Tutorial Wikipedia xxxx PDF

Title Tutorial Wikipedia xxxx
Course Communication Theroy and Practice
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 2
File Size 67 KB
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this is a Wikipedia document we got during class...


CYB103: Communication Theory & Practice ASSESSMENT 1: Tutorial preparation wiki Description: Wiki / online portfolio Length: Each main weekly post should be no longer than 300 words. Comments and answers to questions as required. Due Date: Weekly during weeks 3-13. Entries for each week at to be submitted 24 hours prior to your tutorial (e.g. If your tutorial is from 9.00-10.30am on Tuesday, your entry must be completed by 10.30 on Monday) Weighting: 30% of overall unit grade (marks are allocated individually) Type: Formative and Summative

Instructions This assignment will be completed using your tutorial group’s wiki. The link for this can be found at the top of your tutorial group’s Microsoft Teams’ channel (this will be shown to you in your first tutorial). In week 2, you will have the opportunity to form teams of three or four that you will work on this assignment with. If you are unable to find a team, you tutor will assign you to one. Between weeks 3 and 13, each group will select a concept or idea from that week’s online module or readings. Groups must complete a total of 10 entries throughout the semester. There are 11 tutorials in total, which means your get to decide when you take a week off. Individually, each team member will investigate the world around them and try to find a “real life” example that they believe effectively demonstrates one of the theoretical concepts used in CYB103. These might include billboards, magazine articles, advertisements, newspaper headlines, websites, TV / streaming shows, YouTube clips, memes (anything you like really!). Your examples can be media texts you have encountered previously, or examples that you have encountered this semester. Use the internet to find examples or use your mobile phone or other smart device to take photographs of these examples as you see them. Individually, you will share their images with a brief summary/explanation (300 words max) of why you believe these images depict your allocated theoretical concept. As a group, you will discuss these selections and determine collaboratively whether the group has adequately understood the concepts and applied them correctly. The group must reach a

consensus as to whether the images and their summaries are correct. For example, the group can compare and contrast their entries to highlight different aspects of the concept; individuals can ask group members for clarification / further explanation, or you might decide that you don’t fully understand a particular concept and ask your group members and tutor for assistance. This activity stimulates the co-construction of knowledge as you must discuss and negotiate different interpretations until a group agreement occurs. The aim of this activity is not necessarily to demonstrate a “perfect” understanding of the concept immediately. Rather, the aim is for individual team members to find interesting examples from the media that you use and encounter in everyday life and attempt to explain how and why these demonstrate the concept you have decided to focus on each week. A more sophisticated understanding of each concept will emerge as the group interacts with each other to collaboratively clarify your understanding. You tutor will also provide clarification and will pose questions to the groups each week.

Technical details   

The tone of the writing in your wiki should be professional, but it can be more casual and informal than the language you use for the textual analysis and essay assignment. As you are the ones undertaking the analysis, you may use first-person voice. If you are using ideas from the online modules and assigned CCB101 readings, you do not have to use in-text citation and references in you wiki. However, if you are using sources other than these, they must be cited appropriately in the body of your wiki, as well as referenced at the end (use APA style). You are free to use any examples that you like to demonstrate the concepts, as long as they can be included in the wiki entry (e.g. photo, link to video or article). It is almost inevitable that you will use the same example as other class members, and this is fine. Your example must not have been used in the CYB103 assigned readings, online modules, or tutorials. However, it can be “inspired” by them. For example, your tutor / classmate mentions a TV / streaming show you think sounds interesting. You check out the show and find an example that demonstrates a concept. That’s fine – in fact, we encourage this sort of exploration! As long as your submission and discussion for each week is posted to your wiki 24 hours prior to your tutorial, you can complete this assignment at any time you like. In other words, groups can “work ahead” in the early stages of the semester to get a jump so they have a lighter workload later on. Individuals can post their examples in the same way. A detailed assessment criteria sheet is available from the CYB103 Blackboard site....

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