Swot analysis global challenge business PDF

Title Swot analysis global challenge business
Author iftekar alikhan
Course International Business
Institution Cardiff University
Pages 3
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In most business plans, the company description is included in the section that directly follows the executive summary. The business description is meant to provide an overview of the business, including what the business does and how the company is unique from others in the same industry. This desc...


Swot analysis global challenge Solution 1: Banning diesel and SUV vehicle Strength:    

It will stop all bad pollution getting emitted into the air It will be cheaper for people to run without diesel as taxes are affected by people using diesel to run as it is destroying the world as days are going on Diesel car are more expensive than normal cars This will mean more electric cars from company will be introduced if their diesel car is banned

Weakness:     

It will be expensive to take into action meaning we will have to get all the branded car to accept our proposal It will be needed to be taken to the government for a review meaning it will take a lot of time A sudden ban will mean heavy loss for all the dealer and those customers who have already booked for these vehicle Time frame for this to be taken into action is a long period It will be harder to get people to buy electric car if they are into only diesel, they will manage to find a way to buy a diesel either way

Opportunity:   

This suits the government priority as they are already thinking in taking this action slowly The government in the UK are slowly introducing the no emission zone around the whole of the UK Government is already taking petitions on people opinion on banning diesel car

Threats:    

Meaning more money will be spent on banning diesel car than on other things for the citizen needs Dealer will be at great loss if they haven’t introduced electric cars New regulation will be introduced into city that may affect people More no emission zone will be added into places meaning anyone who will be driving a diesel car will get a heavy fine.

Solution 2: purchasing low emission vehicle Strength:    

It will stop some type of pollution getting emitted People who want to make a difference in changing global warming can feel good because they are helping the world Cheaper to run a low emission vehicle People will save a lot on fuel as the car won’t be taking as much fuel because of the low emission on the vehicle


 

It may be expensive to buy as dealer may put the price high dur the lack of low emission cars May be hard for a large group of the world to get convinced to buy a low emission vehicle is they like large engine

Opportunity:  

This suits government priority as there is already low emission car out there. My solution is in line with social trend as Tesla brought out a new car called the roadster which is the fastest car on the road that’s suitable price to buy, and it is electric meaning it will make people eager to buy one My idea makes it more likely so succeed because there is dealer who are already introducing low emission on the new cars.

Threats:  

It may need new technology to be developed to make the car a low emission engine Making cars a with low emission may mean people in no employment because it will be easier to make cars then meaning not much work will be needed on the engine

Solution 3: Limiting vehicle in area Strength:    

Less pollution in one area No noises of cars in the area meaning the neighbour will be happy Pollution emission could be measured Less traffic on the road

Weakness:   

Traffic will be diverted meaning people will be angry and late for work etc This will need to get reviewed by the government and it may take a long process of time to be taken in action More traffic builds up in other areas

Opportunity:  

This may lead to giving people more jobs opportunity as they will need to make sure no cars then the maximum number are entering Giving the government more money a fine can be introduced if entering the zone when there are already the maximum cars allowed

Threats:  

Change in policies meaning that when someone coming to do their driving test, they will have to learn a new rule on the road which may coat a lot of money to the driving standards This will also mean money from people taxes will be taken to make this real for example they will be setting up camera and all sort so it will take money for maintenance

Solution 4: Education

Strength:   

Younger generation of kids will get n idea of how much car contribute to global warming Kids can then teach others about it getting them aware of the situation The younger generation is our future so teaching them the situation will help them in the future life when deciding to ever get a car

Weakness:  

They are only young and my not listen or understand it properly Teacher may need to get paid more as they may need a teacher who’s specified in the global situation

Opportunity:  

This may be a government priority as schools and collage and secondary are undertaking these problems and teaching the students more about it This will lead to more jobs being offered as the education system will need teacher to teach the student about the problem

Threat:   

Parents may make a petition saying teaching these subjects are not useful to the kids Kids may disagree not to learn as its waste of time in their opinion Government may not accept this if they think this is not effective

Personal review When coming to do the task on the global challenge I used many different skill sets. When doing the personal standpoint, I must do research and gathering information and simplify them and write them down which also meant I had to evaluate the resource and think is this source reliable which also meant I have problem solving because I came across some article which I couldn’t possibly think if it is credible so had to look for information to see if it a reliable article. The next task was to do a swot analysis when doing the swot analysis, I had to do research and think properly on the strength and weakness of each solution and good literacy I also had to take attention to detail and be sure if it made sense. I also had to use time management for both of these tasks and even out how much time I will be spending on both task I also had to use the communication skill as I had to communicate with my teacher back and fourth to see if my work are up to standards and also if I there is any space to make improvement....

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