Week 4 Assignment PDF

Title Week 4 Assignment
Course Masters of Arts in Psychology Capstone
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Week 4 Assignment: Thesis Statement for the Integrative Literature Review Antonia Salas Ashford University PSY699: Master of Arts in Psychology Capstone Instructor: Wallace Smith 9/15/20

The term serial killer gives most people chills while others are intrigued. However, it is the fact that known serial killers [ Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, The BTK killer etc.,] can manage to have social relationships while diving into the gratification of killing others. Throughout the media and criminal profilers, they try to determine the reasoning behind a killer(s) crime(s). With that being said, the purpose for the integrative literature review is to focus on the mindset and the motivation of a serial killer. Hadena James (2019), describes four different type of serial killers, and with these four types it can be agreed upon that these serial killers can fit into one or more of these categories. The four types of serial killers are: mission-oriented, visionary, hedonistic, and lastly, power control. Mission-oriented serial killers “feel they are doing their ‘duty’ by purging some group of people they don’t think should be allowed to live” (James, 2019). Gary Ridgway also known as the Green River Killer is a good example of a mission-oriented serial killer. Visionary serial killers “often report hearing voices that tell them to kill, but don’t seem to have a mental illness that would be associated with hearing voices” (James,2019). The Son of Sam serial killer is an example of a visionary killer. A Hedonistic serial killer can be broken down into sub-categories including lust, thrill and comfort serial killers; a Hedonistic serial killer can also have similarities to a power control serial killer, in short, both a power control serial killer and an hedonistic serial killer can be described as “deriving from sexual pleasure from the control they exert over their victims” (James, 2019). The BTK [Bind, Torture and Kill] killer is an example of a power control killer whereas, the zodiac killer is an example of a hedonistic killer. Researchers conducted two studies of the validation of the analysis of organized/disorganized serial killers and the four types of serial killers. Taylor et al., stated that “tables documenting crime scene criteria were devised consisting of 50 typifying different crime scenes from study 1

and 48 crime scenes taken from the 50 crime scene criteria with a further 10 motive-based crime scene criteria from study 2, adopting content analysis, crime scenes depicted for 40 from study 1 and 40 studies 2 serial killers using secondary sources of data were dichotomously coded for the presence or absence of the crime scene criteria” (2012). Secondary sources were used to incorporate accurate information on serial killers including journals, newspaper articles, documentary footage, and relevant websites. As a result, from study one "there appears to be a difference in the preponderance of crime scene criteria within clusters for male and female serial killers, but this cannot be explained using the FBI approach" (Taylor et al., 2012, pg. 11). The results for study two indicate that "There appears to be a difference in the preponderance of crime scene criteria within clusters for male and female serial killers, but this cannot be explained using Holmes and De Burger’s typologies" (Taylor et al., 2012, pg. 20). Ethical implications according to The American Psychological Association would involve section 8 research and publication given the fact that Taylor et al., (2012) is utilizing outside resources foremost it is important to have institutional approval "when institutional approval is required, psychologists provide accurate information about their research proposals and obtain approval prior to conducting the research. They research the approved research protocol" (2010). Taylor et al (2012) also mention that “there is a fine line between the thrill and lust sub-typologies of hedonism, and there are crime scene criteria commonalities between visionary and mission and between mission and comfort-oriented” (pg.20). In other words, the types of serial killers are a secondary source from the FBI approach. From an opinionated perspective remember that aside from the motives of a serial killer, serial killers feel that it is necessary to murder because they want and need to moreover, the act of killing is an end in itself for them.

References James, ~. H. (2019, September 10). The 4 Types of Serial Killers. https://hadenajames.com/2019/09/15/the-4-types-of-serial-killers/ Taylor, S., Lambeth, D., Green, G., Bone, R., & Cahillane, M. A. (2012). Cluster Analysis Examination of Serial Killer Profiling Categories: A Bottom-Up Approach. Journal of Investigative Psychology & Offender Profiling, 9(1), 30–51. https://doi-org.proxylibrary.ashford.edu/10.1002/jip.149 American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct: Including 2010 amendments. http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx...

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