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Title Traveller-b2-workbook-key compress that document contains the answers for the work book traveller b2
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La descripción pinta literariamente con palabras, seres, objetos y paisajes; es el cuadro que produce en la imaginación del lector una "impresión equivalente a la impresión sensible." Trata de dar la ilusión de la vida. La descripción vive y se elabora en el recuerdo, como un eco. ......


Key to Traveller Level B2_WB

Key to Traveller


Level B2_WB

1. c

2. b


6. a

7. b

8. a

4. c

5. b



1. have you been,

1. of

has been look i ng for, went

2. for

9. such

2. Hasn’t, come, has ta ken

7. out

Module 1

3. have ever eaten

11. has


1 Student’s Book pp. 14-15

4. has had,

2. lodgi ng

has a lready broken down


3. avoid 4. weightlessness

1. stuf f y

5. priority

4. scenery

6. tea m building

2. safe

1. a ll-inclusive 3. va lue

2. budget

4. scuba divi ng

5. outi ngs

6. ranging

1. b

2. b

7. rela x ing

6. b

7. a

2. c

3. b

6. c

7. b

4. a

2. always criticises / is always

2. book my mother has ever

7. concluded

3. second time Sama ntha has


4. curled

6. withdraw

2. broke into

4. news is bad

4. have not eaten goulash for

3. dea l with

4. made off

5. does this sweater belong to

5. ha s been ra in ing continuously

5. Pick out

6. go through with



6. has been in Pa ris since

1. black mai l

7. ha s been learni ng Spa nish for

3. murder

8. are being very

8. since I (last) went

5. thef t

Module 1

Module 1

Module 2

1 Student’s Book pp. 16-17

2 Student’s Book pp. 22-23

3 Student’s Book pp. 36-37




her dentist


2. burglary 4. kidnapping

6. hacki ng

4. f light

6. resort

7. ex pedition 9. suites

1. held up


7. is seeing her denti st / is going to

5. voyages

2. commit

5. i nvestigate

6. (very) few people

2. hostels


1. sympathi se


1. have k nown Alice since

1 Student’s Book pp. 10-11

3. approached

5. c

1. is a lot of traf f ic

Module 1

1. got

4. a

3. m isunderstood

3. had horrible weather

5. a

3. c



1. a

Module 2



10. not

12. a

3 Student’s Book pp. 34-35


5. des tin ation

6. conf ined


3. cha llengi ng

8. i n

8. journey

10. reach


1. correspond

description, impression, decision,

3. option

advertisements, assistance,

5. spa re


7. justif y



1. usually wea rs, doesn’t like

1. i n

2. is increasi ng

4. few

3. i s thi nk ing of

7. a

4. leaves

10. on

1. thri lled

2. pick, up

2. disappointing

3. f rightened

4. is putti ng, up 6. are lo ok i ng forwa rd to

4. i mpres sive

5. overwhelmed

6. sca ry

7. bori ng

1. dungeon

3. lots/plenty

5. hardly

11. without

2. plain

3. a ffordable

6. i s

8. ends/f in ishes

4. splendid

5. ticket counter

9. of

7. glorious

12. back

4. f i ne

5. hijacker

6. Shoplif ting

6. adapt to

8. struggle

1. mugged

2. Witnesses

3. accused

4. ban ning

5. plead

6. sentenced


1. was drivi ng, stopped, wasn’t weari ng

9. paid off

5. i s i mproving

2. robbers

3. comm it



2. many

1. k idnapper

2. was, got, wa shed, had, went

6. work s, enjoys

Module 1


7. scores

2 Student’s Book pp. 18-19

1. a

2. the

8. f low


4. a

5. the, a


1. b

1. is a lways leaving

7. a


2. do you play


1. The, a

3. does this bag b elong

1. i n search of

4. -, -, the, the, the

4. is having

2. ma kes s ense

5. -/A

5. sti ll hurts, is getti ng

3. stands out

8. The, a, -

3. Sa ndra saw a n accident as she

6. am using,

4. made up

7. is Michael ta lk ing, believe

5. wa s in for

Module 1

4. Did you have a good ti me at the

8. go es

6. make up for

2 Student’s Book pp. 24-25


7. as sociated with



2. c

3. b

4. c

5. b

6. b

3. b

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. the

1.c 2. d

4. usua lly went, gave, up

6. an, -

8. the


1. I didn’t use to get up ea rly until I 2. -, a

6. the

sta rted work i ng.

3. a

2. In those days, they were work i ng i n a restaura nt.

7. the, the

was wa lk ing down the street.


1. c


2. c

3. a lways got / wa s always getting

3. - , -, -

3. b

4. e

5. a

6. d

party la st night? 5. Ka ren did not realise it wa s so

2. a

3. d

4. b

7. a

8. b

9. d


5. d 10. b


1. crimi na ls

2. plea sa nt

Module 1

1. c

2. c

3. b

4. c

5. d

3. murderer

4. disagree

Module 1

2 Student’s Book pp. 20-21

6. a

7. a

8. c

9. c

10. c

5. i nexplicable

1 Student’s Book pp. 12-13



1. loss 2. succeeded 3. beach

Module 1

9. misundersta ndings

4. accomplished 5. fog

2 Student’s Book pp. 26-27

10. f ina ncial

6. shortages 7. weather


8. downpour 9. coast

1. g

2. h

10. cli mate

6. f

7. c

8. e



1. made 2. Make 3. make


2. c

3. a

4. made 5. did 6. do 7. ma kes

6. d

8. do

11. d

1. b

2. c

3. a

1. waterfa ll

4. b

5. a

6. d

2. pond

3. cathedra ls

4. a rcheological sites

5. ra in forest

6. conference room


1. cha mberma id

2. lounge

3. bellboy 4. temple

5. spa

6. volca no C.

1. wa s 5. tube

2. light

3. pai r

4. needs

6. f lash


1. brothers-in-law 3. feet

4. m ice

2. luggage

5. deer


7. horrible

3. a

4. b

5. d

6. terrif ies

8. sympathise

Module 2 3 Student’s Book pp. 38-39 A.

7. a

8. b

4. b 9. c

5. d 10. c

1. b

2. c

3. a

4. b

5. c


1. more dema nding tha n

12. b

2. the most expensive


1. ma ke a request 2. make, noi se

Round-up 1

3. wa rmer tha n

3. do business 4. did, duty

2 Student’s Book pp. 28-32

4. Further

5. made a mess 6. do, work


5. older tha n

7. made a complai nt

1. c

2. d

3. c

4. d

8. did, damage

6. d

7. c

8. a

9. b

5. c

6. the silliest

Copyright © MM Publications

1. appealing

4. and

6. made/took

1 Student’s Book pp. 8-9

Module 1

3. the

5. lots/plenty

9. ma ke a suggestion


Key to Traveller Level B2_WB



Round-up 2

Module 3

1. His accent is getti ng better and

1. f urious 2. enormous

Student’s Book pp. 54-58

5 Student’s Book pp. 66-67

3. es sentia l 4. delicious



5. fa sci nating 6. ridiculous

1. b

7. awful 8. terrif ied

6. a



5. accom modate 6. necessity

1. cra shed, wa s standing

1. the bes t holiday

7. obligation

2. left, were playing, got,

2. not as entertain ing as


3. Kelly had a lready

1. c

2. a

3. d

3. had been joggi ng, met

4. by the time he

6. d

7. a

8. b


5. had been work ing for


1. I had been wa ndering around

6. was goi ng to ta ke

1. c

2. b

3. c

for a n hour before I found a cosy

7. us ed to go to

6. b

7. a

8. c

ca fé to sit i n.

8. did Lisa talk to/with

better every day. 2. Mark ’s box is not as heav y as Will’s. 3. The more Jack eats, the fatter he’ll get. 4. The weather wa s getti ng worse

were still playi ng, hadn’t moved

and wors e, s o we decided not to go out. 5. T hey live closer / nearer tha n I thought. 6. The higher we climbed, the more di ff iculty we had

2. c

3. d

7. a

4. c

5. b

2. Fay didn’t sta rt tidyi ng up unti l

breathi ng.

the chi ldren had lef t for school. 3. Michelle had been work ing for

Module 2


when she got a promotion.

1. ex tent 2. majority 3. outsk irts

4. a

4. By the time the police a rrived,

5. d

the thieves had run away.

6. b

5. Sa m didn’t study for the test


1. pickpockets 3. poverty

2. inmates

4. tempting


1. b

2. c

3. a

4. d

5. c

6. d

7. a

8. a

9. a

10. d

4. combi ne 5. explosion

7. vending machi ne


8. proposa l 9. i n reply to

nobody had in formed him

3. lectures 4. cross my mi nd

about it.

5. a ssign ment 6. deadlines

10. an nouncement

3. c

6. c

7. a

8. b

4. b

5. d

3. i nconvenient 4. ha rmf ul


1. b

5. a nnouncement 6. necessity 2. c

3. a

4. b

5. c

6. a

Module 2 Module 2

Module 3


4 Student’s Book pp. 48-49

5 Student’s Book pp. 62-63

1. hooliga nism 2. out of order



3. authorities, f acilities

1. b

2. c

3. a

4. aware, ari se 5. due to

6. b

7. c

8. a

6. From my point of view, combine


7. ex pert 8. clash

1. h


6. g

1. c

2. b

5. a


6. c

7. a

10. a

1. W hich dress lo oks better on me,


1. b

2. a

3. d

6. b

7. c

8. a

4. c 9. d

4. c

5. c

3. d

4. b

5. a

the red one or the yellow one

12. d


4. c

5. a

8. a

1. adva nce 2. slippery

1. will not make 2. Will, give

5. wi ll have f in ished 6. wi ll have

4 Student’s Book pp. 44-45

4. Who told you that story

been learn ing 7. is leaving


5. W hat did he forget to buy


1. will be worki ng 2. will have Module 2

interviewed, arrives 3. is about to

6. encountered 7. ex hausted

4 Student’s Book pp. 50-51

leave 4. wi ll probably win

8. breathtak i ng


5. wi ll have been work ing


1. adventurous

1. f rantically 2. lever 3. bla nk ly

3. survive

4. undertake 5. guardi ng

5. endura nce

6. proceed C.

2. e

3. f

4. c

5. a

6. d

4. shelter

2. b

3. c

4. c

5. c


6. d

7. b

8. d

9. d

10. a

1. the/that/this 2. had

11. b

12. c

3. to 4. took 5. been 6. to/with 7. fell 8. up 9. was 10. goi ng

Module 3

11. in 12. would

5 Student’s Book pp. 64-65 A.

4 Student’s Book pp. 52-53

3. pavements 4. f lat 5. chips

Module 2


6. shopping centre 7. fi lm

4 Student’s Book pp. 46-47

1. grave 2. released 3. moral

8. autumn 9. university 10. study


4. No sooner 5. meanwhi le


1. ta ke one’s time

6. cautiously

1. b

2. c

3. a

4. b

5. a

2. ta ke pride i n


6. a

7. a

8. b

9. c

10. b

3. take advantage of

1. d

2. a

3. d

4. ta ke care of

6. b

7. d

8. b

5. take notice of


6. ta ke for granted

1. d

7. ta ke one’s advice

6. c

5. a

2. a

3. c 8. a

11. a

12. c


4. b

5. c

3. d

4. g

5. a

7. b

1. Donating 2. residents 3. currently 4. disabled 5. generates 6. cha rge 7. urba n

6 Student’s Book pp. 72-73 A.

1. b

2. c

3. d

6. d

7. a

8. d

4. a

5. d

restore, f ield, poles, atmosphere,


1. go 2. were 3. give 4. don’t hurry 5. s tudies 6. wouldn’t talk D.

1. must/should 2. ca n

7. b

2. e

reduce, recom mend

1. i n the city centre 2. tube

4. c

1. f


Module 2

6. awe


Module 3

1. b

3. gloomy 4. seek 5. trapped

5. linen 6. Admission

6. isn’t going to i nvite E.

6. optim ism

3. m isleadi ng 4. faci lities

6. c

3. i s set 4. in spect 5. sta re

2. des ert

8. accessible B.

3. W ho did you give your ca r to

2. witch doctor

3. species 4. ex ti nction 5. a lternative 6. solar 7. power

3. b

Module 2

1. legendary 2. volunteer

Copyright © MM Publications

1. aware of 2. globa l warm ing

3. i s going to dive 4. wi ll be lyi ng

1. ca me to a halt

3. mustn’t/shouldn’t 4. mustn’t/shouldn’t 5. Should 6. can’t



3. habitats 4. foreca st 5. block of f lats 6. suburbs

2. c

Module 3 6 Student’s Book pp. 70-71

1. ex pectations 2. zone

2. W hat does the price include

1. b

7. a rgument 8. explosion 9. rea lity 10. combi nation

3 Student’s Book pp. 42-43

11. b


1. considerably 2. discussion

7. focus 2. a

3. persuaded 4. specia lities 5. replace 6. suggestions

6. benefits 7. caters for

1. f ield of study 2. schedule

1. d

5. a

1. conscious 2. volunteer

becaus e he was absent a nd


4. a



3. e

5. d

5 Student’s Book pp. 68-69

5 Student’s Book pp. 60-61

the compa ny for three years

2. f

4. d

Module 3 Module 3

3 Student’s Book pp. 40-41

1. c

1. time-consum ing 2. harm ful 3. complicated 4. f requent


1. a

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. a E.

1. energy/power 5. ma ke

6. but

2. on 3. If 4. in 7. in 8. did

9. went 10. have/has 11. unles s 12. on

Key to Traveller Level B2_WB

Module 3

Round-up 3

Module 4


6 Student’s Book pp. 74-75

2 Student’s Book pp. 80-84

7 Student’s Book pp. 90-91

1. solely




2. sp...

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