Test 1 over Module 1-4 6201-GOVT-2305-Federal Government-RT-16458 PDF

Title Test 1 over Module 1-4 6201-GOVT-2305-Federal Government-RT-16458
Course Federal Government
Institution Houston Community College
Pages 21
File Size 1.3 MB
File Type PDF
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Test 1 over Module 1-4 6201-GOVT-2305-Federal Government-RT-16458...


Test 1 over Module 1-4 Due Sep 15 at 11:59pm Points 100 Questions 50 Available Aug 26 at 12am - Sep 15 at 11:59pm 21 days Time Limit 100 Minutes Allowed Attempts 2

Instructions Test 1 is a 100-point exam that covers Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4, focusing on the textbook with questions based on the study questions found in each of the modules. You may take the test twice with the higher score counting as your grade on the test. Be sure to take this test using Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. Eagle Online does not always work well with Internet Explorer. Good luck!

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Attempt 1

92 minutes

90 out of 100

Score for this attempt: 90 out of 100 Submitted Sep 15 at 11:10pm This attempt took 92 minutes.

Question 1

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following terms most accurately describes Saudi Arabia?



Question 2

2 / 2 pts

The tendency to identify with and support some particular political party is known by which of the following terms?



Question 3

2 / 2 pts

C. Wright Mills is most closely associated with which of the following concepts?


Elite Theory

Question 4

2 / 2 pts

In Country A, citizens elect representatives who make decisions on their behalf. Which of the following terms best describes Country A?


Representative democracy

Question 5

2 / 2 pts

In which of the following systems are the means of generating wealth, such as factories, large farms, and banks, owned by the government and not by private individuals?



Question 6

2 / 2 pts

What provision of the Constitution protects freedom of speech?


First Amendment

Question 7

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following political scientists believes that civic engagement is declining?


Robert Putnam

Question 8

2 / 2 pts

What is the minimum legal voting age in the United States?



Question 9

0 / 2 pts

Which of the following terms most accurately describes North Korea?

You Answered

orrect Answer

Representative democracy


Question 10 What is the significance of the Twenty-Sixth Amendment?

2 / 2 pts


It set the legal minimum voting age at 18.

Question 11

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following is a system of government in which the people hold ultimate political power?




Question 12

2 / 2 pts

According to Locke, what was the source of the people’s rights of life, liberty, and property?



Question 13

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following terms is a regime in which the people, not a monarch, hold power and elect representatives to govern according to the rule of law?



Question 14

0 / 2 pts

What level of agreement is necessary to amend the U.S. Constitution?

orrect Answer Two thirds of the House and Senate must agree as well as three fourths of the states.

You Answered Two thirds of the House and Senate must agree as well as two thirds of the states.

Question 15

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following a good description of a veto?


It is a check the president has on Congress.

Question 16

2 / 2 pts

What was the greatest source of dissatisfaction with the new Constitution?


It did not guarantee protection of individual liberties.

Question 17

2 / 2 pts

One way to amend the Constitution allows __________ of the states to request a national constitutional convention that can propose amendments that go into effect when approved by __________ of the states.


two-thirds; three-fourths

Question 18

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?


The national government had no power to levy and collect taxes.

Question 19

0 / 2 pts

Why were Locke’s ideas attractive to the American colonists?

You Answered His declaration of property rights could be used to justify the institution of slavery.

orrect Answer

His theory of government could be used to justify the American revolution.

Question 20

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following was the primary decision-making body under the Articles of Confederation?


The unicameral Congress

Question 21

2 / 2 pts

How did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention resolve their disagreement regarding slavery?

Correct! It was agreed that 60 percent (three fifths) of a state’s slave population would be counted for purposes of both representation and taxation.

Question 22 Who was president of the Constitutional Convention of 1787?


George Washington

2 / 2 pts

Question 23

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following amendments protects the right to bear arms?



Question 24

2 / 2 pts

Who fought the Seven Years War?


Great Britain and France

Question 25 What is the constitutional basis of the implied powers?


The Necessary and Proper Clause

Yes. It gives Congress the means to carry out its delegated powers.

2 / 2 pts

Question 26

2 / 2 pts

The constitutional provision that gives Congress the power “to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying” out its constitutional responsibilities is known by which of the following terms?


Elastic Clause

Question 27

2 / 2 pts

Congress passes legislation to regulate interstate trucking companies. Under what provision of the Constitution does Congress derive the authority for its action?


Commerce Clause

The Constitution gives Congress authority to regulate commerce among the states.

Question 28

2 / 2 pts

Having failed to convince Congress to restrict access to abortion, pro-life advocates turned their attention to the states, many of which adopted policies designed to restrict abortion rights. This action illustrates which of the following concepts?


Venue shopping

Question 29

0 / 2 pts

What was the purpose of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

orrect Answer

You Answered

To help state and local governments recover from the Great Recession

To provide aid to businesses hurt by the Great Recession

Question 30 What is dual federalism?

2 / 2 pts

Correct! The states and national government exercise exclusive authority in distinctly delineated spheres of jurisdiction.

Question 31

2 / 2 pts

Unitary governments sometimes gradually decentralize. Which of the following terms applies to this decentralization?



Question 32

0 / 2 pts

Are the issues of immigration and marriage addressed by the federal government or state governments?

orrect Answer Both immigration and marriage equality are addressed by the national government and the states.

You Answered The national government addresses the issue of immigration while states address the issue of marriage equality.

Question 33

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following concepts is defined as the view that the national government and the states have distinct roles, with little overlap in their activities or the services they provide?


Dual federalism

Question 34

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following cases dealt with marriage equality?


Obergefell v. Hodges

Question 35 Which of the following is an example of a concurrent power?

2 / 2 pts


Power to collect taxes

Question 36

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the constitutional authority of Congress?

Correct! Congress can only take those actions that it can justify as based on the powers delegated to it in the Constitution.

This is correct. The powers of government are delegated powers.

Question 37

2 / 2 pts

How did the Civil War and its aftermath affect the relative balance of power between the national government and the states?


It shifted power toward the federal government

Question 38

2 / 2 pts

The constitutional provision that generally prohibits states from discriminating against the citizens of other states is known as which of the following?


Privileges and Immunities Clause


Question 39

2 / 2 pts

The right of individuals who have been arrested and jailed to go before a judge, who determines whether their detention is legal, is known as which of the following?


Writ of habeas corpus

Question 40

2 / 2 pts

Near v. Minnesota dealt with which of the following issues?


Prior restraint

Question 41

2 / 2 pts

Which amendment contains the following phrase: "private property [cannot] be taken for public use, without just compensation?”



Question 42 Which of the following amendments prohibits excessive bail?

2 / 2 pts



Question 43

2 / 2 pts

Based on the Supreme Court's ruling in the Westboro Baptist Church case, are there any limits on free speech?

Correct! Yes. Westboro Baptist members have a constitutional right to express their views but states can impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions.

For example, states can prohibit demonstrations on church or cemetery property, require demonstrations take place a certain amount of time after services, etc.

Question 44

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following cases dealt with gun rights and the Second Amendment?


Dennis v. Heller

Question 45

2 / 2 pts

New York Times v. Sullivan dealt with which of the following issues?


Freedom of the press

Question 46

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following is an example of a civil liberties dispute?

Correct! A local school district tells students that they cannot wear neck chains with the cross or the Star of David because they don't allow religious displays in school.

Civil liberties disputes concern the protection of the individual from the power of government. This controversy would qualify because it involves the government (a school district) taking action against an individual that might be construed as violating that person's constitutional right to freedom of religion. (Note that I am not declaring that the school district is indeed violating the student's rights.)

Question 47

2 / 2 pts

Mapp v. Ohio dealt with which of the following?


Exclusionary rule

Question 48

2 / 2 pts

The provision against self-incrimination is found in which amendment?



2 / 2 pts

Question 49 Employment Division v. Smith dealt with which of the following controversies?


Free exercise of religion


Question 50

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following amendments bans cruel and unusual punishments?



Quiz Score: 90 out of 100...

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