Topic 5 Example of a great Pinterest Assignment PDF

Title Topic 5 Example of a great Pinterest Assignment
Author Kealohakaumaka Rapoza
Course General Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
File Size 287.2 KB
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This is an example of the stress pins from topic 5...


PSY-102 – General Psychology Topic 5 – Motivation, Emotion, Health, and Well-Being Pinterest Board Directions: Fill out the following information so your instructor can find your board on Pinterest. It is okay to copy and paste the information from your board. However, please remember all of the descriptions in the board should be your original thoughts.

Persistent link for Pinterest Board: This is where you would post your link to your actual Pinterest Board

Make sure your board is set to “Public” and not “private” so I can view it

Provide a substantive description of themes in your board (such as stress triggers, coping mechanisms, etc): This Pin-Board is based upon the stresses that can occur in the Workplace. Specifically, the 10 pins describe examples of how this stress may manifest itself, how individuals cope with these stresses, warning signs to how prepare or look out for incoming stressors. Additionally, the boards will have content that describe the short and long term affects that stress from the workplace may have on an individual.

Notice that this is a substantive description (give me at least 3-5 sentences)

Individual Pin Descriptions, for at least 10 pins: 1. Example. OCCUPATIONAL STRESS: Examples of stress within the workplace can look different for many people. This may be a 'personenvironment' influence or an overwhelming task-load, that causes the stressors. Having one sit infant of a screen for multiple hours in a day, can produce a heighten stress load as well, depending on the person. In this study, "mass-productive technology, including shift-work, can generate stress" (Crandall & Perrewe, 2017).

Notice that each description is substantive (3-5 sentences) and clearly explains how the pin relates to specific areas of content with citations

2. Example. MANAGING WORKPLACE STRESS: Some definition examples of stress include: Alarm Reaction, Resistance, and Exhaustion. This book refers to the three as stages of stress for a person within the workplace. Alarm reaction is defined by the, “phase of lowered resistance…during the individual’s defense mechanisms…” (Cartwright and Cooper, 1997). The other two seem to fall in line of one another in a progressive decline. 3. Coping. EMOTIONAL REGULATION IN THE WORKPLACE: The difficulty of inability some individuals have in maintaining their emotions within a workplace may vary, but

can be dangerous while attempting to keep a job. This Journal Article states, “In order to show appropriate emotion for the situation, something individuals must inhibit or suppress feelings” (Grandey, 2000). It is understandable that when one’s suppressed feelings rise to the surface; the stress unloading would be catastrophic. Whether these emotions lay beneath or just at the surface, they are bound to arise and the dangers are not pretty.

4. Coping. MEASURMENT OF COPING ACTIVITIES: Alcohol has been a popular substance of those attempting to cope with their stresses from work. This choice stems from both specific problems and emotional turmoil within the workplace. Coping is additionally measured by cognitive and behavioral scopes in social and isolated settings. Overall, these areas depend on the individual. (Crandall & Perrewe, 2017) 5. WARNING SIGN: It is important to first, know yourself when entering into a new work environment or taking on a new task in a seasoned job. For every person handles their stresses differently. Therefore, self-awareness is a great warning sign to preparing for one’s stressors. Another is to be well versed on the upcoming job or task. This is to further ensure preparation before the stress is able to enter. (Carr, 2011) 6. WARNING SIGNS: Various warning signs that may indicate one’s embodiment of stress in result of the workplace may include: over or frequent eating, drinking an excessive amount of caffeine, turning to alcoholic beverages, medication to sedate, or even leaning on humor. (Lindquist, 1997) Sometimes peoples will chose to exercise to relieve themselves of this stress and though this may seem like a healthy alternative, everything is best in moderation.

In text citations for every pin!!

7. SHORT-TERM: The short-term effects that workplace stress can have on an individual include minor headaches or intense migraines, stomach and or back pain, as well. On the mental side, the negative moods that was recorded in this study were: tense, nervous, sad, and frustrated human beings. Clearly the variety is wide, yet discontentment is apparent. (Repetti, 1993) 8. SHORT-TERM: The primary outcomes of short-term workplace stressors consist of angry and irritated mood-swings. This tends to lead into complaintive spirits and grouchy coworkers. Thus effecting the interpersonal relationships within the workplace and creating for a hostile environment. (Meier, 2013) 9. LONG-TERM: Burnout is a common state of long-term resulting from stressors of workrelated stress. It is “defined as physical, emotional and mental exhaustion” (Lazarus,

1995). This article views burnout as a syndrome of the emotional exhaustion that the workplace stress brings on.

10. LONG-TERM: Long-term stressors that are present within work related stress can last throughout a period of serval months and often times years. Unfortunate, “because such disorders have a major impact on long-term disability, dependency, sick leave, lost productivity and mortality” (Bonde, 2008). Depression is the main and most common disorder that is the long-term result of workplace related stress. List APA formatted References: Bonde, J. P. E. (2008). Psychosocial factors at work and risk of depression: a systematic review

of the epidemiological evidence. Occupational and

environmental medicine, 65(7), 438- 445. Carr, J., Kelley, B., Keaton, R., & Albrecht, C. (2011). Getting to grips with stress in the

Provide full APA formatted reference list. This is a reference list for your in text citations, not a list of the links for each Pin

workplace: Strategies for promoting a healthier, more productive

environment. Human Resource Management International Digest, 19(4), 32-38. Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1997). Managing workplace stress (Vol. 1). Sage. Crandall, R., & Perrewe, P. L. (2017). Occupational Stress: A handbook. S.l.: CRC PRESS. Grandey, A. A. (2000). Emotional regulation in the workplace: A new way to conceptualize emotional labor. Journal of occupational health psychology, 5(1), 95. Lazarus, R. S. (1995). Psychological stress in the workplace. Occupational stress: A handbook, 1, 3-14. Lindquist, T. L., Beilin, L. J., & Knuiman, M. W. (1997). Influence of lifestyle, coping, and job stress on blood pressure in men and women. Hypertension, 29(1), 1-7.

Meier, L. L., Gross, S., Spector, P. E., & Semmer, N. K. (2013). Relationship and task conflict at work: Interactive short-term effects on angry mood and somatic complaints. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 18(2), 144. Repetti, R. L. (1993). Short-term effects of occupational stressors on daily mood and health complaints. Health Psychology, 12(2), 125....

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