UNV-104 Expository Essay Final Draft PDF

Title UNV-104 Expository Essay Final Draft
Course University Success
Institution Grand Canyon University
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R UNV-104 September 6, 2019 Professor John Steele Communicating through Technology The implications of communicating through technology has had an explosive breakthrough, in the last two decades. Technology has impacted communications capabilities in both a positive and

negative way. Communicating with people has become easier, whether they are close or around the world. It has allowed speech impaired and mute people to have a voice and be able to communicate with others. Technology has also broken language barriers with apps like Google Translate. The integration of technology has allowed people the ability to communicate with everyone. Technology has also opened up the way learning and information is received, it can now be done both locally and globally. There are no longer any restrictions on the information that is provided or new skills learned because there is no waiting for it to be "printed" or learned, it can just be searched. Technology has provided everyone the world at their fingertips. However, having all this technology and information can create a lack of interpersonal skills. It can cause distance between people and put barriers on physical communication. Technology can keep people from really getting to know one another, because people are only go to post the "good". It can and is also creating jealous, anger, feelings of inadequacy and array of emotional disorders for people that use technology daily. People are always busy but most of the time they are just wasting time because social media has created distractions. Technology is great but there is a strong need to use it to be creative and productive, and be conscious in the ways that it is used. Three ways that technology can impact communication capabilities is by impacting the language barriers, socializing, and has created a void of interpersonal development.

With the evolution of communication through technology, the language barriers have been broken. Elega and Ozad (2017) discussed that Google Translate is an important tool used to help bridge the gap between languages, between native and non-native speakers, because it allows for immediate conversations. Next time, there is a need to have a conversation with someone that does not speak the same language, remember to pull out a phone and open the Google translate app. Social media is used secondly, and it can be used to help language learners and to help support language development (Elega & Ozad, 2017). This can help develop language learners because it allows direct access to people from other countries. Elega and Ozad (2017) concluded that mobile translation apps and social media, especially Google Translate and Google search engine are used across all languages. Since communication technology has evolved it has bridged the gap between languages and this technology is only growing. Technology has also greatly impacted the way the world socializes on a daily basis. According to Bernard and Dzandza (2018) social networking has opened up doors to students that were previously not available in olden days, students can now not only get localized friends, lectures, expert advice or communication; social networking has opened the doors to an international market. Social media has bridged the gap and opened up new possibilities in the way of learning and receiving information. This tool has the capability to be used productively and creatively. However, social networking can become addictive and can be distracting, therefore, students should stay alert to its dangers and be prudent in its utilization (Barnard & Dzandza, 2018). This article has provided information that communication has expanded immensely since the inception of technology. Since social networking can become addictive, it has also been known to create a void of interpersonal development. According to Jolanta (2017), it expands on the idea that emotional

development and the relationship between communication technology, within relation to proper development of children and social media. Social media has been known to create distance between relationships. The lack of relationships with peers can leads to anxiety, fear of loneliness, and incapability of fulfilling the need to belong to a group initiates defensive mechanisms; which may lead to them looking for contact on the internet (Jolanta, 2017). This has become a vicious cycle for the youth and people that use social media, it has created a void of interpersonal development. Then because there is a void, there is a "need" to fill that void by turning right back to social media. Jolanta (2017) concluded that there is four patterns of affection: a trustful, an anxious and avoidant, an anxious and ambivalent, and a disorganized relation. Although technology has revolutionized the communication between one another, the relationship with technology can create a void in interpersonal development and cause emotional disorders. Therefore, there is a need to be conscious in the ways that it is used. Technology has completely revamped the communication aspect by impacting the language

barriers, socializing, and it has even created a void of interpersonal development. Communication technology can be both positive and negative, it has connected the world communities beyond anything that could have been imagined. Social media has had one of the biggest impacts within the world's communications, socialization, learning and receiving information. However, it can also create a void of interpersonal development and emotional disorders. Therefore, there is a strong need to stay alert to the dangers of social networking, as well as, how technology is utilized to communicate with one another. The evolution of technology to communicate and socialize has been explosive, but it should be used to be creative and productive, and be conscious in the ways that it is used.

References Bernard, K. J., & Dazandza, P. E. (2018). Effect of Social Media on Academic Performance of Students in Ghanaian Universities: A Case Study of University of Ghana, Legon. Library Philosophy and Practice. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohostcom.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx? direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.539387784&site=eds-live&scope=site Elega, A. A., & Ozad, B. E. (2017). Technologies and second language: Nigerian students' adaptive strategies to cope with language barrier in Northern Cyprus. Journal of International Students, (3), 486. https://doiorg.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.5281/zenodo.570011 Jolanta, JAWORSKA. (2017). The relationship of family relations and interpersonal skills with communication technology [Wiezi rodzinne i umiejetności interpersonalne a technologie komunikacyjne]. Wychowanie w Rodzinie, (2/2013), 185. https://doiorg.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.23734/wwr20132.185.203...

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