UNVN104Debra RS-Topic 5First Draft Self-Evaluationand Reflection PDF

Title UNVN104Debra RS-Topic 5First Draft Self-Evaluationand Reflection
Author Debra Patterson
Course University Success
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 9
File Size 488.5 KB
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First Draft self evaluation and reflection...


Name: Debra Patterson Course: UNV 104 Date: April 24, 2020 Instructor: Jacob Aroz

Topic 5: First Draft Self-Evaluation and Reflection Part 1: Revising and Editing Directions: 1. Go through each section below and self-evaluate your first draft by checking if you did or did not complete the task. You do not need instructor feedback from your first draft to complete this worksheet. 2. If you did not complete the task, give a brief explanation of why. Revising and Editing Overall Tips ▪ Is your paper double spaced? ● Yes or No: ▪ Have you printed out a copy to read over? ● Yes or No: ▪ Did you visually scan your paper for paragraph length? Paragraphs that are either too long or shorter than the others may need some revision. ● Yes or No: © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

▪ Have you read your paper aloud to catch errors? ● Yes or No: ▪ Have you given your paper to a friend/instructor/CLA tutor to review? ● Yes or No:

Revising ▪ Did you reread the assignment details? ● Yes or No: ▪ Now that you have a draft, is your thesis statement clear, limited, and interesting, and is it supported in your draft? ● Yes or No: ▪ Does your thesis statement contain a main point and three subtopics? ● Yes or No: ▪ Are all your sources cited correctly? Does each parenthetical citation have a matching entry on the Reference page? ● Yes or No: ▪ Does every entry on the Reference page have matching parenthetical references? ● Yes or No: ▪ Review your introduction. Do you have a strong hook that engages the reader? ● Yes or No: ▪ Review the conclusion. Does it sum up your main points and restate the thesis? ● Yes or No: © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Paragraph Revisions ▪ Does each paragraph have a strong topic sentence? ● Yes or No: ▪ Do all sentences support the topic sentence? ● Yes or No: ▪ Is the paragraph organized logically? ● Yes or No: ▪ Do the sentences transition smoothly and logically? ● Yes or No: ▪ Is each paragraph supported with sufficient details, examples, statistics, facts, research? ● Yes or No:

Editing ▪ Did you correct suggestions made by your word processing program’s spell check and grammar check? ● Yes or No: ▪ What errors have teachers most corrected on your past papers? Did you check for those same errors on this paper? ● Yes or No:

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Did you check for some of the most common errors in your paper? Answer Yes or No: Comma splices/Run-ons: Yes Sentence Fragments: Yes Subject/verb agreement: Yes Faulty parallelism: Yes Misplaced commas: Yes Misused colons, semicolons: Yes Commonly confused words (for example- there, their):Yes

Are there any words that you use repeatedly in your paper?


Consider word choice. Can you identify any sentences/phrases which are awkward and need to be rephrased? Yes, I have several sentences that are awkward and will need to be rephrased.

Could your sentence structure use more variety?


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Part 2: Strengths and Weaknesses Directions: Go through each component description below. Then give a brief explanation of what you did well, what you can improve upon, and your reasoning why – all boxes must be complete.

Organization: Proper heading in the upper left hand corner, five

What was done well:

What can be improved upon:

The heading is correct

This information is correct

separated paragraphs, Reference Page

the paragraphs have been indented and support the thesis Reference page is last

Reasons why:

Reasons why:

I followed the outline

The outline was followed correctly

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Research: Proper topic that is supported with a peer reviewed article (research is included through in-text citations/paraphrased

What was done well:

What can be improved upon:

The topic is supported with peer- review

I can make sure my in cite text and paraphrased

articles that have in-cited and paraphrased

information is correct.

information included in the paper.

information from article(s) Reasons why:

Reasons why:

This information is needed in order to have

To ensure that I am giving credit where credit is

a strong paper with credible evidence to


support your belief Conventions/Mechanics: Proofread entire paper, no spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors; double-spaced throughout entire paper; paragraphs indented; references are listed correctly on reference page; minimum word count has been met and maximum

What was done well:

What can be improved upon:

Overall I did not have a lot of grammar

Will review the paper to ensure that I do not have

errors, double spaced throughout the paper

any errors.

and paragraphs have been indented. Reasons why:The minimum word count is

Reasons why: I will double check to make sure that


the word count is correct when the revision is completed.

word count has not been exceeded

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Word Choice: Academic writing is met, correct words used in context; essay contains a variety of sentence structures and uses complete,

What was done well:

What can be improved upon:

Academic writing meets the requirement

I will continue to review the paper and check for

and there are no fragment or incoherent



detailed expressions within the writing. *No incomplete,

Reasons why:

incoherent, or fragment sentences

Word choice needs to allow the paper to

are found.


Voice/Tone: Essay is written in 3rd

What was done well:

What can be improved upon:

The essay is written in 3rd person and the

I will continue to ensure that the argument is

message is clear about the message and the

precise and clear.

Person Point of View (there is no “I” statements in the writing); message is clear and original in

Reasons why: Precise communication is the key to an effective paper in which I am trying to support my topic.

point of view that I am trying to get across.

thought from the writer’s perspective on the topic and arguments (research is only there to support these claims).

Reasons why: Writing in 3 rd person allows

Reasons why: This is completed so that the paper

for flexibility and information is supported

is written objectively.

based on another's research

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Sentence/Paragraph Fluency:

What was done well:Transition is

There is a smooth transitioning

imperative so that the paper is written

between paragraphs; sentences


What can be improved upon: Ensure that my paper is logical and structured.

within the body paragraphs flow and are easy to read and follow; there is an unison of the topic

Reasons why: The paper needs to be logical and structured

chosen and the arguments presented so that information is given for readers to in the essay; research enhances the

Reasons why:


paragraphs, and does not take the

I need to ensure that ideas can flow from one idea to another.

majority of the paragraph itselfagain, research is to support, not create the essay.

Part 3: Summary and Reflection Directions: Please write a summary based on the guidelines given below; write your summary in the space provided. In 250-300 words answer the following: ● After reviewing your strengths and weaknesses, what will you do the same and what will you do differently when completing your next college essay? ● What are some resources that you can use to help improve your areas of weakness? ● What advice would you give a new student to help with writing their first college essay? Summary: © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

After reviewing my essay, I will use the same peer review journal articles, transition words as well as ensure that my conclusion has my three ideas that will allow the readers to know my point of view before ending. I will use my weaknesses to strengthen my structure as well as ensure that readers understand how my topic can affect the target audience. I am using my mentor and others as well the writing center to critique my writing so that I can make the necessary improvements. In addition, if I had to give a new student advice about writing, I would first inform them of the prewriting strategies for writing, such as free writing and cubing. The prewriting activities will then allow you to create a blueprint to make your writing much easier. However, it will be very important for one to use credible, reliable, accurate information and peer review articles to support your claim. Furthermore, as a writer, one must make sure that they are not plagiarizing and giving credit when using one's words. They need to allow the library to become their best friend when writing your essay. As writers transition words need to be present so that your paper will be structured and logical for readers. A well developed thesis must be present that will state your points to be addressed within the essay. Moreover, as a writer it is imperative that the essay is clear, concise while keeping the audience in mind so that the message is received and interpreted in the way that it is intended.

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