Toefl - Apuntes 1,2 PDF

Title Toefl - Apuntes 1,2
Author david orihuela castillo
Course Auditoría en Informática
Institution Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Pages 8
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Examen de Inglés(TIPO TOEFL) para Titulación-Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana SECTION 1.- STRUCTURE Directions: Questions 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sent...


Examen de Inglés(TIPO TOEFL) para Titulación-Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana SECTION 1.- STRUCTURE Directions: Questions 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. QUESTIONS 1-15: 1.- The human brain ________ only two percent of an adult's body weight. A) which makes up B) it makes up C) makes it up D) makes up 2.- The foreign policies ________ the Hoover administration undertook in 1929 were marked by good will and peaceful purpose. A) that B) where C) on which D) of 3.- Children usually turn to their parents rather than ________ for protection from threats in the environment. A) they turn to other figures of authority B) authority figures to other C) to other figures of authority D) their turning to other figures of authority 4.- ________ cause extensive damage to Pacific Island nations each year. A) Because of the high tides and winds during hurricanes B) The high tides and winds of hurricanes C) The high hurricane tides and winds which D) That the high tides and winds of hurricanes 5.- Anthropologists ________ within their environments and evaluate the adaptations they have made. A) societies are studied B) study societies C) who study societies are D) their societies are studied 6.- Malaria, which can be fatal if left untreated, is transmitted by the female, ________ by the male, mosquito. A) not B) however C) despite D) instead

7.- _________ Henry David Thoreau is known for his transcendental views. A) He was like his predecessor, Ralph Waldo Emerson, B) His predecessor, Ralph Waldo Emerson, was like him C) Like his predecessor, Ralph Waldo Emerson, D) That he was like his predecessor, Ralph Waldo Emerson, 8.- The tallest bird on the North American continent, the white whooping crane, ________ four and a half feet tall. A) stands B) which stands C) it stands D) standing 9.- For thousands of years, people have used vast amounts of wood for building and ________ their homes. A) they heat B) to heat C) heating D) heat 10.- Past experience has shown that even well-trained ________ overwhelming success in forecasting interest rates. A) experts do not always have B) do not always have experts C) there are experts who do not always have D) always do not have experts 11.- ________ gene in the human genome were more completely understood, many human diseases could be cured or prevented. A) Each B) Since each C) If each D) Were each 12.- ________ of the United States grown during a Republican administration. A) Rarely the federal government has B) Rarely has the federal government C) Has the federal government rarely D) The federal government has rarely 13.- Water, ________ is also one of the most abundant compounds on earth. A) is one of the most critical elements for human survival B) one of the most critical elements for human survival C) of which one of the most critical elements for human survival D) one of the most critical elements for human survival which

14.- ________ extensively by persons who cannot speak or hear, American Sign Language ranks as the fourth most widely used language in the U.S. today. A) Relied on B) It is relied on C) Relying on it D) To rely on it 15.- Efforts to provide equal opportunity for minorities in the United States ________ from the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A) may be said to date B) dating C) may say to date D) to date may be said

SECTION 2.- WRITTEN EXPRESSION Directions: In questions 16-40, each sentence had found underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are mark A, B, C or D. Identify the one underlined words or phrases that must be changed in order for the sentences correct. QUESTIONS 16-40: 16.- Chicago's Sears Tower, now the taller building in the world, rises 1,522 feet from the ground to the top of its antenna. A) now B) taller C) rises D) to the top of 17.- Vitamin E, which is found in nutritious foods such as green vegetables and whole grains, action as an antioxidant in cell membranes. A) which is found B) nutritious C) action D) membranes 18.- Scientists is currently trying to map the human genome, the blueprint of human heredity. A) is B) currently C) to map D) of human heredity 19.- A snowflake is a frailty crystalline structure which maintains its delicate shape only as long as it is airborne. A) frailty B) which C) as long as D) is

20.- James Dickey's first poem was published during he was still a senior in college. A) published B) during C) still D) in 21.- Most fatty acids have been find as essential components of lipid molecules. A) most fatty B) find C) essential D) molecules 22.- Social stratification can based on many criteria, such as wealth, cultural level, legal status, birth, personal qualities, and ideology. A) can based B) many C) such as D) qualities 23.- In his famous domes, architecture Buckminster Fuller utilized thousands of simple equilateral triangles linked together. A) architecture B) utilized C) simple D) linked 24.- Early in United States history, the rights of woman were championed in Wyoming, the state where they were first guaranteed the right to vote. A) Early in B) woman C) where D) were first guaranteed 25.- The most aggressive bees known, the African honeybee is currently swarming into North America. A) most aggressive B) bees C) currently swarming D) into 26.- Only after Theodore Roosevelt became president did conservation developed into a major environmental issue in the United States. A) Only after B) developed C) into D) environmental

27.- If he were alive today, F. Scott Fitzgerald might be surprised to learn that his novel The Great Gatsby having transcended its own age and turned into a timeless classic. A) were B) might be surprised C) having transcended D) its own age 28.- The world's rain forests are being cut down at the rate on 3,000 acres per hour. A) rain B) are being C) on D) per hour 29.- In all human communities, power yields certain advantages and privileges, such as honor, material benefits, and prestigious. A) In all B) certain C) material D) prestigious 30.- Scientists used line spectra identifying the element helium in the sun. A) used B) identifying C) the D) in 31.- The compute of the passage of time has always been associated with the movements of celestial bodies. A) compute B) has always been C) movements D) celestial 32.- Many environmentalists fear that the earth will run out essential natural resources before the end of the 12th century. A) Many B) that C) out essential D) before 33.- The discovered of gold in California in 1848 led to the Gold Rush of 1849. A) discovered B) in C) led to D) of

34.- The personality traits of children are often similar to those that of their parents, but these traits are not always genetically conditioned. A) often similar to B) that C) but D) conditioned 35.- Lecithins and other phospholipids play key roles the structure of cell membranes. A) and B) play C) roles the D) membranes 36.- Wages and salaries account for nearly three fourths of the total nationally income generated in the United States annually. A) account for B) nationally C) generated D) annually 37.- Farther evidence is needed to support recent research which suggests that certain chemicals found in broccoli may act as cancer preventatives. A) Farther B) to support C) suggests D) may act 38.- Contemporary newspaper columnist Russell Baker is noted for his commentaries humorous written in the tradition of Benjamin Franklin. A) newspaper columnist B) commentaries humorous C) written D) of 39.- Nutritional adequacy is hard to achieve on a low-calorie diet; even a small person should not try to get by on fewer than twelve hundreds calories per day. A) Nutritional B) to achieve C) get by on D) hundreds 40.- In reality, all biological reproductive begins at the cellular level. A) reality B) reproductive C) begins D) cellular

SECTION 3.- READING COMPREHENSION Directions: This section contains questions 41-50 about the content of the three or four passages you read. You read passages and answer questions. It also includes questions about the meaning of words in the context of the passage. It takes a long time to raise a family of owlets, so the great horned owl begins early in the year. In January and February, or as late as March in the North, the male calls to the female with a resonant hoot. The female is larger than the male. She sometimes reaches a body length of twenty-two to twenty-four inches, with a wingspread up to fifty inches. To impress her, the male does a strange courtship dance. He bobs. He bows. He ruffles his feathers and hops around with an important air. He flutters from limb to limb and makes flying sorties into the air. Sometimes he returns with an offering of food. They share the repast, after which she joins the dance, hopping and bobbing about as though keeping time to the beat of an inner drum. Owls are poor home builders. They prefer to nest in a large hollow in a tree or even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. The mother lays two or three round, dull white eggs. Then she stoically settles herself on the nest and spreads her feather skirts about her to protect her precious charges from snow and cold. It is five weeks before the first downy white owlet pecks its way out of the shell. As the young birds feather out, they look like wise old men with their wide eyes and quizzical expressions. They clamor for food and keep the parents busy supplying mice, squirrels, rabbits, crayfish, and beetles. Later in the season baby crows are taken. Migrating songsters, waterfowl, and game birds all fall prey to the hungry family. It is nearly ten weeks before fledglings leave the nest to search for their own food. The parent birds weary of family life by November and drive the young owls away to establish hunting ranges of their own. QUESTIONS 41-50: 41.- What is the topic of this passage? A) Raising a family of great homed owls B) Mating rituals of great homed owls C) Nest building of great homed owls D) Habits of young great homed owls 42.- In line 3, the phrase "a resonant hoot" is closest in meaning to A) an instrument B) a sound C) a movement D) an offering of food 43.- It can be inferred from the passage that the courtship of great horned owls A) takes place on the ground B) is an active process C) happens in the fall D) involves the male alone

44.- According to the passage, great homed owls A) are discriminate nest builders B) need big nests for their numerous eggs C) may inhabit a previously used nest D) build nests on tree limbs 45.- According to the passage, which of the following is the mother owl's job? A) To initiate the courtship ritual B) To feed the young C) To sit on the nest D) To build the nest 46.- The phrase "precious charges" in lines 16-17 refers to A) the eggs B) the nest C) the hawks and crows D) other nesting owls 47.- According to the passage, young owlets eat everything EXCEPT A) other small birds B) insects C) small mammals D) nuts and seeds 48.- In line 19, the word "they" refers to A) the wise old men B) the adult birds C) the young birds D) the prey 49.- What can be inferred from the passage about the adult parents of the young great horned owls? A) They are sorry to see their young leave home. B) They are lazy and careless about feeding the small owlets. C) They probably don't see their young after November. D) They don't eat while they are feeding their young. 50.- The phrase "weary of" in line 24 is closest in meaning to A) tire of B) become sad about C) support D) are attracted to...

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