Unit 19 P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1 help here!!! PDF

Title Unit 19 P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1 help here!!!
Author Javine Yoba
Course Nutrition and health
Institution University of Hertfordshire
Pages 30
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Hi, if you are doing level 3 health and social care here is help for assignment 1 unit 19, hope this helps!!...


Unit 19: Nutritional Health

I am interested in becoming a registered nutritionist and I am looking to apply for a degree course in nutritional health. I have chosen two individuals who will be anonymous and calculate their food intake in the space of 3 days and record how much food they have eaten and explain the impacts each of these foods from different categories have on their wellbeing.

In this report I will be listing the concepts of nutritional health and discuss how they contribute to an individual's health and wellbeing. Some factors that I will be discussing are healthy eating, the eatwell plate, the food pyramid and a balanced diet. These topics help individuals to understand the effects of the lack of processing on nutritional values and help to avoid destroying nutrients.

What are healthy eating and balanced diets? Healthy eating is crucial for all individuals as it helps to maintain good health and body strength, this allows individuals to remain physically active “where they have a longer quality of life and are able to take part in activities daily without fail” (CDC:2021). When having a healthy diet, it protects the body against serious diseases and health problems including high blood pressure, heart strokes etc. Healthy eating also makes an impact on memory leading to improved sleep and better concentration(longer attention span). Healthy eating consists of meals that provide nutrients for the body. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins etc. Furthermore, healthy eating teaches individuals the importance of taking in the right foods that can have a great impact on their health and wellbeing. These foods involve fruits and vegetables for example which allows individuals to have a lot of energy where they are able to handle stress better. (Healthwise Staff:2020). Individuals are also able to get support from their loved ones where they are encouraged to make changes to their eating lifestyle to ensure that they are eating appropriate foods that are good for their mental health and wellbeing. However healthy eating isn't always convenient as consuming too much healthy foods can lead to bad health diets, so it is important that individuals are taking little fat foods as they help to give the body energy. Moving on, balanced diets have relation to healthy diets as they both ensure that the body is receiving enough nutrients needed in order for the body to function properly. It is important that individuals have a good suitable balanced diet which includes drinking water consistently and ensuring that you eat from the correct food groups and avoid consuming unhealthy food choices that can lead to negative effects on the body such as signs of fatigue or development and growth issues for example an individual may become obese when consuming too much fat foods whilst another person may become too skinny when only consuming the same healthy foods daily. Balanced diets also help to keep teeth and bones in good shape through consuming vitamins through healthy food products.

The Eatwell Plate/Main food groups: The Eatwell plate is a guide which shows the proportions in different food groups which are needed in order to maintain a well balanced diet, having these food groups , this is suitable for all individuals except from people under the age of 2 years old or those with special dietary needs (NHS inform:2019). The Eatwell plate is split into 5 categories that we eat and

drink, some involve foods with high nutritional levels that give the body good energy levels and others that have an affect on individuals health and wellbeing (decreased mood, poor sleep). These food categories include:  Fruits and vegetables (carrots, apples)  Starchy carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, rice, pasta)  Fats (spreads and oils)  Dairy products (milk,eggs, cheese)  Proteins (beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat) The most important part of the Eat well plate is fruit and vegetables. All individuals should aim to eat these foods at least everyday. These foods are crucial for an individual's diet as they provide different types of nutrients to the body including fibre, potassium and vitamins A and C. Fibre helps to decrease blood levels and lowers risk of heart stroke, potassium helps to maintain good blood flow, allowing the heart and lungs to function properly. Vitamin A helps to protect the body from infections and keeps individuals' physical features (skin and eyes) healthy and in good condition. Furthermore, Vitamin C helps with growth and repair including the process of healing cuts and wounds. Fruits and vegetables.

The Food Pyramid is a diagram that shows how different food and drinks contribute to a good balanced diet. Individuals can choose foods and drinks from each tier based on their food preferences. It divides Food and drinks into five primary shelves, which I will explain further. Vegetables, Salad, and Fruit on Shelf 1 This should be used as a foundation for your meals. It's always preferable to have more. Individuals should limit themselves to just one glass of

unsweetened fruit juice per day Shelf 2: Wholegrain cereals and breads, potatoes, pasta, and rice (3–5 servings per day, up to 7 for adolescent boys and men aged 19–50). The best cereals are wholemeal and wholegrain. Shelf 3 consists of milk, yoghurt, and cheese (3 servings a day and 5 from the age of 9 to 18) Choose low-fat or reduced-fat varieties. Low-fat milk and yoghurt are better choices than cheese. Cheese should be consumed in moderation.

Shelf 4 consists of Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. Individuals should choose to eat lean beef, skinless poultry, and fish as they are the healthiest. On the other hand, oily fish can be eaten up to twice a week. Eggs, beans, and almonds are also good choices. Individuals should limit eating salty processed meats like sausages, bacon, and ham. Malnutrition is a severe condition that occurs when your diet doesn't have the expected amount of nutrients. “Malnutrition also occurs when specific foods that contain one or more important vitamins or minerals that are not used enough in an individual's diet” (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica:2021), having a lack of nutritions such as vitamins and minerals can lead to deficiency diseases including sickness, poor immune systems etc. According to studies, “children are most likely to suffer from malnutrition due to imbalances to their diet”. (Johns Hopkins:2021) this is because children enjoy eating sweet foods like chocolate, sweets and are required to eat enough of these foods in their diet to help with their brain development and nervous system. Under-nutrition is one of the many types of malnutrition. This occurs when there isn't enough food in the body leading people to become underweight, this has side effects of dry hair and skin which tends to fall out very easily undernutrition may also “develop if an individual is unable to prepare foods for themselves or may have a disorder where they find eating foods difficult” (John E. Morley:2021). Professionals are able to diagnose if a person has this condition based on how they look and their height/weight where they can provide treatment or step to step guidance where individuals eat more healthier foods to reach. Overnutrition is another type of malnutrition. This occurs when a person consumes too much nutrients such as fats and sugary foods to their body leading individuals to potentially become overweight and obese. Although fast foods add convenience and taste, it can cause severe effects to an individuals health and wellbeing including memory loss, heart strokes, diabetes etc, this can lead individuals to feel anxious about their weight and fall into depression. According to statistics based back in 2016, “39% of adults above the age of 18 were overweight whilst only 13% were obese” (World Health Organisation:2021). Being overweight and obese can have effects on both genders; for girls, these factors can cause them to have early puberty and worsened cramps whereas boys would start puberty late leading to delayed development in some areas.

What are processed foods? Processed foods are foods that are altered whilst in preparation (NHS:2020). Most foods need to be processed so that bacteria can be removed and ensure that the food is safe to eat. Examples of foods that are normally processed are milk, bread, tinned vegetables etc. I will be talking about the process on how foods are

processed: The first process I will be talking about is Freezing. This is one of the most commonly used methods for food preservation where temperatures are used at a low rate to prevent microorganism growth in foods. “There is no equipment required when freezing foods,

instead, people can pack their foods into vacuumed sealed bags and store them long term, this helps to prevent ice crystal formation” (Laurie Neverman:2021) This is good for beginners as it requires easy steps and simple instructions to follow.

The next process I’ll speak about is Drying/Dehydration, “not everyone uses this process but it’s used to dry foods with air drying, sun ovens etc” (Laurie Neverman:2021) . Foods that dehydrate very well are fruit and vegetables. If kept in a cool place foods tend to stay in good condition for a long period of time.

Moving on, Canning involves putting foods in glass jars and tin cans. This canning process, canning, is a method of food preservation in which food is processed and sealed in an airtight container (jars like Mason jars, and steel and tin cans).

BMI and BMR The BMI (Body mass index) is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilogrammes by the square of their height in metres. BMI is an easy way of determining weight categories such as underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obesity. However BMI does not directly measure body fat, however it is somewhat associated with more direct body fat measurements 1,2,3. In addition, BMI appears to be just as closely linked to many metabolic and illness outcomes as these more direct measures of body fatness. BMR (known as basal metabolic rate) controls how the body uses energy for particular functions. It also measures

how much energy is in the body in calories. This way, individuals would know what their body requires in order for it to function well and stay active.

GM Foods Foods generated from genetically modified (GM) species have had their genetic material (DNA) changed in a way that does not occur naturally, through introducing a gene from another creature. This is also known as "Modern biotechnology" or "gene technology" (World health Organisation:2021) Plant-based GM foods are currently able to be accessed, but foods generated from GM microbes or GM animals are most likely to be introduced in the future market.. GM foods can potentially help to lower food prices by increasing yields and ensuring it is reliable.

Health Supplements/Exercise Regimes Health supplements are substances that you can take to enhance your diet or reduce your risk of developing health problems for example osteoporosis or arthritis. Pills, capsules, powders, gel capsules and tablets, extracts, and liquids are all examples of health supplements. Exercise Regimes are the physical activity guidelines which recommend to get at least two and a half hours of moderate aerobic activity or one hour and 15 minutes of strenuous aerobic activity each week (helpguide:2021). All individuals are required to at least do Aerobic activity, they advise to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity.

In this part of the report, I will explain macro and micronutrients. Macronutrients are the types of nutrients that we require and need larger quantities of, this helps the body to work properly as well as provide the body with lots of energy to be able to partake in activities. The food components that correlate with macronutrients are carbohydrates, protein and fats. Moving on, micronutrients are another type of nutrients that we require but small quantities of, this involves consuming foods like vitamins and minerals which both help with maintaining a stronger immune system and healthier bones where it can function properly. Micronutrients also help to fight off serious diseases occurring in the body areas. What are they?


What foods What do are they found they do to in? the body?

What happens if we have too much or too little?

Protein can be found in foods such as; yogurt, beans, chicken, prawn, fish cheese, milk.

Having too much protein can lead to terrible kidney problems around the hip, this can then overtime cause things like bad breath and digestive problems

Protein helps to repair as well as build an individual's body tissues. They also ensure to help in metabolism where they provide structural support to the body where they act as carriers/hormone s and enzymes.

Having too little of protein can lead to an individual feeling continuously weak due to their lack of

strength and not being able to have enough balance. They can also make an individual feel tired through not having enough oxygen in the body. Fat


Types of Fat are Trans, Unsaturated and saturated fats.

There are two Types of carbohydrate which are simple and complex

Fats are found in savoury/sweet foods such as butter, chocolate, sweets sugary drinks (including fanta, sprite, pepsi)

Carbohydrates can be found in foods such as bread, pasta, veggie burgers, oak mill, cereal, rice.

Fat is used as a body fuel source where it ensures to keep the body warm. A moderate amount of fat foods is expected as it leads to healthy diets and good health, this includes positive impacts to an individual's well being and increasing their quality of life.

Having too much fat can lead to terrible LDL cholesterol in the blood, leading to an increased risk in developing serious conditions such as heart diseases and high strokes.

Carbohydrates provide the body with high amounts of energy, then stores the energy, then

Having too little carbohydrate s can lead to levels of sugar dropping

Having too little fat can lead to individuals having symptoms such as hair loss, low immune symptoms as well as very dry rashes.

builds macromolecules and left over fat and protein for another use.

carbohydrate s

Vitamins and minerals

There are 8 types of vitamins this includes vitamins; A,B1,B2, B6, C, D, E, K The 7 types of minerals include; Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Sodium,

Foods found in vitamins include; most dark green foods such as broccoli, spinach and other dark green vegetables.

Vitamins help individuals resist diseases and infections as well as keeping their nerves in good condition and in a healthy state. They also Foods found in help an minerals include; individual get high amounts of nuts, fruits (strawberries, energy through watermelons) consuming foods as well as and vegetables

drastically and below the expected normal range leading the individual to suffering from health problems such as hypoglycemi a which include symptoms such as hunger. Having too much carbohydrate s can lead an individual's blood sugar levels to become too high then expected, these lead to developing health issues such as cardiovascula r disease, cancer and becoming overweight. Having too much vitamins and minerals in the body can cause individuals to have serious side effects such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, dry skin and tooth

Magnesium, Phosphorus

(Tomato, brussel properly done sprouts, blood clotting. cabbage) Minerals have many good effects on the body, this includes making sure that the bones, heart and muscles are working properly as well as building structural support to ensure that they are strong and in good condition.

staining Having too little vitamins and minerals in the body can cause lots of health issues such as fatigue, bad immune system and weakness in bone structure. This is unbeneficial for pregnant women as this can be passed on to their child leading them to also suffer from these side effects their mother/father is experiencing.

Vitamins Types of vitamins Vitamin A

What What foods What do they do are are they found to the body? they? in? Foods found in vitamin A are oily fish, milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, carrots, sweet potato

Vitamin A helps with normal vision where individuals can see things more clearly as well as ensuring that their lungs, heart and many other different organs are functioning at its correct rate. Vitamin A also helps strengthens a person's immune system and their

What happens if we have too much or too little? Too much of this vitamin causes an individual to experience hair loss(involving eyebrows areas) as well as having cracked lips and very dry skin, this can also affect pregnant woman during pregnancy it defects the fetus whilst pregnant


Having too little vitamin A can affect an individual's rate of growth leading them to show delayed development. The side effects of this include inflamed skin and them suffering from seeing properly at night or when in a place with poor lighting.

Vitamin B1

Foods found in Vitamin B1 include foods like; nuts, fresh fruits (apples, oranges and bananas) whole grain breads, peas

Vitamin B1s role for the body is to ensure that cells are converting the food consumed by the individual into energy

When having too little of Vitamin B1, the role of ensuring that cells in the body are converting foods eaten into energy will not work properly. Individuals may also suffer from conditions such as tiredness, feeling weak in muscle areas. Having too much of vitamin B1 can have side effects of feeling too warm, continuous sweating, itching, and serious allergic reactions.

Vitamin B2

Foods found in vitamin B2 are salmon, lean beef(with pork), cheese, dairy milk, yogurt

Vitamin B2's role for the body is to make sure that food is converted from carbohydrates to glucose (fuel) where energy is produced

Having too much vitamin B2 can lead individuals to suffer from side effects such as damage to the liver through digestion problems as well as

and maintained.

nausea, serious cramps in the stomach and diarrhea Having too little vitamin B2 can lead individuals to suffer from physical side effects such as cracked lips, lots of hair loss, itchy and sore throats.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin C

Foods found in this vitamin are foods such as oats, fruits(bananas in particular), turkey/chicken, peanuts and beans (soya)

Foods found in this vitamin involve food such as brussel sprouts, peppers, strawberries, oranges as well as orange juice, broccoli.

Vitamin B6 has a role of maintaining the normal expected amount of “amino acid” in the blood. It also influences a greater immune system where it can work properly. Consuming different types of food where Vitamin B6 is found also help the body to prevent injections to enter the body.

Having too little vitamin B6 in the body can lead to a variety amount of side effects and symptoms, this includes swollness on the tongue, cracks around the mouth, red and very itchy rashes

Vitamin C's role is to ensure the formation of the blood, bones, healing of the wound and fighting off infections. They also help with growth and development where repairs are made in the body resulting in healthy skin.

Having too much of vitamin C can lead to serious physical health causes such as bad stomach pain as well as suffering from diarrhea, individuals may also have poor healing processes when bruises occur.

Having ...

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