WED 468 Interview - DISCUSSION PDF

Title WED 468 Interview - DISCUSSION
Author david kuria
Course Business Managment
Institution University of Nairobi
Pages 11
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Interview Name Institution


2 Alabama Power Company


Basic Information A. Person Interviewed: BH (Butch Hunter) B. Organization: Alabama Power Company C. Contact information: D. Size of Local Office: 8-10 square feet for a team E. Title: Department: Electrical and Training Supervisor F.

Date of Interview: 3rd December 2019

G. Length of Interview: The interview took almost an hour II.

Organization Information a. Mission Statement “Protecting those resources, while providing reliable, affordable electricity for our customers is at the heart of our company's mission and why we work hard to provide value to the communities we serve” (Alabama Power Company, nd.) b. Background The Company began in 1906 (Alabama Power, 2019). Since it was founded, it has been responsible for all power supply in Alabama State. The firm assists in case of a power outage due to natural disaster along in other states. These motives make the company have a good reputation. When it comes to the United States, they are most reliable for electric power. c. Organization Structure



The Birmingham Division of Alabama Power has employed six electrical engineer teams. Also, it rotates about 20 intern students every semester to acquire practical experience in their field. BH is involved in the supervision and training of the newcomers. d. Products and Services The supervisor or HB offers the interns a three-day orientation and gives them an operation schedule and brief of the assigned projects. Also, when there is new innovation or technology employed, the existing employee is given a short training on how to operate and use the new items (No & Npf, 2018). After the completion of the refreshment training and orientation, they are grouped and assigned to different teams of engineering to work in the field. The new teams must work under supervision and attend meeting briefs daily, along with taking a minimum of training sessions monthly. III.

Organization Goals The company goals are oriented in educating the public about the energy use and associated safety and saving of energy. It offers education and special programs in the community to illuminate safety precaution when using electricity and appliances. Alabama Power Company makes electricity education as well as electrical fire safety available to all people either in schools throughout the states.


Facilities The headquarters of Alabama Power Company is located in Birmingham. Currently, they have an eighteen-floor building, which was built in 1990 with two packing garage and additional two parking lots.



Equipment The central office takes the traditional office setting as it includes desks, cubicles, various conference rooms, computers, television, telephones and television, and printer. Also, there is a supply warehouse where the equipment and electrical appliances are kept.


Human Resources Environment

a. Staff and Management The supervisor accredited training authority in Birmingham is BH. He makes sure all the teams are tasked with responsibility routine or emergency work. The units are engaged to make sure the training and attendance are met for all personnel regardless of their job specification. Also, BH accomplishes the oversight of daily tasks, safety, and projects completed. b. Duties and Responsibilities of Coordinator BH has been accredited the authority of technical lead to distribute tasks, assign work to the teams, and disperse interns for appropriate training level (Alabama Power, 2019). Additionally, the coordinator prepares the team's agenda, monitor work processes and provision of technical guidance to the teams. Also, overseeing the spending budget, working hours and expenses, and implementation of changes in training is the coordinator's duty. c. New Employee Training/ Continuing Employee Training In case on new employees BH has the role to train the new interns and other employees in that department of new invention to facilitate skills and practical and theoretical knowledge. The team members have permission to swap with other different team members to increase knowledge sharing and become diverse in most platforms. These



platforms are pole planting, installation of hardware, calibration of software, and transformers installation. In this way, the practice improves communication and information sharing information. d. Training Environment In Birmingham, the company is comprised of three conferencing quarters with a capacity of thirty personnel. It has a warehouse with a capacity of up to a hundred staff along with twenty-six offices for training sessions. VII.

Linkage Plan Conclusion and Application of Linkage models The intern's programs are the founding model in the company. The organization engineer receives interns and new employees for a particular time in every working platform. The interns should have basic knowledge about electricity and associated operations such as understand the circuit, fusing, electricity fundamental, and transformers installation and maintenance.



As an electrical power providers, Alabama Power company offer appropriate training program for helping them interns and other employees to learn new skills and gain graft skill as required. The company has built a reputation for understanding each employee's needs and interests and in turn, encourages them to be multitasking members in all sites either on or off site. Also, it promotes work ethics, teamwork, and mentor experience in electrical engineering services without injecting any cost to the interns.


6 References

No, A., & Npf, R. L. N. (2018). Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Alabama Power Company Docket No. 50-348 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Amendment To Renewed Facility Operating License. Alabama Power, (2019). “How We Operate - Our History | Alabama Power.” Alabamapower. Retrieved from Alabama Power Company, (nd.). Alabama Power Company Mission, Visio & Values.” Comparably. Retrieved from



Appendix A WED 468 Interview Questions

Date of Interview: 3rd December 2019 Organization Information Name of Organization: Alabama Power, Birmingham Mission Statement of Organization: "Protecting those resources, while providing reliable, affordable electricity for our customers is at the heart of our company's mission and why we work hard to provide value to the communities we serve" (Alabama Power nd.). Goals of Organization: The goals of the company is to outreach to the public and offer programs that are oriented towards educating the public on safety, energy saving and proper use of electrical appliances in the state. They conduct the program through special events to outreach the public. The most important is offering available electricity and safety measures to all people around the state of Alabama. Full Physical Address: Birmingham, AL 35203 in 600 18th St N,



Full Mailing Address: Interviewee Personal Information Name: Mr. BH Position Title: Department (Supervisor) Work Telephone Number: Work Email Address: Name of Immediate Supervisor: LH What are your professional responsibilities? The professional responsibility is to ensure that all the team members are engaged towards the completion of daily duties. The team members are mandated to ensure the routine training and attendance are met. These are the requirement of personnel along with intern students. BH oversees the safety of the project and daily follow up of schedules. What do you actually do on a daily basis in relation to training (specifics related to training)? What i do in daily basis is to ensure that all personnel under the program attend the training sessions. In case an employee misses the scheduled meetings, he or she is required to provide a written note to make up for the training. Also, if the employee fails to fulfill or attend the makeup training without excuse, it is my job to fill a report to the head supervisor to explain why they are not adhering to the rules and regulations. What requirements did you need to get your current job? The requirement was a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering along with three years of experience as certified personnel. How many people, if any, do you supervise?



The group is around 40-55, and sometimes there can be an increment of about 10 interns to the engineering team. What are their basic duties? Each individual’s basic is to ensure the routine work is done; training and accountability are perfect for the intern workforce. Also, it is their collective duty to oversee project requirements, apply precisely safe practices along with the completion of daily tasks as a team. How many people do you work with? The individuals I work with range from 45 to 70 daily. How does your position relate with theirs? The relationship with employees comes in since we need to fulfill and accomplish the same goals in a daily basis. In this way i have to oversee that all daily routinized operations are scheduled and assigned to particular team. In this way, the position of an employee is related to a particular given task. As the supervisor, it becomes necessary to train and assign the considerate amount of work to ensure it is completed regularly. How do you work together to accomplish training related tasks? We work independently as training is dynamic and each person has some gaps and through the session and team work a person gains skills and knowledge to provide the best services. The reason is that each employee is tasked with a specific class to attend the scheduled sessions. Thus, the criterion at hand is productive when incorporating different people from diverse teams together in a single category to enhance sharing work-related ideas. To ensure accountability once an individual completes the training, they are required to log through their employee's ID. What knowledge, skills and attitudes are necessary for your position?



The most critical skills in my position is associated with being informed about electrical operation and usage. You should understand the way electricity works before making it work in your favor. Having skills and learning about the electrical appliance works and maintenance is essential along with the acknowledgment of how items such as a resistor, socket breaker, fuses, and capacitors work. The experience with the leaders and operational department is essential, yet they are acquiring as they progressively work in their position. What knowledge, skills and attitudes are necessary for your fellow workers? The workers need to have similar skills and knowledge as me and other electricians. These skills are improved by having a great attitude as well as incentive to learn and train whereas in work with other personnel. Due to the shifting and advancing technology, it requires a person to be motivated to be innovative and learn new stuff as they arise, or else they might be ruled out. What are some of the major challenges to doing your job? Challenges are always a measure of a person's life. However, the hardest challenge I face is the regular rotation of employees as I must give them a refreshment course to match their new position. Also, the various effect emerges when we invest in training a person who has no desires to make a job career move, thus wasting a lot of useful resources and workforce for training fresh staffs to acquire the similar awareness. Do your employees have any current learning gaps? If so, what are you doing to close them? Yes, since the company require a erudition gap for low and high positions staff to enlighten the workforce. Most of the top personnel are under a union, and sometimes they lack pride in their position. However, were are trying hard to close the gap by often having training sessions as well



as cross-training to each employee regardless of their jobs. Also, the company has seen the need to add incentives in the payments, mobility, and position in extra sectors. What aspects of your training program are you allowed to change? First, I can say that there is a thrilling and exceptional training scheme. I am only allowed to change the training periods when required, along with updating the training schedules or shifting them or when new items are introduced. Mostly, when there are new sets of accessories and appliances that are releases, I can reschedule the regular training sessions to match with the further implementation of a new vendor....

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