W3 Lesson 3 - Fitness Tests - Module PDF

Title W3 Lesson 3 - Fitness Tests - Module
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Course Physical Education 1
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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


Module 4 Physical Fitness Tests In this lesson, you will be able to determine your current level of fitness. Through the different physical fitness tests, you will discover which fitness components you are weak or, strong at. Knowing about your current level of fitness would then set your fitness journey on the right track through the lesson, as well as after it. At the end of this module, you will be able to: 1. know the different tests that can be performed for each health-related fitness component. 2. determine which fitness component you need specific improvement/s on. 3. discover your current physical fitness level through specific healthrelated fitness tests performed. 4. accurately follow instructions in performing the different fitness tests for each health-related fitness component, as well as, the different exercises that improve each fitness components. 5. perform physical fitness tests efficiently and coordinate necessary movements each specific test demands. 6. accomplish and record fitness testing results and value its improvements. 7. compare current fitness level to accepted national norms and standards of physical fitness assessment tests. Within the module, you will be provided with activities that specifically target each health-related fitness components. This module will focus on how you can develop these health-related fitness components through several forms of exercises.

Physical Fitness Tests Physical Fitness Tests are activities you can use to determine your current level of fitness. The different activities are designed to measure the different health and skillrelated fitness components that you possess.

The focus of the lesson would be about performing the following tests to determine your current physical capacity: I. Body Composition – height, weight, BMI, & waist-hip ratio measurements II. CV Endurance – 3-minute step test Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


a. Heart Rate before exercise b. Heart Rate after exercise III. Flexibility – Sit and Reach test IV. Muscular Endurance & Strength a. Push-up Test - upper body strength and endurance b. Crunch Test – abdominal or core’s endurance

Your genes are your codes. If you want to know why you feel, think, and act about your environment, and even why you have that particular physical trait, look at your parents. They are the source of your DNA which is deeply imbedded in each part of your body’s cells. These codes also serve as your determining factor whether you can be skillful and healthy through your life.

Importance of Fitness Tests What is the purpose of performing these fitness tests? Fitness Tests are necessary to be performed before any exercise or physical activity, so that you would know: 1. Your current level of fitness Knowing your current level of fitness will help you determine how your body is properly functioning and reacting to the loads that you place upon it at given situations. This also sets the map for you to begin your fitness journey. Determining that you are physically fit and well-able to perform strenuous tasks would help you maximize your time in doing physical activities/exercises. 2. Overall Progress If you are aware where you are weak and strong at, you would be able to determine the pace at how your active lifestyle will go about. Knowing which components of fitness to exactly develop, puts you in the right track to not over-develop or underdevelop any of these components. These physical fitness tests are a good start for you to become more aware of what you need to do in order to be successful in achieving a healthier and positive lifestyle. Along the module, you will be instructed to perform the different fitness tests. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully so that you will truly be able to measure your full capacity for physical and strenuous activities. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


Pre-test Guidelines Prior to the fitness tests, you are required to: 1. Download and print a copy of the Fitness Test Data Sheet. 2. During the fitness tests, you are required to write down a copy of the results of your fitness tests on this sheet. 3. The Fitness Test Data Sheet is equivalent to 15 points and will be considered as a major activity for this course.

Physical Fitness Tests – Health-related Fitness Components I.

Body Composition As discussed during Lesson 2, Body Composition refers to your overall physical structure. The tests you will do for this component will determine this through the height, weight, Body Mass Index, and Waist-Hip Ratio Tests. Follow the instructions on how to perform each and record your score in the Fitness Test Data Sheet.

Materials for Body Composition Fitness Tests: 1. Measuring Tape 2. Calculator 3. Weighing Scale

Fitness Tests for Body Composition a. Height Height refers to the total measurement of the length of your body from the head down to your feet. The units of measure used in determining your height could be in feet and inches (ft./in.) or in centimeters (cm.). Example: Height in feet & inches (ft./in.) Height in centimeters (cm.)

written as 5’2” written as 157 cm

Factors that can affect Height Our heights come in varying sizes and there are factors that make each of our heights unique and different. These factors include our: • Genes When one or both of your parents are tall, chances are you will inherit this trait in your genes and you can be tall as well. This is the reason why you see people who are taller or smaller than you are. Your genes are the biggest factor that can contribute to your height’s unique measurement. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


Ethnicity The race or ethnicity in which you are born as, also determines your height. It is actually a fact that Westerners possess taller height ranges compared to Asians. Anywhere you go around the world, height differences are apparent because of unique genet types found in people’s DNA.

Physical Fitness Testing History Over the years, Physical Fitness Testing has emerged through the learning of Physical Education. It was only until the mid-20th century that emphasis on such tests were included in all Physical Education classes. Standards for the tests have been first determined by medical doctors and YMCA leaders. (NCBI Online Open Journal, 2012) •

Gender Because of the given design of nature that we have unique tissue structures, men tend to be taller than women. Even so, men are more muscular than women. This is because of the presence of the hormone called testosterone that are secreted within a man’s body which contribute greatly to their overall size and built.

These factors, (i.e. genes, ethnicity, & gender) may one way or another, be the reason for your height measurement. Which factor do you think is the largest contributor to your current stature? Conversion of Height Measurement In the later parts of the module, you will need the proper conversion of your height and weight measurements to calculate the specific fitness tests required from you. This part of the module provides you with a detailed instruction as to how you can end up with the correct solution into converting your height measurements from feet and inches to centimeters. Use a calculator to properly convert these values, for you to be able to get accurate results. You can try computing along using your own height measurements. Let’s start with converting the height measurement example of 5’2”:

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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


Step 1: First convert the feet (ft.) measurement into inches (in.). Note that the conversion for 1 ft. = 12 in. Therefore, the solution is: The answer would now be: Therefore, this means that:

5 feet x 12 inches 60 inches 5 feet = 60 inches

Now you know the feet conversion of your height, proceed to converting the rest of your height measurement. You are now left with 2 inches from the 5’2” measurement. What you need to do next is to: Step 2: Simply add your previous answer of 60 inches. Which gives you this equation: The final answer would now be:

2 in. + 60 in. 62 inches

The solution and answer does not end here. Later in the lesson you will see that BMI requires you to have a measurement of your height with meters as the unit of measure. Let’s now proceed to the next part of the equation: Step 3: Further convert your height in inches into meters. Note that the conversion for 1 in. = 0.0254 m. The formula would now be: The final answer will be:

62 in. x 0.0254 m. 1.57 m

From all the conversions that you’ve made, what this example yields is that: When you stand 5’2” tall your height in meters is 1.57 m. Step 4: Record your score in the Fitness Tests-Data Sheet as soon as you are finished with converting your height measurement. The example is shown on the table below. Fitness Test Results (EXAMPLE) Name: Janice A. Duncan Age: 18 years old Date: March 17, 2016 Fitness Test Results (unit of measure) Height 5’2” = 1.57 m

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Fitness Zone

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


What was your height? Did you yield a result greater or lower than this example? Check and see if your results are accurate by matching it with this chart:

Height Conversion (ft. & in. – cm.)

Image Source: http://andrecubeta.com/feet-metres-imperial-metric-height-conversions/

Epiphyseal Growth Plate. Located at the top of your long bones (e.g. legs and arms), are epiphyseal growth plates responsible for producing new bone tissue within your body. These are sites on your bones that are not ossified yet, allowing you to grow taller as you mature. Females tend to reach skeletal maturity way earlier than body, their growth plates close between the ages of 13-15. While for males, this growth plate starts to completely ossify at around ages of 15-17, b. Weight This sub-topic of body composition refers to the total measurement of how heavy or light you are in relation to the pull of gravity. Weight uses the unit measures of either, pounds (lbs.) or kilograms (kgs.). Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


For you to be able to measure your current weight, you need to secure a regular weighing scale for yourself. If you currently don’t have any, you can ask some of your friends and family members who might have regular weighing scales that you can use for this test. You need to take a snapshot or a picture of yourself just like the one shown in this picture. You can use a camera phone and upload it in the website afterwards. Most regular weighing scales use pounds (lbs.) as its unit of measure but for the purpose of the Body Mass Index we are going to use kilograms (kgs.) as the metric system of your weight measurement. Image Source: http://www.dietsinreview.com/die t_column/03/weigh-ins-shouldyou-scale-back-or-step-up/

If you do not have a weighing scale that measures your weight in kilograms, it’s alright! You will get to learn how to convert it later, just the same that we did with your height measurements.

Weight Measurement – Guidelines Step 1: Remove your shoes and other accessories you have on your body (e.g. watches, bracelets) that might be heavy enough to alter your weight measurement. Step 2: Step on the scale with your weight fully concentrated on it. Step 3: Make sure that you are very still to prevent the scale from moving. Step 4: Check and see your weight on the scale using kilograms as your unit of measure. Step 5: Take a photo of your weight from the scale then record your score on the Test-Result Sheet. Conversion of Weight Measurement In this part of the lesson you need to get your calculator again because you will convert your weight measurements in pounds to kilograms and vice versa. You can compute along the way using your own weight measurement while being guided by the instructions. Example. Weight = 115 pounds (lbs.) Step 1: Convert your weight in pounds (lbs.) into kilograms (kgs.) Note that: 1 kg = 2.2 lbs. Step 2: Use the conversion provided. Your solution will be: ___115 lbs.___ 2.2 lbs.

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52.27 kgs.

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


Step 3: Round off the total value to make it a whole number. The result is: 52.27 kgs. = 52 kgs. This time, try to convert your weight in kilograms back to your weight in pounds. The formula will now be in reverse, which means that, instead of dividing, you will multiply 2.2 lbs. to your kilogram-weight. The solution would now become: Weight in kg X 2.2 = Weight in pounds From the example, it would be: The final answer is:

52.27 kgs x 2.2 115 lbs.

Step 4: Input your weight in pounds and its corresponding weight in kilogram conversion on the results table. The example is provided on the chart below. Fitness Test Results (EXAMPLE) Name: Janice A. Duncan Age: 18 years old Date: March 17, 2016 Fitness Test Results (unit of measure) Height Weight 115 lbs = 52 kgs

Fitness Zone

What is your current weight? Are you happy about the results that the weighing scale gave you? Or were you shock to find out about your current weight? Are you heavier or lighter now compared to the last time you measured? For both of your height and weight measurements, just leave the fitness zone table blank, it will be further discussed in the later parts of the module. c. Body Mass Index (BMI) To measure your Body Mass Index, there is a machine known as, a Bio Electrical Impedance Analyzer (BIA). This is an electronic equipment that sends static electricity within the body to measure the total amount of your body tissues. Some fitness facilities have this equipment to help their clients get their results quickly. Since it is not available, you can use another test to determine your BMI, and this is known as your Body Mass Index Test. The Body Mass Index or BMI is a measurement of your body fat based on your height and your current weight. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


This test is particularly designed to help you determine your tendencies to acquire possible health related diseases (e.g. heart diseases, stroke, cancer), all based from a nationally accepted standard. The formula that you can use to calculate your BMI is shown below: BMI =

__Weight (kg)__ Height (m)2

This means that you will simply divide your weight in kilograms to your height in meters squared. To get accurate results for your BMI, you need to use your calculator throughout the computations. Try using your own height and weight measurements awhile back while following the instructions in this part of the module: In the example, the person has the following height and weight measurements: Ex. Weight = 52 kgs; Height = 1.57 m Step 1: Recall that the formula for computing BMI is this: BMI =

__Weight (kgs.)__ Height (m.)2

Step 2: Place the values in its respective place in the formula. BMI =

____52 kgs.____ (1.57 m.)2

Once 1.57 m is squared, the formula then turns into: BMI =

____52 kgs._____ 2.48 m2

Step 3: The answer for BMI will yield a kg/m2 -unit of measure. BMI =

20.9677419 kg/m2

Always get 2 values after the decimal point and round off that value of your final answer. BMI =

Course Module

20.97 kg/m2

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


What score did you get? As mentioned a while ago, BMI determines your total body fat based on your height and current weight measurements. Below is a Table which shows your predisposal to diseases based on your BMI:

Classification Obese (high risk) Overweight Normal Weight Underweight

BMI – Standards BMI kg/m2 BMI over 30 kg/m2 25-29.9 kg/m2 18.5 – 24.9 kg/m2 Less than 18 kg/m2

From the result shown above, the person has a 20.97 kg/m2 range of BMI. What do you think is his classification based on this standard shown in the table? A 20.97 kg/m2 -BMI falls between the ranges of 18.5-24.9 kg/m2.. This simply means that currently this person is in the normal weight category in reference to the standards. For this reason, he is not prone to health-related diseases associated with body fat. How about your results? Where do you fall from these classifications? Are you obese? Overweight? Do you have a normal weight or maybe you are underweight?

Lose it all! In fitness, there is no such thing as “losing a part of your body fat.” Losing weight is a be-all concept that the body recognizes. If you start moving, the body will be the one to choose in which parts it will taper that fat off, no matter how many and what type of exercises you do. Step 4: Record your result on the Fitness Tests-Data Sheet this way: a. Conversion of your Height in Feet to Inches b. Conversion of your Height in Inches to Meters c. BMI Solution d. BMI Final Answer Step 5: On the Fitness Zone Table, indicate your BMI classification in comparison to the BMI-Standards.

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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests

Fitness Test Results (EXAMPLE) Name: Janice A. Duncan Age: 18 years old Date: March 17, 2016 Fitness Test Results (unit of measure) 5’2” = 1.57 m Height Weight 115 lbs = 52 kgs Body Mass Index (BMI) Weight = 52 kgs ; Height = 5’2” Height in feet to inches: 5 feet x 12 inches = 60 inches 60 inches + 2 inches = 62 inches


Fitness Zone

Normal Weight

Height in inches to meters: 62 inches x 0.0254 m = 1.57 m BMI = BMI = BMI =

____52 kgs_____ (1.57 m)2 ____52 kgs_____ 2.48 m2 20.97 kg/ m2

d. Waist-Hip Ratio The last test use to measure your body composition is known as the Waist-toHip Ratio. This very simple test is designed to measure the ratio of the circumference of your hip and your waist. Like the Body Mass Index, this test is also taken to determine whether you are at high risk for diseases that are associated with fat and weight. As discussed in Lesson 2, studies have proven that the bigger your abdomen area is, the higher your risks are in getting health related diseases like, heart diseases, hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, among others. Fat concentrated within the abdominal walls make it harder for internal processes to occur in our bodies. Instead of blood flowing directly to the internal organs and muscles, blood is being blocked by fat deposits that are thick and very greasy. These characteristics of fat result to different blockages that are formed within blood vessel walls which cause different diseases. In this part of the fitness test, the materials you need are, measuring tape and a calculator. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Education Physical Fitness Tests


In measuring for your waist and hip-measurements you might need the help of a partner, or any available person, to guide you in performing the test. But, if you don’t have anyone available at the moment, you can use a mirror to view yourself properly while following the different steps. Waist-Hip Ratio Measurement – Guidelines Start the test by ensuring the proper position and by following these instructions for both waist and hip measurements: 1. Avoid wearing bulgy, thick, or loose clothing to ensure accurate results. 2. As much as possible tr...

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