fox could never be caught Pasiphae’s Problem - Made to fall in love with Minos’ Bull - Pasiphae has a child with the cow and gives birth to a Minotaur Daedalus - Builds a special wooden cow for the queen Minotaur - A grostesque hybrid creature - Minos doesn’t kill it - Doesn’t divorce Pasiphae

Labyrinth - Minos asks Daedalus to build “quarters” for the Minotaur under the palace Androgeus - When Androgeus is killed by the bull of Matathon, Minos seeks vengeance against Athens - Minos was certain that Aegeus had arranged his son’s death and must uphold the family honor - Minos attacks Athens and Megara, which is rules by Aegeus’ brother, Nisus Scylla - Daughter of Nisus - Falls in love with Minos, gives him a purple lock of her father’s hair Athens Surrenders - Minos’ siege leads to a plague - This is the lead up to Theseus’ quest Ariadne’s Betrayal - Minos was sure that Daedalus had given her the idea of the string Daedalus and Icarus - Minos threw them both into the labyrinth or a prison - Daedalus built wings to escape - Icarus dies on the way when he flies to close to the sun King Kokalos (Cocalus) - King of the Sicans, the indigenous people of central Sicily - Treats Daedalus as an honoured guest Death of Minos - Conch Shell (Minos had a test to find Deadalus) - Kokalos’ daughters kill Minos in a bath - They betray xenia to kill him A Judge In Hades Rhadamanthys – Justice Minos- loyalty to family Aeacus (Aiakos) – honouring the gods Phaedra - Minos’ son Demophoon gives his sister to Theseus - Crete and Athens Cannot seem to coexist peacefully


Alcemena -

Heracles’ mother She is descended from both Perseus and Pelops

Amphitryon Marries Alcmena but accidentally kills her father Electryon in a quarrel Alcmena wont sleep with him until he has cleansed himself by avenging the deaths of her brothers Zeus Arrives - He disguises himself as Amphitryon - Brags about his descendant who is about to be born - Amphitryon comes home a few days later to a lukewarm welcome Hera and Zeus - Hera hates Zeus’ affairs but can only punish his lovers and children - She asks Zeus to confirm his brag Eileithyia – Goddess of Childbirth - Galanthis is Alcmena maid, she is a weasel - Aetiology is a mythical explanation -

Eurystheus- King of Mycenae - He is a grandson of Perseus so he is also descended from Zeus

Eurystheus was born prematurely and so has the kingdom Mycenae that was meant for Heracles Thebes (Boeotia) - Heracles is associated with Thebes - Two different traditions linked by the exile story -

Hera and Heracles - Milky Way myth (galaxia, gala=milk) - Hera was tricked into suckling baby Heracles - Heracles becomes immortal - Heracles has a twin brother born at the same time Amphitryon (Heracles’ Father) - He knows that Heracles is not really his son, but raises him anyway - Alecmena has just as great a role in socializing her son Death of Linus - Hearcles’ music teacher made the mistake of striking him when he played badly Miasma - A type of moral/physical pollution - A threat to the community - Murder is a cause of it o Death o Exile - Amphitryon sends Heracles to Mt.Cithaeron Mt. Cithaeron - A rugged country south of Thebes - A lion terrorized the area Lion of Cithaeron - Heracles’ first adventure - This a doublet of the Nemean lion episode Thespiae - The king wanted descendants from Heracles Daughters of Thespius - Heracles with Thespius’ 50 daughters Ambassadors of Orchomenos - Called Minyans, they come to Thebes for the annual tribute - Heracles mutilates them and drives them off - He leads the Thebans in conquering Orchomenos Megara (Daughter of King Creon) - Heracles has gained royal status at Thebes Madness of Heracles South Italian Case (c.340BC)

Madness – sent by Hera - Mania – madenss - Lyssa – releasing Twelve Labours - The oracleat Delphi announces that Heracles must serve King Eurytheus as punishment to cleanse his miasma “Peloponnesian Labours” – Centered in the south of Greece - Heracles was seen as a “Doric” hero 1. Lion of Nema - Hera created and raised it - Its hide was invulnerable 2. Hydra of Lerna - Heracles and Iolaus (nephew) - Seen in vase painting from about 600 BC - Cauterizing the wounds 3. Hind of Mt. Ceryneia - Ruinous ? - Gold Horns - Sacred to Artemis, he promised not to kill it 4. Boar of My. Erymanthos - Heracles brings it back alive after chasing it down - Nothern Elis, home of Centaurs - Heracles is terrified by these monsters - Contrast between kingship by birth and earned by rule Copreus: Dung boy: in Homer will give Heracles his instructions 5. Birds of Lake Stymphalos - Carniborous birds - Uses a rattle that gets rid of the birds 6. Stables of Augeas - Shift in the storyline - Heracles starts to deal with the messes left by the bad kings - Strikes a deal with Augeas Olymbia, Elis - After cleansing of the sables Heracles is said to have either founded or refounded the Olympic games in honor of Zeus after dealing with Augeas “Further labours” 7 – Cretan Bull (south) 8 – Mares of Diomedes (north) 9- Girdle of Hippolyta – Amazons (East) 10- Cattle of the Aegean Sea • Crete to the south And Thrace of the north VII. Cretan Bull • Heracles recovers Minos’ bull.

• Another domestic animal that becomes dangerous because of a ruler not doing his job. • He led the bull back to the Eurystheus • It got away and ended up near Athens • Links Theseus to Hercules myths Links Theseus to Hercules myths VIII. Mares of Diomedes Diomedes is a Thracian King • His subjects are occasionally fed to the carnivorous horses Abderus - Battle with Diomedes (Euripides) • Heracles founds a city, Abdera, in his honour. • The horses is dangerous Alcestis – wife of king admetus of Thessaly • A “parergon” = sidedeed • Alcestis agreed to die instead of her husband but Heracles rescued her from hades • Alcestis only dies because her husband is about to die and he doesn’t want to die himself so he gets his wife to die for him • Heracles brings the wife back when he hears that a husband got his wife to die. And when she was brought back up into life his husband Admetus says wow thanks for the dying for me and I’m so happy that you actually back Amazons and Geryon • Eastern and Western Mediterranean IX. Amazons – zone (belt) of Hippolyta • Originally, a war myth against strange unnatural women. • Hercules has to get the sword belt back from the Hippolya Apollonius – c. 300 BC • Now she falls in love with Hercules. • The sword belt becomes a girdle. Hercules takes the belt off Apollonius, and after that she took off her clothes. Troy – another parergon • Hercules passes by on his way back to Greece. Hesione, a Trojan princess, and the Ketos (sea monster) • Heracles agrees to rescue her after her father agrees to pay him. King Laomedon and the gods • Apollo and poseido built the walls. • Laomedon, Hesione’s father, had refused to pay them. • the Trojan gods never pay their bills as in they never pay back when it comes time to paying people back Hesione rescued • Once again Laomedon reneges on an agreement. • Heracles swears revenge.

X. Cattle of Geryon

• Geryon has three bodies and lives in Erythraea at the western edge of the world • There not really 3 bodies, its just 3 bodies joined at the waist but they are basically a triplet. • You have to kill Geryon to actually kill him North African Parerga • Antaeus a son of Gaia (Earth) • Wrestles and kills foreigners. • Every time the guy is hit to the ground, he gets stronger. So Hercules makes a idea to show that he gets his strength from the earth so he lifts him off the ground, and than after he just strangles him in the air until the other guy dies. Egypt • King busiris sacrifices foreigners. • The foreigners don’t take care of their guests that only something that the greeks do to their guests • These are the side deeds, that actually happen to him while he is doing the actual labours Helios, the ...

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