P1,P2,M1 (Unit 19: Developing Teams ) PDF

Title P1,P2,M1 (Unit 19: Developing Teams )
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Unit 19: Developing Teams BTEC Level 3 Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business - Year 1 Task: What Makes an Effective Team?

Task 1a (P1) Introduction In this assignment I will be evaluating how teams work in a business, and, I will be describing the different types of teams within Apple and what benefits teams can give the company. We can find teams in many places that we have been or have worked before, and you might have worked in a team before which is a good way of dealing with other people. There are different types of teams, they can be informal, formal, and there are also other types of teams. Teams What is a team? A team is made up of two or even more people, who work together in order to achieve the goal that they all want. Normally when a team is formed everyone needs to work together and share the information that they all have, so that the project or the goal they want can be achieved. When people are within a team, they need to know how they are going to work with one another, so that no problems are created. Inside a team there is always a team leader and team members, so everyone in the team needs to help all of the members, because if just only one person works then this means that they didn’t work as a team and all the credit goes to the whole team for nothing, because only one person did everything. Groups Meanwhile there are also groups, and these are like a team. A group is gathering of people, or in other words it can be a collection of two or more individuals, who work together and interact with one another so that they can achieve the objectives of the company. There are many ways of groups and the characteristics of a group are: goals, size, roles, structure and others. 

Size: To have a team, it can be only formed by two individuals, but normally a group has an estimated number of 10 to 20 individuals, because the more members the group has the better the work can be managed and complexed parts can all be well manged within the people in the group.

Goals: A group is normally formed because the members want to achieve a goal or finish a task or project that was given to them. The reason the group was formed is because they all have a certain goal to complete.

Roles: When a group is formed, everyone member has a role or responsibility, which is given by the group leader. These are given in order to ease the work and not overload just one person with all the work.

Unit 19: Developing Teams BTEC Level 3 Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business - Year 1 Task: What Makes an Effective Team?

Structure: Every group needs structure in order, these can be based by roles, positions or even responsibilities held by the members of the group.

These were the characteristics of a group, following above I will explain the types of groups and how they work. Types of Groups 

Formal Groups: These are groups which are formed knowingly by the company or the management of the company, and their aim is achieve the objective goal of the business. A formal group follows guidelines with good coordination in order to ensure that they achieve their goal. A formal group is also an official gathering (group) made by the business which has structure, and roles and responsibilities are given to every single member of the group. Formal groups can be found inside schools, hospitals, government and other organisations.

Informal Groups: This is formed by two or more people which they come together to accomplish their specific task. The reason the informal group is formed is because they want to satisfy their personal and psychological needs. People in an informal group don’t necessarily have rules to follow or any regulation of the company, so that is why they are called an informal group. Informal groups can be found anywhere and mostly can be people gathered to exchange information with one another or also they need to complete a specific task.

Difference between groups and teams In my point of view groups and teams different in many aspects. But a group is collective of people who are only in a group for their personal effort, meanwhile a team is a group of individuals who all share the same purpose and goals they want to achieve, team members usually are committed to one another because they want to achieve all the goals they were targeted to them. Without this mutual dedication or commitment to the goals they want to achieve then the team would not perform as they should, but if they have the dedication then this can build a strong promise to the team and would motivate them to work or perform better. A team cannot be built without goals or commitment. Because the idea of them being committed is what creates a sense of responsibility to all team members, and in a team goals must be challenging but at the same specific so that the team members can understand what they need to do and how they can contribute to the team as collective, and success to the team. In other hand a group is different because they are all together to achieve a common goal, while for team they are more interested in completing the task than achieve the goal that they were targeted to get.

Unit 19: Developing Teams BTEC Level 3 Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business - Year 1 Task: What Makes an Effective Team?

Benefits of being a part of a team Being a student at havering college comes with many factors and one of them is that I am always a part of a team, and this can be in different types of classes, so I would say that in my daily basis I am involved in a team of colleagues, all of us have a common goal to finish and complete all our assignments and finish our courses, but sometimes being in this team we have to push others because not everyone is motivated to achieve targeted to us since the beginning of the school year. Being a part of this team makes me be more focused with the assignments given, and also it helps me schedule my day, so that I don’t feel pressured with the assignments given to me and others, and it also makes me be better leader because then I can be a mentor and help others with their assignments and how to behave in class. Different types of teams 

Permanent Teams: A permanent team is a type of team that work very regularly with one another, and the team doesn’t finish even if they have competed the task that was given to them or have achieved the targeted goal. An example of a permanent team would be at a workplace, if some of the employees were chosen to be a part of a team, and a project is given to them, this would considered a temporary team, because after that the team would separate themselves, but a permanent team, can be team within different departments of the company, like for example the ICT department of Apple is in charge of helping with anything that has to do with multimedia, computers, software’s and others, so this means that the common purpose or goals for this team is to make sure that they have all of the equipment’s of the company are working, so if a task is given to them they don’t have to work by themselves they can always ask for help from the team leader that in this case can be the manager of the ICT department.

Temporary Teams: a temporary team is another form of teams, and this may be one of the most common teams used nowadays, why? Because many companies when they assign a project the team that they create are normally just to complete the project and after that they go back to their normal jobs. A good example for a temporary team would be a project given to some of the employees of the company to conduct a survey so these employees can be from different departments, so they are considered a temporary team. Also, a temporary team has some similar characteristics with a permanent team, but only difference they have is that after they finish the project, they will go separate ways and won’t be together anymore. Normally a temporary team are often made for people that are planning something or just for an event.

Formal Teams: a formal team is a more structured team, that is created with a specific purpose, as all teams they have a team leader and team members, and all team members have a specific role, and are very helpful to achieve the goal or the project given to them. Normally a formal group would be created due to the speciality of everyone of the team. An

Unit 19: Developing Teams BTEC Level 3 Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business - Year 1 Task: What Makes an Effective Team?

example of a formal team would be a board of members from a hospital can be considered a formal group because they are there to discuss the how the hospital can be better but also they are created because of the specialty they know about hospitals and medical care, and in this board there can be people from different departments of the hospital. 

Informal Teams: this is created without a specific organisation in the team, and everyone included will have the same role as they are not structed, informal teams often don’t follow rules or guidelines and work all together to achieve the same purpose. An example of an informal team would be in case a school is taking their students to a trip then the student then it is considered an informal team because they are all together to help one another and enjoy their trip without any problems.

Project Teams: this is a team where members normally belong to other departments of the business and they have different functions and roles assigned to them by the project manager. And normally project teams are only used for a specific period.

In this part of the assignment I will explaining the different types of teams within the company Apple and how beneficial these teams are in the workplace. Apple Departments (Teams)

Description and Benefits


The design team is the team responsible for the design for Apple’s devices. Being a part of Apple’s design team is one very complex because they are responsible to giving to unique look that Apple has. When an employee is include in the design team is normally a formal group and when they are tasked to come up with a new design they disintegrated from the business for a period while they are coming up with new ideas, because then they have more time to focus and deliver a better report of the ideas that they created. The design team has the responsibility of creating an idea bringing it to life, using the professional skills they have, they also have the responsibility of respecting the budget given to them unless they don’t have a budget which is more likely to not happen. Other responsibilities are to produce consistent and excellent work with no errors and staying up to date with other competitors that can be ahead or above them. Being a part of this team is very beneficial because it makes the team members have creativity while the team leader is there to help everyone and not make them feel

Unit 19: Developing Teams BTEC Level 3 Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business - Year 1 Task: What Makes an Effective Team?

pressured. Support and Service

The Support and service team from Apple deals with customers daily, they responded to different types of customer service such as: complaints, concerns and inquires. This team needs to make sure that they are providing their customers a good customer service with satisfaction, while talking to their customers by emails, phone or even a live chat on their website. Normally this teams responds to customer service 24 hours or might have a specific time to answer everyone. And to make their work even easier they can divide their customers complaints in sections, this is used so that sometimes customers don’t have to call customer service and will have questions already responded that will help the customer with what they need. The customer service team has the responsibility: of resolving complaints via email or phone, reaching out to customers to check and verify their information or accounts, assist with placement orders, refunds and exchanges. The benefits of being a part of this tram is that you will increase your communicational skills and have a better understanding with customers.

Task 1b(P2) Team Goals Team goals are objectives or purposes within a team for a better performance as a team. They are designed to support the goals of the business. Teams goals can boost the work performance of the team, because the first goal of a team is always to grow and know how to work together day by day, it can also help them finish projects on time, explore individual talents within the team and most importantly it will make the team members have a better relationship.

Why do companies set goals for teams? Companies usually set goals for teams because, it makes the team work better and have deliver a better project, it also uplifts the employee to be a better team member and not work just by himself, also it makes the employee improve productivity and will make every member of the team understand what their role in the team is, and will develop creativity and innovation, because everyone in the team is encouraged to communicate problems and results. The reason why

Unit 19: Developing Teams BTEC Level 3 Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business - Year 1 Task: What Makes an Effective Team?

companies set goals for one other is because it gives the team a better understanding of the task that was given to them. Having a purpose helps teams to stay on track, because in case the project manager gives deadlines then the team members can organise themselves and finish everything before the deadline. Goals allow teams to be on time with their work and while working together have a better progress. Group Conflict A group conflict is a problem that happens between two or more members of a team, and can affect the results of teamwork, so this means that the team might not perform as they should, at a higher level that they are predicted to work for. Group conflicts are often caused by a circumstance were the balance, goals and values of the team are low. So, this means that people cannot work together and have no shared goals to achieve. To avoid group conflicts or having team members change we can use the Bruce Tuckman Theory which consists of 5 stages which are: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning. 

Forming: this is the stage were teams are starting to be created (forming), it is also were roles and responsibilities are still not clear, so this stage is highly focused to find a leader and give a role to each team member. This is the stage were all members try to give their best and very polite and positive, and most of the team members are very focused on their next task. This is where conflicts between team members are still not faced because people are still trying get know one another. At this stage the team members will need to know how they are carrying the project. Time is mostly spent to plan the project, collect additional information and bond with the rest of the team.

Storming: At the second stage of the Tuckman theory comes the storming stage, and this is when the team starts to ask questions and suggest ideas about the task given to them. If ideas are not discussed well within the team this can turn into a conflict, so the team leader needs to manged well how ideas are being discussed. We can also say that at this stage many team members may have made relations with others or have broken it already, sometimes this can lead to the team being stuck in the storming stage for quite some time. Why? Because the team might be too focused on deciding the actual plan of the project than completing the task that was given for the whole team. This is the stage where there can not be any lack of leadership, Is the best time for the leader to step and operate with the team.

Norming: this is the third stage where, team members are starting to form themselves as a team and not just individuals, so they are working all together with focus and high performance, because they are following rules and guidelines so that the team doesn’t have conflicts. I can also say that this is when the team members can now learn how to resolve their problems and differences of opinion, and are more comfortable

Unit 19: Developing Teams BTEC Level 3 Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business - Year 1 Task: What Makes an Effective Team?

working together, by trusting and helping each other when it comes to complete the task. 

Performing: Now at the fourth stage this where the team’s performance is identified by their high levels of motivation, creativity and knowledge. It is the best stage to encourage team members to complete their task and not make them sell not disintegrated from the team, so as a team leader this person should speak and work with every team member so that they can feel concentrated and motivated to finish the task. This stage rules and instructions are not really required.

Adjourning: This is the last stage of the Tuckman theory and the task is finally completed and the team can now break up, or everyone can move to other tasks knowing that they have achieved the team goal for the other task. It also depends which type of group is carrying the task because if it is a temporary one then they are going to break up while permanent teams will just try to level up the team by including new people. At this point the team has learnt how they should work as a team and how to interact with other members without differences of opinions.

Task 1c (M1) This last part of the assignment, I will compare the roles that different member had within the team. Also explaining three roles existents in a team, what the advantages and disadvantages, while also explain my role in the team. Role of team members I will be comparing roles of each team members from a previous charity event, that took place at Havering College. Each person had a role during the planning of the event, Hania was the accountant and she had the role of making sure that all the money was kept safe and what we brought had proof with receipts, Kareena was the team leader and she had the role of making sure that every team member was planning and contributing to the planning of the event, James and Nathan were responsible for making marketing area, they advertised for the event, and I was responsible for buying the items that we were going to sell at the event. But during the event Kareena was responsible for bringing customers to our table, and creating conversations with them, Hania was the accountant again and she was keeping the money, and saving it, while me and Nathan were responsible for preparing the table and keeping the items safe. Belbin Team Roles 

Shaper: being a shaper you are mostly dedicated to get things done as quickly as possible. This is the best role for a team because it is needed from when task starts to the end of it, the role is important because every type of challenge that appears the shaper won’t enter in panic, because he already knows how to work under pressure and moving in a direction of completing the task successfully.

Unit 19: Developing Teams BTEC Level 3 Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business - Year 1 Task: What Makes an Effective Team?

Disadvantage: The disadvantage of the shaper is that sometimes they want everything to get done that they might neglect other people’s feelings and be a bit rough with them. This why of a being a shaper can result in arguments and conflicts with other team members. Also having to many shapers inside a team can be a problem because they are more likely to be competitive with one another, so this means that, for the team to be successful shapers should know which areas they are working and stick to it. 

Plant: being a plant means that they always contribute to the team and offer new ideas, the...

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