Who killed Jon Benét Ramsey PDF

Title Who killed Jon Benét Ramsey
Author dnsbw dnqi
Course Forensic Phycology
Institution Hull College
Pages 22
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Who killed JonBenét Ramsey?

What happened? JonBenét Patricia Ramsey (August 6, 1990 – December 25, 1996) was a 6-year old American beauty queen, who was found dead in her family’s home in Boulder, Colorado. A threepage handwritten ransom note was found in the home, and the victim’s father John Ramsey located her body in the basement of their home, eight hours after she was reported missing by her mother Patsy Ramsey. The victim had sustained a broken skull from a blow to the head and had also been strangled; a garotte used to strangle her was found tied around her neck. The autopsy report claimed that the official cause of death was “asphyxia by strangulation associated with craniocerebral trauma.” Her death was ruled as a homicide. This crime is still unsolved and remains an open investigation with the Boulder Police Department.

The Evidence The 911 callBelow is a transcript of Patsy Ramsey’s 911 call on December 26, 1996, after discovering the three-page ransom note. Patsy Ramsey (PR): (inaudible) police. 911: (inaudible) PR: 755 Fifteenth Street 911: What is going on there ma’am? PR: We have a kidnapping...Hurry, please 911: Explain to me what is going on, ok? PR: We have a ...There’s a note left, and our daughter is gone 911: A note was left, and your daughter is gone? PR: Yes. 911: How old is you daughter? PR: She is six years old she is blond...six years old


911: How long ago was this? PR: I don’t know. Just found a note and my daughter is missing 911: Does it say who took her? PR: What? 911: Does it say who took her? PR: No I don’t know it’s there...there is a ransom note here. 911: It’s a ransom note. PR: It says S.B.T.C. Victory...please 911: Ok, what’s your name? Are you... PR: Patsy Ramsey...I am the mother. Oh my God. Please. 911: I’m...Ok, I’m sending an officer over, ok? PR: Please. 911: Do you know how long she’s been gone? PR: No, I don’t, please, we just got up and she’s not here. Oh my God Please. 911: Ok. PR: Please send somebody. 911: I am, honey. PR: Please. 911: Take a deep breath (inaudible). PR: Hurry, hurry, hurry (inaudible). 911: Patsy? Patsy? Patsy? Patsy? Patsy?


Once Patsy ended the call the line stayed open. There is a chance that Patsy didn’t properly place the telephone into the cradle. The 911 operator Kim Archuleta stated that she heard three faint voices in the background, so she stayed on the call. An audio expert enhanced the recording to see if they can find out what was being said. In the recording you can faintly hear John Ramsey’s voice saying, “We’re not talking to you.” The tone that he was speaking in sounded like a parent to child tone. The second voice that was heard was Patsy Ramsey’s saying. “What did you do? Oh, my Jesus.” Then there was also a third voice of a boy, there were only four people that lived in the home, one of which was dead. So, the third voice was of Burke Ramsey saying, “What did you find?”. However, the Ramsey’s interviews with the Boulder Police Department, they claimed that Burke was asleep during the 911 call. 911: What is going on there ma’am? PR: We have a kidnapping...Hurry, please During the 911 call, the operator asked Patsy Ramsey what was going on and Patsy replied, “We have a kidnapping. Hurry, please.” This shows that Patsy lacks specific information when asking for help. She doesn’t inform the 911 operator on who was kidnapped. We would expect Patsy to say something on the lines of, “My/our daughter has been kidnapped.” Most people will avoid lying to a 911 operator and more so not want to lie. However, when people do tell a lie they will often not tell a direct lie. Patsy saying, “My daughter has been kidnapped” may be a direct lie. “We have a kidnapping.” This could be a lie which lacks specifics. Patsy uses the word “please” eight times during the 911 call, the word “please” seems to be a little bit too polite. Chances are that she is not trying to be polite but instead using the word to emphasis the need for help. 911: Explain to me what is going on, ok? PR: We have a ...There’s a note left, and our daughter is gone By this point the 911 operator only knows that there has been a kidnapping, but does not know who? Therefore, the operator asked Patsy “Explain to me what is going, ok?” Patsy then responded with, “We have a, there’s a note left, and our daughter is gone.” As you can see Patsy has an unfinished sentence; “We have a.” It seems to be that she was going to repeat what she had previously told the operator; “We have a kidnapping.” But she did not make that statement, possibly because she couldn’t lie twice. Shen then refers to the three-page handwritten letter as a “note”.


She finished her sentence by saying, “Our daughter is gone.” This sentence seems to be misplaced as she first told the 911 operator about the note and then proceeded onto telling her that their daughter was gone. The most important thing to mention first is that JonBenét is missing, however she mentioned her last. This should’ve been the first thing that Patsy should’ve mentioned to the 911 operator. Patsy said that their daughter was “gone.” This could be a truthful statement, there was a ransom note in the house and JonBenet was deceased. 911: How long ago was this? PR: I don’t know. Just found a note and my daughter is missing The missing pronoun “I” before the word “just” indicates a lack of commitment to the statement. The word “just” is used to minimize things. When people minimize their actions using the word “just” it is usually an indication that they may have done more than they are saying they did. There is a chance that she is minimizing her actions of that morning. Or she may simply be using the word “just” to let the 911 operator be aware that she found the ransom note immediately. Patsy seems to have changed her language when using the word “missing.” In the previous sentence she said, “Our daughter is gone.” Now she says her daughter is “missing.” People who are usually telling the truth will not change their language. She seems misleading. When she used the word “gone” she used the plural pronoun “our.” And when she used the word “missing” she used the singular pronoun “my.” 911: Does it say who took her? PR: What? Replying with a question after being asked a question can sometimes mean that a person has been asked a sensitive question. However, it is possible that Patsy did not hear what the operator asked her. 911: Does it say who took her? PR: No I don’t know it’s there...there is a ransom note here. When questioned if the note says who took JonBenét, Patsy replies, “No, I don’t know.” However, the note said that a “foreign faction” signed by SBTC took JonBenét. Patsy has changed her language again. She now calls the ransom letter a “ransom note” instead of previously saying “note.” There is no justification for this change in language, therefore it indicates as being misleading. 911: It’s a ransom note.


PR: It says S.B.T.C. Victory...please The ransom note signed “Victory! S.B.T.C”, Patsy reverses the order and tells the operator, “S.B.T.C Victory.” If Patsy had the ransom letter in her hand whilst on the call, it would be expected that she would read out the signature in order. However, if she did not have the ransom letter in her hand and was relying on her memory, it would merely be impossible to remember the letters S.B.T.C when in a state of shock. She could’ve had the ransom letter in her hand and looked at the very last line “S.B.T.C” and then glanced above it the word “Victory.” 911: Ok, what’s your name? Are you... PR: Patsy Ramsey...I am the mother. Oh my God. Please. Patsy used the article “the” and not the pronoun “her.” Saying, “I am the mother” shows distance, perhaps she knew JonBenét was dead, so she didn’t want to take ownership of a dead body. Saying “I am her mother” makes the sentence more personal and it shows ownership. Do you know how long she’s been gone? PR: No, I don’t, please, we just got up and she’s not here. Oh my God Please. Patsy once again used the word “just.” She may be minimizing her actions. 911: Ok. PR: Please send somebody. 911 calls are made when someone is seeking help for themselves or for somebody else. They are usually the first plea for help asking for a specific emergency service. However, Patsy’s plea for help interestingly was towards the end of the call, “Please send somebody.” She only asked for help once the operator said, “I’m sending an officer over.” The weirdest thing about the 911 call is that Patsy attempted to hang up the phone. The 911 operator is your hope. You want to stay on the phone with the 911 operator until the service required arrives, they may tell the police to be on a lookout for a specific vehicle or person. However, she hung up as soon as she reported the kidnapping.

The 911 operators’ statementKim Archuleta was the 911 operator that morning of December 26th, 1996, she remembers having a sunken feeling that something was not right. Patsy had a frantic tone at first when speaking to Kim, however as soon as Kim started to ask Patsy questions she immediately stopped speaking to Kim and there was a shift in Patsy’s tone. Kim said it seemed like Patsy


was thinking “Okay, we’ve called the police now what?” which she found disturbing, so she remained on the call trying to hear what was being said. She also says that the 911 call made by Patsy seemed rehearsed.

The ransom noteBelow is the two-and-a-half-page ransom letter demanding $118,000 for JonBenet’s safe return discovered by Patsy Ramsey after finding out that her daughter was missing.



One of the key pieces of evidence within this murder is the ransom note. The police as well as the Ramsey’s believe that whoever wrote the ransom note probably has something to do with what happened to JonBenet. The police however are unable to match the handwriting to any suspect’s handwriting. (The numbers below are used to help reference the sentences).



"Mr. Ramsey,


Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent


a small foreign faction. We xx respect your bussiness


but not the country that it serves. At this time we have


your daughter in our posession. She is safe and unharmed and


if you want her to see 1997, you must follow our instructions to


the letter.


You will withdraw $118,000.00 from your account. $100,000 will be


in $100 bills and the remaining $18,000 in $20 bills. Make sure


that you bring an adequate size attache to the bank. When you get


home you will put the money in a brown paper bag. I will call you


between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery. The


delivery will be exhausting so I advise you to be rested. If we


monitor you getting the money early, we might call you early to


arrange an earlier delivery of the money and hence a earlier


delivery pickup of your daughter.


Any deviation of my instructions will result in the immediate


execution of your daughter. You will also be denied her remains


for proper burial. The two gentlemen watching over your daughter


do not particularly like you so I advise you not to provoke them.


Speaking to anyone about your situation, such as Police, F.B.I.,


etc., will result in your daughter being beheaded. If we catch you


talking to a stray dog, she dies. If you alert bank authorities, she


dies. If the money is in any way marked or tampered with, she dies. PAGE 9


You will be scanned for electronic devices and if any are found, she


dies. You can try to deceive us but be warned that we are familiar


with Law enforcement countermeasures and tactics. You stand a 99%


chance of killing your daughter if you try to out smart us. Follow


our instructions and you stand a 100% chance of getting her back.


You and your family are under constant scrutiny as well as the


authorities. Don't try to grow a brain John. You are not the only


fat cat around so don't think that killing will be difficult. Don't


underestimate us John. Use that good southern common sense of yours.


It is up to you now John!





One thing that really stands out to me is that this is pretty long for a ransom note. A typical ransom note is short and straight to the point. “We have your son/daughter and they are safe. You will need to pay $500,000 to get him/her back. Do not attempt to call the police. We will contact you.” However, the ransom note was three-pages long which is the first big indication that this note is nonsense. When reading this ransom note, it doesn’t make sense. Line 2 “We are a group of individuals.” What do they mean by “group of individuals”? Groups are formed of individuals. 1.

"Mr. Ramsey,


Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent


a small foreign faction. We xx respect your bussiness


but not the country that it serves.

In lines 2 and 3 the writer says that they “represent a small foreign faction.” Using the word “small” does not make much sense. A kidnapper would want to show their power over the Ramseys and the word “small” minimizes that. The use of the word “foreign” is strange itself, even if they are foreigners they wouldn’t call themselves that. They would much prefer to say for example, “we are the Islamic State.”


In lines 3, the writer says, “we respect your business.” There is a reason why this is included in the ransom note. Possibly Patsy Ramsey was the author of the ransom note, which in case she mentioned John’s business to create some sort of distance between his company and the investigation. This is her way of protecting the family’s source of income, mentioning the respect for his business means that the writer knows something about John Ramsey and his business Access Graphics. If this wasn’t Patsy and it was a random intruder or a psychopath, I highly doubt that he/she would bother to mention their respect for John Ramsey’s business. 1.

"Mr. Ramsey,


Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent


a small foreign faction. We xx respect your bussiness


but not the country that it serves.

The writer says in lines 3 and 4, “we respect your bussiness but not the country that it serves.” I personally do not agree that this crime was an international incident. In line 3, the author crossed out the beginning of a word, the letters that seem to be crossed out appear to be a “d” and an “o”. It seems like the writer started off by writing “We don’t respect your business” but then changed their mind to “We respect your business.” If this was a kidnapper who already has their opinion, would definitely not make this type of mistake. 1.

"Mr. Ramsey,


Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent


a small foreign faction. We xx respect your bussiness


but not the country that it serves. At this time we have


your daughter in our posession. She is safe and unharmed and


if you want her to see 1997, you must follow our instructions to


the letter.

There are two words which have been misspelt in lines 4 and 5, “business” and “possessions.” Funnily enough, the words “deviation” and “attache” including the accent on the word “attache” have been correctly spelled. The writer purposefully misspelled these two words to make it seem like a foreigner or an uneducated person wrote the ransom note. The two misspelt words are only within the first paragraph where “foreign faction” is written. Continuing from there, the writer continues to use the correct grammar


throughout except for using the article “a” instead of writing “an.” This is another indication that the misspelt words are purposeful. Lines 4 and 5, the writer says, “we have your daughter in our possession.” A real kidnapper would be just saying what it is “We have your daughter.” The words “in our possession” are unnecessary and the way it is written gives the impression that someone is trying to make it look like a kidnapping. 8.

You will withdraw $118,000.00 from your account. $100,000 will be


in $100 bills and the remaining $18,000 in $20 bills. Make sure


that you bring an adequate size attache to the bank. When you get


home you will put the money in a brown paper bag.

The author says in line 8, “You will withdraw $118,000.00 from your account.” The kidnapper may be aware that the Ramsey’s are wealthy, however how does the author know that they have $118,000 in their “account.” A kidnapper would just say “get the money” they couldn’t care less where you get it from. Coincidentally, the ransom note asks for the same amount of money that John Ramsey received for his bonus. In line 10, the writer instructs John to “bring an adequate size attache to the bank.” A kidnapper is not going to remind you to bring an adequate size case to hold the money in. 12.

between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery. The


delivery will be exhausting so I advise you to be rested.

In line 13, it is highly unlikely that a kidnapper would tell you “to be rested” because the “delivery will be exhausting.” The word “attache” was written with an accent over the letter “e”. People from the U.S. do not use this special character, so it seems that it may have been used to make the authorities believe JonBenet was kidnapped by a “foreign faction.” Another thing that can be considered is that JonBenet’s name was written with an accent as well. Patsy was used to using the accent when writing her daughter’s name. Another odd characteristic within this ramson note is that upon examining the pronouns, this crime was not committed by a group. Within the first paragraph, the writer used a plural pronoun five times. However, in lines 11 and 13, the writer used a singular pronoun “I.” If this was a group effort then the writer would’ve written, “we will call you” and “we advise you to be rested.” In line 17, the writer uses the singular pronoun “my”. The changing of pronouns indicates misleading information.



You will withdraw $118,000.00 from your account. $100,000 will be


in $100 bills and the remaining $18,000 in $20 bills. Make sure


that you bring an adequate size attache to the bank. When you get


home you will put the money in a brown paper bag. I will call you


between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery. The


delivery will be exhausting so I advise you to be rested. If we


monitor you getting the money early, we might call ...

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