T2d lab - essay about Type 2 diabetes how it affectes the body and what are some ways PDF

Title T2d lab - essay about Type 2 diabetes how it affectes the body and what are some ways
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Course Research in Crime and Security
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essay about Type 2 diabetes how it affectes the body and what are some ways to help maintain and reduce insuln resistance...


Pedrito Espinal 12/14/19 Bio 115 Type Two Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a growing problem in the United States and in the world where they adopt a western diet. Over 30 million people meet the requirements for diabetes and pre-diabetes, in the United States alone. Diabetes affect at least a quarter of the world that eat and behave just like the people of the western world. Currently there are at least 74 different drugs that help people regulate and maintain their insulin levels and blood glucose levels. While minor lifestyle changes can help just as the drugs and even reduce the risk a person might have, some changes can be diet, and physical activity; changes like these have shown to stifle the progression of type 2 diabetes. Because of our mal-nutrition, lack of physical activity, and lack of information all helped type 2 diabetes to be a big problem of the world. The article is very informational on type 2 diabetes, providing information from other studies and test that have been conducted. It also explains how the body reacts to the high levels of glucose in people who have a problem with the insulin production from the pancreas. It also shows what other factors that can bring on type 2 diabetes and other health issues that can arise. Giving some examples of some diets that help people the most either for the long run or short run and what should be the next game plan when something doesn’t work out regarding their health. It also provides some information on other things that isn’t medication from a prescription and is something that anyone can get from their local supermarkets. The problem that the western diet has is the abundant sugar and preservatives that is included in the food that is eaten. We have been able to get food fast, where we no longer must walk into a store and all we must do is pay someone at a window to get pounds of food easily. The problem with this food is that its lacking nutrients, full of sugar to make it taste good, and preservatives so that it won’t spoil as fast. Eating foods like this is the reason that America and other people who adopt the western diet are at a high risk to potently get type 2 diabetes. A common trait that people with type 2 diabetes, is that there all overweight or obese. Even though not everyone that is overweight has type 2 diabetes, but those that do are most likely to be overweight. The way we find this out is by the persons BMI (Body Mass Index), or waist-to-hip ratio. The higher the ratio is in being overweight and high body fat percentages correlates with the person’s risk of having type 2 diabetes. There are out lyres were genetics play a role regardless of their BMI; but this is a minor amount of people compared to the people who have a poor diet and make poor life decisions. Another factor that can increase the risk is stress; stress can be a bigger factor in overweight people. Another reason that type 2 diabetes is so high in the western world and in those to take on the western diet could be the lack of sleep or quality of sleep people are getting each night. It’s been proven that sleep can help regulate the body and bring it back to the set point of the body. When people cut short the amount of sleep their health start to degrade overtime. Bad quality sleep can also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes regardless of the amount of sleep a person gets

at night. Some things to help sleep is keep the phone away or out of the room, keep the room cool or take a cool shower before bed, have a fan on to create some sort of white noise as you sleep. Success full weight loss and a change of diet can greatly improve a person’s ability to maintain their insulin levels and blood glucose levels; it can also decrease the progression of type 2 diabetes in people who on track of getting this health issue. Some diets that can help are the Mediterranean diet, Keto diet, and Paleo diet and others that have similarities to these that reduce glycemic impact to the body. The problem that the keto diet has is that it’s good for a short period but can be harder in the long run as they continue this diet. A low carbohydrate plus a Mediterranean diet type of diet has shown to help to improve glycemic control in those that are in the progression of T2D. Having a balanced, prepped meal, and a form of calorie restriction with at least ten minutes of any type of physical activity can help maintain type 2 diabetes, reverse progression of pre-diabetes, and other diseases that come with poor eating habits and life choices. Doing intense aerobic exercise, consistently, will make you burn calories and other sources of energy that the body has stored as fat or glucose. Doing this helps them because it increases their mitochondrial density and insulin sensitivity reducing blood glucose levels, helping the pancreas to produce enough insulin helping glucose enter cells easily. Glucose, even though problematic, is still necessary for the body. The liver will break down glycogen to glucose incase if the levels drop in the blood stream, bringing it back to the set point, and use insulin to help it enter cells from the pancreas. The problem comes when glucose just starts to build up in the blood streams and the pancreas can’t produce enough insulin or doesn’t register the amount of glucose and produces less than necessary. Then leading to complications to the heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes, and kidneys. The problems can come gradually or develop slowly, but the risk if did can be fatal. Berberine is an alkaloid found in roots such as tree turmeric (berberis aristata) and is used as a traditional anti-fungus, anti-microbial, and something to enhance the immune system. In cultured cells it has shown to increase insulin receptor mRNA and the protein expression. It also has shown to lower body weight and improve glucose resistance. It has been promising in human trails to reduce biomarkers in people who have T2D, additionally it induced hypoglycemia and lipid lowering in both people newly diagnosed and those who are bad at controlling it. While most of this information is coming from china its to early to call it, but the consistency of the results show that people benefitted from the reactions from the testing Cinnamon is a spice that is used for cooking to add flavor, some people might think of the fall season when they taste it. There are at least 250 different kinds of species of cinnamon; even though with this many different species only a few are used for cooking and supplementation. Researchers have notice in human clinical trials that it could decrease glucose while increasing lean muscle mass. Improving insulin singling and sensitivity, leveling out blood glucose levels in people who have, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and in insulin-resistant people. Cinnamon has shown to have a positive reaction to people who are at risk of cardiometabolic risk; if taking less than 1 gram per day any because of higher levels of coumarin; it can be toxic to the liver and kidneys.

I would recommend these diets to someone who has type 2 diabetes. The reason because not only would the Mediterranean diet lower the risk and help manage the problem, but it can also have some other positive effects to the person such as weight loss, better sleep, muscle gain, and some others. Regardless if they were to change their diet to even a low carb or to the keto diet, they could see the can results, even though it can vary from person to person. The cinnamon is also something that I would recommend because its convenient and wouldn’t hurt to try and see if it has any improvements in their health. As we can see type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the western world plus those countries that are adopting the same type of diet. while there is medication to help live and maintain the problem, they don’t help solve the problem. Even though the solution isn’t a magic pill, or a shot and the problem is gone you must work and learn to improve your health and way of life. What a diet and a sleep regimen needs is discipline without that nothing is going to get done and no one gets healthier....

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