Uy - s McDonald\'s use the marketing concept? McDonald\'s proudly adopts a combination PDF

Title Uy - s McDonald\'s use the marketing concept? McDonald\'s proudly adopts a combination
Author Uyên Thu
Course Giáo dục quốc phòng
Institution Trường Đại học Ngoại thương
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Student: HA THU UYEN Student ID: 1945515717 Cohort: K57NO Semester: I Academic year: 2021-2022 Headteacher: Ho Thi Hai Thuy Submission date: 23 November 2021 Student’s signature:

Grade (in number): ……………….. Grade (in words): ……………….. Examiner 1 (Signature & Fullname)

……………….. Examiner 2 (Signature & Fullname)

……………….. Ho Chi Minh City, December 2021







Student’s fullname: HÀ THU UYÊN Student ID: 1945515727 Cohort: K57NO Semester: I

Academic year: 2021-2022

Lecturer: Assoc. HO THI HAI THUY

“MKT 3040 S1” “TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.DECRIBE THE GLOBAL FRAMEWORK IN DETAILS……………………………………………3 1.1 GLOBALIZATION’S DEFINITION …………………………………………………….3 1.2 . BENEFITS……………………………………………………………………………………3 1.3 UNIQLO………………………………………………………………………………..3 2.THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY………………………………………………………………..3 2.1 DEFINITION………………………………………………………………………………….3 3.EXAMPLES……………………………………………………………………………………………….3 3.1 VINAMILK……………………………………………………………………………….5 3.2 NETFLIX…………………………………………………………………………..6 4. RUSSIA 4.1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………..6 4.2 Political dangers 4.2.1.Risks……………………………………………………………….7. 4.2.2 Risks associated with ownership ……………………………………………….7 4.2.3 Operating possibilities………………………………………………..7 4.2.4 Transferr dangers………………………………………………….7 4.3 Economic situation………………………………………………………………9 4.4 The CAGE model……………………………………………………………….10 5.Vinamilk Company 5.1 Motives……………………………………………………………..11 5.2 Triggers……………………………………………………………….11 6.Compare waterfall method and shower technique………………..13 7.References………………………………………………………………………….”14

Porfolio 1:

According to Hollosen(2012), "globalization" decribes how trade and technology have made the world a more connected and interdependent place In addition to the economic and social changes that have happened because of globalization, it also takes into account how the world has become more interconnected...We have six unique advantages in this "optimal

equilibrium" between two opposing tensions The Advantage of Standardization: 1. Producing and selling at a cheap cost throughout the world 2. the spread of ideas over the world a lot of oomph 3. It's easy to use. Benefit of Adaptation 1. Adapted to the client's culture. 2. Localized customer response. 3. Increased market share at the regional and municipal level Good knowledge management procedures are required to establish a successful global marketing strategy. The term "constant learning from experiences" refers to applying what is learned in one domain to all others.In other words, think of it as an organization with the capability of deploying new versions of its software on a regular basis, continuously improving its processes and strategies, and basing its decision-making on higher-quality data. This optimize the balance between standardization and homogenization against adaptation and customization this pay attention to the variations in customers across markets

while also maximizing the benefits of similarities .Interdependence between corporate headquarters and subsidiaries that is always changing.) Securing the worldwide dispersion of innovation (product/service produced and disseminated internationally . Global technology is shared). Product performance that is improved in a variety of usage environments. Accommodate users/consumers in the local market by expanding your market penetration. Observe and meet local needs and norms, such as local laws, traditions, and customer preferences. An level of interest raised among the public. Also, this resulted as the public image in the community

This fast-paced minimalist fashion company has risen in popularity in recent years, with over 1,500 locations spanning Europe, Asia, and the United States. And, although the brand's origins (and headquarters) are in Asia, it maintains a deliberate approach to social media content creation for its expanding variety of schools. Their Facebook page is country-specific. Thus, it is easy to tailor their advertising to each location. Thus, if the marketing team required simultaneous promotion of a winter coat product in Australia and a new summer clothing line in Macau, they could simply do it. Q2: The key to international expansion is to keep brand consistent worldwide while still reaching local markets. Just as consumers and suppliers demand the same experience and surroundings every time they visit a brand, future workers and local market customers expect a more local-belonging experience. In order to achieve global branding, foreign offices must be responsive to local markets..


Netflix, a video streaming service since 1997, has recently expanded outside of North America. With over 130 million customers, Netflix is present in approximately 190 countries worldwide. Netflix must “ensure content partnerships by location and occasionally by region,” according to the Harvard Business Review. Netflix also confronts several national regulatory limitations, such as those limiting local market content availability. Netflix has to build a complete localization program to handle local language content and programs for users in each nation as a means of promoting its worldwide growth ambitions. This entails developing a strategy program with translated subtitles, localized sound-track interfaces, and services for current shows. In more recent times, the content strategy has grown to include the production of unique programs in 17 various markets. This is the kind of material that Netflix may use to attract new local subscribers. But it also draws in new fans because of its worldwide reach.. . Porfolio 2

Russia, named Russian Federaion, located in the North of Europe,is considered to be the largest area in the world. Russia is a federal republic with 85 federal entities. Part of Russia's transition from a centralized to a decentralized market economy is privatization. Russia joins APEC and EEU Because Russia lacks a viable legal framework and relies heavily on unwritten laws and practices, it fosters informal practices. Delaying its flagship USD 360 billion National Projects initiative until 2024.

Ownership risk : The 2020 Accounts Chamber of Russia claims that the country's official registries and databases offer conflicting information on how many state-owned entities there are. Operation risk : Russia has made it impossible for foreign investors to operate free of bureaucratic constraints. Transfer risk: The threat of fresh Western sanctions over the alleged poisoning of opposition figure Alexei Navalny also weakened the “ rouble”. The euro may fall again if the oil market recovers more slowly than projected. Since 2011, Russia has surpassed all other countries as the world's leading producer. Economic growth in Russia is expected to be moderate in 2021. Exchange Rate :

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

GNP per capital

In the United States, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is referred to as GDP.



The “Vietnam-Eurasian Economic” “Union Free” Commercial Agreement (EAEU), signed in October 2016, boosted trade and economic ties. Last year, Russian exports to Vietnam more than quadrupled. In return, we will purchase Russian iron, steel, coal, and fertilizers. Russia supplies most CIS nations' needs for oil, gas, timber, machinery, and equipment. Most CIS nations still trade with Russia.

Advantages OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: “Russian”, in addition to a variety of minority languages. Resources

Disadvantages 1. Demographics are aging. 2. Outside of the nearby

Natural resources (oil, gas, and metals) and attempts to diversify 142 million-strong population Russians make about 77% of the population. Geographical distances The combined area of the United States and Europe




6. The scale of the market and the availability of highly-trained workers Strong public and external accounts that are able to withstand external threats are necessary for macroeconomic stability. Digitalization and the ability to create new products and services

7. 8.


region, no trade agreements exist.. Investing in infrastructure has aggravated the situation. Weaknesses in the institutions and the governance (insolvency treatment, property rights, corruption) Increased commercial focus and global integration The global economic crisis has disproportionately harmed the economy. -Oil prices fell. -Foreign funding is scarce. -Slowed the ruble's rise by investing $200 billion on liquidity and business aid. 9.3% of crime, theft, and disorder

Porfolio 3 Vinamilk is one of the most popular dairy products and associated mechanical equipment in Vietnam.

Profitability and growth objectives. Short-term profit is vital for SMEs who are just starting out in exporting. The desire for expansion may also be important for the firm's first export. The more a corporation wants to develop, the more activities it creates, including looking for new ways to grow and profit. For example, the sort of feedback will eventually impact the Vinamilk development mindset. from previous attempts help them to understand the market and supply more quality products Triggers: Market Demands : Demand for certain firms' goods grows in foreign markets, driving manufacturers to internationalize their products as well. For instance, Vinamilk expanded foreign markets as global demand for their products grew. They joined China's market before it was lucrative, but the business was developing fast, encouraging Vinamilk to expand internationally.

Porfolio 4:

. Water Method: Payouts in waterfall payment systems are based on the principle that the highertiered creditors are paid first, with lower-tiered creditors being paid later. High-principal loans are frequently favored by borrowers due to their high cost.Creditors are shown as buckets of water, and money is similarly depicted.. The first bucket to fill is the first bucket to fill. Empty buckets in the first and second buckets full. Water flows into the buckets sequentially. The bucket's (debt) volume decreases as the water level rises. As the company's debts are paid down, more money may be used for operations, capital expenditures and investments to lessen the danger of insolvency.

This is a great option for organizations who have a lot of debt to pay off. Think about how interest rates on three operating loans for this company differ. The most costly loan is paid in full, while the other two are just paid in interest. This means that after the company has paid off its most expensive loan, it may then go on to its next most expensive loan. Once the debt is repaid, the cycle begins again. There are three creditor groups: A, C, and B. Creditor A is the most prestigious creditor, while Creditor C is the least prestigious. The following is what the company owes each of its creditors:

When it comes to interest and principal, creditor A owes the total of $15,000. B owes $3,000,000 in interest and a further $8,000,000 in principal. Creditor C owes $5,000,000 in principle and $1,000,000 in interest. Let's assume that we make $17 million in our first year. With the money returned to Creditor A in full, it has $2 million left over to cover additional debts. Priority dictates that Creditor B receives this $2 million. Consider a company that owes a creditor B $1 million in interest and $1 million in principal. After a year, the following is the result:

Creditor A will be repaid. In addition to the interest, Creditor B owes a total of $8,000,000. Creditor C owes $5,000,000 in principle and $1,000,000 in interest. Depending on the company's second-year earnings, it may be able to pay off Creditor B and begin paying Creditor C. Here's what happened after two years:

Creditor A receives a complete payment. Creditor B has been repaid in full. $200,000 is the amount owed by creditor C in principle. Shower method:Like the waterfall approach, it considers the time required to penetrate diverse markets while also identifying the advantages that each nation has to offer at the same time.. Despite their lesser size, certain nation-groupings may be allowed first. Short product cycles need greater expenditure in R&D, thus the firm has less time to amortize these outlays. As a consequence, this sort of approach might be complex. The shower approach has the following characteristics: • Rapid expansion into several markets • Quick market entry. • Different entry times due to operational concerns

• Benefits of setting up a subsidiary firm For short product and technology cycles, market entrance ("amortization") (e.g. semiconductors, computers) o lengthy R&D cycles (R&D) Possible market obstacles against competitors (for example, by establishing an image profile). insufficient time to create coordinating instruments


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The Globalization of Markets. Hbr. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 January 2022]. The World Bank In Vietnam, 2021. The World Bank. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 January 2022]. Waterfall Methodology, 2020. Word Front. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 January 2022]. What Is a Global Corporation?. Small Business. [Online] Available at [Accessed 27 January 2022]....

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