Unit 2 - Milestone 2 Public Speaking COM-212 PDF

Title Unit 2 - Milestone 2 Public Speaking COM-212
Author Jennifer Breshears
Course Public Speaking
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 3
File Size 89.4 KB
File Type PDF
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SOPHIA Unit 2 - Milestone 2 Public Speaking COM-212...


SOPHIA Pathways Public Speaking COM-212 Unit 2 – Milestone 2 1. Examples should be both concise and to the point to help the audience understand a topic. 2. Roger is scheduled to deliver a speech at the upcoming town council meeting. He wants to convince other members of the town to invest money in the old recreation center, which has fallen into disrepair in the past decade. Roger believes the center is an important part of the community and hopes he can persuade his fellow citizens of its potential value to the town as a whole. Which of the following examples of storytelling would help Roger achieve his goal? Roger talks about first meeting other prominent members of the community at the recreation center. 3. Which of the following is an example of a temporal transition? After reading intervention took place, students advanced several grade levels in a single year. 4. Alex is excited that he was selected to deliver the graduation speech to his class. He has spent weeks drafting the speech and is satisfied with the result. Alex prints a copy of the speech on note cards to he won’t forget what he wants to say. Which device would best help Alex enhance his speech? A podium 5. Lila did not feel comfortable using blog posts when researching her history paper because she could not verify that they were credible. 6. Which of the following is NOT a best practice when conducting an interview? Get personal 7. Which of the following is a tool for managing trait anxiety? Engage in guided mediation once a week 8. What is a potential downside to memorizing your speech? You might forget parts of your speech. 9. Wanda’s speech to the priests visiting her church from Italy was going well. However, their response to the final line of her speech was not as energetic as she had hoped it would be. After she finished, one of the priests raised his hand and asked her what she meant by “the ball is in your court”. If Wanda had considered her ethnocentrism, she may have connected better with her audience. 10. Alex is writing a persuasive speech. He wants to convince his classmates that Pizza Hut sells the best pizza in town. Which of the following examples demonstrates the best way to use supporting materials effectively? Present the findings from a survey of the sophomore class on their pizzeria preferences. 11. Scott is making a presentation about immigration law in front of his debate club. While speaking, Scott concentrates on reading off a word-for-word transcript of his speech. He remains slouched to one side and fails to make eye contract with his audience. When judging his performance at the end of his presentation, many of his classmates agree that they did not feel properly invested in his main argument. Scott underestimated the importance of body language during his presentation, weakening his connection with the audience. 12. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate use of statistics in a speech? Assuming a casual relationship between two related variables.

13. Which of the following examples describes a speaker using an analogy? Michael concludes his speech on weight loss by saying, “Exercise without a good diet is as useful as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic”. 14. Jenna is giving an informative speech about the new washing machine her company developed. She says, “The most amazing feature of this machine is its dual infrared washing system. It will make your clothes three times as clean in half the time. What the microwave is to the conventional oven, this washing machine is to machines of the past.” By including unsubstantiated information and popular opinion, which goal of an informative speech does Jenna fail to achieve? Educating the audience on the facts 15. Which of the following domains is both accurate and credible? .gov 16. Jose is delivering a speech in front of the workers of a manufacturing plant. He is in the running to become the next union representative and knows he needs the workers on his side to get the position. His speech is meant to outline all he will fight for as a union representative. Jose makes sure to bring up his goal of improving overtime pay, which he knows is a popular one. Which technique did Jose use to support his ideas and appeal to his audience? Find a consensus 17. It is important to use your own words when writing a speech. If you do not, your speech may contain content that is plagiarized. 18. Which of the following presentations would most benefit from using concrete terminology? A senator addressing his constituents at a rally by detailing the advantages of a new tax plan. 19. Victor is preparing a speech that he will deliver in front of the town council. He wants to argue for the importance of infrastructure spending, as many of the town ’s roads and sidewalks have fallen into disrepair. He knows he needs the audience on his side for this issue, so he thinks carefully about how he will frame his main argument. Which of the following statements serves as an example of a well-developed thesis for Victor’s speech? “Infrastructure spending is not a luxury, but something that directly affects your safety and security.” 20. Which situation below best demonstrates an online asynchronous interview? Miranda emails her dentist a set of interview questions about the importance of brushing your teeth. 21. Richard is the father of two children in the local elementary school. He is concerned that his children have nothing to do after classes, as the school does not offer after school programs due to budgetary issues. Richard knows the issue of the school budget will come up at the next town council meeting, so he prepares a speech advocating for the funding of after school programs. If Richard was organizing his speech to move from specific points to the broader idea, which statement from his speech would come first? “Enrollment in after school programs has been shown to improve academic performance by as much as 27%.” 22. Which of the following statements does NOT represent an example of incorporating expert testimony into a speech effectively? A politician quotes conversations he had with random citizens as evidence that his new gun control law is generating data that proves a positive effect. 23. Peter is the new principal of a middle school and he is about to deliver his first address to the student body. For his first speech, Peter wants to make it clear that he understands what his students are going through in their daily lives. He also wants to deliver good

advice and warn them against potential missteps. He has done research into popular trends amongst pre-teens today and believes he has some good support for several of his speech ideas. Which of the following speech topics represents an example of an effectively scoped speech? The dangers of spending too much time each day on social media. 24. Ed, the leader of a steelworker’s union, wants to give a speech detailing how the current economy will affect the union’s demands this year. Which form of informational speech would help Ed best achieve his goal? An explanatory speech 25. Which of the following is an example of making connections in a speech? Demonstrating your excitement about the topic to your audience....

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