This assignment talks about how we face problem in our society. PDF

Title This assignment talks about how we face problem in our society.
Course Theories of Social Psychology
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
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this shows how we can ourselves and other people in our society with their problems, and how we can fix them....


PSY 355 Project One Template Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Part One: Analyzing the Socio-Psychological Foundations of Conformity Analyze the socio-psychological factors that influence our tendency to conform to group pressure. In your analysis, address each of the following rubric criteria in 3 to 5 sentences: 1. Describe the difference between acceptance, compliance, and obedience, and provide examples of how these concepts present within the group dynamic.

The differences between acceptance, compliance, and obedience are acceptance deals with believing and acting in a certain way in their society. Compliance involves dealing with the public acts in agreements with the request and disagreement in a private setting. Obedience deals with acting in agreement with a direct order (Myers, 2018). Examples of each of these are acceptance is not driving while under the influence of alcohol because we know it is against the law. An example of compliance would be if a parent tells their children to go outside and they listen to the order. An example of obedience would be a dog listening to their owner if they tell them sit or fetch. 2. Describe the difference between normative influence and informational influence and provide examples of how these concepts impact the group dynamic.

The differences between normative and informational influence are that normative influence is an individual trying to fit in in with others, and informational influence is when individuals accept information from others as evidence about reality. An example of normative influence would be peer pressure, that feeling of wanting to fit in or to be liked and belong to something. An example of informational influence would be how a jury might be divided between a guilty or innocence of a defendant. 3. Describe why cognitive dissonance is not always easy to recognize in ourselves.

Cognitive dissonance is not easy to recognize in ourselves. The reason for this is because we do not want to believe that our beliefs or thoughts are wrong. We have unexplainable pressure such as caring what everyone thinks about us, when we know that is wrong. 4. Describe ways to reduce cognitive dissonance and shift to a state of cognitive consonance in the group setting.

Cognitive dissonance in a group setting can be reduced by changing how we believe, adding new beliefs, or reducing the importance of one’s beliefs. In order to reach cognitive consonance is to view ideas that are different from our own. 5. Describe the factors that may impact a person’s ability or desire to deviate from the norm and choose not to conform to group pressure.

Some factors that may impact a person’s ability to deviate from the norm and choose to not conform to group pressure would be the size of the majority group. For example, if the majority is large, it would be less likely an individual would


choose not to conform, but if the majority is small, they have a better chance of the people conforming. Another factor would be how influenced people are by their family and friends. Part Two: Reflecting On the Conformity Experience Reflect upon an authentic experience that occurred either at home, in school, at work, or within the greater community, in which you or someone you know conformed to the majority opinion. In your reflection, address each of the following rubric criteria in 3 to 5 sentences: 1. Describe the influence of unanimity on the tendency of group members to conform to the majority opinion.

The influence of unanimity on the tendency of a group member to conform to the majority opinion is the person is more likely to conform when everyone in the group agrees with everyone else in that group. The conformity will drop if one person’s answer is different than the other members of the group. 2. Describe the influence of cohesion on the tendency of group members to conform to the majority opinion.

Cohesion can influence the tendency of group members by conforming to the majority opinion and giving a person a sense of feeling within the group. By doing this it will increase their willingness to conform to the group’s opinion (Myers, 2018). 3. Describe the influence of status on the tendency of group members to conform to the majority opinion.

The influence of status on the tendency of group members to conform to the majority opinion is that the higher a person’s status the more likely a person will not conform, but a person with lower status will conform. The higher a person’s status is it tends to give them unknown power. Part Three: Integrating the Negative and Positive Aspects of Conformity Within the Group Dynamic Integrate and apply your knowledge of conformity, which can result in both negative and positive outcomes on group collaboration. In your response, address each of the following rubric criteria in one paragraph: 1. Describe the negative effects of conformity on group collaboration. Include the potential impact of conformity on each of the following: A. The motivation of group members B. The identity and individuality of group members C. The perceptions of fairness toward group members D. The creativity and diversity of ideas of group members

One important negative effect of conformity is that group members tend to lose their identity. Even though everyone is unique there are still the possibility that some people can be coaxed into doing things that make that person feel uncomfortable and that are against there core value to please the rest of the group.


The more members that join groups are willing to like things that others like because they think they should fit in. The reason for this is because conformity can create a lack of diversity and creativity. 2. Describe the positive effects of conformity on group collaboration. Include the potential impact of conformity on each of the following: A. The cohesiveness of group members B. The intergroup harmony between group members C. The productivity level of group members D. The learning amongst group members

Conformity has some positive effects also. One positive effect is when a group has a strong cohesiveness surrounding them. Group members will accept their peers and also have a safety net of people they know by their side. Intergroup harmony will be fair because there will be a set of rules that each member of their group has to follow to create balance within that particle group. Members of the group will develop good habits by watching other members of their group. Also, if members see a positive change, that will drive other members to set the same goals. 3. Using the various socio-psychological concepts examined in this project to support your position, share three recommendations for optimizing the group collaboration experience.

In my opinion, the first recommendation for optimizing group collaboration experience is to have a leader who wants to support the rest of the group, but also has experience modeling collaborative behavior that will show the rest of the group what they should be doing. I believe to make things run smoothly they should have certain group members that have things in common. I believe if this was to happen it would be easier to communicate their ideas better to the ones that understand them. I also believe that members of a group should not have to agree on every single topic, but they should remain respectful to their opinions of other group members.


References Myers, D. (2018). Social Psychology. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from Shepherd, J. L., Lane, D. J., Tapscott, R. L., & Gentile, D. A. (2011). Susceptible to Social Influence: Risky “Driving” in Response to Peer Pressure. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 41(4), 773–797.


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