Week 5 OIL Spill Bioremediation lap report PDF

Title Week 5 OIL Spill Bioremediation lap report
Author Amanda Martinez
Course Healthcare Management (3
Institution The University of Arizona Global Campus
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Download Week 5 OIL Spill Bioremediation lap report PDF





Christina Melendez SCI 207: Our Dependence Upon the Environment Instructor: Margaret Vorndam January 14, 2019


Oil Spill Bioremediation Introduction

The Oil Spill is a serious matter because millions of gallons of oil enter the ocean yearly. The oil spill impacts the marine ecosystem and affects the Deepwater Horizon; back in 2010 when it resulted in the death of dolphins, turtles, and deepwater corals. This Oil Spill Bioremediation lab was for students to understand the depth of how dangerous and deadly the oil can be to our environment. The oil spills aren’t safe for our sea creatures, plants, wildlife, and their habitats. According to the National Wildlife Federation, in April 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded killing 11 men and thousands of kemp sea turtles died. The lists of deaths during the oil spill goes on, that’s is why it is important for people to be aware of how it affects everything around us from the seafood we eat to the birds and other mammals and wildlife. The purpose of this lab was for students to be able to describe the chemicals nature of oil and how it has a significant effect on the environment. Students learn how water and oil do not mix. Students was able to observe and break down the general process of microbes use to break down oil. In case there was an oil spill like how it was back in 2010, students and people should know how to quickly clean it up by utilizing chemicals that are meant to break down the oil. For test tube one & two, my prediction for tube one is it will not have any change because it does not have the microbial solution whereas tube two will change color b/c of the 2 mL Microbial solution along with having tetrazolium. For tube three and four I predict that only tube four will have a change in the appearance and physical properties because the microbial will break down the oil. For tube five I chose to place this test tube in the dark whereas tube 6 was



left out for sunlight will be lighter. I believe that test tube six ill have more of a break down because it is exposed to daylight and darkness whereas test tube five is only in the dark. Materials and Methods

The materials and method that was used for this lab was as followed: Rid -X septic System Treatment 20g (powder), 1 plastic pipets, 3ml graduated, 6 culture tubes with caps, Graduated cylinder, 2 plastic cups, test tube rack, funnel, cheesecloth, bag containing tetrazolium indicator power (0.02 g) and distilled water (100 ml), 0.02%, Corn oil, Bottle of water 30 ml, warm tap water, 140 ml, 10% bleach solution for cleanup, pencil, gloves, apron, stopwatch, and a camera. To begin this assignment, first, you must prepare the microbial suspension by using the graduated cylinder and measure 140 mL of warm tap water in the plastic cup. Add the Rix-X Septic System Treatment contains (20g) powder in the cup and mix it together until it is fully dissolved. Let that sit for about 15 minutes. Next, you will fold the cheesecloth in half in order to double it. You will then place the folded cheesecloth into the funnel. The cheesecloth will filter the pulp from the microbial suspension. Once all the solution is poured out of the cup and onto the cheesecloth, throw the cup and cheesecloth with the pulp away. Now you have to prep the tetrazolium solution by pouring the 100mL of distilled water from the enclosed bottle into the brown bottle which contains the tetrazolium powder. Whiling doing this, make sure to pour it slowly. Once you’re done, put the cap on the brown bottle and shake it well to make sure the powder is fully dissolved. Use the pencil to label all 6 culture tubes 1-6. Remember to use a new pipet for each tube.



Day 0 (Initial setup) 1

Tube 1 Test Tube One looks clear


Tube 2 Test tube two looks cloudy

Test tube one still looks clear as if only water Test tube looks a little pink with bubbles on was in the tube. the top. At the bottom you can see the chemicals and oil sitting there.

One plastic pipet tube and add 1 mL of 0.02% tetrazolium indicator that was made in the preparation step, pipet in tubes 1,2,5 & 6 and once done discard the pipet. Using a new plastic pipet, add 2mL of distilled water to tubes 1,2 ,3 & 4, then throw pipet away. Using a new pipet, add 10 drops of oil into all six tubes and discard the pipet. Using a new pipet, add another 2 mL of distilled water to tube 1, another 3 mL to tube 3, and another 1 mL to tube 4, and then throw pipet away. Using another new tube, add 2mL of microbial suspension to tubes 2,4,5, & 6 then discard the pipet. Now for tubes 5 & 6, you will choose which tube you will like to see in the dark or on the rack. This set up will require changes for your experiment design. Once you make that decision, put the cap on all six tubes and individually finger vortex them one at a time. To finger vortex, you will want to hold the top of the tube securely with one hand and use your other hand to gently tab with your finger at the bottom end of the tube by drawing it towards you several times. This will cause a whirlpool to affect to mix the solutions. After all six tubes have been mixed, place them on the test tube rack and either tube 5 or 6 in the dark. You will observe over the next 3 days the changes in each tube and record the data. Remember to take pictures. When observing the tubes over the next few days, make sure to tighten the caps and manipulate the tubes so you can have a better view of the oil in each tube. Once you’re done, loosen them a little to about 45 degrees and place them back on the rack.






Test tube one still looks clear as if only water Test tube two you can see it is light pink wi was in the tube. chemicals floating around. I can also see litt pink bubble floating at the top, seem to look like they are oil bubbles. Test tube one looks exactly the same since day No changes. For test tube two you can see one. Nothing has change can’t tell if there is is light pink with chemicals floating around any oil or tetrazolium in there. can also see little pink bubble floating at the top, seem to look like they are oil bubbles. Tube 3 Still looks clear as ifTube its only 5 water in it.

Tube 4 Test tube four looksTube a little6cloudy.

Still looks clear as if its only water in it.

Test tube four is starting to change color. As yo pick the tube up and put it close to the light you can see that the microbial is just sitting at the bottom of the tube.

Still looks clear as if its only water in it.

Test tube four is cloudy. As you pick the tube u and put it close to the light you can see that the microbial is just sitting at the bottom of the tube

Still looks clear as if its only water in it.

Test tube four is cloudy. As you pick the tube u and put it close to the light you can see that the microbial is just sitting at the bottom of the tube

0 (Initial setup) 1


3 Day Test tube five looks cloudy

Test tube six looks cloudy.

As I look at tube 5 I notice that at the bottom of the tube it is pink (red) and at the top it is buildup of tetrazolium mixed with oil, and microbial sitting at the top. Test tube five is completely red at the bottom with the powder substance and at the top there looks to be as if there is a loud of the chemicals stuck. /it looks like it formed these little crystals bubbles. There is one big bubble on one side of the tube.

Tube six is light pink (red) with little bubbles on the top as if it was breaking down. As I hold the tube up to the light I can see all the chemicals on the bottom. Tube six is dark pink at the bottom with little pin bubbles surrounding the top. I can see the chemicals broken-down at the bottom of the tube Little pieces of the microbial and tetrazolium is floating around.

0 (Initial setup) 1




As I look at test tube 5, I could see that there is No changes. Tube six is dark pink at the bottom more buildup at the top then it was yesterday. This with little pink bubbles surrounding the top. I c buildup is looks as if there is a multiple oil see the chemicals broken-down at the bottom o bubbles lock together. the tube. Little pieces of the microbial and tetrazolium is floating around.

Data Table 3. Tubes 5 and 6 Observations Chosen environmental factor to alter/change: Test tube 5 was placed in the dark

Day 0 (initial setup)

Day 1.

Day 2.

Day 3.




My hypotheses were correct for tubes 1-4 however when it came to test tube 5 & 6, I can see that test 5 since it was placed in the dark had a different break down of the oil from test tube 6. I thought that test tube 6 since it was placed on the testing rack for overnight and during the day that It would have a better breakdown of the oil and chemicals mixed together and it did. My hypotheses for all my tubes was correct. Test one and here it didn’t look like anything besides water was in the tubes and for test tube four it was a little cloudy but, at the bottom I was able to see all the chemicals sitting there/ Couldn’t really define if there was oil in the tube, but it was. Completing this assignment, I have learned how bioremediation can be use in an even of an oil spill in the ocean people can use microbes on the areas that the spillage took place to help degrade the oil. There are a few microbes that break down oil, so it is harmless to sea creatures and other manuals. “Bioremediation is any process that uses decomposers and green plants, or their enzymes, to improve the condition of contaminated environments” (Science World, n.d). The oil spill has a bed effect on marine life especially on seabird such as seagulls and ducks. Both of those seabirds spend their time on the water and only go to land during their nesting period. If their feathers come into contact with oil, the seabird can ingest the oil and won’t be able to fly and eventually become sick.



One encounter I had was finding the measuring on the plastic pipet. The second small encounter I face was that I didn’t know our Prep day wasn’t considered as day one. So, when I was doing my observations, it shows that the wrong day under the picture, but it is correct. The next step a scientist might be able to take to determine how microbes might be used to clean up oil spill to better safeguard fish population is by coming up with a better form of technology that can help resolve spillage issue since they do happen. Humans use oil every day especially for their household, car, and other things. If the scientist can come up with a new plan to shorten the number of times an oil spill does happen or the amount of harm it causes to the wildlife, sea life, and marine life it would save so many lives.




National Wildlife Federation’s Blog, (2016). Rebuilding After the BP Oil Spill. Retrieved from: https://blog.nwf.org/2016/04/this-week-in-nwf-history-rebuilding-after-the-bp-oil-spill/

Science World, (n.d.). Science World at Telus WORLD of Science. Bioremediation of Oil Spills. Retrieved from: https://www.scienceworld.ca/resources/activities/bioremediation-oil-spills


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