Week 10 Discussion 6 4 19 - SETI PDF

Title Week 10 Discussion 6 4 19 - SETI
Author Carina Hemsworth
Course Astronomy V
Institution University of California Los Angeles
Pages 3
File Size 43.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 44
Total Views 145


Professor: Coroniti...


KARDASHEV SCALE - how “advanced” is a civilization? 1. Type I (planetary) Civilizations - use the resources of their home planet 2. Type II (stellar) Civilizations - corral the resources of their home star 3. Type II (galactic) Civilizations - employ the resources of their entire galaxy BECOMING INTERSTELLAR - WHY IT’S HARD - Distance = velocity x time - How far you can go depends on how fast you can go and how long you are willing to wait - Ship types - Generational ships - Sleeper ships - “Lifetime” ships - AI ships - Other devices - Light sails - 20-30 years at 10% speed of light - Von Neumann probes - self-replicating machines THE FERMI PARADOX - Large probability of other life, but we haven’t heard from them yet - Solutions - We are alone - Civilizations are common, but colonization hasn’t happened - Technological difficulties - No desire to colonize - Self-destruction - Galactic civilization exists, but hidden from us - Zoo hypothesis - Sentinel hypothesis OUR FUTURE Possible threats: ● War ● Pestilence (regular and genetically engineered) ● Environmental sustainability (or lack thereof) ● AI taking over human intelligence ● Self-destruction ● Climate change ● Asteroids ● Running out of energy ● Our own selfishness against each other ● Our own weapons ● Misunderstanding of technology

● Catastrophic nature events ● Nuclear war ● World War III ● Incompetent politicians ● Science research getting defunded ● Amazon and Disney take over everything ● The robots taking over ● Depletion of resources ● “The Simulation ends” ● Trump Second term ● Dismantling of Politics and Economics (Ensuing in wars and conflicts) ● Stalling or Lack of Scientific and Cultural Progress ● Singularity ● Cybernetics ● Plague ● Humans!

Opportunities: ● Knowledge ● Power ● Life expansion/immortality ● Trying to colonize other bodies in the solar system ● Gather more information about exoplanets by use of James Webb and then LUVOIR ● Other planets could become habitable (post-main sequence Sun, or terraforming) ● Solar energy development ● Technological advancement ● Scientific measurements ● Storing Data ● Stable Planet ● Long lived species ● We stop climate change ● Competent politicians get elected in the next election ● NASA gets more funding ● Space missions ● Aliens make contact with us ● World peace ● Find habitable planets for future ● Space travel ● Resources from other planets ● Cooperation among each other ● Moon Base ● Privatized Space Travel ● Mars Colony

● Peace ● Singularity ● Cybernetics ● Finding a way to regulate the carbon cycle more (CO2 stuff) ● Clean the oceans ● Learning how to coexist with planet ● Fusion development / alternative energy ● Lab grown meat

Actions: ● Invest in science (research in all fields), funding for science ● Encourage lifelong learning ● Improve education ● Political reform ● For the far future...colonization of Mars -> try to harness energy from the Sun -> when you're about to die, colonize Europa -> try to become a galactic species -> if done, voila -> if not, colonize Enceladus and try again, that's the last chance you have ● Denuclearization ● “World common goals” ● Climate change prevention / take care of our planet more ○ Reduce waste ○ CO2 reduction / regulation of the carbon cycle ○ Clean the oceans + reduce plastic waste ○ Lower your carbon footprint ○ Care for the environment ○ less greenhouse emissions ○ recycling/producing less waste ○ developing new technological advances for energy resource ○ Complying with the Paris Agreement ○ Carbon Scrubbing ● Making sure everyone who can vote registers to vote and does vote ● Investing in space research done by NASA and other scientists ● Develop more solid space policies ● Actively prevent the demise of our species ● Voting for competent politicians ● WORK TOGETHER ● KEEP HOPE ALIVE...

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