Unit 3 Psychology Test Review PDF

Title Unit 3 Psychology Test Review
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Unit 3 Psychology Test Review INCLUDES ALL COURSE CONTENT FROM UNIT 3...


Unit 3: Psychology Test Review Terms: Conditioning- Types of leaning in which an animal/psion responds to stimulus in a way that normally doesn't bring that response, behaviour change,rewards. Classical conditioning- Stimulus than behaviour, based on feelings, attitudes, and basic responses. Operant conditioning- Behaviour changes rst, them reward, highway complex behaviours. Free association- “Talking therapy”, shae thoughts, words, *authentic. Defense Mechanism- Unconscious reaction to reduce anxiety.. Denial- Blocking external events form awareness “doesn’t exist” Displacement- Lashing out because of suppiesed angel from earlier situation. Intellectualization- Avoiding unacceptable emotions by focussing on intellectual aspects, big deal treated as no. Projection- seeing negative traits and others that we sense in ourselves but cannot openly admit. Rationalization- inventing excuse to explain behaviour, loss, error. Regression- Returning to previous stage of development. Repression- . Pushing unpleasant urges to subconscious from conscious minds. Sublimation- Transforms unnacceptable impulses (sex, anger, fear) into socially productive forms. ID- Pleasure principle, present at birth, Satisfy arrives. EGO- Reality principal, “ Think before you act“ delays impulses, decision maker. SUPEREGO- Moral centre, society, culture, moral values. Oedipus complex- children attached to mother’s rst, lead to the development of unconscious minds, moles have desires for mom. Castration anxiety- Boys fear father will nd out desires so he identies who father. Electra complex- Girls are attached to moms and have penis envy attachments which is depositing what they lack the press is Desirees. Fixation- strong complex that get people stuck at an early stage. Oral xation- eating, drinking, nail, biting, verbally and abusive. Anal xation- too much punishment/bad toilet training anal retentive- stingy, compulsive, stubborn anal expulsive- messy, no self control, careless Phallic Stage- Puberty *Fieuds most important. Inferiority Complex- Feel decient at some part. Superiority Complex- Strive to overcompensate for personal weakness. Stigma- Greek term referring to badly Signs of unusual behaviour or status, mask, burn, tattoo, about attach disagree, labelling theory. Identity crisis- teenagers (after WW2) Face this in a transition to adulthood, become more self-aware and independent, time of struggle, experiences and reduce self-esteem. Neurosis- experience high levels of anxiety or tension but generally are able to manage daily aairs. Psychosis- lose touch with the real world, require treatment to live “normal” life, higher in urban centres. Feral Children- grown up with little/no human contact, raised by animals or on own, wild. *Victor and oxana Child Isolates- conned, tonight social interactions, neglected, abused, denied physical, emotional needs building to intellectual issues.

Feral- heightened senses, muscle development (human reaction cold in conditioning) Isolates- shame due to parents, hoarding from negative male domination, often result or incest. *Puberty is end of language socialization Flash mobs- “smart mobs”, rst appeared in early 2000’s, blend of expressive and acting, believed to have no real purpose. Crowds- late 19th century, the Steve Le Bon believed when in groups are normal psychology is overridden by instinct rather than intellect. Conformity- compliance with standards, rules, or laws, behaviour in accordance with socially development standards. Groupthink- Group members have a strong desire to reach consensus so that group loses exact ability to critically examine other alternatives (jury). Obedience- actor habit of doing what what is told her submitting to authority, complacent behaviour (Nazi’s) Introvert- nd energy by recharging in person space, Susan Cain= 1 Stop Constant group work 2 more privacy/freedom 3 go to wilderness 4 take a look at what’s in your suitcase. Extrovert- nd energy around other people and groups. Dark Side of Conformity Bystander eect (Genovese Syndrome) ● Catherine (Kitty Genovese) murdered/stabbed in 1964 ● 38 people a record saw attack, called police when attacked 2nd time. ● Why don't we intervene? ○ Fear our safety, think theyll be okay, believe someone else will help, don't trust people. ● Diusion of Responsibility ● Blocking mechanisms ● Social Cues ● Self Awareness (Audience) Conict & Conesion ➢ Prejudice and racism is due to ethnocentrism. ➢ Based on socialization within culture therefore Nurture Factors. 1. Alienation ➔ Feeling left out ➔ Lack of power ➔ Lack of meaning ➔ Confusion about accepted behaviour ➔ Isolation ➔ From oneself/unhappy with own circumstance 2. Cognitive Dissonance ➔ We feel uncomfortable when we realize our behaviour does not match our attitudes (so we usually change our attitudes) 3. Scapegoating ➔ Putting blame or responsibility from oneself onto others, defense mechanism to protest. Theories & experiences Pavlov’s Dogs- Let a dog hear a bell before eating dog reacted to bell by salivating. *Reinforcement for desired behaviour.

*Situation becomes associated with experience. Marshmallow- Walter Misches, Stanford U, Children given a marshmallow, told if they wait on undisclosed amount of time they will get another one, younger kids tend to eat it rst, older ones are mole patient, was marshmallow enticing enough? Little Albert- Created lonud clanging noise when rats, stued animals where near, you can teach fear, scored a very things, John B. Watson. 6 months old, unethical, no deconditioning. Bobo the clown- 1961-1963, Albert Bandung, Learned behaviour through a survey shin, some showed violent video, and those who watched were more likely to be aggressive towards the doll. John/Joan- David Reiner was born as a boy but following a botched circumcision with the help of John money he was raised as a girl, realized he was not a girl during 9–11 years old committed suicide after coming out with his story (depression). Rhys monkey experiment- to test attachment theories, tested in isolation and with circuit mother (one comforting, one with food), 1960-70’s Harry Harlow. Forbidden Experiments- Genie- 1970,13, dad commited suicide. Anna- 1940,6 Victor- 1797,12, French woods Oxana- 1983,8, dog kennel Asch- 1951, Solomon Asch, explore impact of social pressure, 4 actors, one subject, actors answered incorrect, 70% give in. Miligram- 1963, stinky milligram, testing obederre after WW2, subject is teacher shocking students when giving wrong answers, 65% of initial 1000 shocked active 450 V. -Status of group mind bells, nature of task (deception), public/private response (lab coat supervisor) Stanford prison- 1973, Philip is in Bartow, formally to violent roles, in Uni prison basement, 100% of 24 conrmed to roles. -Status of group members, group size. Psychosexual theory- Freud believed self emerges through stages of development where ID and SUPEREGO Battle for supremacy of EGO. Oral-birth-1-mouth Anal- 1-3 - toilet training Phallic- 3-6 - gender identity Latent- 6- puberty-suppiesing instincts Genital- Puberty+ -relationships Psychological development theory- Erik Erikson Believe development of self is a lifetime process, each stage possesses a negative or positive challenge. Infancy - birth-18m - trust/mistrust Early child - 18m-3 - autonomy/shame Play age - 3-5 -initative/guilt School age - 6-12 - industry/inferiority Adolescence - 12-18 - identity/role confusion Young adult - 18-35 - intimacy/isolation Middle adult - 35-55/65 - genelactivity/stagnation Late adult - death - integrity/despair Calming, something traumatic before puberty, gene + violence=disaster Birth order- individual psychology under psychoanalysis, personality comes from creative selves when faced with problems = Alfred Alder

Only- dominant, spoiled, centre of attention First- overachiever, protective Second- struggles to suppose, whining, restless Last- Pampeired able to excel Only girl/boy1 extreme gender orientation Analytical theory- Carl jung believed we had dominant aspect (intro/extroverted) Perception. Thinking (perception) Intention sensing Feeling (decision making) Cognitive development theory- mortal pressures are dependent on stages of development of age = Jean Paiget Sensorimotor 0-2 Peekaboo Preoperational 2-7 Egocentric Concrete operational 7-11 Developing empathy Formal operational 11+ Adorxent egorentrium Labelling Theory- Disgrace attached to stigma, dierence between visible/invisible marks in Erving Gomans book Stigma (1963) idea of passing, now self identity and behaviour inuence how people are viewed. People Ivan Pavlov- Classical conditioning, 1849 Dash 1936, behaviorism, dogs B.F Skinner- operant conditioning, 1904 - 1990, put right in box, had to press levels for food, desired behaviour before award, be a behaviorism, nurture language. John B. Watson- 1878 - 1958, little Albert experiment in 1920, can teach fear and connection to innate fears, behaviourism. Walter Mischel- 1930 - 2018, Marshmallow experiment 1972, Stanford you, rewards and delayed gratication, Behaviourism. Carl Young - Swiss, Freud's student but broke no ideas, analytical psychology (balance I’m psyche to bring full potential), 1875-1961 Unconscious—Psyche—conscious ^*personal- not presetely known, memories, repressed experiences ^*collective- one of the rst to speak of personality types -believed we had dominant aspect Abraham Maslow - 1908 - 1970, founder of human it psychology, studied mentally “well” people, focus on self actualization. Karen Horney- 1885 - 1952, neo - fragile end, agreed with concepts of the mind but not sexual importance, psychoanalysis. Jean Pagent- 1896 - 1980, Swiss, IQ testing (Binet & Simon) , Cognitive development stage Albert Bandula- 1925, Canadian, Socio-cognitive bobo the doll (1961-63), behaviour inuenced by observation. Erik Erikson- 1902 - 1994, development of self is a lifetime process, psychosocial, each stage has challenge, teenagers go through an identity crisis. Alfred Adler- 1945 Dash 1985, birth order, individual psychology, personality comes from what our creative selves do on Faced with problems. Susan Cain- The power of introverts

Erving Goman- book stigma (1963) idea of passing, visible Vs. Invisible marks. Jim Fallon: neuroscientist, MAOA= more aggressive, gene + serotonin, X to sons, prior to puberty must be triggered “killer gene”. David Reiner- 1965-2004, John/Joan case. Harry Harlow- 1905-1981, Rhys Monkey experiment, attachment theories, 1960’s-1970’s Noam Chomsky- Nature of language development, cognitive psychologist, language acquisition device, set of grammar skills common in human species 1928, linguist. Eric Lenneburg- 1967, critical period for language development, puberty being cut-o, innate potential needs to be triggered by socialization and attachment, didn't like working with ferals/isolates. Gustave le Bon- Believed when in groups, normal psychology is overridden by instincts rather than intellect, his work is still used in propaganda and marketing, collective behaviour, group size is most relevant. Irving Jonis- Groupthink 1972 Kitty Genovese- Murdered in NYC 1964 Stanley Milgram- Obedience in Milgram experiment status of group, nature of task, public/private, 1933-1984. Movies & Videos Dunnedon Study- 1972, medical school from New Zealand, follows 1037 children (even that year, most studied people, longitudinal study, most in depth, “Predict the Future” book series, psychological, social, poverty, physical aspects. Power of Introverts- Susan Cain , Stop the madness, of constant group work, more privacy, freedom, go to wilderness, worlds colleagues, communities loss (creative) , More comfortable and quieter spaces, schools/workplaces are designed for extravert need for stimulation, more knowledgeable (higher grades), teachers like Extroverts, introverts let employees fun with ideas. *carl jung l said there’s no such thing as complete introvert or extrovert, they would be the lunatic asylum if they existed. *Amlavert = right in the middle solitude helps creativity * Dawn took long walks alone in the woods Exploring the mind of a killer- Jim Fallon, psychopathic killer brains, epigenetic eects, when damage occurs, damage to ocibital cortex and temporal lobe, MADA gene sex linked to X chromosome (men/boys aggressive only get X from mom) — to much seronin from developement — insensitive to serotonin later on (supposed to be calming), I think you’re mad at before puberty, Jean + violence = disaster...

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