Week 3 discussion PDF

Title Week 3 discussion
Course Nutrition
Institution West Coast University
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Prompt 1 Locate an article on the nutritional beliefs of a culture or religion. Provide a summary of the article and include a link to the article. What interventions should be implemented to ensure cultural competence? Use evidence from one scholarly source other than your textbook or ATI book to support your answer. Use APA Style to cite your source. Post For this week’s discussion I found an article focusing on food in the Jewish culture. The article The Jewish Relationship with Food part 1 discusses the intrinsic connection of the Jewish way of life and culture to food. Like many other cultures all events and ceremonies the Jewish culture have are always celebrated with some kind of a celebratory meal (Moment Magazine, 2013). With the Jewish culture the major difference from others is that their food must always be kosher (Moment Magazine, 2013). Kosher food is any food or beverages that the Jewish dietary laws allow a person to eat. Kosher foods conform to regulations of kashrut derived from Leviticus and Deuteronomy (Hill, 2019). This gives their culture an awareness of a spiritual atmosphere with their meals and brings them much closer to God as well as each other with all their meals (Moment Magazine, 2013). When the Jewish group settled down into Israel the food and drink’s they brought with them became a big defining attribute among their culture (Hill, 2019). Many people of the Jewish community believe their tradition of kosher foods gives them a sense of who they and reminds them of where they came from as well (Moment Magazine, 2013).When working in the healthcare field it is extremely important to understand and respect our patient’s culture even if it is different from our own beliefs. To ensure cultural competence it is vital to be mindful of their dietary rules and help to accommodate them if needed. As nurses we should find ways to adjust the patients diet to meet the needs of their health issues, while still following their cultural beliefs. With the Jewish culture some helpful tips could be to make sure not to include any type of pork products in their meals. Make sure all food the patient receives is kosher and allow the patient any private time they may need to pray over their food before they eat. It is very important to help our patients build a sense of trust with their healthcare team to make them feel comfortable and trust us to provide them with the best care. References: Moment Magazine. The Jewish Relationship with Food - Part 1. (July 31,2013). Retrieved from: https://forward.com/food/181438/the-jewish-relationship-with-food-part-1/. Hill. A. (January 25th, 2019) Healthline. Kosher Food: Everything you need to Know: Retrieved from: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-is-kosher

Responses: Hello Arielle, I found the article you researched to be very interesting. As a kid growing up I would stay with my Filipino side of our family during summer breaks and became very accustom to the culture and the food. I always remember my Aunt having fresh rice in the rice cooker all hours of the day even with breakfast. Cultural competence is a major aspect of nursing because as nurses we care for many patients from many different cultural backgrounds. It is important to have knowledge of cultural beliefs, attitudes, and traditions of our patients in order to communicate effectively with them and provide the appropriate care to each patient. When it comes to the Filipino culture and beliefs the concept of balance is important to traditional practices (Smith, 2016). According to an article I read this concept of illness and stress are due to an imbalance of hot and cold and good health is a result from a balance between the hot and cold (Smith, 2016). This culture believes that warmth is a sign of good health. Filipino patients usually want a warmer environment (Smith, 2016). This means that patients will request the temperature in their room to be changed, ask for hot beverages, or ask for extra sheets and blankets to stay warm. As a nurse providing care to a Filipino patient it is important to know this kind of information in advance to be able to confirm with the patient if they are ok with the current temperature or need any accommodations. Smith.N. (November 9th, 2016) NRC. Culturally competent care- Filipino Patients. Retrieved from: https://www.ebscohost.com/images-nursing/assets/NRC%20-%20Culturally%20competent %20care%20-%20Filipino%20Patients.pdf Vargas P, Jurado L. Dietary Acculturation among Filipino Americans. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2016).

Hello Cinthia, I really enjoyed your post and research on the Mexican culture. As a multi-racial Mexican American I can relate to the information you provided in your post. My grandmother who is Mexican was recently diagnosed with cancer. Because of her cultural beliefs my family has had a very hard time trying to educate her on chemo and radiation therapy since she has been very against it. With patients like my grandmother it is very important to be aware of their cultural beliefs and provide all necessary information regarding their health. Cultural competence is vital to be able to communicate effectively with patients of all different backgrounds even if it is different from what we personally believe. Latinos come from very diverse backgrounds and all patients may not be the same however, some can be very similar. In many Mexican culture’s patients may go to other healers for spiritual healing using rituals, prayer, and herbal remedies. (CDC, 2015). If you are caring for a patient it is important to ask if they work with other healers or use other forms of health remedies. It is vital to document any other forms of medical treatment and advise their provider right away (CDC, 2015). When it comes to end of life issues religion is very important in the Mexican culture and many identify as Catholic (Juckett, 2013). This means it is very likely the patient and family will have a close connection with the church or priest during the end of life process. This is important to know in order to help assist the patient

and family with and personal accommodations. These are just a few of many ways to provide good care to patients of Mexican culture background. References: CDC. (May 5th, 2015). Hispanic Health. Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/hispanic-health/index.html Juckett. G. (Jan, 1st, 2013). American Family Physician. Caring for Latino Patients. Retrieved from: https://www.aafp.org/afp/2013/0101/p48.html

Prompt 2 Discuss the difference between food borne illness and food poisoning. Provide an example of each and discuss the mode of transmission, signs and symptoms, treatment, and prognosis. What education would the nurse provide on prevention? Use evidence from one scholarly source other than your textbook or ATI book to support your answer. Use APA Style to cite your source.

POST 2 Food poisoning and foodborne illness have always been used as if they are the same, but they do have differences. Food poisoning is a particular subset of foodborne disease (Newland, 2016). Which means when certain toxins are consumed one can suffer from poisoning. Foodborne illness is an infection or intoxication brought on from eating food or beverages that is contaminated with harmful bacteria or other pathogens (Newland, 2016). With food borne illness an example is E. coli. This illness is transmitted through the consumption of contaminated foods and beverages such as raw poultry, fish, and vegetables that have not been thoroughly cooked (CDC, 2020). Some signs and symptoms can include diarrhea, fever, headache, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. E coli can’t be treated, but the most effective way to help relieve symptoms is with hydration and rest (CDC, 2020). Most adults take only a week to recover, while the elderly and children are at a high risk for kidney failure as a result (CDC, 2020). The best ways to try and prevent contracting or spreading E. coli is proper hand hygiene, make sure to drink clean water, and thoroughly cook all food to proper temperatures (CDC, 2020). With food poisoning an example is Salmonella. This illness utilizes a syringe type of object to insert bacterial proteins into the host cell (Gabbey, 2019). This causes the host cell to then take in the bacterium. The bacterium releases more proteins to alter the building profile of the vacuole, which shields it against lysosomes (Gabbey, 2019). Once the bacterium is protected from harm, it starts to multiply and contaminate other cells. Signs and symptoms of Salmonella include abdominal cramps and pain, fever, and diarrhea (Gabbey, 2019). In severe cases hospitalization would be needed. Antidiarrheals as well as IV fluids may also be administered as treatment options. In most cases treatment is not necessary, and the symptoms may only last 3-7 days (Gabbey, 2019). To prevent Salmonella again hand hygiene, and thoroughly cooked foods are the

best prevention. It is also important teach patients to keep kitchen counters clean and disinfected especially after cooking with any type of raw food (Gabbey, 2019). References: Newland and Newland. (November 20th, 2016). What is the Difference Between Food Poisoning and Foodborne Illness? Retrieved from: https://www.illinoisfoodpoisoningattorney.com/chicagofood-poison-lawyer/what-difference-between-food-poisoning-and-foodborneillness#:~:text=Foodborne%20illness%20is%20any%20illness,specific%20subset%20of %20foodborne%20illness. CDC. (March 18th, 2020). Foodborne Germs and Illnesses. Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/foodborne-germs.html Gabbey. A. (March 8th, 2019) Healthline. Salmonella Food Poisoning: Retrieved from: https://www.healthline.com/health/salmonella-enterocolitis Responses: Hello Maria, I never knew there was really a difference between food poisoning and food borne illness until researching it more this week. Maria, I found some more information on food poisoning and food borne illness I wanted to share with you. When it comes to food borne illness an example is E. coli. This is a bacterium that is found in the gut of humans. Most types of E. coli are harmless (CDC, 2020). Eating or drinking food contaminated with E. coli such as raw or undercooked meats can cause gastrointestinal issues (CDC, 2020). With food poisoning a good example is Salmonella. Salmonella is a very common bacterial illness that affects the intestinal tract (Gabbey, 2019). Salmonella is usually contracted through contaminated water or food. Some possible symptoms of Salmonella can include diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, and fever (Gabbey, 2019). References: CDC. (March 18th, 2020). Foodborne Germs and Illnesses. Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/foodborne-germs.html Gabbey. A. (March 8th, 2019) Healthline. Salmonella Food Poisoning: Retrieved from: https://www.healthline.com/health/salmonella-enterocolitis

Good evening Arielle, With my research I found that an example of foodborne illness is E. coli, and an example of food poisoning would more likely be Salmonella. Other common illnesses include Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, and Norovirus (CDC, 2020). Norwalk virus also known as Norovirus is a common outbreak illness on cruise ships, with many people eating at the same

restaurant or buffet with the food being prepared the same for so many people. E. coli on the other hand is a type of bacteria that can cause intestinal infections (CDC, 2020). Other strains of this are called Shiga toxin producing E. coli after the toxin that it produces (CDC, 2020). In very severe cases of E. coli can cause bloody diarrhea, extreme dehydration, and kidney failure (CDC, 2020). People who are more prone to the severe cases are the elderly, children, and pregnant woman. Symptoms of E. coli begin in the incubation phase, which is in the first one to ten days of becoming infected. The symptoms of E. coli can last up to ten days in some cases. Loss of appetite, change in stools, gas, and fatigue are a few of many symptoms of E. coli. With more severe cases you can see symptoms like bloody urine, pale skin, dehydration, and decreased urine output (CDC, 2020). As you mentioned with Salmonella improper food handling and unsafe preparation can cause contamination to E. coli as well. Contaminated water is also a way to get the infection either from drinking the water or even swimming in it (Newland, 2016). People who work with animals such as at a zoo or on a farm are even at increased risk for E. coli infection and are urged to wash their hands after touching the animals (Newland, 2016). I hope you found some of this extra information interesting. Good luck this week on your nutrition paper. References: Newland and Newland. (November 20th, 2016). What is the Difference Between Food Poisoning and Foodborne Illness? Retrieved from: https://www.illinoisfoodpoisoningattorney.com/chicagofood-poison-lawyer/what-difference-between-food-poisoning-and-foodborneillness#:~:text=Foodborne%20illness%20is%20any%20illness,specific%20subset%20of %20foodborne%20illness. CDC. (March 18th, 2020). Foodborne Germs and Illnesses. Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/foodborne-germs.html...

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